Love Song

Hoya dragged the silent Hanni out of the school as his eyes searched for a single place without people around.. He felt how the previous scared feeling that he had was now gone, replace with reality that was hurting him.. he was alone, without Jiyoung.. Hoya knew that with this break up they both will feel better but right now he didnt know on which way to go..

He didnt know if he must smile or cry, he didng know if he broke up with her on the right wat and if she hates him.. Hoya didnt want Jiyoung`s hate but maybe he will take exactly that from now on.. Jiyoung had L who will cheer her up, Hoya had Dongwoo.. and Hanni..

He didnt think at all when he started dragging Hanni.. he was just on his way to go somewhere alone, like he told Dongwoo but then she appeared in front of his eyes, laughing..

HOya have never seen her laughing.. and he needed this happiness too.. he wanted from Hanni just one thing.. not to let him cry..

When they went on the back yard, Hoya`s heart became a little calmer because there was anyone and he just started crying.. He wiped the first traces from tears and took a deep breath, giving Hanni a look as he couldnt read the expression on her face.. was she amazed? impressed? scared or just wondering.. what was it? He wanted to break the eye conncetion between them as he let go of her wrist and without saying anything pulled her into his arms, hugging her so tightly that he even felt like he cant take his breath back..

Hanni frozen.. on the whole way to this place she was thinking about his behavior.. why he was dragging her, what happened and how she was able to help him now.. But in this moment, tightly locked in his body, watching over these sad eyes she understood what happened... They just broke up.. and now Hoya was ruined... She took a deep breath, thinking once again on a way to cheer him up and smiled

"Its beautiful day today..." she said and lifted her hands up, hugging him on the same tight way        "But why is raining in your eyes... smile... this is not the end of the world... there are happy moments that you are going to have..just... open yourself... be yourself.... she doesnt know what she is missing.. she doesnt know how much it hurts..but Hoya... this is not  the end of everything, its not the end of your happiness.. dont give up..."

Hoya took a deep breath and looked aside, trying to hold back his tears as everything that he was pressing inside was leaving this heavy feeling to stay in him.. He wanted to release everything and to move on but he just couldnt find a way to do it..       "Im okay" he said and pulled away from Hanni, slowly sitting on the ground with locked eyes up on the sky.. he had a feeling.. he had this feeling and it was making him feel worried.. he didnt want to lock himself again but he felt how this is coming         "Talk with me"

"Im doing it" Hanni replied and sat on the ground next to him     "Do you want to tell e what happened or.. we will talk about something else? couse i have stories to say "

"Tell me anything you want.. i will listen.. just talk with me" Hoya replied and rubbed his eyes, breathing calmly, fighting with this tight feeling

"Mm okay.. it was hard day today.. the teacher is trying to teach me how to play better on my guitar but im so stubborn... like i dont want to learn more.. so stuoid, dont you think? i bed im the worst from the whole group " Hanni started talking random things and giggled quietly      "I guess you are dancing just amazing.. you are so cool... i want to watch a practice some day.. can i? i promise i wont distract you.. i will just watch.. do you know mom told me that i didnt have to come here in this school.. she said that i need to study something serious and cool.. what you think.. is this stupid? to play on guitar? is it stupid?"

Hoya shook his head quickly and looked at her face       "No.. its your passion so its not stupid at all" he said and sighed, placing his hands on the grass           "And you can come.. i dont mind if you watch me.. i wont even notice you"

"Ahh.. this sounds mean.. but its okay..." Hanni said, gazing up at the sky and smiled       "I will come some day.. i dont care if you will notice me or no"

"I didnt mean to be mean" Hoya replied and then screw his eyes        "That was a bull.. i mean that i just feel distracted enough while i dance and i may miss to see that you`re there"

"its okay.. i understand.. i wont notice you too when im playing.. but its couse im closing my eyes always" Hanni said and smiled at him        "i dont need eyes to feel the music.. i love it.."

