Chapter 9

Fantasy of a Destiny

Chapter 9

"Jongin please tell me......what happened with her?" I asked him again. I know it's killing him to death thinking about it. It's written all over his face but my curiosity is eating me to pieces. He just looks at the ground. Face full of hate, anger but also sadness. His face tells me that what his is about to let me is going to be interesting and also.......a mixture of emotions. He then started to walk towards his bed and I follow. He sits down and I do the same waiting for him to speak. "Well it was 31 years ago~.There was this girl. She came to are house just like you did. She didn't know who she was or how she got here. Or so we thought at the time." He started. At the time? This is going to be interesting. I cross my legs on the bed resting my arms on them to lay my head in my hands. Jongin starts again. "Well anyway she had long beautiful wavy black hair. Chocolate brown mesmerizing eyes. It was so easy to get lost in them. Her skin was as smooth as silk and was pale but glowing pale. When she smiled her teeth would brighten up the room. We all wondered how she got here. She told us she didn't have a place to stay so I convened them all for her to stay. They all agreed with me." He told me. By the way he was describing her it sounds like he was in love. "Well over time all of us got attached to her especially me. I grew fond of her. Every time I saw her smile I smiled. Every time I saw her laugh I laughed. Every time I saw her hurt I hurt. Every time I saw her getting close to other members I would feel really protective. Like they were taking my territory. Taking something that was mine and only mine. When she called my name I felt like I wanted to hear it for the rest of my life. Just knowing she needed me made every second of my long never ending life worth it." Awww that's sounds sweet but something caught my worth it? ........Does that mean....HE CAN NEVER DIE!?!?! I looked at him shocked. He then looked at me but also shocked too. Then I think he realized what I was shocked about because after a while he started to chuckle. "I don't think the guys told you. We all, the 12 of us, have a never ending lifespan. It said that 'the one' is also the same way so.." He puts his hand on my lift shoulder. "Welcome to a never ending life." He said smiling and I just looked at him. A never ending life. Well being with these guys for the rest of my life.....doesn't sound so bad. "Well back to my story. What I didn't notice was.....I had fallen in love with her. Deeply in love with her. The deepest love a man and women could ever had. I never wanted to leave her side. I wanted to be with her when she sleeps. When she talks. When she calls out to me. I wanted to already be there. By her side. Helping her every way I can. After some time she start to act......weird. She would always stay in her room. Sometimes we could hear her talking to herself or even someone but we highly doubted that. One day I was dying to
see her. I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to hear her call me name. To hear her voice period. That's is all I wanted.....all I need stay alive. To have energy to do anything. I need to be with her. I told the guys that I was going to see her and they all said okay. Suho or kris weren't in the room. They were talking to the elders at the time. Every 6 months we have to talk to the elders but only to main leaders. It was time for them to do so. Well anyway I made my way to her room and as I got closer to the door I heard voices. Not just one voice two voices and one of them didn't even sound like hers. I was frightened but not for my life for hers. What happened to her? Where was she? Did what ever it was behind this door hurt her? I needed to know. I needed to save her. I finally got the courage to open the door but I soon grew to regret it. When I open the door I was met but one person. her . She was okay. She was fine. She didn't turn to me but as far as I could see she was perfectly fine. All my terrier went away and I was finally calm again. I can breath normally now knowing she was fine. I smile from relief starting to walk more inside the room. I walk to the left going around the bed to get a better view of her. But I stopped in my place. I still couldn't see her face but I saw her holding something. It was a dark grey and old goblet. When I looked over some more I saw what was in it. It was a dark red liquid. I was think it was blood and when I saw blood dripping from her right inner hand I was shocked. Why would she have that? Did someone do this to her? Why would she need it in the first place? I then called out her name confused. She didn't turn around. I called her name again but was cut off but a breathless suho and kris yelling my name. I looked at them confused. I didn't know what was going on.

