Real Deal


Dara's pov



Who really is this person?? 


Is he G-Dragon, the leader of the famous group BigBang or Kwon Jiyong, the humble and caring dongsaeng whom I grew up with?


I'm not saying that GD is bad or anything but his actions and behavior is really different from the Jiyong that I know. He parties like there's no tomorrow. Drinking, flirting with different girls each night seems like his other JOB. 


When he's in his GD state he completely loses it. He acts like he owns the world. Dating millions of ladies is his hobby. Uttering cheesy lines and after getting what he wants.. Dumps them like trash and pretend that he doesn't know that she existed. 


I'm worried for him. That's why I'm acting this way.  When he's on his normal mode, the Jiyong that I know. He seems like an innocent guy who would never play with a girl's heart, totally different from GD.


Is he suffering in some type of problems?? Why doesn't he open-up to me anymore?? Doesn't he trust his noona??


He must've caught me looking at him as he went near me and sat beside me.


"Noona, what's wrong?? Why are you looking at me like that?? Don't tell me you've got the Hots for me?? " He jokingly said with a slight chuckle, he wiggled his eyebrows annoyingly which I find pretty amusing.


"Silly.. Nothing but, what about you Ji?? What's wrong with you?" I asked him seriously. My concern for him is extreme for he is one of my beloved dongsaengs.


"Nothing noona.. What made you think so?" he answered, his face becoming serious all of a sudden. This look of him.. I just can't believe he acted all crazy last night. Making out with different girls.. It seems surreal. This guy infront of me looks soo freakin' innocent people.


"Nothing." I shaked of the thought. "Hey, I'm hungry.. Let's grab something to eat." I grabbed his hand and led the way the way to the canteen. 




Jiyong's POV 


Dara noona held my hand. Doesn't she know what she's doing to me? My heart is beating faster and faster.. The way she held my hands, the way her hands perfectly fits againts mine. It just seemed all soo perfect. 


"Ji!! Hey, Earth to Jiyong!!" she waved her hand infront of me. Giggling non-stop. She looked like an angel. The way her eyes shine brightly when she smiles that gorgeous innocent smile. 


If I can see that everyday.. I'd be the happiest man on earth! Too bad... she's already with Top Hyung. 


I didn't tell anyone about my feelings for her, especially Top hyung for he likes her too and lucky for that bastard, she .. likes her back. 


I may look like I'm happy for them.. Heck, I'm happy that they are happy but it.. it hurts man. 


To escape the pain, I did things. Things that I've never done before. Things that I know I'd regret later on. I go clubbing everyday. Drink tons and buckets of beer and alcoholic drinks to forget her, her sweetness and lovingness. Make-out and date different girls a night to forget her and find another.


But then again.. She's the only one. No one can replace her, especially in my Heart. Cheesy right?? But love can really transform you. 



Reality really hurts right?? She's soo near, yet so far.. 


"Yah!! Jiyong!! You've been spacing out the whole time!!" Dara noona told me, pouting her lips cutely. I want to just kiss her but I know that's not right. As much as I love her.. I treasure Top hyung and our friendship.  Also that guy makes her happy. 


As long as she's happy. I'm happy, I'll try to be. 



TOP's pov


I saw Jiyong and my Dara inside the Canteen. They were laughing, enjoying each other's company. 


"Hey babe!" I greeted her and went to give her a kiss. I didn't fail to notice the change of expression on Jiyong's face. 


"Hey Ji. So what's up?" I greeted them. Nonchalant of his heated glares at me. 


"Nothing.. I just brought this guy with me cause I'm hungry!! " she said cheerfully. She really doesn't fail to amaze me. That's maybe the reason why Jiyong loves her. 


You maybe wondering why I know that right?? Hahaha.. I may sound evil but I planned everything all along. 


I liked noona way back, I admit, so I didn't really lie about my feelings for her. But my feelings weren't as deep as Jiyong's.


I already noticed his feelings for her way back.. The idiot wouldn't just admit. Like dude, he was effin' obvious. The way he would constantly steal glances at her, ask her if she's fine and all. Just like a lovesick puppy.


As I said, he was ever-so obvious. We asked him everytime but he would always deny the fact. So that's why I did this.


Also, Noona likes him.. She just doesn't know about it. I can feel it. The way she treats me, even though I'm her boyfriend.. It's just like she treats me just like  a brother and friend, wayy different from Jiyong that's just a friend.


If you see us on the streets you'd actually think that they are the ones whom are together and I'm just a third-wheel. Weird right??


Even the ajhumma thought that they were together. She has sense right?? Not like the two dense persons I know. 




"Gentleman, you should buy your girlfriend this. It would look perfect on her. " the ajhumma said, refferring to Jiyong and Dara. I pretended looking around the store in the ajhumma's place. Acting innocent and unaware of what they were talking about. 


I saw Jiyong blush. Am I dreaming?? The great Kwon Leadah is Blushing people! I never thought I'd live to see this day. Better take a picture for future purposes.. Hehehe.. 


On with me eavesdropping. Hehehe, this is fun!


"A-aniyo.. We aren't dating ajhumma.. We are just friends!!" Jiyong explained with excessive hand gestures. This punk really is embarrasing himself even more. Good thing I'm not with them. 


"Neh, Ajhumma.. we are just friends.. " Dara said, hurt evident in her voice but hiding it with a smile on her face. Yep, she's smiling alright, but her eyes says otherwise. She then placed her arms on his shoulders and ruffled his hair.


"He's just my dongsaeng." Dara said, Jiyong flinched with this. His eyes now feigning hurt. 


Well.. can't blame him. That hurts jackpot! WHo wouldn't get hurt by that?? The one you love calling you "Just a Dongsaeng??" . Tsk... But then.. It's his fault.. He  denied her. That also hurts on her side.


Love is truly like a rosary.. Full of mysteries..





After that encounter, I noticed the change happening in him. He would always go clubbing and come back home wasted. His neck full of hickeys and lip stains.


He really changed. Then it finally hitted me.


I must stop this before matters get worse than it already is.  

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Eh? I wrote this last year and I forgot that I made a sequel. Heck, I even forgot the plot. lol

thanks for reading anyways. :-)
zeth06 #2
lol at Tabi.. :p
thanks for those who subscribed and commented! <br />
Sequel.<br />
Haha...thanks for this, in this time that we all feel down because of so many issues happening to our beloved couple (especially GD) we really need this...
LOL..oh TOP!^_^
ItssCheska #7
TOP is the greatest and most handsome cuoid of all! :">
rizukikun #8
finally they together now!! thanks to Top for being a cupid for them ke ke