핀란드 - 2부


How was your trip to Finland this time? Did you manage to release your stress from daily life?


- I was nervous the day before leaving and couldn't sleep. It's my first time going to Europe by myself. I smiled to myself at that. If only this interview won't be published in the magazine, I would love to tell the interviewer that I wasn't completely alone at that time, and then I continued. It'll most likely become a memory that I can never forget forever. Actually since I've been living a busy life, having a free time without expecting it is an unfamiliar thing to me. I feel like I travelled to a different world for 6 days, "Ah, so this is how people go for holidays..." I felt this for the first time.





THURSDAY 2:30 am



"Has everybody already checked in?" I heard manager hyung ask. The rest of the staffs just nodded.

We're now at Incheon International Airport heading to Finland. Manager hyung decided that we take this 3am flight so that no paparazzi and fansite-noonas will get to know that I am about to leave the country to keep the element of surprise and giddiness to my fans once the issue of the magazine comes out later on October.

Since I got only a few hours of sleep, I put on my earphones and tried to at least take a nap while waiting for boarding time.

A few minutes later, the air was filled with the essence of sweet roses and vanilla. A smile crept up on my face. I know that smell. Sulli.

Then I felt her lying her head down on my shoulder, taking off my right earphone and putting it on her left ear.

"Have you checked in already?" I asked her.

She nodded.

"Peach." I heard her say. I looked at her a bit, her eyes closed and her lips curved into a cheeky smile.

"Yeah." I said, putting my arms around her and kissed her temple. "And your version."

I felt her hands slipping around my waist, bear hugging me. We just stayed like that for a few more minutes until we heard in the background that it's already time for boarding.




After we talk last Tuesday night, she told me that she wants to visit her parent's house for that evening and so I offered her a ride to their house in Busan.


"Will it be okay for Aunty and Uncle if I bring you with me on my shoot for Cosmo?" I asked her. We're now a few blocks away from their house.

"Yeah, I think they'll agree. When's the shoot?"

"The day after tomorrow. It's going to take a week, manager hyung told me. Oh, and we're shooting it out of the country. If I remembered it right, I think it's going to be in Helsinki. What do you think?"

I side glanced at her and saw her jaw dropped.

"Helsinki? As in, we're going to Finland oppa?"

I nodded at her. Then she started getting giddy and jumped up and down her seat. She looks like a kid I just offered a year supply of gummy bears.

"Calm down, beautiful." I chuckled, while turning off the engine and then slightly ruffled her hair; she's just too adorable at that moment.

In just a few turns, we're now in front of their house. I alighted the car and went to her side. When I opened her door, her ever famous eye smile is still painted on her face.

"I can tell you're really excited Sulli." I winked at her and unbuckled her seatbelt.

"You bet I do." Sulli said giving me a quick kiss on the cheeks.

She hurriedly went towards the gate and was about to push the door bell when I saw her hesitate for a second. It seemed like all the happy hormones running in her whole system earlier were all out at once. And I think I just know what came up to her. I went to her after pushing the car lock then squeezed her hand gently.

"It'll be fine, no reason to worry." I whispered to her.

She must have been worried that her family might get mad at her for that recent news that came up. Then, I felt her grip tighten.

"Have you already forgotten what I told you earlier? Forget all about it, alright? Just think happy thoughts Sulli. Happy thoughts."

I heard her take a deep breath, then she looked at me and smiled again.

"That's it. Just keep smiling. Everybody loves to see a happy Sulli, especially me." I said, returning her smile. Then she finally pushed the doorbell.

"Yes, who's there?" We heard Mrs. Choi's voice at the speaker.

"It's me, mom." Sulli said back.

"Jinri? Oh my, wait a minute, I'm coming!"

Not long after, the gates opened and we saw Mrs. Choi still on her apron. She immediately tackled Sulli into a bone-crushing hug and started kissing her face all over.

"Oh god, Jinri I miss you!"

"Me too mom, I miss you so much." Sulli replied pulling off from the hug a little, looking at her mom's face directly.

"Darling, are you okay? I saw the news, and I was in total shock after reading the article."