"I love it too" Hoya said and smiled, looking up at the sky         "Can you sing?"

Hanni laughed and shook her head        "Ahh no.. im really bad singer"

"I see.." Hoya mumbled and quietly sighed, bending his head down         "I am lucky"

"whyyy?" she asked and stared at him with wonder        "You are happy that i cant sing? you are really mean now."

He blinked with wonder when he tried to understand why she reacted like that and smiled , slowly pressing one of his hands on top of hers        "I mean that i am lucky because i met you"

Hanni frozen... she looked down at their hands and gulped quietly     "I.. um.. im happy that i met you too..."

"I still wonder why.. but whatever is the reason.. thank you" Hoya said and looked aside for a moment, releasing a sigh          "I forgot what i said.. and i didnt take you any present.."

"You already gave me a present.. remember? the bottle with water.. i have two by now.." Hanni said and giggled quietly       "Im collecting your bottles.. crazy huh?"

"why do you need them anyways? this is a trash after you drink the water" Hoya said and frowned as he gave her a look and laughed quietly          "You`re weird"

"Yes i am... but .. i dont know.. i took the first bottle couse i thought i wont see you again... and the second i took couse you gave it to me as a present.. so.. they are not trashes to me" Hanni said and smiled wildly

"You`re crazy" he replied as his laughter didnt stop.. his worries and pain were like hidden in some part of his head, locked there by Hanni and her warm smile..          "And if  i give you my shirt after practice , that smells like you will be happy too?"

"Of course i will be.. i wont even wash it" Hanni said with irony and laughed      "You think im kidding? noo... im not... i want to be your friend.. against everyone i want it.."

"You against everyone? you wont make it.. you are too skinny" Hoya said and stood up, waving at Hanni         "Stand up.. i will give you a lesson.. if you want to be my friend you have to learn what means a hard punch"

"What?" Hanni asked and laughed as she stood up and shook her head lightly        "You are kidding me, right? i wont fight for you.. i will just protect you from rumours"

"Whatever.. my friends can all fight.. even JiYoung knows what means a hard punch" Hoya replied with irony and clenched his fists , lifting them in front of his face     "Make this pose.. you have to know that when you fight, you must hide you face"

Hanni lifted her eyebrows with wonder and made the pose that he showed her      "Like that?"

"Yep" he replied and moved behind her, taking her wrists with his hands and slowly started to move her arms       "Like that.. this is a stright punch.. you have to concentrate it over the chin of the one who is fighting with you"

"Ohh God..." she mumbled and frowned a little      "I will never punch someone.. tell me you are kidding that i have to fight if i want to be your friend.. couse i will die..."

Hoya laughed and wrapped his fingers over her wrist while he moved in front of her again and pressed her wrist against his cheek        "im kidding of course.. im sorry that my jokes dont look like jokes" he said and sighed

Hanni released a deep sigh and smiled      "Im glad to hear that.. i started to think that i will never have the chance to be your friend"

Hoya smiled and his lips, patting her shoulder         "Well.. you can be my friend.. lets go back now.. i felt hungry" he said and nodded back at the school

"Im sorry.. i cant come with you.." Hanni said and pouted     "I have classes.. its so hard.."

Hoya looked at her and lifted his eyebrows        "But you can walk with me to the school right?" he said and took her hand, dragging her back to the school

"Yeah.. i can do that" she said and grinned         "Um... im sorry by the way... i want to.. i want to see you smiling like this every day... can you do this for me?"

"If you make me smile i will" he replied and lifted his eyebrows, leading her forward        "Its up to you"

"Then.. i promise i will do my best... couse when you smile... i want to smile too"


Next day............

AeChan walked out of the studio where Jiyoung had classes as she tried her best to cheer her up even if it wasnt helping and walked through the busy corridor, thinking about Hoya and Jiyoung`s separation.. She knew that Jiyoung was happy with Hoya even after every problem that he was making.. but she also took hoya`s decision as right..

Maybe they just needed time to stay alone.. if there was way back for them to be together.. they would..

