New Girl


Author's Note:

So, the start of the story. Hope you will like it, review it, comment it, love it or whatever. Hahahha lol 

Let me know what you guys think about it and as always, comments are LOVE ^^


Hongbin sighed on his desk, head resting on his intertwined fingers. His elbows were on the table and he was glancing out the window, waiting patiently for his childhood friend to reach the class.

Almost on cue, a mohawk haired kid approached Hongbin, mouth munching on what looked like potato chips. He had a carefree glaze over his eyes as he took a seat next to Hongbin.

"Ravi, you're late." Hongbin muttered to his friend, slightly pouting.

"Sorry, didn't want to get caught with early morning traffic. Everyone's sweaty arms rubbing on each other."


"Yup." He munched in a fistful of chips.

Breaking their conversation, a group of 3 girls approached their table. The middle girl was holding something behind her back, her two friends flanking her side for support.

"U-Uh, sunbae? I made this for you. I hope you will accept it." The girl stammered, blushing furiously. In her hand, she gave him what looked like a letter. Pink and embroided with hearts, it was quite obvious that it was a confession letter.

Ravi's eyebrows raised and he masked his smirk by stuffing his mouth with potato chips. He hadn't expected for the letters to start so early in the semester. After all, it was only the first day after the school hols.

Hongbin repressed an annoyed look and smiled gently at the girl, resulting for her cheeks to burst into flames. "Thank you for your letter. I'll be sure to read it soon."

Satisfied with his answer, the girls scurried off, giggling away to themselves. Hongbin let out an exasperated sigh, clearly winded at the sudden approach of the girls. Ravi chuckled beside him.

"You going to read that?"

"Not really. I don't even know her name for God's sake." Hongbin rubbed his head, tired.

"How many already or was that your first one?"

"Third letter of the day, and it's not even first period yet." The Flower Boy grumbled silently to himself. "Wish they could wait after school or something. Now I'll have to deal with them waiting for me to read their letter."

Ravi chuckled. "Hey, cheer up! Good news though, I heard we're going to have a transfer student coming in." He munched on his chips.

This attracted the latter's attention. "Transfer student? Who is it? Is he someone we know?"

"Well, she is apparently one of our senior's little sister from the countryside. You know Lee Jaehwan?"

"The loony boy from Drama club?"

"Yeah, it's his sister apparently. Heard that she'll be in our class." Ravi folded his finished chip bag and threw it casually over his shoulder, not caring where it landed. This made the student behind him cry out angrily. "Do you think she'll be pretty?"

"Hopefully." Hongbin muttered. "Hope she knows boundaries though. Had enough with the girls in our class. I don't think the word 'Private Bubble' is in their vocabulary."

"Amen brother."

The school bell droned loudly, signaling the start of the lesson and everyone scurried back to their seats. Their teacher entered the classrom and everyone greeted him routinely. He began his lesson with an announcement.

"Now, I know some of you may have heard the rumours of a new transfer student, of which they are true. We do have a new transfer and I hope you will give a warm welcome to her."

With that, the door opened and the new transfer student entered the class. Her looks were average, not much features stood out. The only thing that seemed to be worth noticing was her wide eyes that seemed to be an inheritance, given that her brother had the same eye shape. Her dark brown hair was plaited simply to the side and she had a wide smile on her face. Overall, she looked completely normal.

"Annyunghaseyo, I'm Lee Jihyun. I think you may know my brother, Lee Jaehwan. Please take good care of me." She bowed to the class and headed over to her seat next to a tall, fair skinned boy.

Hongbin's eyes perked wider at seeing the girl and grinned smugly to himself. New meat huh? I think I should introduce myself directly to her, just to see her reaction. Might be fun.

Ravi saw Hongbin smiling at the girl's direction with a slight glint in his eyes. He shook his head and took out a small packet of gummy bears, not wanting to take any part of what was in Hongbin's plan.

Jihyun however did not notice that she was being targeted by the Ultimate Flower Boy of the school. She admitted that when she took a look at her class, her eyes did zoned in on him. He was by far the most hottest guy she had ever come across and was quite taken by him. But she knew that this was a mere infactuation. An eye candy, so to speak.

"Hi, my name's Han Sanghyuk." Her male partner beside her offered his hand. He had quite an innocent look that fit well with his childlike voice. "I hope we can be good friends."

Jihyun smiled and shook his hand, quite vigorously I might add. "Nice to meet you Sanghyuk! I hope we can be best friends!" She piped, eyes in moon shapes.

Sanghyuk massaged his arm, chuckling to himself. I can see how she's related to Jaehwan.

Class ended soon enough and the teacher left the class while the students got ready for recess. Jihyun and Sanghyuk remained in their seats. Neither felt hungry and rather talk to get to know each other better.

They were in a conversation about Jihyun's brother when they were interrupted by the Flower Boy and his mohawk companion. Jihyun's eyes lit up a fraction but she quietly lowered her gaze. That action wasn't new to Hongbin. He deduced that she's the type to have boundaries.

