
Halloween 2014
Nino hated the sea that just the thought of it made him seasick. He shook his head of the thoughts afraid that he might just hurl on the spot.
After waving goodbye to his colleagues, he walked back home in hopes of a good night sleep. For some odd reason, he was unable to sleep peacefully these days. Sometimes, he would dream of being on a ghost ship. It must have belonged to a pirate since he saw a pirate flag, but that didn’t bother him at all. It was the sea that got to him. On some nights, he’d wake up drenched in sweat and there was the faint smell of salt water.
Nino scowled. He didn’t want to think about it at all. There must be something wrong with his head for having these weird dreams…
As soon as he got home, he dumped his bag and dragged his feet towards his room. He changed into something comfortable before flopping his exhausted body onto his bed. It was so warm and lovely and he could fall asleep right about now…
Nino woke up and it was that pirate dream again. Only this time, it felt real. Too real. He could feel the icy breeze of the sea, the floorboards creaking underneath his feet, and the ship swaying from side to side.
He had to wake up. This must be a dream because he did not walk to a pirate ship, and he was sure pirate ships didn’t exist in the 21st century unless it was a movie set.
“Wake up!” He yelled. Unfortunately, he was still “asleep” when he opened his eyes.
“Throw him over!” A hoarse voice yelled from afar and Nino turned. He saw a pirate, it’s eyes hanging out of its socket.
He gasped in horror as he saw more pirates appearing out of thin air. They all yelled in excitement, their ghostly beings pushing Nino towards the side of the ship. He tried to tell them to stop as he kept looking back at them and the sea.
“Wake up!” He yelled to himself again, but it failed.
As the ghostly beings pushed him towards the edge, he felt his sides being constricted and saw that ropes binding itself around him. He struggled until his arms and sides hurt.
Once he was standing on the protruding plank, he begged for his life but the ghostly men all smiled wickedly and said: “The sea is nothing to fear of.” It was the last thing he heard before he was kicked off the plank…
Reports came in about a man cast ashore, his face blue in pure horror. They said he died from drowning, but they didn’t find anything on him. A witness reported that they saw him last night, walking into the sea with his pajamas on.
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