
Halloween 2014
Jun liked to smile. His mother told him that he looked beautiful and that everyone would fall for his charms. So he smiled. Smiled even when his family died in a tragic car accident. Smiled even when everyone left him. Smiled until by the end of the day, his cheeks hurt.
It was a normal day and Jun was smiling at everyone that had passed him. Until a man who smiled back at him approached him and asked him a question: “You like to smile a lot, am I correct?”
Jun nodded his head.
“Good,” the man’s smile widened. “Then follow me. I know just the place where everyone smiles.”
He couldn’t be more happier to follow the man. Finally, there were people who smiled as much as he…
“Follow me here,” the man said in a sweet voice as he walked into a dark room. “Everyone’s waiting.”
Jun followed, but the room was still so dark. He was about to ask the man to turn on the light when he heard a footstep behind him. “This won’t hurt one bit, I promise,” the man’s voice whispered and it was the last thing he heard before he fell unconscious on the hard floor…
“Are these real?” A woman asked the man standing besides a still-figure.
“Of course not,” the man grinned. “They are my finest wax work. And this one,” he pointed to a man standing still. He was smiling as if there was no tomorrow and he could tell the woman was captivated by his looks. “Is my latest work: Jun.”
“Oh,” the woman giggled. “If I were that figure’s mother, I would have told him his smile was charming.”
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