Chapter 5

Looking after Baby Tao

2 days have passed and Exo was exhausted. They've been searching non stop for the bottle and still couldn't find it. Their schedules do get in the way when they try to search but they couldn't ignore it. Chen was starting to feel even more guilty then before. He wanted the older panda back and he wanted to use him for protection because the guys have been beating the living out of him. All of Exo are now currently resting in their living quarters. They couldn't take it anymore and Baekhyun looked like he was going to faint because he we into a dumpster full of rats and man did he scream.

"Chen...When this is over I'm going to kill you." Kris declared.

"You already beat me half to death. Isn't that enough?" Chen asked.

"Look, there is no point in fighting. Mengyao is coming over, he thinks that he can help us." Xiumin spoke.

Mengyao arrived 2 hours later with Tao and his band. They set their stuff down and asked what they have done so far. Mostly all of the answers were the same so Mengyao sighed. He told his band to search the garbage while he spoke the others. Junjie, Huiliang and Shen left the room and went to search. Mengyao looked at the Exo guys and just sighed.

"You guys are useless. Couldn't even find a simple bottle." He started.

"We searched a garbage filled alley, had to take a shower three times before our schedules began and you call us useless?" Luhan said angrily.

"Look, I'm sure it's there. You need a little faith. The guys and I are staying over tonight, we'll search for a while but if we can't find it...This potion might be a permanent effect." Mengyao sighed.

Everyone looked down in shame but they would not give up. They all got up and went to help the other three with their search. They searched nearly all night and mostly you can hear various screams but they all still continued.

Morning came around and they heard the garbage truck. It meant they were too late. They all went back to the room and all of Exo started crying. They thought they would never see the older Tao ever again and it broke their hearts. The little panda was confused of the elders behaviours but he knew they were sad. So he tried to cheers them up by giving them some form of encouragement.

"Gege's should not give up!" He shouted.

Everyone looked up in shock but smiled when they heard what he said. They wish they could keep going but it was too late.

"Hey where's the bathroom?" Shen asked.

"Down the hall to the left." Kai answered.

Shen left the room and left to the bathroom. When he was walking he took his time to inspect Exo's home. It was a lot smaller than their pent house but it was cosy. While he was distracted he accidently went into the wrong room.

"Oops, wrong room."

When he was about to shut the door he saw something shine near the window. He was a little curious what it was so he went to inspect but as he got closer he was shocked at what he had found. He grabbed the object and ran back to the living room forgetting to use the bathroom. When he got there everyone looked at him confuse. Since he looked out of breath.

"Guys, look at what I found." Shen held up the object and everyone's eyes widened in shock because in Shen's hand was the bottle.


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Taoissadiva #1
Chapter 5: I read it on 2018 lol.
Chapter 7: That's it!? I need a sequel -_-
SilverSapphire34523 #3
Chapter 7: So cute!!!!
T6814R #5
Chapter 7: what??!!!! that's the end?! author -nim! please update the epilouge soon! and a sequel if possible!! love ya!
Chapter 6: Authornim =.=# WHY U DID THIS TO ME T.T Its a damn cliffhanger... WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY T.T But hey on the bright side they *literally shen* FOUND THAT SCOOBYDOO BOTTLE... They put on a lot of effort to search for it then actually the bottle is just at the window.. Greaattt...
Chapter 5: CUTEEEEEEEE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
JaeYong_TY #8
Chapter 5: dawww, that was so cutee~
please update soon
T6814R #9
Chapter 5: Please update your other stories too!!! They're Good!!!fighting!!\(@3@)/*hugs*