For now she wanted to stay aside of this and not to ask Hoya why he did it, even not to make problems to DongWoo ... she wanted to have her friends together.. but after they broke up.. AeChan started to think that JiYoung and L will separate from their group like before..

It was all going to the beggining of their friendship.. with the difference that Aechan wasnt going to loose JiYoung as friend..

She thought about JinJu and her break up with DongWoo.. AeChan still wanted to be her friend but JiNju was ignoring her since that day..

She opened her locker and reached for her note books as something caught her attention... Small rose was lying on top of her stuffs with a small paper tied around it.. Ae chan took a deep breath and took the rose, looking around like she wanted to see the person who put this in her locker.. Even if her heart was calling one name, she didnt want to know if that was him..

"Oh come on.." she mumbled to herself and stared down at the rose       "Today im not in the mood for you SungGyu.. it will be a long sad day... i have to watch over Jiyoung.. Hoya too.. because he is a friend.. what can i do?" she started talking to the rose as she took her stuffs and closed her locker           "SungGyu.. can i really stay a friend to both of them? DongWoo will complain.. how can i explain to him? i really wanted them to stay together.. but.. if Hoya did it.. i guess he is right.. Jiyoung will be fine.. she was actually talking about WooHyun, your stupid friend.. can i trust him?" she mumbled quietly, gazing down at the rose, saying all of her thoughts to it like it was really SungGyu       "Im worried about Jiyoung.. i couldnt stay more because i have classes after 10 minutes.. but L is a guy,., he doesnt know how to cheer up a girl.. what can i do?"

"Just leave WOoHyun to deal with her.. im sure he can cheer her up.. " SungGyu said behind her and rested his back against some of the lockers      "I think she needs exactly this now.."

Aechan stopped walking and frowned deeply, looking down at the rose        "Ahh.. did you followed me SungGyu?" she asked and turned against him, folding her hands         "And by the way JiYoung doesnt need another guy to mess with her right now.. if there will be some guy, that will be L.. your friend will drive her crazy.. tell him not to flirt right now"

"He is not a fool.. he wont flirt" he replied and slowly moved closer to her      "and dont press your bad mood on the rose.. its not guilty"

AeChan`s eyes widened a little as she unfolded her hands and stared at the rose with smile on her face      "Aah.. i didnt break it.. how do you know that i love roses?" she asked and lifted her eyes up, meeting his gaze

"If i have to be honest... i didnt know.. i just understood that you dont like candies and i tried something else" he said and giggled      "Im happy you like it"

"Are you kidding me? i love it" Aechan said sighed deeply          "SungGyu? can you give me advice? what can i do noooooow" she whinned and nervously stepped from one foot to another        "My friends will separate.. i will freak out.. what can i doooo?"

"just..." SungGyu started and slowly rubbed her shoulder      "Leave them.. they are big enough for deal with this alone... you dont have to mess in this relationship.. i understood it too late.."

She laughed and hit his hand playfully        "Yaaa.. we are not some freaks" she said and frowned a little       "You just dont know any of us.. me too.. you think you love me but you dont know many things about me" she added and teased his neck as she tickled him        "So dont be too creative, riiiiiiiiight?"

He smiled and took her hand, holding it tight      "Yaa.. im not talking about you and me.. im talking about Dongwoo and JinJu and my part in their relationship.. i messed in it.. and she dumped him... thats why im saying that you dont have to mess couse you can ruin everything... and about my love for you... i think we have time to know each other.. only if you give me this chance"

"Ohh.. " AeChan rolled her eyes and hit his chest with her free hand, showing him the rose        "You have to make me a garder from these and i will think about a date with you" she said and smirked         "But since you cant make me a garder of roses.. we wont" she finished and pulled her hand away from his, slidding her bag from her shoulder and pressed it against his chest         "Now you will walk me to my classroom and you will hold my bag"

