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"We will be okay."




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ayasdfgghjkl #1
Chapter 1: Awwww sad story .. :( why did you killed joohyun ?? ㅋㅋㅋ its very hard for yonghwa hahaha anyway , your story was unique.
Chapter 1: kinda reminded me of tfios
unfeignedfaith #3
Chapter 1: Ohhh it's not thriller this time. Otherwise, this is great! Sad, but it evens out all the fluff I often read nowadays. There are a lot of angst out there and other genre, but no one's done a descent thriller/tragedy genre. Keep it up, alright? I love your stories, despite the heartache I get from it when they don't end up being together in the end. :)
kmrsanchez #4
Chapter 1: Authornim whats this? So sad....