Chapter 18

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Jongin was running.

Running as far as his feet could take him, until his breathing came in short, sudden gasps, until his legs felt like they could fall off on their own, until the soles of his loafers were practically burnt off from the friction of his speed against the concrete still partially layered with snow, until half the streets of Gangnam filled with busy pedestrians and zooming cars were angered by him, until he was rid of all the emotions boiling up inside of him. The cold wind of the dying winter ran through his hair and touched his scalp, he didn't have a coat on and the temperature was passing through the thin material of his shirt. But he kept running aimlessly.

But he could run halfway across the earth and he knew nothing could remotely get rid of everything he was feeling. 

He came to a sudden stop right infront of the Hangang river, panting breathlessly and he found himself staring at one of the benches which gave him the most distinct memory.

A memory he really loathed to be reminded of in that moment.

The more he stared, the more he could practically feel skin brushing against his hand as the memory rewinded itself in his thoughts, warmth bouncing off of the hand lacing itself through his fingers-- warmth he desperately needed at that moment. But he was slammed in the face with reality again, his pores instantly frozen once he was. 

He stared up, refusing to look any longer at the bench, and watched the snow fall. And he was again, as if on cue, reminded of a blanket being draped across his shoulder leaving him in an utter surprise as the first snow fell. And again, he thought of the warmth. From the blanket and from the soft smile flashed towards him. He shook his head in frustration and shifted his gaze to the river.

He stared over at the horizon, silently listening to the tide come in contact with the rocks on shore, and a voice was inevatibly replayed in his head. "If it matters," the voice softly muttered. "I'm really glad to have a hand to hold onto right now." And again, his entire system was wrapped up in that voice as he thought of that memory. 

As he thought of her.

He thought of her innocent eyes drowning in a beautiful shade of chocolate brown, he thought of the light freckles on her right cheek, he thought of the way her lips curved up and simultaneously allowed little dimples to be revealed, he thought of her touch and how it electrocuted his every nerve, he thought of the smile-- her smile-- the only smile that could turn his day around in two seconds. He thought of her. And it somehow felt second to breathing-- thinking of her has become not a habit, but a frame of mind.

And he hated that what immediately followed was a new memory of what he witnessed a few minutes ago. And he was filled up with anger again. Anger and denial and more anger. Anger and utter disappointment. Angry cause what he was honestly angry at more was himself. Angry because he still couldn't bring himself to be angry at her. And he felt his chest tighten up once his train of thought was cut off by the exact voice he's been thinking of.

"Jongin?" She called out from behind.

Jongin didn't move. He stayed frozen and in a daze until the girl he's been thinking about appeared before him, still in the dress she was in earlier but with a coat over this time.

"Hey," She said, waving a hand in his face. "I've been looking everywhere for you, why'd you leave?"

Her tone was too ordinary for Jongin to believe. He remained silent, under complete shock and wonder, just staring back at her.

"Jongin-ah." Seulgi repeated, reaching a hand out to touch his arm only under one layer of cloth. "You even left without a coat, you must be freezing."

Her hand was around his now, rubbing it in an attempt to pass off warmth.

"Yah, Jongin." Her tone reeked of a mix of worry and annoyance. "What's wrong?" The snow began to fall heavier, and the sounds of the fireworks were gradually fading. Seulgi looked up and held on tighter to his hand, pulling him along with her. "Whatever, let's go back, you're going to get sick again--"

"Tell me I didn't see what I saw, Seulgi."

She turned around again. "What?"

"Tell me I didn't see what I saw." Jongin's voice was cracking as he held on tighter to her hand.

Seulgi stared down at it as she felt Jongin's solid grip, and gradually up towards his empty eyes, staring blankly at her. "Jongin." She sighed. "I can explain--"

"No, I don't want an explanation." He shook his head in frustration but kept his gaze steady on her. "I want-- need you to tell me it wasn't what it looked like--"

She paused for a moment, feeling Jongin's hand shake along with his voice. "And what exactly do you think it looked like?"

