Chapter 2.


so the second chapter is up! who is still reading this thing tbh *insert laughing emoji*

btw I hope you guys enjoy the (somehoe predictable) chapter. wkwk

Taehyung let the older male drag him to his said friend. He become nervous all of sudden. What if Hoseok’s friend thinks that he is weird? What if the said friend didnt like him? Taehyung didnt want to make a bad impression to Hoseok’s friend since he want to keep being Hoseok’s friend.

“hyung what if he didnt like me? What if he think I’m weird?” Taehyung pouts, but still following the older male steps. He is still unfamiliar with the whole university, it will be scary if he get lost here.

“dont worry Tae, he is extra nice and funny, beside you’re in the same age as him” Taehyung nods at the older male’s word “there he is, Jimin-ah!”

Taehyung look at the said Jimin and meet a boy with bright orange hair and smiling lips. He immidiately hide behind the older male because he become shy all of sudden.

“hyung, why take such a long time, grandma already call me to accompany her”

“I want to introduce my new friend to you, he is freshman too”

“hi” Taehyung say, offering his hand to Hoseok’s friend “Kim Taehyung”

“hi Taehyung, Park Jimin” the other take his hand and shake it a bit “I hope we can be friend” Jimin say with wide smile. Taehyung only nods as he murmur ‘me too’. before they can exchange another word, Jimin’s phone already ringing again.

“oh my god, see you later hyung, Taehyung”


“what do you think about Taehyung, Jim?” Hoseok ask, Jimin frown, trying to remember which one that the older male prefer as Taehyung.

“Taehyung?” Jimin ask, eyes still glued to his notebook. Hi grandma give him lots of things to do even he just enter uni, she say that its a punishment since Jimin didnt want to studying overseas.

“Taehyung, sandy brown haired Taehyung I introduce to you this morning”

“ah, well, he is pretty cute and good looking, how did you two meet hyung?”

“we bumped into each other in grocery and we’re live in same apartement but different floor”

“as expected” Jimin say, earning a smack on the back of his head

“he is so cute, he look innocent and everything so I took him under my wing”

“innocent? Hyung, he is freshman for sake, he wont be really innocent like lost puppy. and what he is majoring at anyway?”

“acting and modeling”

“well, he is good looking afterall”

“be friend with him okay? He is my little brother from now on, be good to him” Hoseok say as he pats Jimin’s head before heading to the door “by the way thank you for the meal jim, your grandma’s cooking is always the best”

And Jimin can only groans.


“hyung, you know that I cant easily get along with new people well” Taehyung groans at the phone. His hyung is calling him for something important.

“but you’re being friend with Hoseok in like, three days?” Jin reply from the other side of the phone, there is beeping sound as the background, mean his cousin is still on his doctor duty.

“Hoseok hyung is different case okay? But hyung, life alone with some guy i barely know is just weird okay?” Taehyung rubs his face.

“look, he is not some stranger, he is my collage’s son and I swear he is extremely nice and everything. Beside he is still high schooler, two years younger than you”

“that even bigger problem hyung, he is still high schooler for sake”

“Tae, dont swear when you’re talking to me or talking near me” Taehyung practically roll his eyes at his cousin for this let him stay for a week before you decide that you want to share your apartement with him or not, beside I already talk to your mom and she said she is okay with that”

“Ofcourse mom will be okay with that, she’ll get a half cashback from let him stay” Taehyung say.

“gezz, your mother also say that you will reject the offer so she say she’ll send the cashback to your account, just let him stay for the week and you can decide if you’ll let him stay or not, okay?”



Jimin is expecting Taehyung to dressed in model-like clothes for class, but he is not expecting him look extremely comfortable in simple pair of plain jeans and red sweater and his foot is covered with red converse high.

“hi Jimin” Taehyung say with a smile. Its as bright as Hoseok’s usual smile, they look like brothers now that Jimin think about it

“Taehyung, right?” Jimin say, he need to make sure before he start call him with wrong name. Thats happen a lot back in high school “sorry, I wasnt so good at remembering people name, I call lots of people with wrong name back in high school”

“yes, Kim Taehyung” Taehyung say.