"I'm fine mom, don't worry." She smiled back to her.

"Oh Sulli..."

Mrs. Choi seemed to feel my presence and let go of Sulli and embraced me.

"Minho, you're here as well."

"Good evening Aunty." I said, and then she smiled at me.

"Come you two. It's cold outside and Sanee might be looking for me now."




"Noona!" The moment we entered the house, Sulli's baby brother immediately saw her and run towards her.

"Sanee-yah!" Sulli picked him up and started tickling him. "I missed you so much baby! Won't you give noona a kiss?" She pouted and Sanee gave her a quick smooch then started laughing.

"Sanee, look who's with me." Sulli turned a bit to my side and when Sanee saw me, he readily stretched out his arms at me.

"Hyung! Are we going to play soccer tonight?" I took him and hug him as well. I can see in his eyes the same expression that Sulli has whenever she's trying to ask something from me. He's just so damn cute looking like that.

"Uhm, not tonight Sanee-yah, because it's already late, but maybe next time buddy." I said, pinching his cheeks.

"Okay, but next time alright? Promise?" He held out his pinky and I immediately entwined mine with his.

"Sulli, Minho, did you guys already have dinner? Come join me. I haven't had one yet." Mrs. Choi prepared the table and we dig into our late supper.




"Uhm, Aunty, I'd be having a photo shoot this coming Thursday, would you mind if I bring Sulli with me?" I said, after finishing my bowl.

"It's going to be out of the country and is scheduled for a full week, would that be okay?" I looked at her and searched for any sign of disapproval in her face.

"No problem. Anyways, there's a lot going on here in Korea and a lot of people started saying harsh stuffs against my daughter again because of that stupid statement from the management." I can see her rolling her eyes at her last phrases, as if feeling disgusted by the way the company handles their artists' issues, in which I totally agree on.

"It would be great if she'll be able to take a break from all of those for a while, and besides, she's with you and I trust you dear." She reached for my hand across the table, held it, and gave it a light squeeze.

"Thank you Aunty. Uhm, where's Uncle anyway? It would be great if I can ask for his permission as well." I asked.

"Yeah mom, where's dad?" Added Sulli.

"He says he has to meet a friend in Incheon this evening and won't be back 'till tomorrow." She said, then looked at me. "It'll be okay Minho, I'll just tell him that you two went on a vacation for a while. He won't be able to disagree anyway." She added, while giggling.

"Thanks mom." Sulli said, smiling at her mom.

"No problem darling, anything for you."




"We'll be going now Aunty, thanks for the dinner." I said, and then she kissed me on the cheeks.

"Don't mention it dear. Take care of my Jinri alright? And good luck on your shoot."

"Thanks Aunty, and even if you don't remind me, I will always take care of your daughter as long as I can." She can't help but smile at that. She turned around then hugs Sulli, who is now currently blushing at that moment; even I myself felt my cheeks burning.

Mrs. Choi started giggling, "You have such a sweet boyfriend darling." Sulli can't do nothing but look at the ground out of shyness. "Enjoy your trip with Minho okay? I love you so much Jinri, you know that right?"

"I know. I love you too mom, tell dad I miss him and I love him okay?" She let go of her mom and finally kissed her cheeks.

"I will. You two should get going now, it's getting really late. Minho, be careful driving okay? Good night you two." Then she waved us goodbye.




"Great shot. Re-do his make-up please! Thank you."

I am now standing at the center of a cobbled street at Scandic Paasi here in Helsinki, currently on my fourth shoot for the day. We arrived at Finland yesterday and hurriedly proceeded and arranged the schedule for the photo shoot.

"Minho, come here." Jian noona, my hair stylist, called out to me.

"We'll continue in ten guys. Take your break." I heard Mr. Kim Je Won, the photographer for this shoot, said.


"Your lips are getting chapped. Hey Sunyoung-ah! Minho here needs a re-touch. I'll re-do your hair later." She said then walks away.

From early July all the way to February, Finland's climate drops from 17°c to even -7°c. No wonder my lips are now looking like the crack landfields in the Sahara, and I can even barely feel my hands right now for I'm wearing no gloves at all.

