PARTY [part2]

Love Song

Minutes later...

"What are we doing here again?" WooHyun asked as he looked aside at L and frowned      "Do you even care that i like someone else?"

"Shut up.. we are befriending now" L replied and smirked, looking at the two girls who were staying on the bed in front of them..      

"Yeah? i didnt mean such thing" he said and folded his hands also staring at the girls

"Oh you said something similar"

"No i didnt" WooHyun said and lifted his eyebrows

"Shut up and relax.. girls.. my friend here wants you to drink quickly" L said and smiled at one of the girls, giving her a wink

WooHyun looked aside at him and sighed deeply, rubbing his forehead      "Ahh .."

5 minutes earlier....

L was drinking , staring around the room as he wanted to leave his friend JiYoung to make fun with Aechan and now he was just wondering what to do.. All of the familiar faces there were annoying him as he prefers to stay alone for now and to drink in peace..

He was disturbed by WooHyun who came closer to him, resting his hands on the full table next to L, staring at him

Myung Soo gave him a look and lifted an eyebrow      "There must be two options.. the first one have to be that no one likes you and you decided to stuck up with me.. the other one is that you decided to offend me again.. see? I left JiYoung to make fun with Aechan.. they are fine"

WooHyun frowned a little and took a glass     "nope.. non of these.. i came here to make fun.. with you"

L laughed and nodded his head      "Oh yeah.. i forgot about your dream to be my friend.." he said with irony and screw his eyes      "Do you think you can be my friend? you dont know what i like to do on parties"

"Oh please.. " WooHyun rolled his eyes       "Are you killing people? come on.. i just.."

"Killing people? no.." L replied and smirked        "If you`re going to stay with me you have to play on my rules"

"You talk bulls.. fine.. i will do whatever you want.. i can be your friend" WooHyun insisted and lifted his eyebrows        "So?"

L lifted his shoulders and looked aside from his face, taking a deep breath         "You wont give up, huh?"

"Im just bored, thats why im here" WooHyun told him and also looked somewhere else

L smirked and clapped his hands, giving WooHyun a look        "LEts go"


"Just come with me" he replied and nodded aside at two girls who were waving at him, walking out of the room

WooHyun`s eyes widened a little       "Oh, no"

"Oh yes.. i warned you, bestie" L said and grabbed his wrist, pulling him after the girls..


WooHyun leaned closer to L`s ear and frowned       "I wont flirt with any of them"

"They cant be pretty like JiYoung but at least you will see that the other girls are cool too" L said quietly and patted his arm       "Relax"

"dont tell me to.."

"Hey guys? what we will do now? im bored" one of the girls said and trailed her finger along the bed, giggling

WooHyun`s mouth opened as he shook his head, hearing L`s laughter and hit his arm       "not funny"

"funny a lot" he replied and laughed more as he looked aside at the door when it opened and Hoya got in with a bottle in his hands and SungYeol behind him..          "Hoya?"

Hoya laughed and drunk from the bottle, looking at him and WooHyun with wonder       "Wasnt he one of the loosers?" he asked and pointed at WooHyun

L sighed and glanced at WooHyun       "Nope.. he is cool"

"Aaa... i we have girls in the room?" SungYeol said with drunk voice and lifted his eyebrows, pointing at the girls       "Hoya we are disturbing them"

Hoya frowned a little and rolled his eyes aside at the girls       "Pf.. SungMi get out" he told one of the girls and nodded at the door     "You too"

The two girls frowned and looked at each other then at L, asking him what was going on without saying anything

"You heard him" L said and smiled, waving at them       "L is busy now"

The girls mumbled something quietly and madly went out of the room , leaving the boys alone..

"So.. what are you doing with this kid?" L asked Hoya and nodded at SungYeol who took the bottle with alcohol and drunk from it

"He is my buddy this night" Hoya said and laughed, patting SungYeol`s head       "and im proud of him"

"im really drunk" SungYeol laughed and lied on the bed         "What were you saying Hoya?"

"Oh yes.. im here" he said with excited voice and sat on the bed        "after i beat up this guy he just begged me to stop and i hit him again.. if he didnt beg me i would go away.."

