

Author Note: I feel any idol could've fit this situation but Enni requested for Mark and I happily obliged m(_ _)m A darkish actiony one shot based off the song "Scream" I hope you enjoy \o/ -I tried really hard to stick to the theme but Author-nim fails at life- Rated T for violence and suggested themes

Song: EXO D.O. (디오. Do Kyungsoo) - 외침 (Scream) (CART OST)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZK_Qw3q8hI
Mark hissed as the stiff white linen of his collared button up shirt brushed against the fresh scratches along his chiseled chest. He stood from his bed and made his way over to the barred window of the two story old fashioned mansion.

The morning sunlight reflected off his gold banded ruby ring and he let out a sigh. 10 years and the view had never changed except for the changing seasons. Now the grounds were covered in autumn leaves and the air was chill and outside was the perfect picture of serenity but his life was anything but.

At the age of 10 Mark Tuan was living off the streets after his mother passed away from cancer and his father was shot to death over a gambling debt. Right in front of his eyes. The sight of blood splatter and the shrill scream of a 10 year old boy forever etched into his memory. The only remainder of his past was his Grandfather's ring his mother had gifted him on her death bed before her heart finally stopped beating.

One night while roaming the streets he came across a group of men in fine pressed suits in an alleyway huddled around an individual on the ground who was begging for his life.

The sound of the gun shot didn't startle him anymore as he wiped the man's spilled blood from his cheek because he was standing too close. One of the men screamed "Kill the witness" as everyone turned to face him. He didn't run, kill him for all he cared it's not like anyone would miss him.

One man grabbed him by the shirt and lifted him to face level and held the gun's nozzle to his temple. Mark didn't beg for his life, he didn't struggle, he just stared the man in the eye.

"Wait" a deep raspy voice from behind startled the man holding him. "Put him down." Once his feet were back on the ground Mark did nothing. The big man with the silver hair and black beard with a black fedora and cane adjusted his red hankerchief in his striped suit pocket and stood in front of him.

"Why aren't you running boy?" Mark instantly knew he was the leader of this brigade as everyone crowded behind him. He lifted his cane and forcefully brought it to Mark's face to move his head around to get a better look at him. He signaled to the man behind him and the grunt handed him the pistol and clicked it in his hand. He aimed the barrel right in between the little boys eyes.

"Are you afraid to die?" and he said nothing. Mark walked up to the man and pulled his arm so the gun was pressing directly against his forehead. One of the men came out from behind the leader and slapped him across the face and he crashed to the ground with a groan.

"How dare you touch him!" then the man groaned in pain as the leader jabbed him with his cane. "Know your place!"

Mark pushed off the ground and continued to stare at the leader completely ignoring his throbbing face and the trickling of blood from his busted lip.

The leader chuckled and walked behind Mark "Interesting...."

"You. In front of the boy now" he commanded the man who slapped him and he did as he was told with fear in his eyes from the leader's tone of voice.

Mark didn't flinch when the man put the over sized pistol in his little hand. He adjusted his small hands on the trigger and lifted his arm to aim directly at the grunt who's eyes widened in terror.

"Take your revenge boy" his voice was dark and amused as he brought Mark's other arm to the gun so he could support the weight without his assistance. The gun wobbled in his grip but he kept his aim steady.

"Sir...." the grunt pleaded. The other men began to murmur. He's just a child, he won't do it. There's no way. Mark took a step back till his back was leaning against the man's legs and he looked down at him curiously. There was silence.


Mark's arms flew over his head at the backlash of the pistol and the man dropped to the ground screaming in agony as he clutched his bleeding thigh. The other men looked in horror as the leader chuckled and placed his hand on Mark's shoulder who just stared at the man on the ground. He took the cold weapon from his steady hands.

"You're coming with me boy"

From day one Mark had been trained to protect, torture and kill. He would be beaten to the brink of unconciousness to toughen him up as his screams and groans of pain would echo off the dark training room's walls. The man who took him in, Takeshi, was the leader of the Yakuza clan that resided in South Korea. Regular rich man by day with a family of his own, deadly gangster by night.

Mark was molded the same way, diligent butler by day and gangster by night. He's lost track of how many lives he's taken with his own hands but it didn't matter to him, till now.