SungGyu laughed and shook his head lightly        "Aechan.. i like you but this is too much.." he said and pushed the bag back in her hands       "When you become my girlfriend.. then i will wear your bag, even more.. i will carry you too.. think about this.. couse till then.. i wont be a slave" he said with a smirk and passed her by        "By love.. see you around"

"Yah!SungGyu!" she shouted with frown on her face       "Do i have to be your girlfriend to walk with you? you are so mean.. dont ever talk to me" she said and turned around, pouting to herself        "Stupid SungGyu"


L was walking out of the cafe , making his way to the studio as he wanted to meet with Jiyoung to check if she is okay and then to visit his classes.. She told him last night that she wants to stay alone and after the message that he got earlier from AeChan that Jiyoung is sad and he must cheer her up, L decided to skip some of his classes so he can be with his friend ..

He started thinking of what he can do to bring her mood up as anything was on his mind right now.. After their short meeting the previous night, L wanted to spend more time with her and to see how she is getting better even if she didnt want him around..

He took a deep breath and frowned when someone pressed a hand on his shoulder.. He rolled his eyes on WooHyun`s smiling face and frowned more        "Whats with the smile? are you stupid?"

WooHyun`s smile dissappeared imediatelly as he gave him a look        "What have to mean that?"

"Oh come on.. the entire school knows" he replied with annoy and looked forward        "JiYoung and Hoya broke up"

WooHyun stared at him with wonder and slid his hand down, walking quietly next to him like he was wondering what to ask first.. L looked aside at his thoughtfull face and lifted his eyebrows

"She feels sad, she doesnt want to see anyone.. i guess she hates the idea of break up" Myungsoo said as reply to WooHyun`s unspoked questions and sighed       "Maybe today we wont sing .. she needs rest"

"No she doesnt.. she just need someone to cheer her up" WooHyun said with frown and bite the side of his bottom lip      "So suddenly? how it happened?"

"When she tell me i will inform you.. i dont want to ask Hoya either.. whatever happened its just right" L said and lifted his eyebrows     "It was time for them to break up.."

"What can you do?"

"Me? i have no idea.. "

"Okay.. can i talk to her?" WooHyun asked with hope in his eyes

L gave him a look and nodded simply      "Like.. now? um.. okay, go.. if she kicks you out im not guilty"

"Its okay.. i know how to act stupid and cute" WooHyun replied with smile and screw his eyes        "I will be next to her.. i will.. bye" he said and patted L`s shoulder, running forward..

MyungSoo watched over WooHyun`s back and sighed deeply, shaking his head lightly      "Fool.. " he mumbled and turned around to change his way to somewhere else since he wont go to see Jiyoung right now.. his eyes met few girls who passed him by, glaring at him and gave them a snobbish smile      "Wassup ladies"

"YAh.. why this girl? you had to date me.. you are so stupid" one of them shouted but another girl pushed her forward, giving L a smile

"Call me when you break up with this girl.. im always free" she said and giggled, walking forward with her friends..

"Off" he mumbled to himself and rolled his eyes with annoy, noticing YouJin who  went out of some room , walking faster to somewhere.. L sighed and made few quick steps to her, wrapping an arm over her shoulders        "Hey baby"

She looked aside at him and smirked      "Hey love.. i wanted to talk with you" she said loudly so the girls can hear her and leaned to his face, quickly pecking his lips      "Lets go somehwere"

He kissed her quickly and nodded, opening some door and pushed YouJin and himself in, closing the door after his back      "Aaah.. i hate this day.." he mumbled and sat on some desk, pulling YouJin between his legs as he placed his hands on her waist and sighed, looking up at her face with wonder        "What you want from me?"

"Listen now.." she started and lifted an eyebrow     "I know its hard time for you  because of JiYoung but... im agree to be yours.. im yours.."

