Twizzlers and English

Twizzlers and English

Chapter 1:


Chanyeol stared at Kris with adoration. There was just something about the way his hyung spoke in English that just made the happy virus stop and stare. It was nothing compared to the way the Chinese man spoke in Korean and Mandarin. The way the words just rolled out of his mouth, it was like music to Chanyeol's ears. That deep voice somehow had more charisma to it.

"Yes, thank you." said Kris in perfect English with a smile "We are enjoying are time here in America."

Chanyeol snapped out of his day dream and looked up at the young woman who happened to be getting an autograph from his friend.

"H-hello," Chanyeol said in broken English as he welcomed the girl as she slid over to him to get an autograph

Bowing his head in embarrassment when he heard the girl giggle at his shot at speaking English, Chanyeol uncapped his marker and pulled the open book closer to him and he quickly sign his name and capped his marker again unaware that a certain blond was eyeing him.



"Aaaahhh," yawned Chanyeol as he got out of the van "I'm beat!"

"You said it," muttered Baekhyun as he let out a yawn as well "I cannot wait to lay down and 'de smile'."

"I hate to say it hyung," commented the maknae "but your face is now stuck like that."

"You’re going to sleep with your face like that," crackled Tao "I feel sorry for whoever is rooming with you."

"You’re rooming with him," muttered Chen, lips turning up into a smile

"What?" said Tao confused

"Yah Tao," smirked Baekhyun "Don't be scared if you wake up and I'm staring at you with my smile."

"I don't wanna room with him!" whined Tao "Suho hyung! Let me room with you!"

"I'm rooming with him," remarked Sehun with an evil smile "And no I don't want to trade."

"This is so unfair!" stomped Tao "Duizhang! Let's room together!"

"Nope." said Kris "I'm rooming with Chanyeol."

"Chanyeol?" moped Tao, putting on his best aegyo for the tall man "Please?"

"Sorry Tao," apologized Chanyeol with a small smile "Baek is too loud when he sleeps."

"Hey!" interrupted Baekhyun "What's the big idea with you all ganging up on me?"

"Just pointing out the obvious hyung," replied Sehun with a smirk

"That's enough you guys," smiled Suho intervening "Tao it's just for one night, I'm sure you can handle it."

"B-but," stuttered Tao "I wanna sleep with you!"

"No way man!" said Sehun loudly pushing the Chinese member aside and hugging his leader "I called dibs before we even came to America!"

Chanyeol laughed tiredly as the two younger members of the group started to make a ruckus with their argument. Glancing down at his watch, Chanyeol clicked his tongue nervously; it was getting late. Which meant if they stayed here any longer, he would only have 5 hours of sleep if he was lucky. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Kris speak out loudly next to him, causing him to jump slightly at the sudden noise.

"Enough!" said Kris loudly calling the other members to look at him "Tao you’re rooming with Baekhyun and that's that! Sehun quit teasing Tao! Everyone else get to your rooms, now!"

As quickly as Kris as spoke everyone quickly dispersed and went their separate ways, which ended up being the elevator. Chanyeol yawned once more and picked up his luggage and started to make his way there as well.


Chanyeol sighed happily as he walked out of the bathroom, a towel draped over his damp head. He walked into the joining room and notice that the lights were still on, frowning Chanyeol noticed that the room was vacant of his roommate for the night. Rubbing his hair with his towel Chanyeol walked over to his bed and sat down on the soft fluffy bed. That shower proved to be exactly what he needed, he felt refreshed and now ready for bed.

Chucking his towel onto the empty chair in the corner, he got up and walked over to his bag and pulled out a wife beater to sleep in along with some sweats when Chanyeol heard a soft click signaling that the door was opening meaning that Kris had returned. Quickly gathering his clothes for the night, Chanyeol made a mad dash for the bathroom.

Kris blinked in surprise when he saw Chanyeol run past him and into the bathroom slamming the door shut when he entered. Staring at the closed door confused, Kris reached out and knocked on the door.

"Chanyeol?" he asked curiously

"Y-yeah hyung?" piped Chanyeol through the door

"Are you okay?" Kris asked slowly

"Yep!" Chanyeol called out "Just getting ready for bed!"

