Growl (1/2)


I have 12 Oppas. that’s right 12. My name is Park ChanYoung, the younger sister of Park ChanYeol.

We call him the happy virus - by we i mean me and his 11 best friends, ofcourse. They are an odd bunch as it is….. I mean… we have Umma Suho, He’s like the leader of the group and mothers us all.

Then there is Kris, He’s the cool guy, but he has his soft side….I didn’t tell you that.

Ofcourse there is then Lay.. he won’t show emotion unless he can’t hide it. He’s not Emotionless, he just likes to be private.

There is the oldest, Xuimin, now despite his name… he’s Korean, and despite his age, is probably one of the most adorable guys i have ever met.
Baekhyun...Our Diva, You think i’m joking? I’m not. He is always correcting me on clothes and he’s Chanyeol’s boyfriend. I think they are a strange pair, but so loving.

We have the Dancing Machine Kai, He’s funny and his dancing is amazing!

And, Tao, Our resident Kungfu Panda, He is a master of Martial arts… Takes my breath away….when he doesn’t encounter his cute clumsy side ofcourse.

D.O, He’s our Shy guy, He’s so adorable and his eyes are so huge he looks like an owl!

Chen… He is..well He’s a dinosaur, but his voice…. It’s one that would give you goosebumps!

Sehun, The youngest male. He is only a few weeks older than me… But he insists he is an oppa, so i just go along with it.

And Finally, Luhan….Luhan is My all time crush. He’s Chinese, just like Lay, Tao and Kris. Luhan… look’s like a deer, He’s super adorable….. He thinks he is manly...but everything he does is cute….

Oh! I didn’t Mention that my Oppa’s are a gang did i? Yup…..these crazy guys are a GANG… They call themselves the EXO wolves.

Now...Being the sister of one of these gang members, makes me a target for any other gangs they disagree with. Which is how I found myself tied to a chair in the Middle of a room i didn’t recognize, surrounded by 5 males. I knew them, SHINee is what they called themselves.


“Come on you need to eat….” Their Youngest was trying to feed me. He didn’t seem so bad…. I didn’t like the look of the big eyed frog look-alike in the corner though. I shook my head refusing to eat.

“Tae baby, don’t force her….” Key, the feline eyed one smiled and petted the yougest on the head. Seriously… these guys were the ones who were keeping me tied to a chair? The looked about as soft as a goose feather pillow. I rolled my eyes and sighed, just how long were the Guys going to take? No sooner had that thought entered my head, when the door was kicked open. Tao! I grinned as the others piled in after him.

“You ok ChanYoung-ah?” Luhan knelt next to me and i nodded.

“You can’t seriously think i would get hurt by these guys… right?...Uh Hello?! I was taught self defense by Tao.” I huffed and Luhan giggled.

“If that was the wouldn’t be tied to a chair.” He ruffled my hair and began untying the knots. The others were staring down the SHINee gang...I hate to admit it…. but the whole thing seemed stupid…. None of them looked the least bit frightening...I had to stop myself from bursting into laughter on more than one occasion.

“Who said you could take my sister?” Chanyeol glared at Key, who was eying Baekhyuns outfit with great interest. “And get your eyes off my boyfriend!” I sighed and turned my attention back to Luhan.

“What took you guys so long?” Luhan’s eyebrows were furrowed as he struggled with the knots.

“Baekhyun said we couldn’t turn up wearing just any old thing.” I growled under my breath, Damn Bacon and his love for clothes! “Aww, calm down… You look adorable when you are mad, but you are pouting… and it makes me want to do this…” He kissed my cheek and i blushed a little before hearing key pipe up.

“You’ll have to fight us.” I sighed in relief. At least our side has Tao. Nobody would beat him…. And then…..They attacked. Now i know what you are thinking… Fists flying, legs kicking, shouting and tackling…..Right? You couldn’t be more wrong Chingu…..Oh no…. These gangs dont fight with fists….No…. They Sing...and Dance… You’re just as shocked as me right? Well maybe not. But, for me that’s extremely shocking. So when they agreed, i winced expecting to have to clean blood off my Oppas. Chanyeol took out a coin, and flipped it calling heads. What the HELL? Why were they flipping coins?! When the coin landed on heads, Kai pulled his phone and speakers out of his hoodie pocket, setting them up in the corner.