L blinked few times as he gazed at her face with wonder ,tilting his head         "Why do you think that if you tell me this now it wont be the right time?" he asked and patted her waist, wrapping his arms over her , pulling her more closer           "So now you like me? what changed?" he asked as he left a kiss on her neck, smiling against her skin

"Nothing.. i just thought about something.." YouJin said and wrapped her hands over his neck       "I thought that you have right.. and if someone understands about us will think im a .. so.. lets date.. and after a week you will dump me... you will be the cool guy again , i will pretent to be sad for some days.. and everything will be okay for everyone"

L`s smile fade down as he screw his eyes, pulling back a little so he can face her.. His look crossed her face few times while his hands unwrapped from her body, gently separating her from him        "You want me to dump you?" he asked at first quietly, trailing his tongue along his teeth and nodded few times       "And why?" he started with temper          "Why you just dont leave this bull for now? L is not in the mood for such stupid thing"

"Ohh come on.. you werent the one who broke up with Hoya.. L doesnt have to care too much.. and why not.. where is the problem? You dont like me right? i think you want only to sleep with me so where exactly is the problem?" YouJin asked and folded her hands     "Come on MyungSoo.. this is too much.. do you know how bad these es are looking at me? they will killl me.."

"Oh so now the es are guilty? you`re such coward then.. what will happen if one day you meet some in pretty boy that is famous too? you will just pass him by because of his fan girls? i wont listen more of this" he replied with temper and stood up, looking away from her face       "and by the way.. i care about Jiyoung because i know what is to be ed up by someone.. i wanted you to cheer me up and you did it with a bull again.. my girlfriend .. but dont will learn your lesson soon"

"WHat? MyungSoo.." YouJin shouted and took his hand       "What we will do.. tell me something.. i need to know.. couse.. im really ed up.. and im sorry about JiYoung for real.. but if you ask me Hoya is a and he doesnt deserve her.. just.. help me.."

"To help you?" He asked and blinked twice, pulling his hand back         "Is it that bad? you want me away that much? am i ugly? stupid and mean? im acting like with you? you cant stand this thought even for a second.. this is freaking me out" he shouted back and pointed at the door       "Get out.. shout.. i will come after you and we will break up with shouting.. i dealed your problem now, right" he finished and gave her a last look, taking a deep breath when he turned around

YouJin frowned as she finally realized how bad she acted with him and ran after him, taking his hand to stop him       "Myungsoo... im sorry.. " she mumbled and bended her hed down       "I dont think that you are ugly, or stupid and mean.. i just... im clumsy okay... im not really good in the relationships.. im always ing up the things.. im sorry.."

"I told you.. to get out" he replied with the same coldness even if he didnt feel so angry and looked at her face, thinking of why she wanted him back so much and why exactly she was explaining such stupid things to him         "You want it, fine we`ll do it now..come on" he said more calmly and sighed , pulling her forward to the door

"Myung soo..." she mumbled and stopped walking, pulling him back    "You dont have to do this for me.. its okay... i will deal with this alone.."

He rolled his eyes at her again and lifted his eyebrows, giving her a bored look         "L is annoyed now.. you have last chance to break up with whats your decision?" he asked her and pulled her closer to his body, smirking         "Whats your decision, babe?"

YouJin gazed at his face and frowned deeply thinking of a way to break up with him but it seemed to soon to her.. she thought that maybe she needs more time to pretent to be with him before they break up so everyone can think its real     "I... i..." she mumbled and sighed deeply       "I dont want to do it.."

He his lips, feeling little angry after her reply and sighed       "Yaaa.. you are freaking me out.. do you always argue with yourself? fine.. you wont break up with me.." he said and took her chin, lifting her head up           "I wouldnt fall for this anyways.. i wont break up with you" L added and smirked, leaning to her lips as he pressed his own against , kissing her tenderly

YouJin pecked his lips once and pulled back, gazing at him with wonder       "You wont break up with me? never? why?"

L lifted his eyebrows and closed his eyes, kissing her quickly       "Because im sick of beeing single..and i found the perfect untaught girl who will stay with me"

YouJin`s look softened as she blinked once       "But you said that you dont like me" she mumbled and sighed as she nuzzled herself in him        "Look... i really in relationships but... you wont be lonely.."

