In The Rain (Sehun fluff)

In The Rain (Sehun fluff)

The members, a couple of girls and you were sitting in a circle, all glaring at each other. It was getting dark in the empty room and it was quiet, except for the fact that Sehun's breathing was a little too heavy.

"Sehun", Chanyeol broke the silence, "Just choose." Sehun bit his lip and looked at the wooden floor. He cleared his throat and looked at Chanyeol before murmuring, "I choose _____." and immediately looked at the floor again. He wished he could dissappear right now. 

The room was quiet once again. Everybody watched your reaction. "Why?" You jokingly said, "You choose me? Are you sure you want to kiss me? I know it's just a game, but come on. You don't have to do the dare." You looked at Sehun with a disgusted expression on your face. 

You honestly didn't know what to do. You didn't want to show him how happy you were, because the only thing you were wishing for was a kiss. From him. You've loved him since the time you met him. But the problem was, did he like you back? You secretly hoped he did. 

A ruffling sound interrupted your thoughts. Sehun stood up and walked towards the door, "I just need, uh," Sehun said, "I need to go. It's getting late." He quietly closed the door and everybody could hear his fast steps; he was running away. 

"You know he has a crush on you, right?", one of the girls said, a little annoyed by your reaction earlier. You looked at her as if she said something really, really crazy. "What? You're kidding." You laughed it off and looked at the others. They weren't laughing. "This is a joke, right guys?" You looked at Baekhyun, who was sitting next to you. He shook his head. 

You stopped laughing and said in a quiet tone, "Guys?" They were all staring at you, not saying anything. "No way, did I just-", you were panicking, "Oh god, no. No, no, no, no." Guilt took over you as you stood up to run after Sehun, hoping you could find him. 

You were finally outside the building, running towards Sehun's house. "He likes me too? This can't be true. It's impossible. No way." your thoughts kept denying it. You pinched your arm, just to check if it was a dream or not; but it wasn't. 

It was starting to rain. You began to stop running to think about all the moments you've spent with Sehun, remembering every hint he had given you. You never realized it until now. "I'm such a ", you accidentally said out loud. Luckily, nobody heard you, everybody was busy trying to avoid the heavy raindrops. But you didn't care, even though you were soaking wet. It was all about Sehun; he couldn't leave your mind.

The rain was getting worse as you kept searching for Sehun. Your thoughts interrupted again. You wanted to cry, but you didn't want to give up either. Finally, you saw a faint figure in the distance. it was Sehun, who was wearing headphones with only a thin sweater on. 

You smiled brightly and ran towards him. "Sehun!" you called him and he immediately turned around with shocked expression on his face. His hair was wet and it was sticking on his forehead. 

He was staring at you, "_____, where is your umbrella? And what the hell are you d-" You grabbed his arm and pulled him with you, leading him to a small alley. You two were finally alone. You pushed him against a wall with your body against his. "I've always wanted to kiss you in the rain." You said with a smile and he didn't need to be told twice.

He turned you around; now you were the one pushed against the cold wall. Sehun was looking into your eyes. He showed you his cute eye smile before closing his eyes and kissing your lips softly. He pulled away again to see your reaction. Your eyes were still closed, waiting for another kiss. 

He grabbed your hips and pulled you closer, "I like you", he whispered into your ear, "No… I love you. So much." His hands were on your shoulders as he stared at your lips, then he looked into your eyes once again. He patiently waited for a reply, but that didn't come. "I want to see you in my arms every morning, I want to kiss you without asking, I want to do fun things with you, I want to watch movies with you, maybe cuddle together on the couch if the movie is boring and- I'm sorry" he shook his head, paused for a while and took a deep breath, "I really love you, _____." You saw him blushing really bad.

"Sehun," You threw your arms around his neck and pulled him closer to deepen the kiss. You were crying out of happiness. Tears were falling down your cheeks, but the rain covered them easily. 

"I've been in love with you since the first time we met." You said after pulling away, "I never thought this moment would come. I'm so happy, Sehun." He looked at you with the brightest smile on his face, "You're so cute." He pulled you closer again to hug you as he protected you from the rain, staying like this for a long time with both of your wet bodies pressed together.

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xchansoox #1
Chapter 1: ((((((-; beautiful
So cute. :) Upvoted!
61chan21 #3
Chapter 1: omg !! Im gonna die right now ~
ReinaPark #4
Chapter 1: awww... soo cute
ichrak #5
Chapter 1: ssoo cuutte loove iitt
Chapter 1: Cute and sweet xD
Chapter 1: omg!!! its so fluffy!! love it!!!
Nienke66 #8
Chapter 1: Omg I think im going to cry.... THIS IS SO CUTE <3
S27H497 #9
Chapter 1: This is so cute omg!!!!