“I’ll be right back.” Luhan smiled at me and then took his place with the others. Then the broke out into song and dance……

“I’m doomed…..” I groaned but then they suddenly caught my attention, ‘I growl, growl growl’. Ofcourse they would use that term, considering what they call themselves. The perfomance was actually quite good…. I didn’t even know half of my Oppa’s could sing…. Seriously… D.O… shy D.O was belting out a voice that shocked me. And when Luhan started singing…. I wouldn’t have needed to be tied, i froze in my chair….literally. When it was over, i realised i wasnt even tied anymore. I really didn’t want to have to go through watching SHINee too. I stood, and walked silently infront of the 5 males. I curled my hand into a fist and punched the tallest in the face. then i flicked the rest on the nose. “That’s enough of that. Guys? can we go now? I’m hungry!” Luhan grinned and then we simply left.

“ could have just left?” Chanyeol was pouting at me. I shook my head, as Luhan defended me.

“No she was tied up, i loosened the knots.” I was pulled back by Tao who gave me a ‘stern’ look. Well what he thought looked stern.

“You could have taken those guys easily…. Why didn’t you?” I shrugged and he followed my gaze to Luhan, “Ah...say no more.” Then he skipped ahead to the others. I, however, stopped.

“Wait….What the...Isn’t anyone going to explain to me what the hell that was?!” They 12 males turned and shrugged. “You guys were singing and dancing….. What kind of Gang fights with that?!” I groaned, "I don't fancy being kidnapped for a free musical!" I folded my arms at them.

"Some gangs can be won with dancing. Others we would have to fight..." Suho petted me on the head and then linked my arm through Xuimin's,

"Min, why don't you take Chanyoung on a little walk?" Xuimin nodded and pulled me away. I tilted my head and Xuimin shrugged.

"They have to finish the battle. so they have to Watch SHINee. Otherwise they'll come get you again...." He gave me an apologetic shrug and i kicked at the ground annoyed.

"This is ridiculous! Oppa.... I understand everyone has their own way of winning...But...Dancing and singing?! Are you all out of your mind?! What if actual gangs get hold of EXO's name and comes to attack. I know You have Tao and Baek but.....seriously?!" I ruffled my hair and Xuimin held his hand on my arm.

"We are an actual gang!" He pouted at me and i roled my eyes back at him.

"Oh? and who told you that?!" I was beyond angry.... I had always thought my oppa's were cool.... Now, i find out they are just battling Idol-wannabes!

"The guys we beat up last week, they weren't a dance match" Xuimin scratched his head, "And usually neither are SHINee.... you got lucky. Here the others come." I spun round to face them.

"This whole gang thing is Warped! Who, what...argh! i just....aish!" I kicked the corner or a nearby wall in annoyance. I felt Kai put his hand on my shoulder. I shrugged him off, "How am i supposed to feel safe now?!"

That was 2 months ago.... and guess what... i was right. Now, I'm in real trouble.... because of my moron brother and his friends, I'm stuck in some damp little room in the middle of god knows where surrounded by alot of guys with guns. That's right guns... How the hell is performing a musical number going to help me now?! I dread to think....

"Yah! Let me go! I'm serious, my brother can't fight you guys! They arent even a gang!" I'm really vouching for my moronic friends safety. This gang holding me hostage is the real deal... i mean literally, down to matching tattoos and a big beefy guy pinning my arms behind my back. Well i suppose i should just give up.... Nice knowing you Oppas! Or not... Tao just kicked down the door again.... I am literally groaning.... D.O is checking i'm not hurt. "I'm not hurt. just annoyed.... see! this is exactly what i meant!" I'm now currently glaring at my oldest friend. That's right Xuimin you hide behind Sehun! I'm so kicking your backside if you live through this..... Not even Luhan is going to be safe...


ok so... this one-shot is taking a while for me to transfer from paper to laptop. so.... have part one XD

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