He smiled to himself, feeling proud of himself that he made her to stay with him and patted her back slowly       "I dont like you.,. dont think that im crazy inlove with you.. im just not this kind of guys that like the one night stand.. im just attached to you.. and you are so stupid that you`re making me want you even more" he added and patted the top of her head         "Im also a sweet liar so be careful with me"

"Ahh dont worry.. i wont believe in you.. never" she said with a smile and pulled back a little kissing his lips slowly      "Okay boyfriend.. lets get out of here"

"Yep" he said and his lips, giving her a smile       "By the way you did it" he said and wrapped his arm over her shoulders, turning her and himself against the door

"WHat i did?" she asked and looked aside at his face with wonder

"You fixed my mood with your foolishness.. it was really easy" L replied and rubbed her arm, opening the door so they can get out       "LEts go in the cafe to tease everyone"



"Ahh SungJong.. can i really do that? i mean.. what if she thinks that im a ? i was really stupid and drunk.. but i didnt ask her out yesterday.. and now she may think that i dont want to" Sung Yeol said to his friend as they walked out of the dance hall and frowned, looking aside at the students who were getting out        "Off.. what can i do?"

"Just talk to her.. you will understand if she wants to or no" his friend replied and patted his shoulder     "I have problems too.. the whole school is talking that YouJin is dating L.. what i can do? tell me"

"Leave them.. you told me that you like the idea that she will him up soon.. so just leave them to be happy.. you dont care about him, right?" SungYeol replied and frowned a little       "But.. Nanie.. she is so niceeeee"

"Nanie.. yeah.. she is sweet and cool.. but YouJin.. she is so stupid.. she doesnt need this guy...  know her well but i know Myungsoo too.. he can er her up.." SungJong replied and folded his hands    "Im worried.. and you dont worry.. just go and talk to Nanie.. she is cool.."

"Offf.. you didnt get drunk in front of a cool girl" SungYeol replied and pouted     "And stop worrying arout YouJin and L.. you are not her dad.. if she is stupid she will learn from her mistakes.. just like me"

"Hey.. Sungjong" JinJu said as she stopped walking in front of them and gave them one nervous smile        "Um.. i have to give you something"

He frowned a little and lifted an eyebrow      "what is it?"

JinJu looked aside at the dance hall first and sighed        "I heard that DongWoo and Hoya are not in the school today.. very bad for Hoya and JiYoung.. whatever.." she said and sighed, rolling her eyes at SungJong again and took his hand, placing a small folded paper in his palm        "This is from my classmate Chara.. she spoke with me for like 10 seconds to explain me what i have to do.. do you have something in common with her? Can you tell me what she wrote?"

SungYeol looked at her and lifted his eyebrows      "You are Nanie`s friend, right?"

"Yeah, shut up now" she replied and poked SungJong`s arm        "Read"

SungJong frowned even more and unwrapped the paper staring at the text there with interest in his eyes

~I want to meet you. Be on the back yard tomorrow at 2pm~

Sungjong smiled wildly and nodded slowly     "She wants to meet with me tomorrow.. i think i can fix her.. i can do it.. i will try.." he spoke and bite hardly his bottom lip       "Ahh i did it.. i did it..."

"Are you crazy?" SungYeol asked and pouted, staring at his face with wonder       "Who is that girl?"

"You are asking too much.. leave him to do whatever he wants.. this girl is weird.. she needs to talk" JinJu said and smiled, patting SungJong`s arm        "You`re cute.. bye now.. i have other work.. and you" she pointed at SungYeol       "Tell Nanie to call me later"

SungYeol stared at her back and stretched his hand       "But.. Nanie.."

"Nanie will enjoy you.. go" Sungjong said and pushed him in the hall      "Go, stupid.."

