
Just One Day


Never once in Minho's life,well sorta ''life'',did he have a customer who was going to die. Minho wanted to help Luhan,he wanted Luhan to live on. He had many questions floating like clouds in his mind which resembled the sky. Luhan didn't do anything wrong,well nothing wrong to put his life at risk. He felt awfully bad,what could he learn from this? Death is always the first choice?

'' Why do I have to handle this customer?'' I asked the 5 members of the board of destiny and fate in the Realisation Headquaters, Mr. Seo In Guk,Ms. Gu Hye sun,Mr. Kim Si Hoo,Ms. Yoo In Na and Mr. Lee Jong Suk.

'' Because we assigned you to,you should be happy.'' In Guk spoke out with that serious face of his,making me take a step back. 

'' Why is this boy going to die? Why?'' I asked,my knuckles cleanched together,teeth grinding against each other. '' If the others hear that this boy died after taking the quiz,do you think they will take the quiz?'' 

'' The boy has a point.'' Hyesun pointed out,giving the boy a warm smile. '' Maybe we should let him live.'' 

Just then,Si Hoo slammed the table with his palm and stood up,eyes filled with rage. '' We didn't decide it,if we could change anything,we would.'' as he spoke,rage was heard through his voice. Most of the board members were taken aback at Si Hoo's sudden rage,he was known as the calm one out of all the others in the group. A soul of a wild beast must have knocked away "calm" in his system. Even if he was angry,he'd never throw his rage out like that. There'd still be calmness in his voice. 

'' It's his fate,if it was his destiny we would have done something.'' In Na spoke calmly with her eyes glued on the floor. All of them had their heads down,none looked up to face me. '' You're dismissed.'' In Na said,her eyes didn't part the floor.

'' Want some toast bread? C'mon,help yourself! There's strawberry jam,blueberry jam,peanut butter jam,kaya and many more!'' Luhan took out all the jam and placed it before me. I guess I could have a little treat. 

''What are you?'' I bet that question is in your mind right now,right?
Well,I am half alive and half dead. Isn't it cool? I mean like I need the basic needs of a human but I won't die if I don't have those needs. I am also a spirit,that explains why I can see the board. All the employees in Realisation Headquaters are spirits, I'm the only one who is visable to humans. Spirits can be viewed in humans mind,but I however am visable to them. 

What can I say,I'm one of a kind.

'' Eat up! We don't have much time right?'' Luhan gently hit my palm with his knife. I look at the two toast bread that was placed on a plate and the orange juice beside it. It's been a long time since I had breakfast,after my death. My life was challenging,I made wrong decisions,I screwed up doing things that weren't my time. We were all once humans,and humans make mistakes. We learn from them,but I didn't. 

'' You don't like it?'' Luhan questioned. I shook my head in disagreement,waving my hand infront of him,signalling a no to him. '' No,it's not that. When I saw the toast bread and orange juice.'' I paused a while. '' it reminded me of the life I had.'' 

'' I'm sorry,man. You should've told me! I could've made something else,like ramen.'' 

'' No no,it's fine. Thanks for the breakfast.'' I gave him a small smile and proceed on putting the jam on my bread. I chose to have blueberry jam on one bread and peanut butter on the other,I ate that when I was with my family. We all enjoyed it,though we ate it everyday,no one complained. My family wasn't rich so we had to deal with what was given to us.

'' Can you tell me what's it like telling someone else that they're gonna die the next day?'' Luhan suddenly asked,making me choke on my orange juice. '' By the way,you didn't start the time,did you?'' 

'' It's awful. Nah I wouldn't cheat on my customer.'' I said proudly. '' It isn't great,it's j-''

'' Wait if you're a spirit,then why can you eat? And why can I feel you?'' Luhan asked. '' I'll let you know that I'm half dead and half alive. I won't die even if I don't eat for weeks or months or even years.'' Luhan stared at me,his mouth wide open as some bits of the bread he chewed dropped on his plate.

'' How's that possible....'' 

'' It is.'' 

'' How?'' 

'' Because that's my fate.'' 

That's it! I know the reason to why Luhan's going to die! That sounds too mean,his life is going to be taken away because 

of fate.




SHINee Menhole's own chapter! :D (just a joke,don't take it seriously ;) )
Well it's not exactly ''because of fate''. You all will find out soon~~
I don't know whether there's such thing as half dead and half alive,or spirits can only be viewed in the mind but pretend it does ;D (at least in this story)

Hope you will enjoy this chapter though! :) Have a great day ahead! :D and pls,pls comment! >/<



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[READ!] Please re-read chapter 3(Yoona) pls,I made some changes :)


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KylieWillows #1
Chapter 9: The ending is sad, but still, I like the story!!!!! Ummm, if I have 1 day left to live, I will spend half the day to tell my family to live a happy life, and enjoy it when they still can. I will tell my friends how to take care of themselves, since I always have to tell them to keep their necks warm, wear warm clothes in winter and go eat on time, etc. I will thanks my teachers for teaching me things and caring about me. Say goodbye to all the people I've ever known since I was born. I will send a message to my beloved Girls' Generation, hoping the best in their lives and after I die, they should be happy because they have a fan who is now a guardian ^^ My last wish will be, if possible, Jessica please come back to Girls' Generation. The rest of the day, well~ I will go find my crush. I know where he is, but I've never come there before. If he agrees, I will spend the time to be with him. I won't care if he only looks at me as little sister~~~~ If he disagrees, hmm, I'll online Facebook or maybe try read another fanfic in here until time.
P/S: Sorry author-nim I wrote so much >< I actually thought seriously about this. And in case I didn't say it, you did cool. Thanks for the story ^~^
KylieWillows #2
Chapter 4: Owwwww I think it's kind of stupid to say this out, but... When I read this chapter, I felt like I, I mean MYSELF, I'm going to die in 24 hours. And I got so scared till I realize this is a story...... Nice job author-nim~ You got me ^^
Chapter 1: I was making the trailer and started to read one chapter to find out more about the story, and OMG
its the first chapter and I'm already hooked XD
snsd_divine9 #4
please vote for snsd, thanks ^^ sorry, just posting this in every snsd related stories
I hope you don't mind ^^ thanks again ^^