"you had to go away.."

"Do you think so?"


"LEts go" L told WooHyun and started walking out of the room, sighing deeply      "So.. Hoya disturbed us.. what else we can do? im bored again"

"Ohh so you feel amused when i feel nervous? you " WooHyun said and laughed, pushing him aside

"no, you " L replied and also pushed him, smiling to himself

"Hey guys.. what are you doing?" YouJin said as she moved closer to them and smiled    "Im bored.. what you will offer me?"

"Oh ask him, mr. Perfect plans everytime" WooHyun said with irony and laughed again

"My plans are perfect, its just you , the looser that doesnt like them" L replied and lifted his eyebrows, looking at her        "What do you want?"

"I want..." YouJin mumbled as smirk crossed her face... she looked aside at her cousin Sungjong who was dancing next to JinJu and then back to L        "I want to say how happy i am to see you Myungsoo... " she said loud enough so SungJong could hear and moved closer to L , wrapping her arms over his neck      "You are so hot this night... aiish..." she added and when she felt her cousin`s look on her, she placed a kiss on the L`s cheek

He blinked twice and smiled, lifting his eyebrows         "Im hot? kiss on the cheek doesnt suit such words" he said and gave her a look        "whats the plan?" he asked quietly and smirked

YouJin giggled quietly and leaned to his ear      "Dont be so proud of yourself... im just teasing my cousin couse he is forbiding me to be friend of you.. "

"Its cool that we are not friends. but if you want to that much..." L said with the same voice and lifted his hand, caressing her cheek as he wrapped his other one over her waist        "you need more action" he added and leaned to her face, pressing his lips on hers , pushing her against the wall as he started kissing her passionatelly

WooHyun watched at them with amaze and sighed       " that.."

YouJin blinked few times as she tried to explain to herself what he was doing... but instead of pushing him back , his sweet kisses made her to reply, deepening the kiss as she slid her tongue in his mouth

L pecked her lips after that, giving her one teasing look      "Ow , that was rough" he mumbled and leaned down , repeating the same kiss again as his boredom was already replaced by satisfaction

"Heey.. remove these dirty hands from her" SungJong shouted behind them and frowned deeply        "Ahh.. unbelievable.. i thought you are kidding.."

YouJin separated her lips from MyungSoo`s and laughed      "I told you.. i will kiss him"

"Yeah.. but i didnt think you are serious" he replied and folded his hands       "And you MYungSoo.. be careful with her.. couse she is a real clumsy... good luck" he said with irony this time and laughed

"LEt her be clumsy.. i dont care couse she is not with me" L replied and pulled away from YouJin, resting his back against the wall      "I heard you calling me dirty.. i hope that wont repeat"

"Oh come on" WooHyun laughed and lifted his eyebrows      "This is a cool gossip.. L and the new girl, making out on a party.. YouJin , his fans will rip your hair off"

"Yeah..and mine will smash him" she replied and laughed      "Just imagine this.."

"You dont have fans baby" L said and bumped his shoulder in hers, giving a look to WooHyun      "Can you take this boy and leave us alone? i want to do the thing that i had to do with you"

WooHyun frowned a little and nodded slowly      "I dont want to stay and watch anymore" he said and waved at SungJong     "Please follow me"

"I will.. only couse i want to laugh at his misery after she finish with him" SungJong said and sighed as he followed WooHyun to the other side of the big room

YouJin laughed and pointed at her cousin        "He is really crazy "

"Little stupid if you ask me" L said and gave her a look        "Whats he talking about? not that im interested, but if you`re going to break my nose while im kissing you i have to prepare"

"Ahh.. its a long story.. when we were children we loved to play together.. and one day when we were running, i tripped and pushed him at a wall where he broke his arm... i have hundred familiar stories so..."YouJin said and laughed       "But its all an accident"

L lifted his eyebrows and stared at her with interest, nodding his head         "So.. dont use your hands when you are around me" he warned her and blinked few times        "And by the way thats not funny.. you are cursed"

"No im not.. im just.. playfull"

"Playfull.. ? ohh i dunno what to think about you when you`re serious" L said with irony and smirked, leaning to her face again        "So.. you like my kisses, dont you?" he asked and brushed his nose against hers, tilting his head to one side as he prepared her for a kiss

She giggled and lightly nodded       "I do.. but i think its enough for today"

"Ow.. you`re scared from falling for me? come on.. i like your kisses too" L replied and screw his eyes, his lips        "for a moment i wanted to make you mine but then i thought.. oh no.. i dont like her.."

