Third Time's The Charm


Author's Note:

Hey guys! Sorry it's a late update. 

THe next update would probably take me awhile because I have a lot on my plate right now. ^^;

But either way, I hope you'll still enjoy this chapter ! ^_^


Hongbin typed furiously onto his computer, drowning his ears with his iPod playlist blaring out as he did. A frown was on his face and his eyebrows furrowed so much it was as though he had stapled them together. He was frustrated and angry as he did his project assignment. He was reminded of what had happened when he had reached home and that served only to make him feel all the more agitated.

"I'm home!" Hongbin muttered as he entered his house. He frowned when received no answer and merely headed to the kitchen. His house helper, Mrs. Park, bowed downed to him respectfully when she spotted him enter the kitchen.

"Oh, Hongbinnie. You reached home already?" She asked him, her old motherly voice called out.

Hongbin smiled at the old woman as he walked towards the kitchen counter. "Yeah. Sorry I didn't call earlier to say that I was on my way home." He took a bite from an apple he picked from the fruits tray. "Where's mom and dad?"

The old woman visibly stiffened at the question. "Didn't Sir and Ma'am tell you? They left to fly overseas for a conference meeting at New York."

Hongbin's smiled slowly turned sour but he kept his cool. He glanced at the apple in his palm. A silent moment passed before he asked, "Did they say when they would come back?"

The woman nodded her head, a sad expression on her face. "They told me that they won't come back until the next 3 weeks." She reached over to pat Hongbin's back comfortingly. "I'm sorry they didn't-"

"It's fine." Hongbin cut her off, shrugging off her comforting pats softly. He glanced down to the floor, not meeting her eyes. “I’ll just be in my room. Have dinner ready, please." He placed his half eaten apple on the kitchen counter before stalking off to his bedroom.

Hongbin shook his head hard, flinging out the event from his mind. He didn't have time to fuss about that. But guilt grew in his chest and he made a point to apologies to the aged woman during dinner. He wasn't supposed to act out his frustrations at the poor lady. She was only doing what she was told. 

Hongbin hummed when he completed his last sentence of his project report. He saved the document and quickly went over to the Internet. He was reminded that he needed to research on his next plan for asking Jihyun out. 

A scowl grew on his face as he remembered how the annoying girl had ridiculed him in front of his classmates. The humiliation of rejection burned into his memory, not showing signs of disappearing and he hated it. He'll make her pay. He'll ask her out, spend a wonderful date with her and dump her sorry the very next day. Then she'll know what rejection feels like.

Hongbin smirked to himself, rubbing his hands evilly and mouthing the word 'perfect' and 'according to plan' like a mad scientist. All that he was missing was a furry cat to on his lap.

After a whole 10 minutes of researching ways to put his diabolical plan in motion, Hongbin finally came across the perfect blueprint. His eyes lit up as he planned out the steps with help from researched material from the forums. 

With a satisfied sigh, Hongbin stepped away from his monitor, glancing at his finished work. 

"It's brilliant! Brilliant!" He cackled to himself, rubbing his hands together like a mastermind. Not missing a heartbeat, he grabbed his phone and texted his best friend.

To: Ravi

It is done. You will see my complete masterpiece soon. Oh, the look on her face would be priceless.

A minute later and his reply came back.

To: Hongbin

I don't know why you are spending your Friday night plotting to woo a girl when you could be over at my house playing FIFA.

To: Ravi

Will there be snacks there?

To: Hongbin


To Ravi:

I'll be over after I finish dinner.


It was Saturday night; the small restaurant was filled to the brim again. Jihyun ran about like a chicken set on fire, clucking orders and laying food on the table. She looked exhausted but kept a cheerful demeanor about her as she served the patrons. Even N had decided that she was tired enough for him to actually step up his game and help her out. It was amazing how those two could manage a whole restaurant together.

Slowly, as the clock neared midnight, the customers grew less and less. It was only an hour left to midnight when a tall boy entered the restaurant. N directed the young man to a single seat and gave him his menu to which he thanked the redheaded man. N noticed that he had a school nametag that looked vaguely familiar to Jihyun's.

After Jihyun had served a group of patrons, N quickly trotted over to her side.

"Jihyun honey, do you know that boy? He seemed to have the same school tag on him as yours do." N pointed to the lonely boy.

