Day 4: Repeat

Starry Eyed (A BTS Drabble Collection)
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Pairing: Yoonseok
Warnings: a little bit of language, shameless fluff
Word Count: 1150


When Hoseok walks - or more like bumps - into his life, Yoongi is two seconds from cutting a and three from just straight up throwing his laptop into the coffee shop's trash bin, where it belongs.

It doesn't help that the younger is stupidly cheerful and smiley, apologizing with the face of an innocent angel, and Yoongi is seriously pondering how much damage he can do to himself with that tiny spoon he had used to stir his coffee before a certain someone spilled the beverage all over the floor. 
Not much, he concludes, and that's just like his dumb luck; forcing this nutcase onto him when he's having a bad day in a bad week of writer's block, music block and general meh.

Maybe the older guy is simply being vindictive about Hoseok spilling his coffee, even though he buys him a new one (and even takes care for it to be exactly the same as the first), or maybe he's just really grumpy in general, but when the younger sits across from him, extending his hand for the simplest of greetings, Yoongi just stares at it, as if Hoseok was not asking for his name, but whether he could punch him in the face or something involving a similar amount of pain and humiliation.
Despite the older guy's clearly unwilling face that has reached level five point six of complete done-ness somewhere along the way, Hoseok manages to catch the other's name, not even muttered, but breathed out in a defeated sigh.

And so, a beautiful friendship begins.

In the next months, Yoongi comes to realize how many more nuances there are in the spectrum from annoyed to done (and sometimes even beyond) that he never knew. 

He's lost before he can even consider the possibility of playing, too busy with noting the small details to see the bigger picture.

Of course Yoongi notices that, whenever the younger is around, his artfully made routine starts to crack a bit around the edges, but what he fails to see is why.

It's way too spontaneous, but he's way too persistent in snaking into Yoongi's daily life, so, for lack of a better solution, Yoongi lets him.

Hoseok comes around unannounced and brings take-out, even though it's not Take-Out-Thursday. 
He calls in the middle of Yoongi's composing to make sure the older has eaten well, and he writes the most obnoxious goodnight-texts Yoongi can imagine, thus even beating Jimin's never-ending grease.

Wherever Hoseok goes, laughter and noise follows him like a vibrant aura, so it should be no surprise that Yoongi's apartment is suddenly way too loud for his own liking, but the fact that he accepts it definitely doesn't mean he's having fun. It doesn't.

Before that fateful day in the coffee shop, his life was easy. Dull and repetitive, but it followed rules, because Yoongi likes how they calm him down. He worries too much for his own good, and he actually prefers solitude to people's company, so everything had been peachy back then. 
Being alone makes it easier for him to do what he loves most - write music - and he has a

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darkmoon_72 #1
Chapter 2: VMon is my favourite and this fic is my favourite, too. Thank you for that ^^ It's just... amazing. Love your writting so much.
Ah, I have a question: Could you please give me the permission to translate this fic into Vietnamese? I promise I'll credit you as author and keep the original link ^^ We have little VMon fic in Vietnam and your fic is wonderful, so I just want to share it to Vietnamese shippers. I'm sure they'll like it a lot ^^ Please~ TTwTT
Hope you will answer me soon~
pearlsonthebeach #2
Chapter 4: YOONSEOK IS LOVE ♥♥
pearlsonthebeach #3
Chapter 3: haha that was funny xD the thirst is real, i love
pearlsonthebeach #4
Chapter 1: That was absolutely beautiful *o*
Chapter 5: i'm not even lying
as i read this from start to end
i raelly wished it was like a one shot on its own beacuse it was so beautiful from start to end and the writing
every second sentence had something to praise and there's just too many to name
it was really nice and awesome. i wish you got more attention for it. it was really nice. anyway, late merry christmas and happy new year :)
nice udpate :) hope you have an awesome 2015
Chapter 4: Your fluff is the best fluff
Chapter 4: oi my otp xD your fluff is so cute! i kept on cooing over grumpy yoongi and sunshine seok ;u;
Chapter 3: This was so cute. I don't there is a person alive who can't relate somehow to ual frustration in their teen years. I like Jimin and Jungkook in this ship. Really good story, really good use of teen angst, and want. The writing as always was really amazing.
Chapter 2: Wow! Just wow. This seems so Namjoon like. A thinker that wants love, but thinks his way out of claiming it. I loved this. But then again Vmon is my fav. Thanks for this. It was amazing. *happy tears*