YouJin laughed again and lightly trailed her hands up on his chest wrapping them over his neck      "Well you dont like me.. i dont like you too.. so.. there is not problem"

"i think you`re right" L said and smiled, leaning more as he placed his lips against hers and kissed her more tenderly, moving himself so he can be in front of her again

YouJin pecked his mouth few times and smiled    "Oww.. the bad boy can be soft huh?"

"Who said that im bad?" L said and bite the side of his bottom lip, crossing her face with his look

"everyone does" she replied and her lips slowly

"Everybody`s fool.." L mumbled and screw his eyes, pecking her lips again          "Im just trying not to pay attention on them.. if that makes me bad ,then i am"

"Yes you are..."she mumbled and kissed him slowly      "You are the beddest'"

Quiet laughter escaped from his lips as he rested his forehead against hers       "Oh come on.. what do you know about me anyways?"

"If i have to be honest .. i dont want to know anything about you" she said and giggled      "Like we both said.. we dont like each other and there is no need for us to know things about ourselves"

"Mhm.. we dont" L said and kissed her forehead, smirking lightly       "But we need love for the love song, right? come with me" he said and took her wrist with his hand, pulling her away from the wall

"We need love? or passion?"she asked and smirked , brushing her hand against her hair

"Both" MyungSoo said and gave her a look, smiling at her as he opened some room and turned around, pulling YouJin in as he pressed his lips against hers and closed the door after her back


"Ahh this is cooooooooooool" AeCan shouted as she jumped happily along with the rhythm of the music and laughed          "I love this party"

"Yeah.. its cool"JiYoung replied as she slowly moved her body     "i didnt see you that happy from long time.. "

"Just because Dongwoo is in the other room" Aechan said and laughed        "Sometimes i hate this guy.. but when i think about our happy moments.. im forgiving him that he is .. " she said and looked at her friend       "I saw you going out with WooHyun earlier.. what does he want?"

"Um.. nothing just...we just..." she started and took a deep breath      "Okay.. i think he likes me.. and he wants me to be happy.. but.. i dont know whats wrong with me.. i cant just leave Hoya behind and to start on new with someone who is showing me how nice and tender he is"

Aechan frowned a little and sighed        "Yeah.. and by the way, do you know him well? you cant date some guy if you dont know him.. so just leave this.. Hoya is not an all the time.. you dont need another guy to mess up your mind.. that will finish you"

"I know.. i dont want to give him and myself some hopes.. i just want to understand if im really happy with Hoya.. i really have feelings for him... he is like the best thing i had.. but.. these days he is acting really strange.. he is always complaining.. and.. i just cant understand where is the problem.. is it in me?"

"No.. its not.. maybe he is just strange.. but this is Hoya.. your boyfriend.. so just give him another chance" AeChan said and smiled as she looked aside, replacing her smile with pout        "Oh no.. SungGyu.. wait a second" she said and patted JiYoung`s shoulder before she walked aside at patted SunGyu`s shoulder, folding her arms        "I want to talk with you"

He gazed at her as grin formed on his lips       "I knew it.. okay, okay baby.. calm down.. im all yours, you dont have to fight for me.. you dont have to cry, to beg me.. im yours.. yes.. i will ing marry you"

AeChan blinked few times and gasped, pointing at him        "To.. to marry you? Ya!" she shouted and slap his arm       "You are crazy.. just..just..." she started as she blinked few times, staring at him with amaze         "Just forget about this.. i wanted to tell you something else.. dont give me candies or other presents.. that wont move my heart.. i wont like you"

"You only think like that.. but i know that the day when you will love me is coming really fast.. and then i wont play cool, but i will take you in my arms and just to hug you tight.."SungGyu said and laughed        "Ohh God.. im so romantic.. no seriously.. i wont stop.. thats it.. get used with it"