Mark adjusted his black suit jacket as he turned his attention to the soft knock at his door. An envelope was slipped under the crack of the door and the sound of shuffling feet could be heard down the hall.

He bent down and picked up the envelope as the corners of his mouth threatened a smile. He opened the card "Happy Birthday Mark"

His only weakness. The only thing that made him regret his lifestyle and actions. Takeshi's only daughter Hikari. Only a few years younger than himself, Hikari who's name literally meant "light" was exactly that to him.

She had a petitie frame that was always dolled up in old fashion dresses, long raven hair that was curled to perfection day to day with the most hypnotizing amethyst eyes.

The first time they had encountered each other was when he was just beginning his duties as a butler at the age of 15. The Master was away on business and the evil Mistress wasted no time in summoning Mark to her room at night to do things no young man should ever have to endure. Her sounds of pleasure echoed off the walls followed by his groans of pain as she beat him for not making a sound.

Once she had fallen asleep Mark left the room and was confronted by the rounded concerned eyes of Hikari in her snow white night gown. The air was knocked out of him for he had never encountered anything so beautiful in his life. She held out a piece of paper to him with trembling hands obviously aware of what's been happening.

He opened it:

"Are you alright?" Hikari was a mute. He looked into her eyes for a moment before folding up the paper and putting it into his disshelved pants pocket. He showed no emotion as he told her she shouldn't be out at this time and to return to her bedroom at once.

Mark brought the birthday card to the shoe box he hid under his bed next to his pistol case he used just last night. The box was filled with notes and cards Hikari's ever given him throughout the years including poloroid candids of himself she took with her camera from time to time. She loved photography and he loved the smile each new picture brought to her beautiful face.

He closed the box and left his room to serve his "family." The huge dining hall was filled with scurrying servants as Takeshi engaged in conversation with a few men from other families and the Mistress entertained the wives. As he walked by the women with the pitcher of freshly squeezed orange juice he felt a pinch to his behind and eyed the Mistress from the corner of his eye who was grinning at him devilishly.

He worked under Takeshi for years but he never encountered anyone more wicked than his wife. She was abusive, lustful, power hungry and had just as much man power as her husband. His Master was a smart man but it still intrigued Mark how he could be so decieved by this witch.

Mark then stood behind Hikari and poured her a glass of her favorite beverage but the two said nothing to each other, not evening meeting each other's gaze. It was forbidden.

It wasn't always like this. There was a time when Mark was always protectively by Hikari's side. Accompanying her in the garden to take pictures, to the market to buy new clothing, attached at the hip during parties to keep unwanted men away from her.

He'd even stand infront of her door during thunderstorms to reassure her everything would be alright because he couldn't bring himself to be alone in the room with her. He might not be able to control his desires.

She snuck into his room one night when he was suppose to be with the Mistress and he was furious. Hikari pleaded him not to go into her mother's room, if her father found out what they've been doing he'd kill him. She couldn't stand to hear his screams of agony and tears rolled down her face.

Mark grabbed her by the arm, forcefully, she couldn't be here or else she would be the one in trouble. But it was too late. The Mistress came in wondering what was taking him so long and her eyes widened at the sight of her daughter in her young lover's room. She screamed in rage and grabbed her daughter by the hair and dragged her out the room.

His heart broke as he watched Hikari grab onto her mother's arm with tears running down her face and pained silence come from .

She despised her daughter. She couldn't fathom how she could be so much more beautiful compared to her and she was enraged by the fact no rich suitor would want her due to her being mute.

Not only did Hikari have to endure Mark's screams of pain but he had it worse enduring the fact he knew the abuse she went through and her silence screamed louder than words.

That night she beat him and he couldn't do anything but take it. She threatened if her husband ever found out about their bedroom relationship and the abuse to his daughter, she'd kill Hikari infront of his eyes. He knew she'd keep her word. For years this has been going on and Mark dreamt of leaving this place and taking Hikari with him but they were both chained to this hell.

He sighed when he noticed the bruise markings along her pale neck and she felt his gaze on her and she covered them with her raven hair.

He made his way over to Takeshi and bowed before he poured the juice into the man's cup.