"That you--" His voice was shaking. "That you-- you're still-- in love-- with--"


"No, don't say that-- just-- don't-- say anything other than--" He stepped closer to her and put both hands on either sides of her face. "Seulgi, just please-- please don't-- I know it's only been a few days," He stammered for proper words. "And I know you're not at where I am yet but-- I'm willing to forgive-- and forget-- but just please-- please..." His voice faded to a whisper but Seulgi looked up at him only to see pools forming themselves in his eyes. 

"Jongin." Seulgi muttered, trying to calm him down as she held his hands which were still holding her face.

"Please tell me you'll still be mine."

dried up at how much pain it brought to her hearing him say those words. She watched a tear drop from his left eye, and it wrapped her up in so much guilt cause of what she was just about to let him know. "Jongin, he asked me to move in with him."

Jongin’s hands slipped down from her face to his side. He continually stared, as the pounding in his ribcage got worse muttering out a small, “What...” He shook his head. “What did you say?”

“I said I’d think about it.” She confessed.

He felt his heartbeat pause for a second. “You said you had to think about it?”

“Well,” She placed a palm at the back of her neck. “It’s a big decision, don’t I need to?”

Jongin shook his head more severely, in frustration this time. “Yeah Seul, it’s a big decision.” He was sarcastically chuckling to himself in utter disbelief.

She furrowed her eyebrows. “I don’t,” She mumbled, confused. “I don’t understand…”

“You seriously think you have options here?” His voice was soft, but the rage was loud.

Her eyebrows remained knitted. “I still don’t understand, Jongin.”

“Don’t act oblivious here, Seul.” Jongin snapped. “You’re honestly thinking about saying yes?”

She finally understood, but tightened up at the obvious revelation. “Jongin, it’s Sehun.” She whispered, stretching out a hand to grab his, attempting to calm him down.

He backed away in an instant, avoiding her touch. “Then who am I?”

“Jongin.” She whispered, guilt eating her up the more he spoke.

“THEN WHO AM I, SEULGI?” He burst, raising his voice, no longer caring about any of the random strangers around them. “Answer me. Who am I to you?”

“I…” For the first time, she felt afraid of the boy before him making her stammer. “I don’t know, Jongin-ah.”

“You don’t know?” He was muttering out small laughs again, covering up his gradually increasing level of anger. “I’m just the guy who’s hopelessly, desperately in love with you.”

She shook her head, frustrated at his utter lack of compassion at th

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0 points #1
Chapter 19: lol I’m back and this is like the 6 or 7th time I’m reading the story again. The ending never fails to make me sob like a baby. My heart hurts so much for Jongin. Also never fails to make me hate Seulgi so much 💀 Onto Officemates.
candypark #2
Chapter 20: OMG I love love love this fic T_T too bad I just found it now huhu. You captured everything elegantly. I'm still sad Jongin couldn't get the apple of his eye T_T. But yeah, I get it, we totally can love someone while loving someone else... While STILL, I feel bad for Jongin but he already know the consequences right? he just refused to believe it :") Thank you for writing a great fic author-nim! It'd been a long time since I read SeulKai content and I'm really happy. Once again thank you thank you
1877 streak #3
Chapter 14: i also don't read BL stuff and AG being my first and 10080 being my last time reading anything related to BL and trust me, both broke me into pieces 😭💔
1877 streak #4
Chapter 12: this was beautiful 😭✨
1877 streak #5
Chapter 11: Seulgi is so savage i love her!
Aww, sehun :(
1877 streak #6
Chapter 10: joyrene third wheels hehe
1877 streak #7
Chapter 9: seulgi was kinda relatable in this chapter hehe
and her finally "mourning" and jongin's heart sank for her... aww :(
1877 streak #8
Chapter 8: so much happened, god, i loved this chapter!!
1877 streak #9
Chapter 7: lmao seul and lu were so funny xD
1877 streak #10
Chapter 6: seulgi and her "world balance" haha
their heartfelt conversation was really soothing to read. i loved their interaction this chapter, so lovely!