"What do you want so you can stop?" AeChan said and blinked few times     "Come on there have to be something,, forget the idea that we can be a couple.. there have to be something else.." she said and screw her eyes       "aha!" she smirked and put her hands on his cheeks, pulling his head down as she kissed him quickly and pulled back, her lips         "Now you must stop following me.. i gave you what you want"

SungGyu frozen as the quick kiss made his legs to tremble    "My queen... this cant stop me, baby... its just making me more crazy and motivated to want more"

"What? ohh no.. Sunggyu" she said with wide open eyes and pointed at him        "Dont move any closer.. i swear i will kick you hard"

"Listen .. im not some .. i wont do anything you dont want to.. so.. dont worry i wont touch you" SungGyu said and smiled at her     "One day... one day you will realize what you are missing"

"when  i dont see you around i think i wont even think about you.. so your missing wont be a big deal" she said and folded her hands       "Dont be so confident.. you sound just like the other s" she added and pouted, turning around

"With the difference that however more times you are rejecting me,you are burning more my need to show you how great person i am.. and till you dont understand it i wont stop.. couse the other s will give up but i wont.. remember this.. i wont give up.."he said and smiled wildly, turning around as he started walking slowly forward

Aechan stared at the other students that were dancing as she blinked few times, feeling how some strange warmness filled her body.. she knew that sungGyu was smiling while he told her that.. she knew that he wasnt joking.. Her lips formed a smile as she blinked again at slapped her own face

"Oh... this is just a bull.. SungGyu is nothing but looser.. aish this guy" she said to herself and looked back at SungGyu who was now playing with his friend WooHyun, pushing him , dancing around him.. he was making fun.. but how he was really feeling?        "aish" AeChan mumbled and sighed, turning forward as another view took her attention.. Hoya, dacing alone and SungYeol behind him, trying to lift Nanie from the ground without resul..

"I will do it.. wait" SungYeol said and laughed, pulling Nanie`s hip up        "This pose looks ert.. but dont worry... "

Nanie laughed and slapped his arm       "You are a jerk.. you cant even lift me up.. what man you are?"

"Drunk one" he said and patted her hips, giving her a look        "Okay jump on me now"

"okay wait"she said and prepated herself, quickly jumping on him and laughed when he couldnt catch her corectly      " you will kill me"

"Ooops" SungYeol said as he tried to concentrate and laughed, pressing his hands on her to keep her up         "I did iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.. who`s the man now.. im the maaaaaaaaan" he shouted and made a step forward, reeled back and frowned        "Ops"

"Be careful.." Nannie shouted and laughed loudly

"I am" he mumbled and stepped back again, sitting on the couch with Nanie on top and looked aside at some couple that were kissing with passion         "Ohh.. how many times i will cut couples" he mumbled and sighed, rolling his heavy eyes on Nanie`s face       "Am i stupid when im drunk?"

"Very stupid"she said and giggled again     "But i like it.. i love to laught so.. thank you.."

"Thank to Hoya.. he gave me the bottle.. by the way he is very cool" he said seriously and nodded his head, slapping her hips         "Do you want to go on a date with me?"

"A date? you barely know me" Nanie started and tilted her head    "But why not.. you look funny.. i like funny people"

"Yeah.. im very funny.. you`re funny too.. i like you.. so we can go somewhere tomorrow" SungYeol said and smiled        "We will talk , because now i think only bulls can come out of me"

"Yeah.. "she said and laughed again      "I like your drunk look.."

"Dont.. my sober look is better" SungYeol said and laughed, pointing at her face       "someday you will drink with me and i will laugh at your drunk look"

"Lets see this.. im not that easy "

"We`ll see about that" SungYeol replied and gave her a smile

"Yeah,. we will"


Hoya sat down in front of the table with alcohol as he sighed deeply, resting his elbows against the wood as he gazed forward at Jiyoung who was making fun with AeChan and frowned a little.. His head was already dizzy from the alcohol that he drunk as everything that was rolling in his mind was about JiYoung and the fact that she was ignoring him all night.. maybe that was pusnihment for his acts , maybe she just felt better without him..