"I'll do that Sunyoung eonni. Go on take your break." A smile crept up my face. I saw Sulli walking towards me and took the make-up kit from noona.

"Hey there beautiful." She stand right in front of me while I sat back down the stool. My hand held her waist and embraced her nuzzling my nose on her stomach making her giggle.

"Stop that oppa. You know I'm ticklish." She said in between giggles.

"Choi Minho, behave. Stay still, I'll re-apply your make-up now." I pouted and pretended to sulk.

"Aigoo~..." She cupped my face with both her hands, squeezed it, and took a quick smooch on my lips. I can feel my cheeks and ears turning red at that moment.

"Oppa, your ears are red." She said laughing her off of me.

"Omo, are you blushing? Oh my god Choi Minho you're blushing." She took her phone and quickly stole a shot of my now red tomato face.

"No, I'm not."

"Oh yes you are."

"I said I am not."

"Just admit it oppa."

She stifled a laugh. "Come on, I'll do your make up now." Then she started applying a layer of foundation on my face. My hands still on her waist. I heard some giggles from my stylist-noonas looking at me and Sulli while taking their lunch.

"You two look so cute. If only your management isn't that crappy, you wouldn't have the need to hide your current status to the public."

I sent a smile back to noona, then looked at Sulli who is now putting dabs of balm on my lips. She just sent a sweet smile down at me and continued what she's doing. Then a thought suddenly came into my mind...


If only I'm just a normal person.


Not the one who is always been shined upon by the spotlight.


Not the one who is always swarmed with lots of fangirls.


If only I wasn't Choi Minho of SHINee, we wouldn't have the need to hide ourselves in the public.


But then again, thinking about it, if I wasn't Choi Minho of SHINee...


I wouldn't be able to meet this beautiful girl standing right in front of me now.


I would probably be half as happy as I am right now if I am not that person, and she would probably be the same as well.


I wouldn't be able to pour out all my love and affection to somebody just like how I do with her.


Nobody would probably be there for her when she needs a shoulder to cry on.


Now, I realize that everything happens for a reason.


Fate placed me in this situation so that...


I can be that person she can trust and rely on in the toughest days of her life.


I can be that somebody who would be there and listen to her cries when nobody else does.


And so that I can be the one to show her how much she is loved and will be loved despite all the hates she receives blow by blow.


I stared intently at her while she put the finishing touches on my face, and when her eyes finally met mine, I never let her gaze wander anymore. Her chocolate brown eyes melted into mine. A sweet smile escaped her lips. The foggy breath of hers due to the dropping temperature swirled in the space of air as she mouthed the words I love you.


I smiled back to her replying back those sweet words to Sulli. It was just a happy moment... as if nobody else existed in that room but just me and her.




The staffs and crews decided to spend our last remaining days here on Finland for a tour around the city and nearby tourist spots. We were able to wrap up the shoot on our fifth day stay in Helsinki, and mind you, everybody was just exhausted yet fulfilled with the outcome of the project.

A local friend of Mr. Kim Je Won took everyone first to the famous Rock Church, not situated far from where our lodge is. It was a shallow circular dome of copper sheeting and glass borne concrete ribs. The impressive structure and the rich historical background of the church were just superbly breath-taking. No wonder, it is one of the most famous landmarks in the country.

After that, we went to Ateneum, also known as the Finish National Museum of Art. It is a neoclassical building that holds Finland's finest art collection of historic works as well as contemporary art in a gallery of its own. We were able to see some works by foreign masters who aren't Finish such as Rembrandt's "Monk Reading", and Vincent van Gogh's "Street in Auvers-sur-oise."

At lunch, we decided to go to Eeron Keittio, a small and cozy traditional restautant and a local's favorite that is. We were even able to meet the head chef and owner of the place, Eeron, who personally serves the customers straight from the kitchen. The Karelian stew, I should say, was my favorite out of all the dishes we tried, including the Reindeer sirloin and the Fried Pike Perch. The deserts were just as heavenly as the main courses. Eeron served us a whole variety of baked goods from Ginger Snaps to the mouth-watering Buckthorn Cheesecake. It was a filling lunch, and all of us were satisfied and were obviously full on our stomachs.