Jihyun squinted her eyes at him and blinked when she recognized the Mohawk. "Oh, I know him. I'll be right back." She said to N before scurrying over to him. She went over to his table and got out her notebook.

"What would you like for tonight, Mr. Wonshik?" Jihyun asked bubbly, a cheeky smile on her face.

Ravi glanced up from his menu and gave Jihyun an unexpected glare. She stiffened at how cold he looked but breathed a sigh of relief when his gaze softened. He had a glint in his eyes that borderline looked like sadness and desperation.

"I would like the Fish 'n' Chips, French fries, a chocolate milkshake and some of your time after your shift is over."

"Okay, that'll be- Wait, what?" Jihyun sputtered. "Some of my time?"

Ravi gave her a look. "We need to talk, preferably after your shift is done. It's going to be a long one."

Jihyun scratched her head with her pencil. She looked over to the kitchen area, only to see N and Leo's eyes straining on her worriedly. She pulled a meek smile at them before returning back to Ravi.

"Sure. I'll get your order in soon and I'll ask my boss whether he'll allow you to stay overtime. Be right back." She muttered before heading back to the worried N.

"Well? Who is he? You looked like you were being interrogated back there!" N fussed motherly at her. Leo gave Jihyun an expectant look that screamed 'Explain yourself'.

"He wants Fish 'n' Chips, French fries and a chocolate milkshake. And he asks whether I could give him some of my time. He needs to talk to me about something important." She told N before looking over to her stern boss. "Do you think he can stay after hours? It looked pretty serious." 

Leo leaned back from the window, arms crossed in consideration. He glanced at Jihyun's hopeful stare and then at his lover's curious glare. He let out a sigh.

"Well, since you've worked hard tonight, I'll make an exception. But make sure it's not too long."

The clock ticked noiselessly as the time passed midnight. Soon, all who was left was Ravi waiting patiently on his seat for Jihyun. After making sure that she had cleaned most of the tables, Jihyun decided it was time to find out what Ravi needed from her.

She slid to a chair in front of him. "So, you've come this far to have a talk with me. I'm all ears."

Ravi took a deep breath and stared down on his intertwined fingers. It took a while before he answered her.

"It's about Hongbin." Ravi muttered before glancing up to meet Jihyun's eyes. "I want you to accept his offer on a date."

Jihyun blinked at him, slightly taken aback that he would ask her such a thing. She frowned, confused.

Seeing her confused look, Ravi let out a sigh.

"Let me explain."


Jihyun woke up the next Monday morning, feeling somewhat hesitant on going to school that day. Her mind was still racing from the talk she had with Ravi and she couldn't help but feel pressured from it. But it couldn't be helped. She needed to make her decision today.

She was thankful that Leo had decided to give her a rest from the restaurant. He had finally given in and had posted up a 'Help Wanted' sign in front of the window. The restaurant swarmed with applicants in a few hours time and N loved bossing around the newbies. Leo didn't like it though. He was shy around new people.

Jihyun got ready for school. She washed up, ate her breakfast and soon, was walking towards her school. She endured the glances she caught when she entered the gates, eyes glued to the ground as she walked.

"Jihyun! Oh my god, there you are!" She heard a familiar voice from a distance and looked up. Sanghyuk hurried over to her, his girlfriend Minah trotting beside him. They looked exasperated for some reason as they stopped in front of her.

"What's up, guys? Why are you in a hurry?" Jihyun asked, raising an eyebrow at their suspicious behavior.

Minah and Sanghyuk looked at each other before looking back at her. They had smiles on their faces, as though they had came across something new.

"Whatever you do, just say 'No' to him when he asks you." Sanghyuk muttered persuasively.

"Oh, don't listen to him, Jihyun. Just listen to your heart and accept him for who he is." Minah slapped her boyfriend's shoulder.

Jihyun frowned at their weird behavior, "I have no idea what you guys are talking about."

"You'll see. Just know that we're betting on you so keep an open mind when he pops the question." Minah giggled whereas Sanghyuk pleaded while mouthing the word 'No!’

Jihyun shrugged and entered the school. No further had she stepped a metre away from the door, she was overwhelmed by the amount heart stickers that clung to the walls of the school. She headed over to one of the heart stickers and blinked when she saw that each and every one of them was addressed to her.