He didnt want to make problems so he stood up from the chair after he felt how he was getting angry and looked around the room, wanting to go somewhere else on more quiet place..

Hoya got on the terrace as he sniffed the fresh air and moved forward, placing his hands on the stone fence and bended his head down, nervously kicking it few times

"Can i stay just for a minute? I dont want to disturb you, sorry" Hanni said behind him as she moved closer and just looked at the city`s lights with smile      "Its beautiful, isnt it"

Hoya frowned a little after he heard her voice and lifted his head up, giving Hanni a strange look        "I dont care about the city lights" he said and stared all over her face and the glow that the lights were making on her.. she looked peacefull.. she looked lonely just like him

"i know.." she replied and looked aside at him      "But do you know what i thought about.. everytime i see you.. you are always so dark.. i want to see you smiling just once.. to see you bright just like these lights.. can i do it? am i abe to do it?"

Hoya frowned even more as he pulled back from the fence, slowly walking closer to her as he wondered over her words       "I dunno.. im not in the mood to smile.. if you give me your light, maybe you can see it" he said calmly and released a deep breath, trying to release JiYoung from his mind and just to stay with Hanni

"I really want to do this.. but i dont know how.." Hanni said as she trailed her look all over his face and smiled       "Do you know what the people are telling me? They say that you are bad person and that i have to be careful with you...but they must be blind couse i saw something in you that maybe no one else did.. i saw that you are an amazing person and if she cant see it too... have to give your best to let this amazing part of you go out.. to show up to everyone .. to her.. to the girl thats making you so sad... show her that you can make her happy... show her that you are  the best choice... couse you really are"

"Stop.. dont talk about her now, please" Hoya said quickly as he looked aside, releasing another deep breath         "i dunno... maybe im just stressed because of this concert and all the practice that im doing.. i dont want to make her sad.. its just happening out of nothing.. its my fault.. now she is happy.. if i show up in front of her she wont be.. so i wont.. i want to stay here.. i dont want to go anywhere.. im drunk, my head hurt from thoughts.. i was happy earlier with SungYeol but he got Nanie and when i saw them i just.." he said and shook his head, kicking the fence        "Im just miserable, nothing more"

"No.." Hanni mumbled and shook her head    "You just need to be yourself... why you are acting like you dont care when you do.. show her that you care about her.. tell her what you feel.. she will understand.. everyone is tensed because of the concert.. but this is not a reason for you to act like an .. im drunk too.. i even dont know from where i gainted this strenght to tell you this.. but.. i feel like i want to help you again... if i can.. i will do it again and again... couse i can see the best in you... something that no one else can see"

Hoya`s frown dissappeared from his face as he stared at the street lights, feeling how his body trembled.. his hands placed on the fence as he took a deep breath, gazing forward at the city with wondering look in his dark eyes       "Its strange how you even think such things.. i didnt even come to you and you still see me as.. something that i dont know how to describe.. i havent heard this before.. anyways thank you" he said and gave her a look, forcing a smile       "Im not confessing my problems to anyone.. so i dont know who you are but thanks..Hanni?" he asked and tilted his head, staring at her face with interest        "If i didnt sit on your table and if we didnt talk.. would you believe to those who dont like me?"

"I dont know.. but you did it.. and now nobody can make me believe that you are bad " she said and smiled back at him , nodding slowly her head    "By the way.. thank you too for choosing me to listen your confessions... i feel... special.."

Hoya nodded and looked aside, thinking about her reply as he closed his eyes for a second, gripping the cold fence under his hands

'If i didnt sit the first time.. i wouldnt sit the next time too.. and you wouldnt comfort me.. thats right.. i feel relaxed when i speak with you.. i feel like my mind can rest for these 5 minutes that we are spending together.. also i feel how the end of me and JiYoung is coming and i think i wont be so happy when we break up.. then you wont see me smiling for long Hanni.. i wonder.. what will you do then?' he thought and quietly sighed, keeping his gaze over the city        'Yes.. it is beautiful.. i just figured it out now..'