Our next destination by that afternoom was Keskuspuisto, Helsinki's central park. It is quite unique compared to the typical parks I've been to who has manicured gardens. This park, is more of wild woodland growing in the middle of a city, and natural shrubs and bushes just grow everywhere. It is also loaded with bike and walking trails.

It sends peace and tranquility to my system. I was able to free my mind from all the stress and problems I am dealing with and just breathe fresh air while sitting on the park's bench eating my favorite vanilla ice cream together with my girlfriend. We said nothing to each other at that time as we sat on the bench holding hands. A comfortable silence between us engulfed the atmosphere. It just felt so good that we can just be normal for at least a while and think of nothing else but only the matter that is important at that moment... Us.

"Guys, let's go now!" I heard manager hyung called out to us. "We're going to Senate Square."

Senate Square is an imposing landmark in Helsinki, and man, it is huge and breathtakingly extravagant as well. The locals told us that it would have been better if we visited on Christmas holidays for it is much more superbly beautiful at that time of the year.

It was nearing sunset and the rest of the crew busied themselves taking commemorative photos and buying souvenirs at the nearby shops and stalls in the square. I already bought some earlier for the boys and for my family back home. I decided to buy a couple bracelet for mom and dad since it has been too long when I last bought them presents. Mr. Kim, didn't missed the opportunity to take pictures of the Senate Square now that the sky is at its full color nearing sunset.

It was stunning. I looked up and the sky looks as if it was painted and not real for it was too beautiful, but not as beautiful as the girl standing right beside me, staring at the same sky I'm looking at.

I slowly turned to her and examined her face. Sulli's nose and cheeks were slowly turning red due to the climate even though she's wearing enough garments to suffice the cold. Her eyes still droopy as ever. Her lips plump, with a slight tinge of purple from the coldness of the surrounding.

"You're beautiful."

I said, my voice almost inaudible for her to hear but she still heard it. She shifted her gaze from the clouds to me, which caught me off guard. Her cheeks turned even redder this time.

"Thank you."

She said. Her voice seeming to be a whisper in the wind as the weather grew colder and the sound of the locals and tourists in the square that swarmed the place seemed to fade slowly in the background. Our ears were blocked and hear nothing but the sound of our heaping breaths and the thump of our hearts. Our eyes locked at each other seeing nothing except mine on hers, and hers on mine.

As if everything in the world around us has stopped, I slowly and hesitantly leaned in but stopped when our lips were barely apart.

My eyes raked her face and once again looked onto her lips, full and desirable. I turned my gaze back to her eyes staring intently upon mine.

Again, I couldn't stop myself from thinking...

How beautiful she is,






How strong she is,






How pure she is.


She is completely unworldly in my eyes.


The remaining sunlight which is now about to fade anytime soon made her hair glow and her eyes burn brighter. She was glowing, illuminating the essence of innocence and purity, and she looked just like an angel.

You could say that sparks flew as my lips finally touched hers, but that wouldn't be enough to describe the moment. It was an indescribable feeling for me, or maybe, even for her.


Shivers ran through my spine as if I was kissing her for the first time though truth be told it was just another kiss added to our list of many shared sweet moments.

The world and even time itself had completely stopped, as if put on hold. Even the people walking around us seemed to have been frozen at that time.


I closed my eyes.






Forgetting who I was.






Forgetting who she was.






And just thought, we were just normal people with beating hearts at that phase of our lives.


My lips curved into a smile. I liked the sound of that.


Just... a normal person.


I inhaled in her scent of sweet rose and vanilla that my system will forever yearn for.


In that moment, all that existed was Choi Jinri and me, Choi Minho... plain and simple.


There was no SHINee.


There was no f(x).


There wasn't even the thought of us being attached to that cruel yet wonderful world of entertainment.


It was just simply, the two of us. Two beings thrown in a situation that fate demanded.


Neither of us knew the time, or realized that the sun already set and that we're now surrounded by glowing neon lights illuminating from the buildings, shops, stalls and lamp posts around the city square. I didn't want to pull out from her warm and soft lips just yet, and so was she. But the sound of a shutter caused us to finally pull away.

