Chapter 1.


There is something scary about new enviroment, especially when the new enviroment is too different from his old one. Kim Taehyung himself is social butterfly back in Daegu, his hometown, where he practically know everyone and everyone practically know him. However, Seoul is different from Daegu. Seoul is scary for Taehyung, who born and grow up in Daegu where he know his friend since they’re in diapers.

His phone ringing loudly once he step out of the underground station, his cousin’s contact displayed on his screen, Taehyung grins widely as he pick up the call.

“hyung!” Taehyung beams, his smileis wide that Taehyung is sure his cousin can see it from the other line.

“taetae? Are you arrived yet? Why didnt you pick up the call? The train is supposed to arrived fifteen minute ago-“

“hyung, stop okay? ‘m okay and arrived right on time” Taehyung say as he pull his suitcase, planning on stop a taxy.

“are you sure you’ll take taxy? I can tell someone to pick you up tae”

“I’m okay hyung, I’m a big boy okay? You should worry about your patient instead of me, aren’t you  have surgery schedule?” Taehyung say as he stop a taxy, the driver help him with his suitcase and he give the paper with his new address to the driver.

“you’re right tae, see you tomorrow? I leave some delivery number on your fridge, you can order something and take a rest ok?”

“ok hyungie, you can go, your patient is waiting so shooo” Taehyung jokingly say, the older male on the other line only laugh

“see you tomorrow tae” the older say as he end the line. Taehyung put his phone back on his pocket and looking at the car’s window, amused by the colorful street of Seoul, where he wil spend his few years as Uni student.


Taehyung end up order jajangmyeon after put his suitcase in his room, didnt bother to unpack his stuff and only take a pair of boxer and baggy clothes for sleep.


Taehyung wake up with the sun light hit his face, when he open his eyes, his cousin is grinning at him. Taehyung groans before cover his face with his pillow, trying to back to sleep.

“morning tae, are you sleep well?”

“hyung, let me get some more sleep” Taehyung reply, still cover his face with his pillow.

“i bring homemade food, Hyemi cook it, are you sure you wont wake and eat?” Taehyung can see that his cousin smirking at him

“fine, I’ll wake up” Taehyung pouting as he throw the pillow and rise from his bed, Seokjin is smiling widely as he skips to the kitchen before Taehyung. Taehyung following his older cousin to the kitchen because he wont miss his cousin’s wife’s cooking, her cooking skill is totally amazing

“how is Hyemi nuuna and Seokhyun? I miss them hyung” Taehyung ask, eyes glued to the food that served on the table. He is hungry and tired, and his cousin-in-law’s cooking is smell more delicious now that his cousin heating it again

“they’re good, you can visit whenever you want, but Seokhyun is in school right now” Taehyung nods at the information, his hand is busy scooping the food from its plate.

“Hyemi nuuna is the best” Taehyung gulp the food on his mouth and grins. Seoul maybe wasnt that bad.


That’s right, Seoul isnt that bad, especially the part when he can pay a visit at Seokjin’s house and play with his cousin’s daughter, Kim Seokhyun who is already running to him and calling “uncel taetae” with such an excitement when he arrived at the door, that was great.

He decide that he maybe can do grocery shop. his official life as Uni will start in three days, he already had his stuff filling his apartement, but his fridge is empty, there is only two box of frozen pizza and some side dish from Hyemi nuuna, but he will need real food and a lot of things.

there is a groceries near his apartement, and he is thankful since he didnt have his own car. The groceries is huge, Taehyung even ten minute to find the fruits section. Everything about Seoul is big, he think, he wonder how his Uni will be like. Yes, he saw it on the brochure and internet, but he never really see the real one.

Taehyung is lost on his tought that he accidentally bump into another guy. Taehyung quickly bows and he help the guy to pick his stuff

“I’m sorry, I’m really sorry” he bows repeatedly.

“no, its okay” the other say, Taehyung encouraged himself to look at the other. He didnt expecting the other to be smiling so widely like its doesnt matter.

“um.. I’m Taehyung by the way?” Taehyung return the smile with his boxy smile.

“I’m Hoseok, are you shopping by yourself?” the Hoseok guy ask.

“yeah, all by self, I just come to Seoul two days ago and my cousin is really busy”

“we can, like shopping together? My roommate decide to ditch me for a party i dont really want to go and we run of foods”

“sure” Taehyung smiling, wheeling his shopping cart together with Hoseok.

He found out that Hoseok is one years older than him, and he is on music major. Taehyung excitedly tell the older male that he is also enter the same Uni in acting major. They also find out that they live in same apartement complex but in different floor. At the end of shopping, the older male offer him a ride back to their apartement complex and Taehyung accept the offer happily. when they parted at the elevator, Taehyung thinks maybe he can live in Seoul just well, now that he already make a friend with such a nice guy.


Hoseok drive him to the Uni on orientation day, Taehyung smiling widely to the older male as he run to the auditorium, promising the older male that he really going to watch the older male later when he is performing and promising that he wont miss every seconds of it.

Here we go. Taehyung think as he enter the auditorium. His Uni life will start after this.


The perfomance Hoseok talking about is really good. Taehyung never a dancing person, but he really enjoy seeing people dancing to a music and sometimes join them to dancing along in random moves. So when the dance team performing with breathtaking moves, Taehyung and the rest of the new student clapping in joy.

Ten minute after the performance, they’re free to go to home or to looking around the campus. Some of the new student already go home and some of them is looking around the campus with their old or new friend, Taehyung himself waiting for Hoseok since the older male promise him to guide him around the campus.

“oi Taehyung-ah” Taehyung look around and spot Hoseok waving at him, Taehyung walking to the older male.

“hi hyung” Taehyung grins happily, Hoseok already change his clothes and already free from sweat.

“how was my performance?”

“soo good hyung!” Taehyung give the older male two thumbs up.

“come, I’ll introduce you to my junior in high school, we’re in the same dance team back then, maybe you both can be friend?” Taehyung nods and follow the older male, making new friend from his year will be really good.


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Chapter 2: aw i need more
Chapter 2: I'm liking this story so far!! Ahh, I hope you can update this someday.♥ I also think that Jungkook is both the roommate and Jimin's ex, but gosh that would make things awkward between Jimin and Tae... although it would make an even more interesting story that way...
wuxianovels #3
Chapter 2: Jungkook is the roommate and Suga (yoongi) is Jimin's ex
yullover2002 #4
Chapter 2: I think the roommate is kookie jimin's ex ~
BabySkypeia126 #5
Chapter 2: Tae's roomate is kookie n chim's ex is yoongi ofc~
Brandyxtonn #6
Chapter 2: Yess as soon as Jin said that taehyung's new roommate was 2 years younger I got so excited hahaha! Can't wait for the next chapter :)
Chapter 2: Wow I think they would make a cute couple
onepeace #8
Chapter 1: Awww this story will be soo adorable and fluffy and full of fun with all members in it i'm sure of it the first chapter sounds great~~~ and no worries authornim i am always here for you alrights,all the best♡
BabySkypeia126 #9
Chapter 1: it's gonna be vmin?!! good!!!
Chapter 1: This story is interesting.. continue please
I can sense that Hoseok's junior is Jimin~~
Cant wait for Vmin and Tae will meet other members too!!
^^ Already excited