

“If you were a fruit you’d be a fineapple.”

Seungyoon choked on his coffee almost dripping some of the contents onto himself, looking to his side he caught sight of jinwoo snickering into his sleeve with seunghoon next to him. Shooting the duo a sharp glare before he returned back to drinking, recently seunghoon had been hanging out with jinwoo a lot lately (much to his distaste) and seunghoon had been teaching jinwoo all these cheesy pick up lines.

Majority of the time jinwoo would sneak up whispering them when seungyoon was busy or distracted catching him off guard. Fighting down the uprising blush he looked back in time to see seunghoon drape his arm around jinwoo bringing him closer showing off something funny in his phone. ‘Stupid seunghoon and his stupid pick up lines.’ Getting up from his seat he left his empty mug in the sink making his way into the living room dropping onto the sofa that was occupied by mino and taehyun.

Mino was the first to greet seungyoon before realising the scowl upon the others face, “did he do it again?”

“This is all because of seunghoon and his greasy ways it’s starting to rub off onto jinwoo.”

“You know the more time seunghoon spends with jinwoo the grouchier you get.”

Seungyoon slumped in his sofa watching the tv that was on but he wasn’t listening at all to the program that was on.

“Yeah hyung, I think you’re just jealous of the two.” Taehyun spoke up leaning over to snatch the remote next to mino.

“More like, he’s jealous of seunghoon being with jinwoo.”

Seungyoon grabbed the pillow behind him smacking mino in the face, kang seungyoon wasn’t jealous at all. Just because the two were basically attached to the hip didn’t make him jealous at all, it didn’t make him jealous that seunghoon was able to make jinwoo laugh until tears spilled out of those crescent eyes, it didn’t make him jealous that he was able to grace a smile over jinwoos face, and he certainly didn’t wish that it was seungyoon instead making jinwoo like that.

No, seungyoon wasn’t jealous at all.


The next time it had happened was when they had just finished recording and was heading off towards the van smiling and waving at the fans along the way, the nearby trees began to rain leaving leaves in every path. One of them had happen to fall on top of seungyoons head, brushing it away he hadn’t noticed jinwoo leaning in covering his mouth.

“You’re so beautiful that even the leaves are falling for you.”

Jinwoo quickly leaned away sheepishly smiling before running into the van; seungyoon scoffed fighting off the small smile appearing at the sight of jinwoo scurrying away in a hurry, hiding the smile in his scarf he made his way inside the van.


The third time was when they had a day off seunghoon, mino, and taehyun were in the living room noisily playing some game and seunghoon had just woken up from his nap and decided to find a snack before he head back into his room where his bed awaits him. Grabbing an orange he began peeling off the skin along the way, the weather had been getting colder and colder not forgetting that the day grew longer as well.

He stopped briefly to sneeze before he mentally made a note that he should start to putting the heat up higher, sniffling he carried on his way when he felt a tug on his arm.

“Have you been to the doctor lately? Cause I think you’re lacking in vitamin me.

Seungyoon recognised that voice, he was about to catch jinwoo in a headlock but stumbled as jinwoo laughed running pass him locking himself in the bathroom. Overlooking the bathroom door seungyoon chuckled to himself as he continued walking on, the next time for sure he won’t let jinwoo escape that easily. In fact he’d rather give jinwoo a taste of his own medicine.


Today they had dance practice after about nearly three hours of pouring sweat and aching muscles they were finally allowed to have a break, the moment the choreographer had left the group collapsed onto the cold floor trying to cool down and steady their heartbeats. Mino and taehyun announced that they were going to buy drinks from the vending machine as they dragged their heavy feet; it wasn’t long until seunghoon had left the dance studio to go to the toilet.

Now it was only seungyoon and jinwoo left.

Setting his back against the cool mirror sent shivers down seungyoons spine, glancing around the almost empty room he spotted a certain someone in the corner. Smiling to himself he carefully got up and approached the eldest crouching in front of him, jinwoo currently had his head nestled in his arms with his back against the mirror. Tapping the other gently on the arm jinwoo brought his had up from his arms instantly locking eyes with seungyoon.

“who needs a map when one can rome freely in your beautiful eyes.”

It took a few minutes for the words to sink into jinwoos head that seungyoon had used a pick up line on him, feeling the flustered heat paint his cheeks before he let out a laugh that sounded like music to seungyoons ears.

“That’s a really cheesy pick up line.”

“Really? Compared to the ones you’ve been telling me this week.” Seungyoon watched as jinwoo became even more flustered in front of him.

Seungyoon moved closer towards jinwoo trapping him in between his legs as he brought jinwoos hands together with his own, he blankly looked at jinwoo and said;

“Mosaics are made from broken pieces but they’re still works of art and so are you.”

The atmosphere around them grew tense with only the sound of the clock that could be heard, until jinwoo erupted into a fit of laughter. Tears began to peak at the corner of his eyes as his loud laughter echoed through the room, like a domino effect seungyoon couldn’t help but laugh along with jinwoo too finding the others laughter to be contagious.

After jinwoos laughter had died down seungyoon let go of one of jinwoos hands to brush away the stray tear that was running down with his thumb.

“You’re gross do you know that.”

“You wanna be gross together with me?”

The eldest snorted at the comment before leaning his head onto seungyoons shoulder, stretching his legs out by seungyoons sides as he reunited their hands together again.




I have a class at 10am with an overdue manifesto to be handed in which I havent started at all but instead I watched ghibli movies all day and then did this. my priorities are a jokkeee omsdcfvgh I'll look back over this to edit some parts later on. TT TT

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Chapter 3: Thank you for jinyoon
but your writing is so good omg
Chapter 3: Im crying brb
hangsangmideo #4
Chapter 2: This is so cheesy but so so cute as well. Hahaha please keep on writing JinYoon. The world needs more of them keke
Chapter 2: i love it. i love it. i love it!! i'll patiently wait for moreeee. ahhh thank you so much! <3
wryhun #6
Chapter 2: OMG, soooo cuteeee! (Yes, I am going to apply these pick-up lines on somebody! They are sweet and flattering, but not gross at all!)
nanaxoxoxo #7
Chapter 1: Awwwww really love it!

Pls write more jinyoon auhornim! <3
Yay! Been looking for a Jinyoon fic