Chapter 01

There's Always A Painful Truth Behind Every Hard Decisions [Semi-Hiatus]

DISCLAIMER: I don't own DBSK, Super Junior and SHINee, i wish i do but let's face the facts. XD This story is purely fictional! I had no idea why they really left the company. Although in my opinion, i probably has to be something big for them to risk their careers and their friends. No matter what i will still support them.




The Chinaman was waiting for three of his friends at the arrival area. His friends had come to china for a much needed vacation. It has been three years after the lawsuit, four years after the first horrible incident that was the cause of his and his friend’s misery, an incident where he was lucky enough to come out of without much emotional damage. After all he doesn’t really remember what happened that time. But he knew it happened. He just wished it were the same for his friends.


The Chinaman perked up upon seeing three familiar figures looking around the area. All of them wearing dark sunglasses, beanies, masks and baggy clothes to disguise their handsome features and god-like built body. The Chinaman raised his right hand as one of them had turned to look towards where he was standing. His friend saw it and walked towards his location, the other two following closely behind.


When they were a couple of steps away the Chinaman turned and walked away. The three followed him without saying anything. The Chinaman led them towards where he parked his car. As soon as they were safely inside the car, the Chinaman’s friends removed their masks and sunglasses. Similarly, the Chinaman removed the scarf that was obscuring his face.


There was a moment of silence as the four friends just sat there and stare at each other. After a while the Chinaman’s mouth formed a small smile and finally spoke. “I‘m glad to see you guys. It’s been a while, huh.”


“Yeah. I guess we’ve been busy with our own schedules.” The oldest of the three answered with a small smile of his own.


“Yeah, I heard. By the way congratulations on each of your drama. You guys are awesome. But of course not as awesome as me.” The Chinaman smirked.


The two youngest laughed at the Chinaman’s statement while the oldest of the three just pouted. These made the other three laughed harder.


“Aigoo, my dongseng is really cute. Hahaha. Come on those two are probably waiting already.”


The Oldest of the three released a heavy sigh and said, “Neh. Hangeng ge ge. I can’t wait to see them again.”




We. Are. Doomed.


It was Zhoumi’s birthday and his band mates decided to throw him a surprise party. They went to Zhoumi’s house but he wasn’t there so they went to Henry’s house. And that’s where they found him.


Zhoumi looked at his friends goofing around the living room. Not all of the members are there though due to their schedules. It was mostly Super Junior Mandarin who came. Donghae ,Hyukjae, Kyuhyun, Sungmin, Ryeowook plus Shindong. Zhoumi was really happy with what the members had done. But he was also nervous and worried for a different set of friends who were supposed to be coming today.


He noticed Henry approaching him, his worries are reflected in the younger man’s eyes. That wasn’t  a good sign, but he asked him anyway. “Any luck?”


“None. I can’t contact them. All their phones are off. Damn it. Why is this happening!”


Zhoumi could only sigh. “You know that it is inevitable. Sooner or later a confrontation is bound to happen.”


“But I’m afraid. I’m afraid they’re not yet ready.”


“What we can do right now is to delay it. We have to make sure we are the ones who’ll answer the door when they come.”


Ding. Dong.


Zhoumi and Henry stood still upon hearing the door bell, fear and panic evident in their faces.


“I’ll get it~!” Donghae said as he turned towards the door leading to the hallway.


“NO!” Zhoumi  and Henry shouted simultaneously, startling the occupants of the room. They rushed towards the door saying, “We’ll get it!”


(A/N: Sorry I’m a HaeHyuk shipper so I can’t resist putting this in the story… XD)


Donghae found himself being pushed, quite harshly, to an unsuspecting Hyukjae who just came from the kitchen and they fell down with a loud crash. Donghae blinked while a blush crept up Hyukjae’s face as they realize their positions. Their faces were mere centimeters apart, chests flushed against each other, Eunhyuk’s arms are in a surrender position while one of Donghae’s hands clutched at one of Hyukjae’s arm and the other was flattened on the floor near Hyukjae’s face and one of Donghae’s legs was positioned in between those of Hyukjae’s. Donghae shifted and tried to get up but only succeeded in putting pressure in Hyukjae’s groin area earning a soft moan from the said man. Hyunkjae’s face is now deep red, his eye wide, his teeth biting his lower lips and Donghae can’t help but think how cute his bestfriend is. They stared at each other until they were blinded by a flash of light and their friends spoke up.


