Vampires Don't Glitter


Title: Vampires Don’t Glitter
Recipient: everyone
Pairing: Leo/Ken
Rating: PG-13 (maybe R)
Wordcount: 1,401
Warnings: Snarkiness ahead. Implied , mentions of ual things.
Summary: Jaehwan has a vampire kink and Taekwoon, like most Jaehwan related things, can’t take it seriously. Neither does anyone else.

Written for the forvixx halloween exchange on lj. 


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Ngoctu0404 #1
I'm from Vietnam and I want to translate this fic, do you agree if I care? Please, I like it too. With the many chapters of this fic?
KpopWednesdayite #2
Chapter 1: this is just perfect! ken really is a vampire...was not expecting that! love it! <3333 ^^
Chapter 1: ooOooOoOoohh :D :D who would have thought Jaehwan was a real vampire? >-< I really like this story, you portrayed taewoon and jaehwan well in such a short story :) and that last paragraph ohno eternity reference hehehe <333