I like you best

Changmin's soulmate?


Changmin has always harbored some secret desires for the woman by his hyung’s side. He remembered the first time he met her, Hana. It was in a meet and greet and she was one of the last to have her album signed by the members. She was another pretty face in the midst of all the women who came to see them that evening. The second time he met her, he really couldn’t remember. Probably because he was too busy shoving food into what he called a stomach.

The third meeting; now that was something he could not forget. After being bullied by s he went to the shared apartment of the new couple to offer a peace offering. He even brought her cake since his Jaejoong hyung had told him to. However something happened and in a blink of an eye the cake was nearly history.

He remembers bickering with her and then calling a truce and then going out to eat. He remembers watching her eat. Correction, he wasn’t watching her he was fascinated to her eating, captivated. He was so busy watching her zone out everything around her and just eat that he forgot he was in a competition on who could eat more burgers until he heard the ‘referee’ call out the time. Then, he tuned her out and resumed eating; he was not going to lose to a girl half his size. He did.

They didn’t just eat that day, they also talked – kind of. They were too full to open move their lips and work their vocal chords. They did exchange a few compliments about their eating skills and their opinion on the food but they really didn’t get to know each other much. So a few days later, when Changmin had a few hours free, he called Hana and met her at a restaurant serving more American food.

Although his intentions was to learn more about this woman who had captivated his hyung’s heart and attention they ended up doing exactly what they loved most – eating.

Halfway through the meal, he wasn’t sure whether to be aroused or totally disgusted by what he was watching. Women didn’t usually eat with as much gusto as she did. She didn’t mind having barbeque sauce and ketchup and other condiments run down her arm, she would simply it and resume taking gigantic bites of her burger. She would grab a handful of fries and then ponder a little whether she should dip it in ketchup, mayo, ranch dressing or barbeque sauce or one of the other gazillion dips infront of them.

He tried calling her attention a few times and failed. He wasn’t used to being ignored infact he was the one who was supposed to do the ignoring especially when food was around. He grabbed buffalo wing from her plate and he turned to him frowning. Her cheeks were puffed out and some sauce was on the corner of her lips just beckoning him to wipe it off. Her glare was dangerous as if telling him to back off or else.  He gave her his most charismatic smile and she had to blink a few times as if she was coming out of her trance and looked around.

He could tell she was coming to terms with what was going on instead of just focusing on the food. Her frowning face turned to a shocked face then to a shy face. He couldn’t help but chuckle.

“You got sauce all over you.” Changmin said as he pointed at area.

She felt her lips with her sauce covered fingers to wipe away at what he was pointing at only to realize that she smeared more sauce on it.

He chuckled again and she groaned, mortified at the picture she painted. She wanted the floor beneath her to open up and swallow her. She could not believe she was acting like her normal self infront of the man she has been crushing on for the past years.

She swallowed the remaining food in and mumbled. “Oh well, my image has been ruined already.” She set took a buffalo wing with her free hand, dipped it in the ranch dressing and wiped it n Changmin’s smiling lips.

“Oh!” She said with a surprised tone. “Changmin! You have food all over you.” she laughed at seeing Changmin’s mixed surprised and shocked expression.

Changmin swiped some mustard from the saucer and wiped it on the tip of her nose.

The two exchanged evil smirks before they started painting each other with sauces and food and grease. It was an embarrassing scene to see two grown adults go at it like two year olds. Thankfully, they were given a private room to eat in.

After quite some time, they both reach for some more food to throw/smear at each other when they notice that there was none left. The burgers were now what one could call, deconstructed. The saucers were all wiped out of their condiments, food was sprawled everywhere, glasses were toppled down. In other words, they had no more ammunition. They looked around the room and then looked at each other and laughed – big bellyaching loud laughs; tear inducing, cheek hurting laughs.