“Yah! Get a room will you!” Kyuhyun said with an evil smirk and to Hyukjae and Donghae’s horror he took another picture of them in that awkward position. The other members are looking at them with different expressions as well. Ryeowook was smiling shyly, his cheeks are a bit red. Sungmin was smiling smugly and raised one of his eyebrows. Shindong on the other hand was laughing his off at the scene he was seeing.


Donghae scrambled to get up, this time being careful not to put unnecessary pressure on the older man beneath him. After successfully standing up, he offered his hands to Hyukjae who took it and helped him stand up then they went on their own way, Hyukjae walked to the couch and sat next to Sungmin while Donghae went to the kitchen to get something to drink.




Zhoumi and Henry ran down the hall and yanked open the door.


“Happy Birthday Zhoumi!!” Their friends yelled upon seeing the other two.


“SHHHHH!!!” Zhoumi hissed as he and Henry launched towards their friends. Henry looked behind them towards the hallway and he pushed the others outside and closed the door with a loud bang.


“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!!” Zhoumi repeatedly apologized to the four.


“Huh? Calm down Mimi. What are you saying sorry for?” Hangeng said trying to make sense of the situation.


“The others are here. They wanted to surprise me for my birthday. I’m really, really sorry.”


“Pabo! Why are you saying sorry for that! You shouldn’t! They only want to surprise you! It’s alright we could just stay at a hotel for today.” Hangeng said with an understanding smile. Turning to the others he said, “Right, guys?”


“Geng ge ge is right. We’ll be just fine. Now go back and enjoy their company.” The eldest said said with a smile, but Zhoumi could detect sadness in his eyes but he couldn’t really do something about it but sigh. “Well, we better be going now before they notice you guys are missing.”


“Wait! You guys can crash on my house. We’ll go there after they go home, okay?” Zhoumi offered, feeling guilty since they were supposed to be hanging out today.


“Hmmm, Okay!” Hangeng said as he took the set of keys Zhoumi was offering him. With a final smile the four friends went on their way towards Zhoumi’s house.




“Aish, where are they?” Shindong suddenly exclaimed and everyone looked up from their respective set of cards,  they were playing Monopoly in the living room. Well, all except Kyuhyun who was sitting next to Sungmin while playing Star Craft on his laptop.


(A/N: Sorry I can’t think of another game.. XD)


“They should have been here 30 minutes ago!” That was Sungmin, he then peered at the wall clock hanging in wall.


“Eh? ‘They’?” Henry inquired, but he turned his attention towards the game, not really caring.


“The others. Leeteuk hyung, Heechul hyung, Kangin hyung, Yesung hyung and Siwon. I think I heard Yunho, Changmin and the SHINee boys will be tagging along too. Kibum will be coming too. He says he’s excited to me you two.” Hyukjae said, counting each name with his fingers in an adorable way.


(A/N: Originally I was planning to exclude Leeteuk and Heechul. Coz I was planning on setting it when Leeteuk and Heechul is in the army while Kangin just came out. But I said, What the hell, this is my story and I want all of them together! So I just included them.)


Zhoumi and Henry exchanged a worried glance which the others didn’t notice. They were relieved that they were able to prevent their different set of friends from seeing each other. That meeting would be ugly.


“I wonder what’s taking them so long? Henry’s house is only an hour’s drive from the airport. Yah, Donghae did you message Teukkie hyung that we’re at Henry’s house?” Shingdong asked, turning towards Donghae.


“Eh? Me? I thought Kyuhyun was supposed to do that. Kyu did you message Teukkie hyung?” Donghae said looking up from the game for the second time and turning towards Kyuhyun.


“Nope.” Kyuhyun simply said without even looking up from his laptop screen.


Silence enveloped the room. Everyone stared at one another with the exemption of Kyuhyun who was still busy with his laptop.


“So, none of you messaged the others?” Hyukjae said slowly looking at the others one by one, his eyes wide from disbelief and the other’s slowly shook their heads.


“AISH! Teukkie hyung will kick our butts, for not messaging him. They’re probably almost there.” Sungmin whined and threw his cards on the floor.


“Zhoumi, Henry, are you guys alright?” Ryeowook inquired after seeing Zhoumi and Henry, whose jaws dropped open and eyes almost popping out of their sockets as realization dawned on them. With this, everyone turned to them with a worried look, again with the exemption of Kyuhyun who is still busy with his laptop.


“Oh, God no.” Zhoumi managed to breath out. Henry and Zhoumi turned to each other and stood up. They ran out of the living room leaving the others, who was too stunned to follow the two. They heard the front door slammed shut and scrambled to stand up and ran after the two. Sungmin realized that Kyuhyun was still sitting in the middle of the living room still playing with his laptop. He  ran towards the  younger man and gave him a hard whack in the head.