The halls that were full of students slowly whispered and glanced at Jihyun, the girls glaring darts at her whereas the boys were indifferent. Jihyun didn't pay no mind to them, too focused on following the trail of heart stickers that seemed to be leading somewhere. Minah and Sanghyuk tailed behind her diligently.

As she walked the trail of paper hearts, she soon heard a soft strum from a guitar. A melody, which she recognized from countless drama watching but never knowing what it's called. Either way, it added quite well to the whole paper hearts.

She felt a small tug at her lips when she saw the trail leading to her classroom where the paper hearts were now on the floor. They led her like a yellow brick road to...


She stood surprised that he was playing a guitar while siting on top of the window ledge. The wind blew in from the opened window, caressing his brown hair and Jihyun couldn't help but think of how beautiful his side view was.

Rose petals started to blow in as well from the side, hadouken-ing Hongbin in the face with its flowery force. Jihyun turned to where the petals came from and saw Ravi operating a big fan, a basket of rose petals in his hand and a chocolate pocky stick in his mouth. A wad of cash jutting out from his back pocket explained his actions well.

Ravi met Jihyun's eyes and he relayed her a reminder. Jihyun's lips tightened and she gave a curt nod before turning back to Hongbin, who was waving at Ravi to shut the fan off.

After his ever-eating best friend switched off the fan, Hongbin resumed back to his romantic serenading on the guitar.

"Honestly, from the first time I saw you, I already liked you. For me, saying that is a hard thing to do~"

Jihyun smiled at the serenade, not realizing that he was a really good singer. Her mind fogged up messily at how nice it complimented with the soft melody from the guitar and the small dimple that caved in when he smiled as he did so, just made her all the more giddy. (A/N: Dear LORD, Have some mercy on my soul. This perfection of a boy is not meant to walk on this earth.)

Hongbin slowly ended his serenade, angering fan girls who protested more as he set down his guitar on his table. Hongbin approached Jihyun, a shy smile on his lips, and dimple at the ready as he slowly kneeled down in front of her. Loud squeals erupted from his gestures and both Jihyun and Hongbin winced at the high frequency the girls created.

Clearing his throat to silence them, Hongbin took a deep breath and took out a single flower stalk from behind him and held it to her.

"Lee Jihyun," Hongbin started, not realizing that his own voice was slightly shaky. "I'd really like to get to know you better and it would mean a lot to me if you would allow me to take you out for dinner tonight."

A deep tensed silence engulfed the room as everyone held a breath, waiting for Jihyun to give him his answer. Fangirls and a Sanghyuk was glaring darts at Jihyun's head, almost willing her to reject him once more whereas a more tame Minah slowly gestured her 'Fighting!', a strong sense of competition in her eyes.

Jihyun stared down at the quivering rose stalk and at Hongbin who had hung his head down, refraining from meeting her gaze before looking at Ravi. Ravi gave her a small nod, a pitiful look on his face, almost begging her.

With a silent sigh to herself, Jihyun took the rose stalk from him.

"Yes," she muttered and Hongbin glanced up to her, eyes wide. "Yes, I’d like to have dinner with you."

How was it?

Unexpected request from Ravi, huh?

Hahaha, I'm sorry but the next update would be slow. T^T

But anywho!

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Adios Amigos! ^_^

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starzie #1
Chapter 3: Update pleeeeeeease ~~~^O^
Chapter 3: Omo !! Hongbin please don't hurt her !!
Update soon~~~~ ^O^
Puff_Michelle #3
Chapter 3: It will be hilarious if Jihyun "accepted" his confession, then reject it right after.
Chapter 3: LMFAO BRB DYING AHAHAHA update sooon~~
Chapter 2: "Ravi provided romantic background music of him rating potato chips. " BRB DYING
cholahola #7
Chapter 3: pls update more;( im craving for this
12345678910 #8
Chapter 3: it's a good story but my bad mind want some trouble and it's suggesting for the girl have a feeling for wonshik ~_~
Chapter 3: YEESS! I hope for Hongbin to fall in love with her. But something tells me he would break her heart, and when he realizes it is going to be hard to mend what he did. OMG UPDATE SOON! You got me dying with Hongbin's PERFECTION TOO ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️