Voodoo Doll

HyuKen anthology

Tittle: Voodoo Doll

Pairings: one sided Hyuken

Word Count: 2709

WARNINGS: character death, based on VIXX's voodoo doll and Cussings...



Lee Jaehwan never liked rivals. Han Sanghyuk didn't if Jaehwan didn't liked. Jaehwan never liked people that stood out more than him. Neither did Sanghyuk if Jaehwan didn't liked. Jaehwan also didn't like people with better humour than him. Sanghyuk didn't either since Jaehwan didn't liked. Jaehwan especially hated when people made fun of his big nose or his pointy shelled ear. He would cry at Sanghyuk when he returns to his room with the said man. Sanghyuk would always let Jaehwan do whatever he wanted with him, even if it injured his body. And when the older would sleep, Sanghyuk would go out and throw away the people that made his beloved Jaehwan cry. Because he has nothing more to lose.



As usual, in the morning two handsome lads were in their shared room. "Hyukkie~ Breakfast~" Jaehwan cutely called out to the younger. Sanghyuk rolled around on his bed. Suddenly a sharp pain went through his entire body as he held his hand. Normally people would call out for help but Sanghyuk didn't, because he inflicted the pain to himself.

"Hyukkie palli!" Jaehwan screeched cutely and made Sanghyuk chuckled. "Wait for me hyung." Sanghyuk yelled back and stood up, his right hand didn't let go of his left arm, covering a wound that was just made earlier last night. Sanghyuk walked with long strides to the bathroom. He gripped onto the sink as one hand thread through his blond locks.

His breathing was uneven but he inhaled and exhaled until it became normal again, he didn't want to worry Jaehwan, oh no, that would be the last thing he would ever think of. He quickly brushed his teeth, washed his face then walked out to the small kitchen they had and sat at the table for four. 

Jaehwan smiled to Sanghyuk as he served breakfast at the younger. "How about you hyung?" Sanghyuk looked at Jaehwan with a confused look because there was only one plate. 

"Oh! I've already eaten earlier, you woke up too late." Jaehwan explained and Sanghyuk only nodded as he took the egg into his mouth. He closed his eyes to fully taste the yumminess of Jaehwan's cooking until he didn't noticed Jaehwan walking to his back. Jaehwan hugged Sanghyuk's head, placing his chin on the younger's head.

Sanghyuk didn't do anything because he kind of liked the older hugging his head. But suddenly, he sharp needle slowly inserted itself into Sanghyuk's sleeveless arm. He shut his eyes tighter to endure the pain seeping through his arm. 

"For coming to the table late~" Jaehwan purred into Sanghyuk's ear as he lightly pecked Sanghyuk's stuffed cheek. Then wiped the sweat that was slowly rolling down his forehead. "Hurry Hyukkie, we'll be late if you kept eating like a dinousour." Jaehwan imitated the way dinosours ate and Sanghyuk couldn't help but chuckle. 

"I'm finished." The young lad muttered before putting the greasy plate in the kitchen sink and hurrying off to get ready for school.



The moment Jaehwan and Sanghyuk entered the school building, everyone started to greet the two. Jaehwan often waved to the other students that greeted him until he didn't see a person walking passed him. The tall person bumped into Jaehwan, making the said man stagger lightly backwards and into Sanghyuk's chest. The tall person glared at Jaehwan.

"Use your eyes !" and angrily walked off to somewhere. Jaehwan couldn't believe his eyes, his galssy eyes then started to water before he wiped it quickly and started to walked to his and Sanghyuk's class. Sanghyuk, who had been watching everyone's movements, face turned dark with anger. How could someone have done that to Jaehwan. 

He quickly followed behind Jaehwan to their class. When they've finally reached the destine place, Jaehwan quickly sat at his and Sanghyuk's place. He huffed and puffed out heavy sighs. Sanghyuk sadly looked at his hyung. Inside he was furious, how could that mad man actually yell at poor innocent Jaehwan. Sanghyuk was about to excuse himself to find the tall man but then he saw Jaehwan pulled out a pocket knife, hie sleeve already rolled up.

The tall younger immediately pulled the hand that held the pocket knife and rolled down Jaehwan's sleeve. "Hyung!" he said in a deep voice. But he quickly regreted looking at Jaehwan with angry eyes, because the older looked very shocked and eyes were glassy as if tears could fall like a waterfall any minute then. Not known to Jaehwan, Sanghyuk's angry hides where also filled with worry. 

Sanghyuk still held onto Jaehwan's right wrist - the hand that held the pocket knife - but a bit softer. "I'm sorry hyung." The younger apologized. He carefully took the pocket knife out of Jaehwan's hand and gripped on it. He took a deep breath before pushing the sharp edge and his arm. Sanghyuk gazed at Jaehwan with loving eyes and smiled.

"Hyung you shouldn't injure yourself. If you want to cut, just come to me, i'll cut myself for you. Nae?" he smiled softly even if the pain on his arm was very painful. Jaehwan smiled softly back and hugged Sanghyuk. "Thank you Hyukkie." he muttered softly in his melodious voice as his nose brushed at Sanghyuk's ear. His pouty lips grazing Sanghyuk's neck that made the said man shudder in delight.

