♦○I didn't ask for your opinion○♦

♦○I didn't ask for your opinion○♦

Author Note: My dream from last night somehow turned into a straight up fluffy fanfic...how????? lol Ehh it's fine I've done enough dramatic Mark ones anyway~ This one's a quick read, short sweet and to the point :D
Song I enjoyed while writing this: She's So Gone Naomi Scott https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8NnMZEHkx4
In elementary:
Sung Hee: Just you watch I'm going to be the greatest idol in the whole world!
Other kids: Sure Sung Hee keep dreaming hahahaha!

In middle school:
Sung Hee: There's nothing I'd rather do than be an idol and that's that!
Teachers: Be realistic Sung Hee

Now a senior in high school Sung Hee's goal of being an idol hasn't changed and each day she felt she was one step closer to her goal. For years she's been taking vocal and dance lessons trying to polish up her skills and her peers around her were maybe finally starting to believe in her........until one day 2 years ago.


The room went wild as the red headed flying member of GOT7 enrolled at the Academy for classes and Sung Hee who was too enveloped in her music didn't pay attention to the commotion around her.

"Having a JYP idol in my classroom is such an honor! Welcome aboard Mr.Tuan may your time here be pleasureable!" the elderly teacher shook Mark's hand and he gently brought her wrinkled hand to his lips and kissed them softly and flashed a flawless smile. "The honors all mine"


The girls swooned as each cooed for their Oppa's attention and the teacher scanned around for an empty seat. "Mr.Tuan, you may have a seat next to Ms.Sung Hee....the girl who yet again has her earphones in during class!"

The teacher turned to the board and grabbed a piece of chalk from the side and flung it straight for Sung Hee's head and as if clock work Sung Hee lifted her notebook to block the bullet.

"Honestly Ms.Sung Hee keep your head out of the clouds and back to reality, yes?"

Sung Hee wrapped up her earphones and mp3 player and shoved them into her bag. She finally looked up and locked eyes with the male idol "Woah"

Everyone started whispering as Mark chuckled "Is that a good woah or a bad woah?" Sung Hee's been to multiple Kpop concerts admiring the idols from afar but being in the same room as one felt totally different.

"Mrs.Seohyun I don't think that's a wise choice" one girl got up and crossed her arms and smirked in Sung Hee's direction.

"How so?"
"Everyone knows Sung Hee's been striving to be an idol since she was a kid. It wouldn't be smart to put her near one or else she'd just take advantage of them~"

The rest of the girls nodded in agreement as the guys for being an obsessive weirdo. Sung Hee didn't say a word. They have no idea how hards she's worked and she'd accomplish her dream on her own terms not resorting to some crap like "leeching" off an idol.

She leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms "Yeah dude you want to stay away from me, cause I'm just THAT desperate" Mark smirked and made his way over to the empty desk despite everyone's protest.

He took a seat and smiled at her and she nodded her head in reponse as the popular girl scoffed "Don't say I didn't warn you"

For some unknown reason Mark Tuan ended up in every one of her classes and already the rumors were starting to fly.

Just watch she'll be friends with him just to use him!
Poor Mark stuck with the K-idol Wannabe~
Poor guy doesn't stand a chance
Let him, maybe he could show her what being a real idol is about and shut her up!

Finally lunch came and like always Sung Hee made her way to the school's practice room instead of the cafeteria. Since freshman year she's never once been to the cafeteria since the Prinicipal admired her ambition of being an entertainer and allowed her access to the practice room whenever she wanted.

She changed into her workout attire and pulled out her portable speakers from her bag along with her sandwich she brought from home. She sighed, her parents believed in her dream but why couldn't everyone else?

She shook her head determinedly and stood as the music started playing. She didn't need anyone else to believe in her as long as she believed in herself and there was no way she was going to fail.

15 minutes into her choreography and the door to the practice room opened and slammed. Sung Hee who was breathing heavily paused her music and raised an eye brow at the individual by the door.

"Mark?" she made her way over as a panting Mark brought his finger to his lips to shush her as he blocked the door with his body.



Sung Hee eyed the door as she heard a train of footsteps run by the hallway.


"Uh-Oh" she muttered then she gasped as Mark grabbed her and the two hid behind the door that swung open and barely missed their bodies.

One girl came into the center of the room and started looking around. Sung Hee struggled in Mark's grasp as he held his hand over and his other arm around her waist and she could feel his heart beat against her back.