JinJu sat down on the stairs in front of the front door as she waved at few students that were going out of the house, greeting her with smiles..

She felt like her head was on its way to explode so she decided to leave the party and to stay outside for a while..

'Why i didnt take my pills, damn it' she thought and sighed deeply, standing up from the stairs as she moved forward , walking on the yard, staring at the flowers as smile came on her face         'This girl has really beautiful yard.. i wonder if she lives alone' she smiled again as she cut some flower and sniffed it, looking up at the sky.. the glowing stars made her look more soft as she started remembering few moments with DongWoo that they spended under the moon light, counting the stars..

These memories only made her head hurt more and she already wanted to forget them as easy as they came in her mind.. everything about DongWoo now was making her mad.. everything that he was doing was making her to push him away.. she was happy this summer, without seeing him.. But in the school that was really hard , to pretend that she doesnt see him, that she is not listening to his voice when he pass her by.. they were both ignoring themselves.. till this night..

She took a deep breath and sat on the ground, playing with the flower that she took and sighed deeply, rubbing her forehead and cheek bone to release her head from the head-ache..

For a moment she thougth she is just imagining something, but when the hand that was stretched to her didnt dissappear from her gaze, JinJu frowned a little, noticing a small white pill in the palm.. She blinked few times as she bite the side of her bottom lip, looking up to see the person who just helped her.. Then her gaze softened, became weak, she gave up in front of DongWoo.. he was there, silently offering her his help..

"From where did you know that my head hurts?" she asked quietly as she ignored his hand at first and looked aside, gripping the small flower in her palm

He kneel down next to her and sighed deeply, handing her the bottle with water that he was holding in his other hand       " I saw how you are leaving.."

"Maybe i was just bored from this party" she replied and pouted, taking the bottle with one of her hands and lifted her other one, waiting for DongWoo to put the pill there without even looking at him

Dong woo dropped the pill in her palm and stared aside at her face        " I know you even better than i know myself.."

"Its good that i know you on the same way, or else i would think that you are crazy to come here now" JiNju said and gulped the pill , taking a sip from the bottle and put it on the ground, giving DongWoo a look         "Are you making fun? if we push aside the fact that we fought earlier,.. i want to know if you`re fine"

"i am... i feel tired from all the practices these days... and.. i really dont have a good mood for parties.. this is not me, right?" DongWoo asked and laughed quietly      " What about you? are you playing hard?"

"Yep.. i feel scared because i work with this strange girl Chara but when i push that aside i feel cool.. i have new friends.. we are forming a group for the concert" JiNju said quickly as she felt like the time when they were separated didnt change anything between them.. when DongWoo was calm like this she just felt a need to do something.. to stay beside him and to listen his voice and stories.. to know that he is okay..           "I heard that you`re pressing your dance group too much,, its okay,, you will do your best.. give yourself a rest.. you are not a dance mashine" she said and smiled to herself, placing a hand on his hip and rubbed it because she knew that his legs were hurting

"Ahh.. im fine.. but the group is not.."he said and giggled quietly     "Just i can see that they are not ready for this.. i want to prepare them.. its only this" he added and sat down on the cold ground, taking her hand in his      "And .. Chara is someone who i really dont know.. did she make problems to you?"

JinJu gave him a look and shook her head        "Please just dont kill her" she said with irony and sighed            "she is just too cold and distracted.. i cant even tell her anything when it comes to work.. but she is part of the team so i respect her" she added and looked aside at his face        "DongWoo? thank you for this"

He slowly nodded and sighed deely, removing his look from her     "Im sorry for earlier.. i was.. an like always"

"I know.. i was a too , so we are clear now" JinJu replied and bumped her shoulder in his, gazing at his face         "Actually i missed you.. thats why even your bulls didnt seem so wrong for me.. just look at the stars when you feel like you want to kill someone and relax.. thank you for tonight" she said and kissed his cheek, standing up from the ground and waved at him with smile on her face        "Have a nice night DongWoo.. i think to go home so.."