That's good.Hongbin thought and cleared his throat.

"Hello. My name is Lee Hongbin. This here is my best friend, Wonshik."

"Call me Ravi." Ravi added before taking a fistful of gummy bears into his mouth. Hongbin rolled his eyes at his lack of manners.

"Anyways, I hope we will be good friends." Hongbin let out a hand for her to shake.

Uncertain, Jihyun glanced over at Sanghyuk. On his face was a worried frown but seeing Jihyun, he quickly changed to smile, encouraging her to take the hand. Gingerly, she shook his hand and smiled shyly at him.

"Nice to meet you." Jihyun spoke and grinned at him warmly. She tried to pulled back her hand but Hongbin kept a firm grip on her. Slightly startled, she looked back up at him.

Hongbin smiled, something flashed in his gaze. "Do you want to go eat dinner with me? You know, to get to know each other better?"

A squeal of gasps echoed in the room as the girls that were eavesdropping on their conversation cried out in protest. Sanghyuk and Jihyun mirrored each other's shocked faces and Hongbin felt like grinning further. Ravi swallowed a fistful of gummy bears.

"I-I-I..." Jihyun stammered, surprised and clearly taken aback. kept on gaping open and closed like a fish out of water. She recollected herself and cleared .

"Thank you for your offer," she pulled back her hand from his grasp.

"But no thank you."

Hongbin blinked, wide eyed in surprise as more angry gasps echoed from his fangirls. Immediately, a frown came to his face, which may looked dissappointed but inside, he was feeling extremely pissed. It was his first time being rejected and he did not like the feeling of it. Not one bit.

Who the hell does she think she is? Rejecting me? Hongbin thought to himself but let out a fake smile. He rubbed the back of his head, attempting to shake off the situation.

Amidst all that, the girls surrounding their conversation started whispering amongst themselves about Jihyun, muttering at how she had the guts to actually turn down the Flower Boy of the school. Jihyun felt the need to hide under a table at that moment.

"Hahaha, I guess next time, huh? Well, If you would excuse me." With that, Hongbin left the classroom. Jihyun swore she saw him stamping his dainty feet in objection but she dismissed it. She glanced at Ravi, who looked at her with an interested gaze before heading out with Hongbin.

"What was that all about?" Jihyun asked Sanghyuk. She turned to her partner and was greeted by his shocked expression. Jaw dropped in amazement.

"You did not just reject a date from the Flower Boy. Do you know how many girls would die to be in your position?!" Sanghyuk exclaimed, red faced from jealousy.

Jihyun blinked at Sanghyuk's exclamation. "Well, it's not like I didn't want to go out with him. I have a part-time job to go to tonight."

"Do you have any idea how much your life is in danger now?" Sanghyuk looked over his shoulder, glancing at the increasingly upset girls. "These girls will kill anyone who upsets Hongbin."

"Really? I hope they go easy on me then." She giggled to herself, brushing off the warning before quickly starting a new conversation about Ravi's gummy bears.

Yup, definitely Loony Jaehwan's sister. Sanghyuk thought.


"Order for Table 4!!"

The diner was bustling with people, the small building crowded to the brim due to rush hour. It was 8 pm, the peak time period where workers would eat dinner and relax at 'Starlight Diner'.

Jihyun rushed to and fro from the counter to the tables, hands occupied by either food and drinks or dirty dishes. In her bunned up hair stood out at least two pencils and her clothes were ruffled from extreme movement. Her hair was sticking over everywhere as she gave the orders to the chef.

Seeing his employee working with such tenacity did nothing to motivate him to start at least some meager work. N sat at the counter, lazily passing the orders to the kitchen through the small open window and took his time in billing a customer.

"Have a nice night!" N piped happily before slumping over the cash register, chin resting on his elbowed fist. He ponders whether stealing banana milk from the chef's fridge would be worth a week's pay taken out his pay cheque.

"You're doing good Jihyun!" N gave her a thumbs up whenever he saw her eyes wavering from fatigue. Hearing encouragement from N brightened her up and she kept on working.

"N, go help Jihyun out." The chef and owner of the diner, Leo, muttered from the opening of the wall. He was busy cooking and actually being productive unlike his lover who remained in his lazy ways.

N pouted, "But she's doing so well on her own! I'm sure she can handle everything by herself." N grinned at Jihyun. "Keep up the good work, honey!"

N turned to Leo, only to met with his dissappointed glare. Defeated, he sighed and got out from behind the counter. He took a tray of food from Leo, glaring for good measure and set off to work.

The shift ended late and after the last customer had left, the band of employees (The owner, the owner's lover and the small waitress) started on cleaning up the small diner.

Jihyun was casually wiping a table when N slid on the seat and rested his chin on his fists, staring at a direction behind Jihyun with a dreamy gaze. Seeing her boss's action made her worry and slightly bemused.

"What's wrong, N?"