SungYeol bite his bottom lip and played with his fingers nervously, looking at Nanie, who was dancing to some song.. He sighed deeply and stepped closer to her, wonderng how to start the conversation         "Hey.. its cool that DongWoo is not in the school today.. ahahaha" he laughed nervously and bite his lip harder

Nanie looked aside at him as she stopped dancing and laughed      "Yeah.. its calmer somehow"

"Yep.. um.. this girl.. said to .. told me to tell you to call her" he said and frowned deeply, realizing his own stupid sentance       "She said that you must call her"

"Who?" Nanie asked and lifted her eyebrows      "JinJu?"

"Yes!" he shouted as he remembered her name and then frowned again, bending his head down       "She told me to tell you.. apf.. just call her"

Nanie laughed and moved closer to him , folding her hands        "SungYeol.. why you are so nervous? whats wrong?"

SungYeol`s eyes widened as he stepped back and shook his head        "im not..okay a little.. i am a little nervous.. because im a " he said and pursed his lips       "Im not cool when im drunk.. im sorry.. im sorry that i didnt ask you out the other day,, just.. i felt stupid"

Nanie smiled and nodded her head       "Yeah.. you are stupid.. couse i was ready to say yes"

SungYeol`s look calmed down and he smiled, stepping closer to her again        "Really? im asking you out then" he said with confidence and lifted his eyebrows

Nanie giggled and patted his shoulder     "Okay.. im agree"

SungYeol sighed deeply and nodded his head pointing at her      "Ohh God.. i felt so stupid.. i was never feeling so nervous..its just.. you are cool and i didnt want to look stupid in front of you.. you didnt know me and you saw me drunk like pig,. and i was doing stupid things.. you know" he said and laughed       "Its over now"

"Dont be so nervous.. i like you.. you are cool.." she said and smiled at him      "We will get to know each other better when we go out"

"Yep.. i feel good and released after we said our thoughts.. ohh" Sungyeol said and laughed, smiling to her        "So.. i cut your dance.. and before DongWoo comes back.. can you teach me to it?"

"Sure.. lets do it" she said and sighed as she looked forward at the mirror and smiled at their reflections there        "Yeah.. lets do it together"


WooHyun reached the door of the music studio and took a deep breath, touching the handle as he screw his eyes , bitting his bottom lip.

'I dont want to see you cry.. why you feel so sad? i dont want to see it' he thought and took another breath, opening the door quietly as he moved it slowly, looking around till he spotted JiYoung who was staring out of the window..         'Are you crying again? You just let go of this er who was making you sad, why are you still sad ?'

He made few careful steps closer to her as his gaze layed on her, focused on her back like he was asking her not to turn back.. when he reached her, WooHyun lifted his hands, blocking her eyes with his fingers as he stayed behind her, leaning to her ear when she trembled            "Dont worry its fine" he said calmly without releasing her eyes and bite his bottom lip hardly

"WooHyun?" she asked with trembling voice and released a quiet breath    "What are you doing?"

"Shht" he stared forward at the school yard and sighed quietly, feeling her wet eyes under his fingers which made him to tense a little      "Dont look at me.. just listen to me, okay?" WooHyun said in her ear and released her eyes, pressing his cheek against hers as his hands slid down, folding with hers

"Okay..." she whispered and gazed forward exactly at nowhere as new wave of tears slid down on her face

"Its fine.." WooHyun said quietly and gulped, caressing her hands as he felt how her cheek got wet, pressing against his        "You wont be lonelly.. dont shut yourself couse it hurts much.. just look at something happy and think that its yours.. it can be yours.. " he said with frown, thinking that his words are not really correct and she didnt stop crying        "shht.. Jiyoung.. " he stuttered and closed his eyes, bitting his bottom lip as the released sigh cleared his thoughts and he opened his eyes, staring at the clouds          "There`s a girl.. " he started singing and gulped again, tightening the hold of her hands        "..who wasnt as happy as she used to be.. who wasnt pretty as she used to be.. so you.. just dont .. hurt me.."