"Ah," nodded Kris "When you’re done, I have something for you."

"Be right out hyung!" said Chanyeol excitedly

Smiling to himself, Kris stepped away from the bathroom door and walked into the room placing the shopping bag he was carrying on the table before he sat down on the empty chair getting comfortable by letting his head drop back on the head rest letting out a groan of relief when his back popped in several places down his spin.

Kris stared at the blank ceiling feeling exhausted but also a little nervous. He saw the way Chanyeol was struggling to speak English. The younger man had been attempting to learn more English words so he could speak to their English speaking fans, but when the girl laughed at his first attempt, he saw how embarrassed he had gotten and didn't say a word to the fans after that but smiled and posed for pictures. Reaching for the bag, Kris took out the contents and placed them on the table and discarded the shopping bag when Chanyeol emerged from the bathroom.

"What do you got there hyung?" asked Chanyeol curiously as he walked up to Kris

"Something for you," replied Kris as he patted his hand on one of the items "sit down Chanyeol."

Nodding his head, Chanyeol walked to the open seat in front of Kris and sat down. Blinking his eyes with curiosity, the happy virus reached across the table and pulled one of the small rectangle box over to him.

"Twizzlers?" he asked quietly looking at Kris "Is this for me?"

"Yes," said Kris thoughtfully before he reached over and took back the box of candy "and no."

"What?" asked Chanyeol confused "You said-?"

"They are your reward." cut off Kris "You will get them only if you do well."

"What do you mean?" wondered Chanyeol as he looked at the taken candy "Reward for what?"

"I'm going to say a phrase," said Kris with a straight face "and I want you to say it in English the best that you can."

"Hyung," said Chanyeol nervous casting his eyes down to his lap "You know I can't speak English."

"Yet," corrected Kris "You can't speak it yet."

"I don't think this is-" started Chanyeol

"I know you've been learning English," said Kris abruptly causing the younger to look at him surprised "so I know you can do this."

Chanyeol squirmed in his seat uncomfortably as Kris continued to stare at him. It was no secret among the other members that Chanyeol was learning English, but no one had particularly HEARD him speak it yet. Or at least say a decent sentence anyway. Everyone assumed that his determination to learn how to speak the language was to communicate with they're oversea fans but Chanyeol had a secret reason for wanting to learn English.

Among the 12 members, Kris was the only one who could speak more than two languages. He had an advantage, Chanyeol didn't.

Chanyeol could recall a handful of times when he would see the Chinese members of his group talk to Kris animatedly and he would see that same enthusiasm when Kris would speak too. It was as if they were in their own little secret club, no one knew what they were saying to each other and they didn't bother to describe what they said either. It was there that Chanyeol felt this desire to be able to talk to Kris in that way. To have their own little secret club, where you must speak in English in order to be accepted.

It was a far fetch idea, not to mention a little childish but Chanyeol really didn't care. All he wanted was to be able to speak to his hyung in a way that no one could speak to him, and to hear the same from Kris as well.

"We'll start off small," continued Kris opening the wrapper and pulling out a red sugary vine and bit it "What do you say Chanyeol?"

Chanyeol looked up and stared at the red vine in Kris's hand and his lips. It had been awhile since he had a twizzler, and the way Kris had bit into it made it look very tantalizing to eat. Gathering his wits about him, Chanyeol looked over at Kris with determination.

"Okay." he said in English surprising Kris "Let's do this."

"Alright then." replied Kris in English, with a grin "Let's get started."


"Let's stop here for the night," sighed Kris as he stretched in his chair "We have to be up in a few hours."
"Okay," agreed Chanyeol before he gave a big yawn "I didn't realize how late it was getting, thank you hyung for taking the time to help me. I feel more confident with my English."

"You’re welcome," acknowledge Kris as he walked over to his side of the bed

“Good night hyung,” Chanyeol said as he walked to his own bed and laid down

“Good night Chanyeol.”