The girl pouted and called out "No one's here! Not even the Wannabe!" she skipped out the room and slammed the door behind her. Mark sighed and finally let go of her and Sung Hee gave him an annoyed look.

"Why did you do that?"
"What? hide from them?"
"No, drag me along with you! They know I use this room! You just wasted a perfectly good 5 minutes of my practice time!"

"Sheesh relax! I'm sorry my well being wasted your time" he smirked at her and she trudged back to her speakers. Mark crossed his arms and leaned his back against the wall observing her and she shot him another look.

"What are you still doing here?"
"I want to watch, is that a crime?"
"Uh Yeah it's an invasion of my privacy"
"It's not like it's your room"
"For your information I have the right to be here, you don't so leave"

Mark pushed off the wall and walked towards her with a smile on his face. He stood in front of her eyeing her from her head to her feet and he nodded.

"Not bad~"
"I didn't ask for your opinion"

He reached over and brought his face close to hers and Sung Hee closed her hands into fists ready for anything. He chuckled and reached behind her to hit the play button on her mp3 player and his eyes lit up at the familiar sound of a 2PM song.


He made his way to the center of the room and winked at himself in the mirror and Sung Hee rolled her eyes. He started dancing perfectly along with the song while flashing her a smile here and there. At the end he bowed to her, waiting for an applause but she kept her arms crossed.

"You didn't like it?"
"Are you finished? Can you leave now?"

He pouted and stole her water bottle from the side and air sipped it. He then eyed her innocently and held the bottle out to her and he chuckled when she rolled her eyes again.

"One day they're going to get stuck rolling like that"
"Peachy, now go"
"Now it's your turn! Let me see what you got Idol girl!"

She trudged foward and lifted her head up towards him "What don't you get about "leave?"

"Why do you want me to leave so bad? I'm an idol, you want to be an idol, I can help you~"
"That's the thing I DONT WANT YOUR HELP!"

She then turned around and started packing her belongings. If the others found out he was in here with her they'd automatically think she was hounding him and she didn't need that kind of drama.

She walked passed him and yelped as he pulled her back by her bag with a sad expression.

"Look, I'm sorry okay. I'm sorry no ones taking you seriously because I'm here"

She pulled away and continued for the door. "You have nothing to apologize for. They don't take me seriously whether you're here or not"

Sung Hee shoved her books into her locker with her music blasting as usual completely ignoring the fact Mark Tuan's locker was now right next to hers. Suddenly someone pulled her from her locker and slammed her door shut.

"What the hell!?" she pulled the earphones out of her ears as she glared at her classmate from earlier who now had a gang of goons behind her.

She started calling for everyone's attention. "Ladies and Gents I was right wasn't I?"

Sung Hee adjusted her clothes and crossed her arms. "About?"

Everyone started crowding around them and the girl smirked.

"It's only been a day and Sung Hee's already trying to sink her teeth into Mark our lovely new Idol student!" everyone started whispering as Sung Hee raised an eye brow "What?"

The girl brought out her princess pink phone and held it up to her face "I have pictures of you coming out of your little closet and Mark coming out right after you!"

Everyone gasped and Sung Hee scoffed "And somehow that's worse than you taking stalker pics, am I right?"

Stay away from Oppa!
Wannabe stay away from Mark he's too good for you!
Why do you look so mad did he school you on being an idol?!
That has to be it she finally realized she's chasing a dead dream!

The hall started filling with ridiculed laughter and names and Sung Hee's blood started to boil. She knew this would happen! She told him to leave!

"Excuse me....." everyone fell silent as they looked at the red headed boy who had a serious expression on his face. "I can't get to my locker"

"Mark do you want to switch lockers so you can get away from the obsessive Wannabe?" the girl cooed and batted her eye lashes at him. Mark said nothing as he braved through the crowd.

"I'm fine where I am thanks. Aren't you guys going to be late or something?"

Mark's cold voice startled everyone and the crowd slowly disappeared. Sung Hee took in a deep breath to calm her nerves and went back to her locker.

"Are they always like that?" he asked concernedly but she said nothing as she continued to rummage through her belongings.
"You know you're pretty strong for not going off on them, from what I've seen you're pretty feisty~" Silence.

He sighed and slowly tried closing her locker door and she blocked it with her arm and glared at him.