Jaehwan let the younger go when the teacher finally arrived and took the students attendence.

Yes, Sanghyuk would cut himself for Jaehwan if it meant the older would feel better.



It was recess, Jaehwan and Sanghyuk walked to the cafeteria. Silently along the way, Sanghyuk would look out to the bully of earlier's tale. Like normal, his plan would be stalk, kill, leave no trace. It wasn't his first kill anyway, so he didn't really felt anything when he planned it. The only emotion he would feel would probably be anger.

Sanghyuk smiled sinisterly to himself. There stood the bully, seemingly kissing someone Sanghyuk knew wasn't his girlfriend, and how did Sanghyuk knew it wasn't? He had his way. The tall lad made a mental note to secretly asking the bully's friend where he lived, for some reasons. The older actually had no idea of Sanghyuk's late night killings, he thought that all the bullies had just did suicide for having the guts to yell at him.

"Hyukkie what do you want to eat?" The older cheerfully shirped at the tall younger. "I'll eat what you eat you eat hyung~" he replied like an actual person, not some evil quiet person which secretly is his job shhhhhs. "But i want chocolate cake~" Jaehwan pouted, he knew it was quite expensive but Sanghyuk stayed smiling - attracting some ladies gazes - before he spoke up.

" I'll pay for hyung then~" The taller said.

Jaehwan grinned, Sanghyuk was always generous anyway - only with him actually. "Thanks hyukkie~" Jaehwan thanked the younger and the two walked to the area where cakes where sold.

The two lads strained their eyes to look for the chocolate cake but it was no where to be seen. "Maybe it's sold out?" he said as he looked at Jaehwan. The shorter on the other hand didn't take it nicely, he grumped and huffed like a little kid. Pouting those red pouty lips of him and Sanghyuk couldn't do anything more. He looked for the cake lady.

"Excuse me, do you have any chocolate cakes left?" he pleaded, he only pleaded just for his hyung. The lady frown slightly. "I'm sorry dear~ I just sold to that guy over there." The cake lady pointed to the last person Sanghyuk wanted to meet now. It was the bully.

The bully turned back to look and mocked a smile at Sanghyuk. Showing his tongue before he started to carefully run away. And that made Sanghyuk extremely mad. 

Sanghyuk sighed before turning back to Jaehwan, about to tell the bad news but then he saw Jaehwan cutely sipping hot chocolate with whip cream. When the older noticed Sanghyuk's mouth slightly open, he smiled widely. 

"You were so slow, the cake lady made me hot chocolate since she didn't have enough time to bake another cake for me but she promised me a cake tommorow~!" The older happily said. Sanghyuk didn't say anything at his happy hyung. He payed for a vanilla cake and sat down with Jaehwan to continue eating before the bell rang. 


Finally, evening, the time all students waited because they could finally rest their sore muscles and sleep on their more or less comfy beds. Same goes with Jaehwan and Sanghyuk.

The two pair walked - well Jaehwan being cute skipped instead of walking like a normal person he would never be - back to their shared room. Jaehwan may have forgetten about the bully now but that was what Sanghyuk wanted to older to be, forget now and feel happy. 

Jaehwan unlocked the room's door and pushed the door slightly but lively. 

"Annyeong haseyo~" he chirped happily eventhough there was no one inside to reply to him. Sanghyuk lightly laughed to himself how the older acted. Almost immediately, Jaehwan ran to the kitchen to make dinner - which was just ramen but Sanghyuk didn't complain. 

"Hyung your bag." Sanghyuk pointed at the bag still attached at Jaehwan's back as he put down his own. Jaehwan apparently didn't hear. The younger sighed and went behind Jaehwan.

He back hugged the older and rested his chin on Jahewan's smaller shoulder, a shoulder he loved dearly. As much as Sanghyuk wanted to feel Jaehwan's back, the bag was blocking him from feeling the warmth of Jaehwan's back.

"Your bag." The taller breathed againts Jaehwan's pointy ear shell. "Let me take it off for you, arraseo?" he nibbled on Jaehwan's ear causing the older to blush and lightly moan. 

But the elder was quick to react, he pinched Sanhyuk's arm painfully. "Hyuk. Han Sanghyuk, no." The blush was there but dying off slowly. Sanghyuk felt like dying but he took it with a smile even if his heart was breaking every second. 

The taller, then took off the bag and walked to Jaehwan's bed in their shared bedroom. Sitting softly on it, he sighed. Why couldn't Jaehwan see that he loved the older. But then, Sanghyuk remembered about the bully. He had to kill the dude anyway so why not put all the anger while murdering the poor bully.

He walked out of the room and went to put on his shoes quietly so Jaehwan didn't noticed him going out. Sanghyuk looked behind and saw that Jaehwan was too busy cooking and he took the sign to go. Closing the door softly, he started his early mission. Which he liked to call as 'mission Hyukpossible.'