"How did last night go Mark" he asked as he sipped from his expensive crystal glass. Mark nodded his head and with his low raspy voice replied "Without a hitch, sir"
"Happy birthday Boy" as night came again Takeshi brought Mark into his den and presented him with a silver brief case. Mark opened it, already knowing what the contents would be. Stacks of money he never used and a new killing weapon. He bowed his head "Thank you sir"

He motioned for Mark to take a seat on the leather couch and poured him a glass of amber liquid. Mark was about to get up to pour the drink for him but Takeshi lifted his hand signaling he'd handle it.

He handed Mark his and they clinked their glasses together as Takeshi took it in one gulp and Mark enjoyed the warm sensation the liquid made traveling down his throat.

"Officially a man now aren't you Mark. Sometimes when I look at you I still see that 10 year old boy from the alleyway." he chuckled as Mark stared at him emotionlessly.

"Why did you take me in sir?" Takeshi was taken back by the sudden question. Mark never initiated conversation before. He chuckled.

"Trust boy." Mark raised an eyebrow as he took another sip from his glass.

"A boy who's not afraid to die, has nothing to live for, give him a new reason to live and what you get is someone you can trust. I put the gun in your hands. You could've shot me and ran but you didn't. You did exactly as you were told from the moment we met and I need that kind of security around me Mark."

Mark didn't know it but Takeshi had learned to adore Mark as the son he's never had but he would never admit it.

"I give you all this money, all these weapons, you risk your life day in and day out and work yourself to the bone, yet you stay. I commend your loyalty boy." Mark chuckled inside. He had loyalty, but it wasn't exactly to you sir.

"Mark" he snapped out of his thoughts and looked up at his Master who had a perplexed expression on his face. "Sir?"

He sighed and crossed his hands under his chin "I'm getting old boy, I've had my fill of this life style and now I want to focus on what's most important to me"

Mark took a sharp intake of breath as Takeshi sighed "Hikari"

"I'm worried Mark. With her situation she'd never find a suitable man for her life and those who would over look her deficiency would only take advantage of her and I can't stand the thought of that. She's the only good I have in my life, do you understand?"

Mark flinched when Takeshi grabbed his hand in his. "You've worked hard for me for 10 years Mark, and I hope you continue to do as I ask, and I'm asking you to watch out for my daughter."

His heart pained with this foreign feeling of guilt. Watch out for his daughter? You ask him to do this after years of silently keeping her abuse from you and betraying your trust by being forced into servitude by your wife? Mark ducked his eyes away.

"What is it Mark?" Mark bit his lip as Takeshi's voice rose in concern. He trusted him, could Mark trust him in return? Mark sighed and told him everything. How his wife uses him and abuses their daughter and even the death threat she's made against them. With each word Takeshi's eyes enraged then he struck Mark in the face and his ring had cut his cheek.

"YOU SON OF A HOW COULD YOU KEEP THIS FROM ME!?" For the first time in years tears pricked the sides of Mark's eyes. Pain, guilt, sorrow, for hurting Hikari and now Takeshi. He shot up from his seat and brushed his fingers through his long black beard.

He slammed his fist against his desk and tossed the silver brief case to Mark. "You're relieved for the night. Go." Mark said nothing as he bowed and left the room.

Mark sighed as he made his way back up the stairs, he hoped this was the right thing to do because not only did he risk his life but Hikari's. He bumped into someone and instantly bowed and apologized emotionlessly but his eyes widened as he stared down at a note in neat cursive.

"I miss you" he looked up to see a Hikari who was smiling sadly at him. He wish he could tell her how much he misses her as well.

The way she laughed without noise when he threatened to spray her with the hose in the garden as he watered the roses, the feel of her soft hands when she'd bandage his bruised hands from a night of gang related violence but never asked where they came from.

Watching her from her door as she stuck more photos to her board in her room and she'd ask for his opinion and he'd genuinely smile at her. He missed her with every fiber of his being, but to protect her he had to stay away from her.

"You shouldn't be out at this time madam, please return to your room at once" he said coldly and she lowered her head as she did as she was told knowing there was no use in arguing. He followed her to her door and before she shut it she mouthed words to him but he didn't know what she was saying.

The hairs on the back of his neck stood up as he heard a low chuckle from behind him. He turned to see the Mistress in a distasteful outfit and her eyes dark "It's your birthday love, what would you like me to do?"