"Oh, nothing..." He continued his dreamy gaze at a certain strict man, lifting chairs to pile them up at a corner. Seeing sweat glistening on the quiet male's skin made N squeal inwardly and Jihyun swore she saw hearts popping from his eyes. She rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"The more I look at him, the more I'm falling in love all over again." N sighed.

"Eww, that's so cheesy N. Pardon me while I puke." Jihyun faked throwing up. N stuck his tongue out at her and continued his gaze. Remembering something, he turned to her.

"How was your first day of school? Heard you finally settled all the moving in and stuff. Did you make any new friends? Any new... boyfriends?" N wiggled his eyebrow at her.

The girl giggled and blushed. "I did made a friend with a guy named Sanghyuk. Oh, don't assume things, he has a girlfriend." She added quickly and N's brightened expression fades. She pondered and glance to her hands shyly. "A guy did asked me out for dinner though."

"WHAT?!" N fell out of his seat at the sentence in surprise, slightly too dramatic Jihyun might add but being used to his antics she ignored it. N scrambled back to his seat, eyes wide like saucers.

"A boy asked you out for dinner? And you chose to stick to work?!?" He looked absolutely livid at her. "How can you reject a boy who asked you out on a date on your first day of school?! That's got to be breaking a law or something!"

The inexperienced waitress blinked in surprise, mouth wavering and feeling guilty for breaking a non-existent law.

"I-I didn't know I could! I thought Leo would have wanted me to in come in for my shift!"

"We're not talking about Leo here! We're talking about your chances to get laid!" N screamed, attracting attention to the other employees A.K.A Leo. He went over to the bickering two, frown on his face.

"What's going on here?" He asked, voice soft. Finding the reason to Jihyun's predicament, N turned to the unknowing boss and pointed a finger at him. He looked clearly affected by this for some reason.

"You! Jihyun had a date tonight but chose to come for work instead! I told you we should've taken it easy on her! Now, she can't ever get laid!" N accused his lover, finger jabbing his chest.

Leo turned to Jihyun, who still look flustered over the broken 'law' and the fact that N was trying his best to get her laid. She wasn't even legal to begin with.

"I thought you would have wanted me to come in for work." She muttered, slightly down on the fact that she could have been on a date. "Considering the fact that there's only two full-time workers here..."

Leo turned to look at N, gave him a narrowed glare before turning back to Jihyun. He let out a sigh as though the conversation was aging him considerably.

"I wouldn't mind you not coming in for one shift but considering the fact that someone won't do their job, I will expect you to give me a valid reason for your absence. Running this place on my own is hard enough as it is." Leo gave a glare at N, who whimpered like an injured dog before walking away.

Jihyun blinked at her boss who sauntered off to finish his work. She stood transfixed at the sight before turning to the pouting N.

"I swear, that was the longest sentence he had ever spoken to me. Ever."

N pouted further. "He didn't need to be so harsh on me. Was just trying to help you out."

The girl shook her head, smiling slightly at the effort her co-worker was investing into her."I'm not even legal, N. Besides, I don't think he would ask me out again so consider this topic closed."


Hongbin paced in his room, lips biting onto his thumb in contemplation. His brows were furrowed and he looked frustrated.

On his bed, Ravi sat eating chips.

"Aaagh!" Hongbin cried out, clutching the sides of his head, upsetting his brown locks. "Who does she think she is? Rejecting me as though she's too good for me!"

Ravi blinked at his friend's outburst but kept quiet. He crossed his legs silently and paid more attention to his bag of chips.

Hongbin turned sharply on his heel. "That's it! She probably does think she's too good for me! That measly little worm."

Ravi raised his eyebrow.

"Think I'm not good enough for her? Oho, we'll see about that!" Hongbin looked quite demented. "I'll make it so she won't be able to reject me. I'll ask her out in tbe most romantic way possible till she won't be able to reject me. It's foolproof! Okay, so I'll need flowers, glue ...." He muttered off to himself, preparing the blueprint of his master scheme.

Ravi heaved a sigh and stuffed his mouth with potato chips.

Hoped you guys liked it!

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God, I sound like Markiplier hahahah

Adios Amigos! ^_^

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starzie #1
Chapter 3: Update pleeeeeeease ~~~^O^
Chapter 3: Omo !! Hongbin please don't hurt her !!
Update soon~~~~ ^O^
Puff_Michelle #3
Chapter 3: It will be hilarious if Jihyun "accepted" his confession, then reject it right after.
Chapter 3: LMFAO BRB DYING AHAHAHA update sooon~~
Chapter 2: "Ravi provided romantic background music of him rating potato chips. " BRB DYING
cholahola #7
Chapter 3: pls update more;( im craving for this
12345678910 #8
Chapter 3: it's a good story but my bad mind want some trouble and it's suggesting for the girl have a feeling for wonshik ~_~
Chapter 3: YEESS! I hope for Hongbin to fall in love with her. But something tells me he would break her heart, and when he realizes it is going to be hard to mend what he did. OMG UPDATE SOON! You got me dying with Hongbin's PERFECTION TOO ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️