Chanyeol blinked and the lights were turned off. Nestling deeper into the comforter Chanyeol relaxed and gave one more yawn before he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Chapter 2:

Chanyeol opened his eyes slightly when he heard a voice. Eye’s still heavy with sleep, the tall boy pulled his blanket over his head and curled up deeper into the bed. It couldn’t be time to get up already was it? He stopped his antics when he heard his name called softly. Blinking, Chanyeol slowly rose from his sleeping cave and looked around. Huh, it was still dark out. Resting on his elbow, he looked around wondering if he had heard his name or if he was just imagining it. A moment passed and Chanyeol was just about to recede back into his fortress of zzz’s when heard his name again. Chanyeol squinted in the semi dark room (there only light being the ever constant lights of the city outside their window) and saw that it was in fact Kris who had said his name.

“Hyung” whispered Chanyeol loudly “Did you call my name?”

Chanyeol leaned forward on his forearms and perked his ear up hoping to get a response from his sleeping hyung. But there was no reply, only soft snores coming from the other member. Shrugging it off, Chanyeol turned around and nestled back into his bed when Kris said his name again, only he said something else.

“Chanyeol,” mumbled Kris in English “you shouldn’t eat that, it’s really spicy.”

“Eh?” said Chanyeol confused “what did he say?”

The younger boy jumped slightly when he heard the other laugh gently in his sleep. What is going on here? Chanyeol thought to himself. What is he dreaming about? Why can’t I understand him!? Aish! I wanna know English now so I can know what and why he’s dreaming about me! Chanyeol sighed heavily as he cast another look at his hyung before he slumped back against his pillows. What was the point of dreaming about him if he wasn’t speaking in the same language as the person he was dreaming about?

“I told you it was spicy,” said Kris in an amused voice “stop glaring at me like that.”

Chanyeol looked back Kris with a perplex expression. Did he just say that in Korean? Wait is Kris language jumping in his sleep? Chanyeol crawled out of bed and snuck over to Kris’s bed and knelt down and stared up at his hyung. This guy is so weird. The younger boy thought as he stared up at Kris.

“You look really cute right now,” said Kris sweetly in English


Chanyeol stared at Kris surprised. He knew that word. But what else did he say? Curiosity getting the better of him, Chanyeol decided to ask the sleeping Chinese boy what he meant.

“What’s ‘cute’ hyung?” asked Chanyeol in a whisper


Chanyeol felt his face heating up and his heart skip a beat. Did he hear that correctly? Chanyeol turned away from Kris and stared at his knees.

“I’m cute?” he asked shyly in English

“Yeah,” said Kris in English “you’re really cute.”

Okay now I understand that sentence. Blushed Chanyeol as he touched his face. Chanyeol closed his eyes and tried his best to remember what they had just went over before they went to sleep. There had to be sentence that he could use to keep the conversation going with Kris in this state. Getting a sentence in his head, Chanyeol gathered up his courage and spoke.

“Kris,” he whispered in English “do you really mean it?”

“Yeah,” replied Kris

Chanyeol smiled to himself and covered his face. Hyung thinks I’m cute!

“Just don’t eat that again,” mumbled Kris “It’s going to make you sick.”

“Okay I won’t.” answered Chanyeol

Chanyeol sat next to Kris’s bed little bit longer before he got up and walked over to his own bed and slid back into the covers. Closing his eyes, Chanyeol got comfortable again and fell back asleep.

Chapter 3:

It was as if he had just closed his eyes when heard his alarm go off, signaling that it was now time to get up. Groaning in discomfort at being awoken Chanyeol emerged from his cocoon and looked over to the bed next to him and saw that the sleeping dragon guy was still sleeping soundly. Remembering the little conversation he had with the sleeping Kris, made the happy virus blush and smile like an idiot. It wasn’t every day you got a compliment from Kris, especially one calling you ‘cute’. I wonder if will remember saying that? Chanyeol wondered to himself as he continued to stare at Kris. Even if he doesn’t remember, I will for both our sakes. Pulling the covers from his body, the rapper got out of bed and walked over to his bag and grabbed the stuff he would need for his morning routine and tip toed to the bathroom.