"Now that I have your attention. I know exactly what you're going through Sung Hee. Having a dream that seems impossible and everyone around you just wants to put you down. You know why? Because they know you can do it and they can't stand to see someone so determined reach their goal"

She politely shoved his hand off her locker door and closed it.

"We should be friends you know. We have alot in common. You know like liking 2PM, having the same classes together, being an idol, wannabe or not~" She didn't find his joke funny at all. Actually she found him quite infuriating. Wasn't GOT7's Mark suppose to be quiet and aloof?

"Be friends with you? Mark Tuan, you are the LAST person I'd want to be friends with.ever." she said coldy and stormed away and she could hear Mark chuckle in amusement as he closed his locker door.

Present day

Sung Hee got up from her chair and made her way over to the teacher to hand in her paper. They smiled at her "That was quick"

She shrugged "I have a new lyric book that needs my words of wisdom teach~" they chuckled and nodded their head. She made her way back over to her desk and noticed her book missing.

She instantly shot her glare straight ahead to the red headed nuisance in front of her desk who was scribbling away as if nothing was happening.

"Give it back"

Mark looked up innocently and batted his long eye lashes "I don't know what you're talking about♥"

She placed her hands on her desk and continued to glare at him "I told you to give it back!" He winked at her and pulled her notebook out of his lap and waved it cutely.

"Is that anyway to speak to your friend who helped you become a JYP trainee, hmmmmm~?"
"I'm not your friend!"
"You're right. I meant Best Friend~"

Since that day at her locker for the past two years Mark has stuck to Sung Hee like glue whether she liked it or not. Teachers took notice of it and assigned her to take notes for him when he was too busy with a schedule to attend class and when there was a partner project before she could reject it Mark already claimed her as his own.

People didn't have the chance to hate on her because Mark would always be there in a heart beat to defend her. He stopped eating in the cafeteria and snuck into Sung Hee's practice room and after he wouldn't budge from her yelling at him she accepted the fact he was there and continued to practice not wanting to waste anymore time.

"I was actually expecting you to "
"What part of "No talking" don't you understand?"
"I'm not talking! I'm "complimenting"!"

As days went on she got more and more used to his prescense and allowed him to help her with her choreography and rapping skills since he couldn't sing. There really was a difference between idol technique and hers and though she despised him she memorized every piece of advice he's ever given her.

One day when she was munching on her usual sandwich Mark came in and slammed the door shut and locked it. She didn't bother to look up at him, she never did and her eyes narrowed as he shoved a form in her face.


"Fill this out. Now." he demanded and shoved a pen into her hand. She placed her sandwich down and shoved the pen back at him and he shoved it right back in her hand and wrapped his hand tight around hers so she couldn't move it.

"I'm serious Sung Hee!" she eyed the suspicious form and her eyes widened. A JYP Trainee form?


"Technically you're already a trainee but they need your info before you can officially start~" he smiled a toothy grin at her and she thought he was finally crazy.

"What are you talking about?"
"I filmed one of your dance practices here then another video of you in the music room. I showed it to JYP-PD nim and he said he'd love to have you!"
"Stop lying"
"I'm being totally serious, wait!"

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and hit a number on speed dial.

"Jackson, remember Sung Hee, the girl I showed you?"
"The hot one?" Mark and Sung Hee rolled their eyes at the same time.


"I'm trying to make her sign the Trainee form but she doesn't believe me that she got in"

Jackson laughed on the other end "Hot chick he's not lying I was there when he shoved his phone "politely" in PD-nim's face and asked for his consideration and Mark insisted he wasn't leaving until he said yes!"

"See, I told you!"
"Hey hot chick maybe you want to grab a bite to....." -beep- Mark instantly hung up the phone and beamed at her. She was speechless as she shook her hand free of his and stared down at the form. She was actually one step closer to accomplishing her dream.

Sung Hee never told anyone she's auditioned to be a trainee at other companies but they always shot her down, said she wasn't pretty enough or not up to their standards. After years of hard work......

She lunged into Mark's arms who fell onto his back with an "oomph" and he laughed. "Are you trying to maul me or thank me?"  but then he fell silent when he felt tears dribble down his neck.

"Sung Hee?"

She lifted her face and smiled down at him with teary eyes. "Thank you. Thank you so much." A happy sob escaped and she covered as more tears fell. He smiled at her and brought his hand to her face and wiped the tears with his thumb.