“I didnt expecting you to take statistic class in frist year, Hoseok hyung tell me that you’re majoring in acting and modeling”

“yes, I need statistic too for my credits and I’m thinking about taking all the hard class in first and second year, so I can focusing on modeling and acting in the next years” Taehyung explain “are we sharing the same class?”

“yes, I think we share the same class” Jimin say, as he and Taehyung entering the class side by side “thats a good idea Taehyung”

“thank you? And what are you majoring at? Something that required a lot of math?”

“yes, I’m majoring in bussiness and I will take a lots pf accounting class for the next year, so this class is really important”

“waw, running a family bussiness or something like that?”

“yes, I have three cousing but my grandma only want me as the next heir, so I basically forced to running the family bussiness”

“waw, and I think thats only happen in dramas”

“well, now you know the truth” Jimin laugh softly as both of them sat next to each other.

They sat next to each other in silent, listening to the prof for the whole class without exchange any other word.


“he is a nice guy” Jimin say. Hoseok is, once again, maybe run out of food or maybe just have too much energy to stay on his own apartement and sit down watching television, Jimin didnt know.

“who?” Hoseok ask

“Taehyung, we share same class this morning and he is cute too” Jimin state, eyes didnt move from television.

“yeah, he is” Hoseok nods in agreement “he is totally your cute right? Bubbly and everthing else”

“hyung, dont tell me you have feeling for him” Jimin say with teasing tone.

“not, he is cute and everything, totally my type, but he is more like little innocent dongsaeng to me, beside, I thought you’re the one who will develop a crush on him”

“no hyung, I dont want to be in relationship again, yet” he say, his voice turning bitter “and beside I dont even know he is into guys”

“still not get over him?” Hoseok ask, his voice is signaling that he is dissapointed. Jimin only nods. Jimin himself know that he is pathetic for not get over his last relationship, but he is being honest that he is not ready for another relationship yet.

riiiight! this chapter is pretty predictable since lots of people already predicting that hoseok's friend is jimin.

I actually want to introduce yoongi as hoseok's friend or jungkook as hoseok's friend, but yeah, jimin the best for the plotted plot (LOL what I'm saying)

and the main character is introduced! *drumrolls*

and I hope you guys already get the hint about taehyung's soon to be roommate! *cheeky grins emoji*

for this chapter, I have mini giveaway, the fastest three person who can guess jimin's ex will get 300 karmapoint *throw coffeti everywhere* I really want to give something real like real stuff and suchs, but I'm broken college student with empty back account that I'm crying over unbuyed (what I'm saying~) bangtan merch TT - TT

and here my personal twitter account and Instagram if you guys want to be friend with me, I'm actually a cuddly person *hugs hugs hugs* and love to make friend with you people som come and feel free to scream at me @tartila1117 *another hugs*

also cross posted in AO3 under pseud fyeahbulletproof! see you in the next chapter lovelies

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Chapter 2: aw i need more
Chapter 2: I'm liking this story so far!! Ahh, I hope you can update this someday.♥ I also think that Jungkook is both the roommate and Jimin's ex, but gosh that would make things awkward between Jimin and Tae... although it would make an even more interesting story that way...
wuxianovels #3
Chapter 2: Jungkook is the roommate and Suga (yoongi) is Jimin's ex
yullover2002 #4
Chapter 2: I think the roommate is kookie jimin's ex ~
BabySkypeia126 #5
Chapter 2: Tae's roomate is kookie n chim's ex is yoongi ofc~
Brandyxtonn #6
Chapter 2: Yess as soon as Jin said that taehyung's new roommate was 2 years younger I got so excited hahaha! Can't wait for the next chapter :)
Chapter 2: Wow I think they would make a cute couple
onepeace #8
Chapter 1: Awww this story will be soo adorable and fluffy and full of fun with all members in it i'm sure of it the first chapter sounds great~~~ and no worries authornim i am always here for you alrights,all the best♡
BabySkypeia126 #9
Chapter 1: it's gonna be vmin?!! good!!!
Chapter 1: This story is interesting.. continue please
I can sense that Hoseok's junior is Jimin~~
Cant wait for Vmin and Tae will meet other members too!!
^^ Already excited