"Do you want me to drive you home?"he asked and stood up too, gazing at her face with wonder

JinJu blinked few times and frowned a little, staring back at him on the same way

'DongWoo.. what is wrong with you? i didnt stop offending you in front of everyone.. i didnt stop cursing you.. because i was hurt.. but then you came here.. you came and i cant think bad things about you anymore' she thought and gave him a quick smile

"Yes.. drive me home"


SungJong was walking around the house as he didnt find anything interesting there.. he felt bored from hours and now finally took the decidion to go home and just to sleep couse he felt tired... this day was really hard for him and he need to rest more than ever.. the practice with Dong woo was making him to think that maybe he is not still ready for this but his motivation was telling other things...

He slowly made his was to the door way, waving to SungYeol who barely could see him because of Nanie who was staying on his lap and sighed, taking his jacket and moved slowly out of the house.. the cold wind made his body to shiver and he didnt loose more time in calling a taxi...

After few minutes he saw his taxi and ran to it when someone`s screaming stopped him...

SongJung turned around just to see a girl who looked really angry... That was the first time he sees her but there was something in her that was making him to think that he already knows something about her

"Can i help you?"

She glared at him and her lips, nodding her head madly        "You.. dont act innocent.. you small devil.. give me my diary back" she shouted and pushed him back as her eyes filled with tears        "I saw what you did.. you read it.. what are your plans, huh? just leave me alone and give it back to me"

SongJung blinked few times as he felt confused from her words and acts... the word diary made him to remember and he just shook his head      "Look.. i .. i didnt sleal it.. i saw it and i just wanted to understand whos the owner.. im sorry.. i just wanted to give it back to you..."

"Yeah? and you fell so deep in this that you even couldnt just hide it but read it? did you read everything? you know everything about me now.." she replied with mean voice and screw her eyes, pointing at him         "If you tell anyone.. i swear i will ruin your in happiness.. so.. tomorrow at 8am.. be in front of the school.. dont even dare to be late.. and i want my diary.. maybe i have to tear it apart so anyone can see it again.. bastard"

"Hey wait.. i wont tell anybody... im sorry that i read it, okay.. it was wrong.. but when i read one page i wanted to understand if you got better.. but you are not okay... listen.. i can help you.. i can do it.. trust me.."SongJung said and took her hand, pulling her closer        "Dont ignore everyone... this wont help you...just.."

Chara`s eyes widened as she quickly started pulling herself, feeling how her heart was almost on its way to explode          "dont touch me" she hissed and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath as she pulled back from him and clenched her fists         "Go away.. dont even dare to talk to me again.. You can help me? who do you think you are?" she shouted and opened her eyes again, placing the same glare against his face        "You are nothing but another who wants to make fun of me.. i know what you think but im not stupid.. tomorrow at there and just dont speak" she said and madly turned around to leave

SongJung stayed still as he was scared even to move so he cant scare her again... the pain that she was going through was explaining everything.. but he still was wondering if there is a chance for him to help her.. to show her that he wont hurt her.. that he is a friend who wants only to comfort her..He was watching how she left and got in the taxi, gazing at exactly one spot with look full of worry

'Im sorry for what your father did to you... but im not guilty for this... if you really dont want anybody around.. then... do i have to make some move.. do i have to try? are you that scared from everyone? can i make you trust me? and how?'



Heeey everyone.. that was a hard chapter *sigh*

We hope that you like it .. we tried to put all of the couples so there can be something interesting and it was hard :D:D

Sorry for the long chapter but if you like it then we`ll be happy^^

Have a nice reading and tell us your thoughts XD

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I seriously miss this story.. ;~;
Chapter 27: cant wait for the update... :")
Update soon
can't wait for the next update~ <3<br />
author nim~~ hwaiting!!
author-nim hwaiting!!!! <br />
Please update soon! <3
Pleaseeeee update soon~~~~<3
Okay. We'll be patient. ^^
okaaaaay, we'll wait :D<br />
Author shi~ HWAITING!!! >.<
double_m #10
Ow.. we have new reader? :D thanks for staying here @their_INSPIRITbeauty !!<br />
And girls, sorry for the long wait, we just need time again to weite the new chapter, please dont kill uuuuuuuuuuuus :D<br />
<br />
So wait for the new update and thanks for your patiense !