Once they regained their breaths and composure they sat down and surveyed the battlefield. A waiter knocked and came in to check up on them to find two clowns looking at him and the room in a mess. The waiter nearly fainted on the spot. He quickly left the room murmuring something about napkins. The two once again burst into laughter at seeing the young man’s face and then at his quick retreat. They finally calmed down and started picking food out of their hair and shirt.

“I can’t believe I just squirted ketchup on a very expensive looking shirt.” she cringed as she looked at Changmin trying to wipe away what looked like a newly formed stain.

The two laughed and mimicked each other’s expressions. They chatted amicably and soon crossed the border from being acquaintances to being friends and something even more for one of them.

After that afternoon, the group was submerged into a ton of work. Although the two have become friends both still felt a little awkward to call each other. She felt awkward for instigating that little food fight and showing a side of herself she wanted hidden from her crush. He too was awkward because he wasn’t sure how to handle liking your hyung’s girlfriend.

He saw her once again at a dinner the couple hosted. The couple had invited the members and her close group of friends. This dinner was to make up for the disastrous lunch that happened when the group first met her.

He fell for the woman who stood with her back to them as she watched over the streets through the floor to ceiling window in the livingroom. She was wearing a backless black cocktail dress and her hair was tied in a loose bun. She was sophisticated and y and when she turned he realized that it was Hana.

For a moment or two he didn’t recognize her. She looked scared and nervous but when their eyes meet, she smiled happily seeing a familiar friendly face. He knew his heart stopped for a beat or two and then resumed when Junsu bumped into him as he ran to look at the beautiful view outside.

That dinner was something Changmin will never forget. Not just because the mix of Hana’s friends and the DBSK members was weird and quirky leading to funny event. Not just because she smiled at him 16 times. Yes, he counted them all. Most importantly, because he saw how much Hana loved her boyfriend and how much her love was reciprocated.

And so he kept quiet. He kept being her friend, the one in the sidelines always hoping that there would be more but never wishing for her and his hyung to break up. He did torment his hyung a lot more than he used to though.

More than two years later from their first meeting, they were seated in a room cooking off their meet as they talked about their day.

“Changmin-ah!” she whined. “We have to stop meeting like this. I’m getting fat.” Hana whined before eating some of the delicious meat.

“You’re not fat. You’re – ”

“Plump? Chubby? Huggable?”

“I can’t believe we’re talking about this again. Yah! If you want to guilt trip me about being fat and making me lose my appetite you will not succeed. I shall eat!” Changmin declared and ate/

Hana reached over and flicked his forehead. “You’re supposed to tell me I’m pretty!” Hana said as she turned some meat. 

Changmin started singing nonchalantly with his moth still full.


“jakku wae neon osi jaga jyeotda tudeol georyeo ddo tudeol georyeo

Why do you keep complaining that your clothes got smaller

(Hey baby wae ddo geurae)

(Hey baby, why are you doing that again)

hangsang wae neon jakku sali jjyeotda tudeol georyeo

Why do you always complain that you gained weight

(neomu yeppeunde nae nune neun hangsang You are the prettiest girl)

(In my eyes you’re always so pretty, you are the prettiest girl)”


Hana looked at Changmin weirdly and then laughed. “I did not understand what you just sang and you spat some rice on me.” She said as she picked a single grain of rice from her blouse. “But thank you. Nonna loves you!!” She cried out reached across the table to hug his head.

“Who’s your favorite?” Changmin automatically asked as soon as she let him go.

“Max Changmin! Wee~~” Hana said as she fangirled a little to please the man.

The man smiled proudly and pushed out his chest as he nodded his head at her statement.

The two of them caught up over each other’s lives, poked fun at the other and ate to their satisfaction. They cooked meat together and gave each other their cooked result, although Changmin made sure he flipped the meat whenever Hana started getting distracted and forgot she was supposed to flip them. Changmin ate a few burnt ones and for each of those times he made sure the next he would feed Hana was spicier than what she could handle.

“I was thinking of asking someone out.” Changmin said sheepishly.

“What? You’re not happy with me anymore? You’re looking for someone else?” Hana said dramatically. “Tell me what I have done wrong? I can change!!” Hana gripped his big hand in hers.