He bowed his head "Sorry madam but I have nightly business to attend to for the Master" She walked foward and pushed him up against Hikari's door and he hissed as she put out her cigerette on his chest and pressed her body up against his suggestively. Her hands began to roam his body as she sighed in satisfaction.

As disgusted as Mark was he did nothing. He heard the toggle of the door knob and instantly grabbed it to keep it closed. Hikari shouldn't see this. The woman brought her lips to his and he tasted nothing but booze and cigarette smoke. The same taste for the passed 5 years. She left his mouth and bit his earlobe before returning down the hall to her room "Some other time then"

Once she was out of sight Mark ran to his room and quietly slammed the door shut. He ripped of his clothes and tossed them into the laundry and scrubbed himself down in a hot shower till his skin was raw. His mind raced with images of Takeshi confiding him and Hikari's sad smile.

He couldn't do this anymore. His back slid against the shower tiles and as he landed on the floor he brought his hand to his face and a pained sobbed escaped his mouth.

He may not deserve anything because of his screwed up life but Hikari deserved so much better. He got out the shower and examined his body in his mirror. Every inch of him covered in old scars and bullet holes. Each marking reminding him that the pain he endured getting these was nothing compared to the pain of not being able to protect the one person he loved.

He heard the front door open and close. He looked out the window and saw Takeshi's car drive out of the gates. Mark should've been the one driving him around since he was relieved of duties for the night. Suddenly his head shot up when he heard the sound of crashing glass.

He put on his jeans and a black t-shirt and shoved his new gun into his back pocket incase of emergencies. He roamed into the hallways stealthily then his heart dropped.

"YOU LITTLE !" the Mistress was yelling from Hikari's room and he didn't waste a second to dash there. The door was broken off it's hinges as The Mistress held Hikari by the neck with tears running down her face. Mark lunged foward and pried the woman off her and she turned around and slammed her fist against his face.

"Leave!" she bellowed at him and her breath reeked of alcohol. He looked down at Hikari who had pleading eyes but pleading for what? The Mistress lifted her hand to strike Hikari again but he grabbed the hand and brought it to his lips. Hikari's eyes grew wide.

"Not without you ma'm. Let's turn in for the night." he brought her hand back to her side and wrapped himself around her and brought his mouth the the side of her neck completely disarming her.

As they turned for the door Hikari tugged on his shirt and shook her head profusely. She mouthed desperately "Don't go!" He gently released her grip on him making sure the Mistress didn't go off again and smiled at her sadly.

Mark closed the door slowly, taking one last glance at an abused Hikari who was on her hands and knees surrounded by broken glass and scattered pictures and again she started mouthing words to him he didn't understand.

His screams could once again be heard echoing through the halls for the rest of the night.
In the morning Mark dragged his tattered body to the bathroom and examined the damage in the mirror. His pale skin was covered in black and blue marks and red scratches and his abs riddled with love bites. He turned, his back was covered in claw marks and his stomach churned. He splashed cold water on his face and sighed.

He got ready as usual and the day went on normally without a word from anyone. The dining room was silent as both the Master and Mistress were enveloped in their own deep thoughts and Hikari excused herself so her father wouldn't see her abused porcelain skin.

As Mark made his rounds he froze when he heard shouting followed by gun fire from Takeshi's den. He pulled his hidden pistol from his leg holster and ran to the basement. The door was open and The Mistress was standing over the Master's bloody body pointing the pistol at him. Hikari was on the floor with her poloroid camera in her hands as she watched the scene in horror.

Mark's instincts kicked in and he held his gun pointed straight at the woman "Back away slowly or I'll shoot" Hikari looked up at Mark mortified and his heart shattered. He never wanted her to see him this way but he brought his killer gaze back to the woman who was now pointing the gun at him.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO TELL ANYONE DIDN'T I!? HE THREATENED TO LEAVE ME WITH NOTHING! THERE'S NO WAY! NO WAY!" he walked and blocked Hikari with his body with his gun still steady.

"It's over madam, put the gun down. No one else has to get hurt" but he knew his words would do no good, her face was flushed and her eyes were crazed. As soon as she clicked her gun Mark didn't hesitate and he brought one hand to cover Hikari's eyes and shot the Mistress right in the head.

Her lifeless body crashed to the floor with a thump as her blood sprayed everywhere. Mark tried to remove his hand from Hikari's eyes but she shook her head and kept his hand on her eyes with her own. Takeshi coughed and weakly called his daughter's name.