Sanghyuk walked over to the staircase. Since he stalked the bully in just a few hours, he got the information that the bully lives just right above him. And that made job easier. The entire way, Sanghyuk had the ever famous sinister smile smudging his face. 

When the tall finally made it to the room's door, he knocked softly. "Who is it?" a cheerful voice said that could compare to Jaehwan - but of course the cheerful older won - and open the door lightly. 

It was the bully's boyfriend, Cha Haekyeon. A senior who was graduating this spring. "Ah where's Wonshik-sii?" Sanghyuk tried his best to sound like a good person. And the senior took it like the tall lad was a good junior. "He's inside." Haekyeon said and Sanghyuk nodded. 

"Ah, Teacher Kim called you actually, for something with dancing." Sanghyuk lied. But if that was the only way to make Haekyeon go out, so he lied to the kind older.

Haekyeon smiled and thanked - which made Sanghyuk cring painfuly - and started walking. "Wonshik-ah is inside ok." and the elder was off towards the shcool area which was an hour long. It's more than enough time. 

And so Sanghyuk went inside. His shoe still stayed on his feet and he felt that it was irrelivent to take it off. 

"Haekyeon hyung." a deep voice called out, most likely from his room. It was the bully's - a.k.a Wonshik - voice. "Who was it?" his volume still stayed the same as before. 

Sanghyuk decided to ignore - well who wouldn't, you're about to kill that person, why would you talk? - and headed to the kitchen. He looked around, there was ginseng, red ginseng. He checked the cabinets, no knives. Then Sanghyuk checked the drawers. There they were.

And lucky him, the knives were sharp. So he took what looked like the sharpest and biggest there, not including the butchers knife it's dang heavy. And so, Sanghyuk walked towards the room occupied by Wonshik.

He pushed the door and there the bully was, sitting on a chair. He was writing something, which actually made Sanghyuk curious but he could always read it later.

Sanghyuk stood behind Wonshik, the bully was wearing headphones and didn't hear anything it seems. He could've easily kill Wonshik now but what the bully was writing made Sanghyuk hate him even more. 

He gritted his teeth until a screech came out through it.It was a love letter. And it was to Jaehwan. He was writing a love letter to Jaehwan. Oh no this bish was going down.

Sanghyuk strangled Wonshik, making the other look at him confused and shocked.

The fear in his eyes made Sanghyuk happy he immediately decided to kill him tonight. Sanghyuk held up the knife and placed it directly and Wonshik's throat.

He growled. "Don't you ever think of liking Jaehwan. He's mine." He spat and pushed the knife deeper. The blood started to spill from Wonshik's throat. The bully asked to stop but Sanghyuk ignored him. He continued until Wonshik stopped struggling or moving. He didn't even bother cleaning like he always did.

He looked at the piece of paper Wonshik was writing on.

Dear Jaehwannie.

It's me, Kim Wonshik. A junior in music major.

Actually I really like you and i'm sorry if I used to bully you.

You just looked so cute when you whine.

So I ask you

Like the sun needs the moon,

Like the spoon needs the fork,

Like the house needs the roof,

Like fire needs burnable stuff like wood,

Would you, Lee Jaehwan.

My sweet sweet Jaehwan. The cutest person I've ever seen. The way you smile lights up my day.

Will you take me as yo-


The rest was covered with thick red blood. Sanghyuk scrunched the piece of paper and walked off. Jaehwan must have been sleeping at this time, which made his next plan briliantly perfect. He quickly made his way back down.

And with his eagle like eyes, he spotted Haekyeon from a mile, still far away but heading back it seem. He walked down the stairs and quickly ran towards his room.

Once he entered, he quickly packed his clothes and Jaehwan's. He carried it infront of him and went to Jaehwan's bed. He was currently sleeping. Sanghyuk picked up Jaehwan on his back and went outside. 

He ran and ran, through a secret place he found. Good thing he knew it, he could pass Haekyeon without the latter seeing him. He ran outside the school towards the bus stop. 

He sat on the seat and layed Jaehwan there beside him, who was still sleeping. He panted and did one thing he knew he would most likely regret but did anyway, while waiting for the bus.

Sanghyuk stood up and gather some twigs nearby a tree. He took out his match and lit it up. The twigs burnt up quickly and he quickly threw it towards inside the school. The security guard must have not noticed the rapid fire now and lucky Sanghyuk was lucky, the bus arrived and Sanghyuk carried both his bags and Jaehwan.


Jaehwan's was someone precious to him. He would do anything for him. To torture himself for Jaehwan. To kill for Jaehwan. To burn down his school for Jaehwan. 

Yes, He would do all that for Jaehwan.

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Chapter 4: very cute, dear.
Chapter 3: very dark, but very awesome
Chapter 2: cute~!!!!!
Chapter 1: awwwwwwww it's so sweet and sad
*grabs by shoulders and starts to shake* why did you not tell me you had this sooner!! i had to go looking through the VIXX story archive to find this
Hyuken such a rare pairing...
usually ken is pair with leo or N
excited to see wat the fic is going to be about<3