Kai's pov.
~~31 years ago~~

"Kai stay away from that thing!!!!!!" Kris yelled at me. I grew even more confused and also mad. How dare he talk about her in that way. "No I love her. Why would I do that?" I yelled back at them. They seemed shocked and yet horrified by my statement. What is going on? "Jongin you should listen to them." Hana said. Wait.....what? "Hana what do you mean?" I asked her. Then I heard a laugh coming out of Hana but not her musical happy laugh. It was a cold and soulless laugh. It didn't make me happy as usually. It made me frightened to even take one more step towards her. Hana then fully turned around. It was her body but her face was no more. Her eyes were coil, hollow black. Her lips were not dark shade of pink. They were a dead white color with no life. What happened to my Hana? It brought tears to my eyes. "Hana what happened to you?" I asked her and she smirked at me. Hana never smirked. "Hana?.....oh yeah that fake name I told you. That's not my really name sweet cheeks." She told me. Sweet cheeks? What happened to her calling me Jongin? She was the only one that calls me that. Why not say it? I then turned to suho and kris. They walked more inside the room slowly. Then I turned back to Hana or who ever this person is. "Who are you and what did you do to my Hana?" I asked and the being laughed while holding it's stomach. "I am your so called Hana but really I am Asgard.....sent from the dark queen. You may know her as Queen Airabella...oh yeah you do know her. She was the one that killed MOST of your kind like your beloved trainer. Oh I know you miss him. He misses you hell." She told me. this can't be happening. I clinch my fist and look away from her. I feel the broken pieces of my heart come out in tears. What I didn't know was that Asgard was getting closer to me. I then saw her face in front of me. She starts to laugh with a shock facial expression. "Wait wait wait....oh yes your the one that feel deep love with me. Well hate to break it to you kid but I never loved you. I got bored here so I decided to play with you. That was worth my time to see you like this. Your pain and misery beings joy to me. That's all you have always wanted right Jongin. You want me happy." She told me and I looked at her. Not with love like usual with hate, anger and most of all revenge for making her do this to me. "Don't call me Jongin....I don't want my name to come out of your mouth." I said to her. I want her to feel my pain to feel how I feel now. I will make her pay. She acted shocked but then her face curled into a smirk. I then saw her pick up her glass looking thingy. "Well hate to break it to you boys but my work her is done. It was nice meeting you all. See you when I come back with a queen." She then opened her window and jumped out. "GUYS WE NEED TO CATCH HER!!!" I heard suho yell but to me it was just a whisper. I was like Tao froze time. I was played and then dumped away like a broken toy. Why?.....
End of pov.

Your pov.
"Suho and Kris and the others went to go find her. I just stayed. Suho almost got her but was stopped by a barer. It was clear so he didn't know it was there. She just walked right though it. What he didn't know was the reason she was there was to make sure we stay in. The evil queen was making that barer to make us stay in our place. She knew that we could kill her so she decided to lock up in. To trip us forever. Only her kind and get though. Suho banged on it but never got though. (Remember overdose when suho bangs on the clear barer. Yeah imagine that ^_^)
Before the others got back I made a decision. I told myself that I will never be around the others. That I will just stay away. I didn't want them to talk to me and mostly I didn't want them to see my cry." Just then a tear falls from Jongin's eye. Oh my gosh Jongin. It hurts me to see you like this. I have no idea why but It does. I start to lean closer to him just to wipe away his tear but he beat me to it. "That's why I acted the way I did towards you. That's why I didn't want you here. I didn't want history to repeat itself. I didn't want my brothers to feel the way I did 31 years ago." I told me. Then he looked at me in the eyes. I saw his water filled eyes. "Mi Young I am so sorry for what I did to you I truly am. I shouldn't have acted the way I did. I'm so sorry." Jongin told me and I came towards him giving him a hug. "It's okay's okay. Letting it out makes it better." I feel him hug me back. He's hot breath on my neck made me weak all over. What's happening to me?............
I then pulled away and the feeling was gone. I just shook it off. "Thank you Jongin for...." I yawned. "Telling me." I said. Wow I am really sleepy. He chuckled looking down. "Your welcome Mi Young. I am happy I told you but now I think you should rest." He told me. I weakly laughed and nodded a yes. He gets off the bed and I get under the covers. When I was fully under he tucks me in but then I realized something....where is he going to sleep? "Jongin you sleep here I will sleep on that couch." I told him starting to get out of the bed but he smirked in a playful way. "Well I was going to share the bed with you but since you said that...." I then looked at him. Well it IS a king size bed. I won't even know he is there soooo. "Okay!" I told him. He turned back at me with a shocked expression. "Wait what? Oh no it's okay I can sleep on the couch." He said walking to the couch. Oh no mister I will not let you make me feel bad. "Jongin pleaseeeeeee sleep with meeeeee. I will feel bad." I told him with ageyo. He turned to me again with a shy smile on his face. Bingo! "Well since you begged." He then started to make is way to the right side of the bed. He went under the covers and turned off the light but before he did he.....



Kiss me on the forehead. I was frozen. "Night Mi Young see you in the morning." He told me. He turned the other way. Back facing me. "Good night...." I said still shocked but yet at the same time happy.


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Chapter 13: Auwww...luhan jelousss...your story interesting...hope you can update soon as posible...tq author nim..^_^