Mark helped her trembling body up and brought her over to her father who was fading fast. She grabbed his bloody hand and brought it to her bruised cheek and silent sobs escaped . He shushed her as he motioned for Mark to come closer. Tears of regret rolled down Takeshi's eyes.

"Hikari, sweet heart, I'm so sorry. So sorry that you had to get dragged into this." she shook her head mouthing words to him and he smiled weakly.

"Shhh honey, everything will be okay now. You'll live a long, happy life. Keep taking pictures, I love them so much and I love you so so much." A tear trickled down Mark's eye as another sob escaped Hikari who gripped her father's hand tighter.

"Mark....." Mark moved in closer "Sir"

"You watch my girl you hear. I took you in when no one else would, I gave you your life back. Please protect mine. Don't stay here, you know where I keep all my money, take it, take it all and live a safe life with Hikari, okay son. You're free Mark, this is my birthday gift to you. I tried to leave her to keep you and Hikari safe but she went crazy."

He coughed up blood and sighed "You two are the greatest good I've ever done in this life."

He brought Hikari's hand to Mark's and held it tight. He smiled one last time "Be good bumblebee I love you, and I love you Mark....... my boy" and his body went limp and lifeless.

Mark grabbed Hikari's sobbing body in his as tears ran down his face as well. "I love you too sir"

The police barged into the room after being signalled by Takeshi's panic button. They saw the pistol near Mark and dragged him off Hikari automatically suspecting he had something to do with it. Mark chuckled at the irony. He was told to protect Hikari but now he'd be put away in prison for life for all the deadly deeds he's done in his young life time.

Hikari got up and started beating on the cops arm silently screaming "Let him go!" Hikari ran to her father's desk and hit a red switch hidden under the picture frame of a drawing she drew for him when she was younger. The walls buzzed and whirled and revealed CCTV's. She played back the happenings of the room proving Mark acted in self defense.

She picked up the scattered poloroids off the floor and showed the cops. They were taken aback. Photos of years of abuse all leading up to the moment her mother pulled the trigger against her father. She made one last run around and pulled a folder out of her father's desk.

She handed it to Mark who opened it and his eyes widened. A formal letter from Takeshi to whoever it may ever concern that Mark was Hikari's legal bodyguard and it stated in the fine print he was allowed to protect her "by any means necessary."

Mark chuckled, that sneaky bastard cared for him so much if he ever got caught doing criminal activity he'd be saved in the blink of an eye. The police took the bodies away as the rest of the workers sobbed and cried outside.

Hikari stood in the door way of her father's den that was now covered in blood and pain. Mark intertwined his fingers with hers and she laid her head against his shoulder.

She took a note out of her pocket and handed it to him. "What do I do now, I have no one....." Mark shook his head and turned her towards him. He wiped the remaining tears from her swollen eyes and bent down on one knee with her hand in his. He pulled his ruby ring off his finger and placed it on her ring finger and kissed it.

"You have me Hikari. Always" and she nodded her head and began to cry again. She took out her notepad and started writing him another note and she held it out to him happily. "You saved me"

He got up and stared into her amethyst eyes. He brought his hand under her chin and tilted her head up and gently covered her lips with his. Their eyes closed as she wrapped her arms around his neck protectively. He broke the kiss and leaned his forehead against hers "No Hikari, you saved me."

He looked at her face and smiled and she smiled back mouthing the words she's been trying to convey for a while now. He nodded his head

"I love you too Hikari"
Author Note: I didn't want to add pictures I thought it'd take away from the story lol But i hope you enjoyed this Enni and other readers \o/

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Chapter 1: Okay so I'll just lay in bed and cry for the rest of my life.
Chapter 1: wo that was tense, but good takeshi turned out to be good after all :)
Chapter 1: Bloody hell, I thought Takeshi was the problem here. Ugh, I should've read this from long ago and this was very sad and I was so tensed throughout the whole read T_T Nonetheless, it was pretty great I loved it.
Chapter 1: I'm nearly crying!! That woman deserve dead.. I hope Mark and Hikari can live peacefully.. :)
Chapter 1: can i have sequel ?lol
envatin #6
Chapter 1: I am in tears ♡