"I didn't do anything it was all you baby girl"

"I'm not your friend. I'm not your best friend. I don't even like you" Sung Hee rambled as she and Mark stretched for P.E. He lifted his arms over his head and chuckled.

"Of course you don't like me~ you love me!" she scoffed "Whatever."

"I heard you're one of the top Trainee's already in such a short period of time. I'm so proud of you baby girl!" he smiled and she turned his back towards him.

"Stop calling me that, I'm not your "baby girl" your antics don't work on me only your love sick fangirls"
"When will you admit you want me?"
"Now I see why you and Jackson are the best of friends"

He laughed a high pitched laugh "Why is it your mom likes me more than you do?"


"Because you helped her only daughter get one step closer to her life's dream. But I didn't want your help nor did I need it"
"Most people don't "WANT" the presents they're given at christmas either~"
"What does that even mean?"
"I don't know I just needed a come back....."

She chuckled and started jogging towards the field and Mark laughed "Hey wait up!" Suddenly she heard him groan in pain and she skidded to a hault. She turned around and Mark was hunched over on the ground.

She didn't even hesitate to run back to him and she started to panic "HEY ARE YOU OKAY!?" Mark nodded as he continued to clutch to his stomach.

"Can you stand?" she knelt in front of him and tried to help him up and at the half way point he fell to the ground again. Sung Hee was actually starting to freak now. What do I do What do I do?!

"I'll go get help!" she turned to run when Mark grabbed onto her wrist. "No I just need....." She whipped her head around "What? I'll get it for you!"

"I need....."

He yanked her down and brought his lips to hers for a sweet kiss and he smiled against her lips as she shoved him away embarassed.


He giggled "I needed a little sugar~ My blood sugar was low but now I'm all better! YOU SAVED MY LIFE THANK YOU~"

He wiped a tear from his eye and grew speechless when he looked at her. She was looking at him horrified.

"Hey I'm sorry I didn't mean to take it that far...I just got caught up in the moment...."
"I thought you were really hurt !"

She crawled over and shoved him then started pounding on his arm "YOU SCARED ME!" He laughed and grabbed her wrists and pulled her down so they were chest to chest and he smiled a derpy smile "Awwww you care~"


Sung Hee pushed herself up and crossed her arms as Mark followed right behind her. "I'm fine! I promise look!" He backflipped then bowed and she said nothing then he continued doing more martial arts tricking "Ta-dah~"

He bowed again and was surprised when he heard a soft applause. He looked up and smiled huge when he saw she was clapping for him "Congradualtions you're officially as big an idiot as Jackson is"

He laughed and made his way over to her. "I think now I can admit that I want you. I've wanted you Sung Hee since you blocked that flying chalk like some type of anime character on my first day you weirdo!"

She crossed her arms and glared at him "I think you admitted that loud and clear when you stole that kiss from me!"

He took a step foward and bit his lip "Want to do it again?" and she took a step back and blushed profusely "No I don't "want to do it" again!"

He grabbed her hands and laced their fingers together "You also didn't WANT my help~ Nor did you NEED it~"

She raised an eye brow at him but didnt let go of his hands "And you need me to kiss you?" and he nodded his head and beamed at her.

"Hmmm I don't know if you're qualified for that. I mean there's a form to fill out then there's the audition and we're not even friends......"

He ducked his head in for a quick peck on her lips and grinned "I'm not your "friend" I think the proper term is "boyfriend"~" He let go of one of her hands and they started walking towards the field.


"Boyfriend? Isn't that for me to decide?" she giggled
"I didn't ask for your opinion!"
Author Note: Sassy Mark is sassy in Author-nim's dreams \o/  I hope you enjoyed this quick little none sense xD

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TurkishAhgase #1
Chapter 1: This ending though so adorable <3
Chapter 1: That's it, I found my favorite author. Pffft. Let me love you.
Chapter 1: loved it! too cute!
youneedtonot #4
very cute! i love your mark one shots they are so damn adorable
Chapter 1: can't you make sequel for this story, when sung hee already become an idol and mark already become her boyfriend~ awe~ that will be so many fluff~ authornim~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ juseyo~
Shino159 #6
Chapter 1: OMG Mark is sooo annoying xD Cute couple ^^ if she didn't like him then he would be reaaaaaaaaallly annoying... Oh and I think you had a typo here: "He left go of one of her hands and they started walking towards the field." -> He let go?
Love your stories ^^
Chapter 1: Best story
The reaction Jackson so cute at picture(Jackson)