“Yah! What was that-- huh? Wher--" Sungmin didn’t let him finish and instead grabbed the younger man and ran outside. Outside they saw Zhoumi’s car hightailing out of the neighborhood. Sungmin and Kyuhyun blinked at the sight, surprised yet confused at what’s happening.


“Yah, Sungmin hyung, Kyuhyun! Get in!” Donghae shouted as he held the van’s door open for the two of them. Sungmin and Siwon  jumped in and Shindong drove away.


“Hyung, where are we going?” Kyuhyun asked looking around the car.


“Zhoumi’s house.”


“Why? How do you know that’s where they’re going?” Sungmin questioned.


“Their expressions when we said that the others are probably was almost at Zhoumi’s house. I think they’re hiding something from us. Something that they don’t want us to see.”


“B-but, we already went there earlier. We didn’t see anything out of the ordinary!”


“I don’t know Min. But something tells me that something big is about to happen.”




“We’re here!!” Leeteuk exclaimed in a cheerful voice, as the van slowed to a stop. One by one they exited the vehicle and looked around the neighborhood. Another van slowed to a stop right behind theirs and the occupants soon joined them in the sidewalk.


“Come on, guys. They’re probably waiting for us inside.” Leeteuk said as he started towards Zhoumi’s house. Halfway down the walkway, they froze as the wind carried familiar voices.


“Eu Kyang Kyang Kyang!! You should have seen his face hyung! His eyes almost popped out of his sockets!”


“Aish. Su, you shouldn’t have done that! That’s mean!” this was followed by a soft chuckle.


All eyes were on Yunho and Changmin as the voices came closer. Changmin was also staring at Yunho with apprehension while the older man looked stunned by what he just heard. The said man’s eye widen as two figures rounded the corner. The two figures were so engrossed in their conversation that they didn’t noticed the group of people that were watching them.




The two figures stopped abruptly and turned towards the familiar voice. Junsu gasped upon seeing the group that was standing in front of Zhoumi’s house. Jaejoong, on the otherhand, was frozen in place; his panic stricken eyes were glued to the owner of the voice that beckoned him.


Yunho stepped towards Jaejoong who in turn stepped backwards. Yunho stopped, puzzled at the other’s action and the panic that was written all over his face. “Jae?”


Jaejoong didn’t know what to do. He wanted nothing more than to hug his beloved and never let go. But at the same time, he doesn’t want his beloved to know the real reason why they left. “Jae?”


He was too busy to notice his surroundings. In fact, he was too busy to notice Yunho who had closed the distance between them. Yunho called his name again but the older man didn’t respond.


Junsu was watching all this beside Jaejoong with apprehension. He knew what his hyung was probably thinking but he can’t really do anything to help. He saw that Yunho was about to grab Jaejoong’s arms and he panicked. “No! Hyung, don’t touch hi--"


“NO!! Don’t touch me!” shouted Jaejoong after he felt someone grab his arms. He dropped the bag of groceries he was hugging and retreated a couple of steps from Yunho saying, “I-i-I’m sorry. I-I don’t like being grabbed like th-that.”


Yunho’s brows furrowed upon hearing this. This had never happened before. He took a couple of steps towards Jaejoong, worry evident on his face. “Jae?”


“P-please, don’t come n-near.”


Everyone was worried at the scene they are witnessing. They never saw Jaejoong like this before. Jaejoong’s eyes were wide with fear and he had started to shake slightly. They’ve know him for years and this is the first time they saw him this terrified. But they were also worried about Yunho, he looks so lost and hurt, baffled about his former lover’s actions. Changmin stepped in and grabbed Yunho who was about to take another step towards Jaejoong. “Hyung, stop. Please, you’re scaring him!”


Yunho just shrugged him off, too hurt to listen anymore and grabbed Jaejoong by the shoulders and shook him. “What the hell are you saying?! Don’t touch you?! Heck, I’ve done more than touching before!! And now you don’t want me to touch you?? Don’t you love me anymore?!”


“Y-yun-ho, p-please--" “Hyung! Stop it!” “Hyung, please you do--"


Leeteuk seeing Jaejoong’s terrified face tried to calm Yunho. “Yunho, stop. Can’t you see he’s terrified!”


Yunho’s grip loosened a bit and Jaejoong used this opportunity to shrug him off and started to ran away.