Kris scrunched his face in his sleep, before he opened his eyes slowly. The light from dawn was starting to enter the hotel room, telling him it was now time to get up. Stretching his arms above his head, Kris let out a loud yawn before he slumped back into his bed and stretched out his toes underneath the blanket. His eyes started to get heavy again with sleep, Kris rubbed his eyes with is fingers and sat up straight. Kris looked to his side and saw that Chanyeol was missing from his bed. But upon hearing the water running in the bathroom, Kris concluded that the younger male was in the bathroom, probably getting ready.

Oh god, Chanyeol. He thought to himself, feeling the pit in his stomach get that much bigger when remembered that he had dreamt of the Korean rapper. His head fell into his waiting hands. That’s what? 5 times I’ve had a dream about him.

Running his fingers through his hair, he let his head fall back on the headboard of the bed. Yeah he has weird dreams like this but they were only one time things. But five dreams about the same person? Something was going on with him subconsciously. But what exactly? Did this mean he has feelings for the happy virus? Yeah he sure he liked him he liked all of s, but that was strictly based on a brotherly love type of thing. But those dreams…Those dreams told a different story. It always started off with everyone all together, and for reasons unknown the other ten members would disperse and it just be him and Chanyeol alone with each other. Chanyeol would do something adorable and he would succumbed to his antics and they would get so close to kissing each other and he would wake up with his heart racing and feeling flustered. But last night was a little different from all those other dreams he had of the fairy eared boy. From what Kris had observed in the previous dreams, Chanyeol never spoke directly to him. Last night dream, he actually spoke back. In the other dreams he was the one who did all the talking, but this time he got a response back.

Kris rubbed his neck thoughtfully as he recalled the conversation he had with Chanyeol in his dream:

They had gathered at the restaurant they decided to eat at before they returned to their hotel for the night. Kris had sat down next to Tao while Chanyeol sat between the maknae line Kai and Sehun. Kris glanced at Chanyeol who was speaking with Kai quietly with a smile on his face. Kris wanted to ask what they were talking about so badly but before he could speak, menus were placed in front of them. Kris looked down at the menu and then back at Kai and Chanyeol and saw that they were no longer speaking but looking at the menus. Kris looked back down at his own menu and decided not to go on and ask. Hearing what everyone was ordering he decided on a mushroom ravioli. His ears perked up when he heard the waiter say “Fiery Angel Hair Pasta” and saw that it was Chanyeol that had ordered that. Chanyeol was sitting his seat pointing at the menu, Kris flipped through the menu and saw that there was a picture of the food. Knowing that Chanyeol couldn’t handle spicy foods, Kris looked up and tried to interrupt them and tell Chanyeol that the food he was ordering was spicy but by the time he opened his mouth, the waiter had already left and server was replaced handing out drinks. Unsure what to do, Kris bit his lip and prayed that he food wasn’t too spicy for Chanyeol.

The rest of the dream was a blur to Kris, He remembered speaking with Tao and Lay for a moment but he wasn’t exactly sure what they were talking about, but he did notice Chanyeol was staring at him. The food was brought out shortly afterwards but so some reason everyone got up and left one by one claiming to do this and that before they could eat. Once everyone had left and the space was cleared, he saw that it was just him and Chanyeol that were left alone in the small room they had all occupied. Chanyeol was focused on his plate in front of him, eyes full of hunger. Kris stared at him for a moment before he decided to tell the younger that it was spicy and to proceed with caution. What kind of hyung would he be if he neglected to tell his dosaeng about the food? Clearing his throat he started to speak but lost his words as his expression went from empathic to horror as he saw Chanyeol getting ready to eat.

“Chanyeol you shouldn’t eat that it’s spicy!” he said urgently

But it was too late, Chanyeol had already stuffed his mouth of his food and started eating. Kris slowly cringed as he saw Chanyeol’s happy expression turn to fear as he continued to chew. Too late.

Kris jumped slightly when he heard Chanyeol’s muffled cry of horror and watched as the younger boy spit out his food on to his plate and began to fan his mouth vigorously while jumping up and down in his seat.