"Please..." JiYoung gasped and tightened the hold of his hands        "Please, leave me alone.. i dont want you to see me that weak.. please,.."

"I wont.. " WooHyun said and closed his eyes again, continuing with his song as his voice started trembling while he felt like his heart was about to tear apart.. her voice and her words.. she was so sad.. so destroyed..        "JiYoung, please close your eyes and listen to me.. you.. are not alone.. dont cry.. i want to be close to you.." he said and lifted one of his hands, caressing her wet cheek         "I want to pull your pain out.. just let me do it"

"Why you care so much?" she asked and pulled back a little gazing at his eyes       "WHy do you care... why you are so nice with me... why you want to stay? why? why you are so perfect? tell me.. tell me why?" she said through her tears and sniffed quietly      "WooHyun... i feel down.. it hurts me.. i.. i wasnt ready..."

"I love you, thats why" he said without opening his eyes as he felt like he wont take it if he look at her.. He just bite his bottom lip, feeling her gaze over his face and frowned          "i cant.. just .. cry however you want.. just let me stay.."

JiYoung gazed at him as she couldnt realize what he just said.. I love you? did she hear his right?

"Ohh God..." she whispered and quickly hugged him, nizzling her face in his neck and closed her eyes tightly      "I.. i dont know.. i dont know what to say i just..."

"JiYoung.. just think about yourself.. i`ve seen you better.. i`ve seen that you`re stronger than this.. i dont know you but what i know about you.. is that .." WooHyun said and took a deep breath, feeling his heart hurt and confused from his own sudden confession      "Ohh God.. im sorry.. it wasnt the right so stupid" he said and pulled back, feeling nervous when he opened his eyes to finally look at her.. then his gaze placed on her face,, on her beautiful skin that was covered with tears.. on those eyes that were sparkling.. he couldnt see anything else but her beauty.. even now when she was broken

"Its fine.. its okay..." she said and forced herself to smile     "ITs okay.."

"Im always stupid" he mumbled and gave her a smile, bitting his bottom lip        "Just.. let me be close.. i dont want anything.. i wanna know you.. to know this happy girl.. so.. i will come to see you everyday.. till the day when you smile.. when you smile i will stay too because i like your smile and i cant miss it and.." he said so quickly that his thoughts mixed and stopped him from talking and he looked aside, bitting his lips again         "Im so stupid"

JiYoung wiped her tears and sighed deeply     "Im sorry for beeing so blind.. im sorry... i will let you be close to me.. and for you i will do my best to recover fast so you can see me smiling.. for you"

WooHyun blinked few times as his teeth were tightly pressed against his bottom lip.. He gazed all over her face, trembling from emotions as he couldnt take more of it.. he felt need to kiss her.. to protect her with kisses.. to wipe her tears.. to press his body against hers.. but he wasnt able to do any of these..

"Just.. smile" he said and gave her a smile, turning around nervously as he clenched his fists and sighed deeply        "See you tomorrow.. i hope then we can practice"

JiYoung stared at his back as she realized that her tears for Hoya were hurting him on the same way like she was hurt from this end relationship.. she took a deep breath and nodded slowly       "I will smile for you.."


Another long chapter ! ~~ :D

Enjoyyyy much sadness and cuteness too! we hope you like it :]

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I seriously miss this story.. ;~;
Chapter 27: cant wait for the update... :")
Update soon
can't wait for the next update~ <3<br />
author nim~~ hwaiting!!
author-nim hwaiting!!!! <br />
Please update soon! <3
Pleaseeeee update soon~~~~<3
Okay. We'll be patient. ^^
okaaaaay, we'll wait :D<br />
Author shi~ HWAITING!!! >.<
double_m #10
Ow.. we have new reader? :D thanks for staying here @their_INSPIRITbeauty !!<br />
And girls, sorry for the long wait, we just need time again to weite the new chapter, please dont kill uuuuuuuuuuuus :D<br />
<br />
So wait for the new update and thanks for your patiense !