“Hyung!” Junsu dropped his set of groceries and ran after Jaejoong. To the side, a car screeched to a halt on the curb and Zhoumi and Henry jumped out of the car. They scanned the scene and saw Jaejoong running with Junsu and Yunho following right behind and a string of Chinese curses went out of the Gentle Chinese’s mouth which startled the others that are frozen in the sidewalk. They saw Junsu stumbled and Yunho gaining on Jaejoong. Zhoumi and Henry panicked and started running after them.


“Yunho! No! Don’t grab him!” “Hyung, please no!” Zhoumi and Henry shouted after the two but they were too late. They saw Yunho grabbed Jaejoong by the waist and hauled the said man towards his body. Jaejoong let out an ear-splitting scream and started trashing in Yunho’s arms.


“No! Don’t, please! Please don’t touch me!” Jaejoong managed to push Yunho off and he fell on the ground curling himself into a ball. Yunho was about to grab him again when Zhoumi pushed him off to the side. “Please don’t crowd him!”


Zhoumi and Henry crouched beside Jaejoong and tried to calm him down, “Jae please calm down, it’s us.” “Hyung, please open your eyes, and look at us. He’s not here, please hyung calm down.” But Jaejoong just continued screaming, his voice broken by his sobs. “No! No, please!”


A van screeched to a halt in the curb right after Zhoumi’s car and the others went out. They surveyed the scene and ran towards them. “What happened?” Shindong asked the others who were standing restless in the side walk, not knowing what to do (A/N: they were worried so they approached the four when Jaejoong started screaming). They  heard Zhoumi instruct Junsu to get Hangeng and Yoochun. Beside him, Siwon stiffened and whispered, “Hannie?”


Junsu sprinted towards Zhoumi’s house and banged on the door. The door swung opened and revealed a bewildered Hangeng. Upon seeing the scene playing out in the sidewalk, his eyes eyes widened then he turned back into the house and shouted, “Chun, get the tranquilizer!”


He ran out of the house towards where Zhoumi and Henry was trying to  restrain Jaejoong who started to trash around on the ground, sobbing and screaming at the same time.


“No! Let me go! Get your filthy hands off me!!No!! Don’t! It hurts! Pull it out!!!”


The others want to help but they don’t know what to do. They don’t even understand what’s going on. All they could do is watch.


Junsu was standing a couple of feet away from the commotion. He was silently crying, watching his hyung lash out at Zhoumi and Henry. Hyukjae went to his side and comforted him.


Yoochun came dashing from the house, clutching a bag in his arms. As he reached Jaejoong’s side he rummaged inside the bag and pulled out an injection. Kneeling down he uncapped the needle and reached for Jaejoongs left arm. “Hold him tightly,” he said then proceeded to inject the contents of the syringe.


Jaejoong’s movements started to weakened but he continued to yell out. “No! Pull it out! Pull it out! It hurts! Please, stop! It hurts so much. Please.. Please..” After a while his movements stopped and he closed his eyes.


Everyone was relieved as they saw a peaceful expression crept on Jaejoong’s features. Zhoumi and Henry released a heavy sigh, while Hangeng sat down heavily on the ground as if too tired to support his weight. Yoochun on the other hand, immediately stood up and hurried towards Junsu’s side.


“Su, are you alright?”


“N-neh, Chunnie..” Junsu slowly nodded, despite the fact that he is still uncontrollably shaking. Yoochun engulfed him in a bone crushing hug, his face showed how much he was worried about the younger man. Everyone stayed liked that for a couple of minutes before Yunho broke the silence.


“Can someone explain what the hell is happening here?”







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this fanfic is so great ^^
I love your writing style
I'm feeling like watching the real show..
good job dear..
followurdestiny #2
Sad it isn't a new chapter...hope it will be updated, but take your time :-)
followurdestiny #3
I'm guessing Key as well, but seriously how, why...that bastard is not going to 'live' for much longer XD... and Jae, Geng, Junsu and Key *huggles*<br />
blackspiderlily #4
@apple_pie, uhhhhmmmmm~~ who knows.. XD<br />
<br />
just wait for the next chapter, okay??<br />
<br />
But it really is obvious isn't it..? XD
i think the last person talk is i right???
blackspiderlily #6
@followurdestiny, pineapplebuns, W-in-the-stars,lolitabunny and other readers.. heres the update you've been waiting for.. :3 i just hope you guys like it.. please don't kill me.. 0.0<br />
<br />
i just want to say that this will probably be only 4-5 chapters..?? unless i think of something more to add..<br />
<br />
try guessing who was that last person who talked okay..?<br />
<br />
although i think it's pretty much obvious.. XD
lolitabunny #7
please update.....please i really love this....!!!!<br />
hope you update soon!!!!
update pleaseee ^^ i want to see what happens<br />
it looks really good so far