The unmoving background of people seemed to found life again and the sound of the vehicles and chatters entered our hearing once more. Our foreheads touched and our labored breaths swirled between us. I could feel the beating of my heart now palpitating beyond normal and so was hers.

"Sorry, can't help it. Once I see something beautiful, my hands itch to click the shutter to not miss the moment." I turned my head towards the voice and saw Mr. Kim with his Polaroid.

"Polaroids are my best friends at times like this when I am not working and just enjoying and capturing every picture perfect moments in my surroundings. They give you the best and most unique shots in the world. Nothing like others, only one of its own kind." He walked towards us and handed me the picture.

"Here, take this. You two make a great couple." He told me, playfully winked, then left.

"I'll keep this." I said, showing Sulli the photo. "He truly is talented at his field. That was just a stolen shot and yet it came out perfectly."

"Yeah, I agree. Keep it safe okay oppa."

"I will baby. I will."




I understand that you have been very busy after coming home from your trip. So, did you feel that this trip is something special?


- Right after I came back from the holiday, our Japan tour schedule started. I've been spending the days intensively but thanks to the memories from the trip, I am enduring it all well.







A/N: I am really having second thoughts last night whether to post this last chapter already or not because I am not quite satisfied with the ending, but yeah, I ended up posting it still.

And for the benefit of others who haven't read it yet, here’s Minho’s Cosmopolitan Interview: http://teamshineebr.tumblr.com/post/100626889214/trans-eng-minho-interview-to-cosmopolitan

Feel free to follow me on Twitter: SHINeeWorld95

Thanks to y'all who appreciated this one-shot story of mine. I only have a few days of vacation left before school starts on Monday, and I have no idea when will I'd be able to make another MinSul story. So, until then... See you!


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Asifaa #1
Chapter 2: wow this is really amazing story,I like it authornim.. so simple but so sweet,I imagine how happy they were being together as a normal person..
AamMira #2
Chapter 2: Oh.. Nice story authornim. I like everything abt Minsul. Thanks authornim :)
AamMira #3
Chapter 1: Oh no... Authornim,great !! U make me crying anyway. Omg i cant control myself. I can imagine the situation. I can feel Minsul feelings that time. I cant :'(
Chapter 2: Annyeonghaseyo... ᵔ.ᵔ
I... Really really LOVE it!!! ♡
Kamsahamnida, Authornim...
This is Jeongmal Jeongmal Daebak!!!
Anyway, I'm your new reader...
I really hope this story portrays Minsul's real love story...
Oh, how desperate I was to read that sad news about uri Princess Sulli related to that ahjussi... :(
But, I still believe that it's just a set up...
Really really thanks a lot, Authornim...
Lots of love,

Chapter 2: This is a superb story. It puts my heart at ease. At least I know tt I'm not the only one who somehow thinks the management could have something to do behind all these :) tyvm dear
Maria09 #6
Chapter 2: this fic like a medicine to me... i love the way you wrote about them... how happy sulli amd minho if they not a celeb but if theyre not celeb they never meet... its truly fact...

thank you for making this amazing story :)
snowsul95 #7
Hey guys... Ed Sheeran's 'Thinking out Loud' has been bothering me for days, as if telling me, "Snow, come on. Go and take inspiration from me and make another story." So, yeah, I kind of ended up making one.

I told you I might not be able to post another story sooner or later, but it's freaking bugging me for days XD

Please do anticipate and hope for you guys to support it just like how you did with my other stories! Thanks!

P.s. It's going to be a one-shot. I'll be posting it any time next week!

Chapter 2: Aww that was wonderful. I almost teared up, seriously. Thanks so much for writing this!
keiumma #9
Chapter 2: Amazing :) awesome update this is what we want i hope this is really happen for real..another update pls!
Chapter 2: I don't want to get more delulu over my own fantasies about Minsul but then.. this fic really made me thought that maybe this is happening in real life... this is the whole truth side of the story..i really hope it is. What made me not give up on this ship is that... there always a hope. Thank you for this wonderful fiction.... jjang!! more to come.. :)