“I told you it was spicy,” Kris said regretfully but still sounded slightly amused by the expression on Chanyeol’s face

He quickly got up and walked around the table holding a cup of water ready to give it to Chanyeol. He sat down in Sehun’s empty chair and handed the cup of ice water to Chanyeol who hungrily snatched it from his hands and gulped down the cool relief. Kris watched him for a bit while Chanyeol finished the cup and placed it back down on the table before he turned and gave Kris a look.

“Don’t glare at me like that,” said Kris teased as he gently pushed the other’s shoulder

Chanyeol looked over at his food and sighed before he looked back at Kris with a pout. Kris smiled widely at the face Chanyeol’s face, and gently patted the Youngers head.

“You look so cute right now,” Kris blurted out, then quickly shut his mouth and looked away.

Fear crept into his mind, Kris glanced at Chanyeol then back at the table. He didn’t know what to say. Because seriously, what do you do when you call someone something that you’re NOT use to saying yourself? Feeling embarrassed Kris got up from his seat and walked back to his side of the table praying that Chanyeol forgets the conversation ever happened.

“What’s ‘cute’ hyung?” asked Chanyeol suddenly

Kris stared at the younger man stunned. Since when did he speak in his dreams? Chanyeol looked hesitant, and squirmed in his seat waiting for Kris to answer his question. Chanyeol’s face was sporting a light pink shade as he began to blush at his assertiveness, Kris knew he had to give the boy an answer sooner or later. It might as well be sooner.

“You.” Said Kris simply, looking away with a blush

Silence filled the empty room once again, and Kris began to doubt if he was actually sleeping, because this dream was getting too real too fast for his taste.

“You think I’m cute?” asked Chanyeol shyly as he stared at his hands.

“Yeah.” Said Kris quietly “You’re really cute.”

Kris looked up and saw Chanyeol was covering his flushed face with his hands, and smiled softly. Yeah this guy was definitely cute.

“Kris,” said Chanyeol softly “do you really mean it?”

“Yeah.” Replied Kris

Chanyeol looked up at Kris before he covered his face again, but Kris could see that was a smile was evident on his face despite the younger trying to hide it.

Kris looked down at his food and started to pick at it before got up and walked over to Chanyeol’s side again and replaced Chanyeol’s dinner with his.

“Just don’t eat that again” Kris said gently as he pointed at the pasta before picking it up and walking over to his side of the table “you might get sick.”

“Okay I won’t,” smiled Chanyeol

Kris nodded his head and stared down at the angel hair, he wasn’t really looking forward to eating this.


Kris sighed and decided it was time to get up. It was only just a dream. Kris busied himself looking through his suitcase when Chanyeol appeared out of the bathroom.

“Good morning hyung!” said Chanyeol brightly

“Good morning Chanyeol.” Replied Kris as he glanced at Chanyeol and gave him half a smile.

Chanyeol felt his heart skip a beat when he saw Kris flash him a smile. Thankfully Kris turned away just in time as a small blush graced Chanyeol’s face. He remembered the conversation they had last night and the phrase “You’re cute” was still fresh in Chanyeol’s mind. Even if he didn’t consciously admit it, he still admitted it and even if Kris never openly said it out loud, he would be satisfied knowing that he heard Kris say it in his sleep. Don’t worry hyung, it’s our little secret. Thought Chanyeol as he put on his socks as Kris walked into the bathroom carrying his toiletries. Just like the Twizzlers and English.





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choiandlee #1
Chapter 1: I need a sequel huhu OTL
This is so cute.
A sequel you say? Hmm...
Chapter 1: "All he wanted was to be able to speak to his hyung in a way that no one could speak to him" - uuuugh I love this

krisyeolove #4
Chapter 1: "“What’s ‘cute’ hyung?” asked Chanyeol in a whisper

Chapter 1: hahaa cute... XD
Chapter 1: omg theyre so damn cute
i miss krisyeol ;;
Chapter 1: adorbs much <3333
xycouple #8
Chapter 1: yeahhh no one can beat chanyeol's cuteness... i hope this one is just like a part of full story
Chapter 1: totally adorbssssss~ adorable! and yes, im agree with you Mr. Wu Yifan, Chanyeol is so cute >////<
suppai #10
Chapter 1: wow that's so so cute and adorable~
and makes me remind one of my favorites krisyeol moments!

thank you <3