“You can’t. You never will. It is him you love not me.” Changmin said equally dramatically.

“My heart…It has a personality disorder. It cannot love just one. But believe me…it is you it loves.” Hana said as chuckled a few times between phrases.

“She was also diagnosed as a pathological liar. Don’t listen to her.” A new voice interrupted their act.

Hana and Changmin looked up to the door to their private dining room to find a dashing Jaejoong there.

 “Sunglasses within the building? That is so 2001.” Hana said as she watched Jaejoong make his way to her. “Right Min?”

“Right. I believe you. I know I’m the one you truly love. Look at this ogre.” He smirked at the newly arrived man.

“Ogre! Excuse me…I think I have the most number of fans in our group.” Jaejoong retorted as he sat besides Hana, wrapped an arm around her shoulder, brought her closer to him and kissed her cheek.

“But I am Hana’s favorite.” Changmin said smugly. “Right noona?” Changmin said cutely.

“Right.” Hana said as she smiled at Jaejoong mischievously.

“No, I am.” Jaejoong cupped Hana’s cheeks and made her look at him. “You said I am.”

“No.” Hana teased and Jaejoong smushed her face.

“Look at Changmin.” Jaejoong turned Hana’s face so that she could look at Changmin.

Changmin burst into laughter as he saw Hana’s smushed face as she blew him kisses.

“Then look at me.” Jaejoong made her face him and she growled at him making Changmin laugh even more.

“Hana~!” Jaejoong whined and the two friends laughed at Jaejoong’s childishness.

“Ok ok. I was just kidding. You’re my fave.” Hana puckered her lips and Jaejoong obliged by planting a kiss on her lips.

Changmin smiled at the two, happy they had each other. He was only slightly sad that he wasn’t the one in Jaejoong’s position but after all…Hana was still holding his hand. Jaejoong might be the one she loved, the one her heart and mind loved but he knew Hana was his soulmate and he was hers.


Soulmates and Spouses/Partners are not necessarily one being right?



Author’s note :


Uwaaaa~~~ I made it! I actually had the guts to post this. Yehey! This story is a spin-off my (so far) 2-part series; TEACH ME and OTW (links found in the foreword. Shameless advertising) featuring Hana and Jaejoong. I decided to write this story because I wanted to.


I actually wanted Changmin and Hana to have an affair but I don’t think that’s fair on JaeNa…they would never do that. Changmin would never do that. So there…


I hope you enjoyed reading Changmin’s hidden desires for Hana.



note: lyrics above taken from BEAST's I LIKE YOU BEST.



dayum...I feel like writing a Changtoria fic for this. It was her he was referring to about asking her out. heeheehee.

Or maybe not. He'll be forever alone.

Yes. I like the forever alone thing.

So very Slytherinny of me. muwahahahaha ( <---that's an evil evil laugh)

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Chapter 1: He has a heart to forgive because he loves her! Well done! It was sad but beautiful~
Chapter 1: hi, i love your stories..wouldnt mind if you write about changtoria ^^
Livie37rn #3
Thank you for not letting changmin and hana have an affair. That would be really weird...iewwwww
You must make an alternate universe where JaeNa is ChangNa. ;)
haz99iqa #5
i want to squeeze minnie >< <br />
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XOXO for you <3 such a cute story .
soulmate and partner can be a different person....<br />
i have a soulmate but he's not my bf...<br />
he's my bff..<br />
:)<br />
and i love him that way...<br />
hahahahaha..<br />
but max is sooooooo cute....<br />
melanarbs #7
Aaaaawww! This is sooo sweet I want to hug changmin!
Awww...<br />
Damn. <br />
awww Changmin! i loved it. So sweet :"><br />
since Min is forever alone and I am one too, I guess it means we can be forever together (LOL ignore that. Besides, my sister will kill me if she finds out that I am secretly crushing on Changmin and he's wrecking my bias list)<br />
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<br />
hope to read more from you ^^