
The Eclipse


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Darkness. Something that I fear the most. Half of the day consist of my light, and in comes my greatest weakness. I am always scared about what might happen one day. Either I drop on the floor, totally unconscious. Or if I can maintain this strong, and possibly deadly, power.

Greetings. My name is Sunny. And I am the controller of the Sun.


      “Hey, Sunny! Are you coming or not?” My best friend, Luna, yelled as she ran over to me. I examined the night sky and shivered. Not only was I terrified about what might occur during our night out, but the weather tonight was chilly. The dumb me forgot to bring a jacket. “Yeah,” I replied to her. “Let’s go. The boys must be worried.” 

“Please,” Luna scoffed. “They are anything but that.” She started walking and I followed closely beside her, being cautious about my surroundings as if something was about to pop out of nowhere.

“Don’t you ever worry about them? Not even once?” I asked.

Luna snorted. “Nope.”


      We both spotted the two and we ran up. “Hey guys!” I said. Lay smiled softly and waved while Kai just stood there, motionless. I placed my hands on my hips and stared at the deadpanned-faced boy. “What happened to you? Did you not get any game today?”

Kai sighed. “Look, catching prey isn’t as easy as it seems.”

“You know, going hunting during the day won’t work that well,” Luna crossed her arms. “Don’t you have a brain, Wolf Boy?”

“I was starving and the others were too lazy to get food! And I told you not to call me that!” Kai growled.

“I’m just stating what you are.” Luna raised both her hands up in defense.

I rubbed my arms in attempt to keep warm. “Hey, Luna. Is there a way for you to brighten the moon up a bit more?”


      Light was also my daily source of vitamins. Sounds odd, but it’s true. Without the slightest bit of light around me, I could collapse any second. Any time. We wouldn’t want that now, would we? Though I can still manipulate the source, it also eats away my energy. That is why Luna is with me all the time. Without her by my side, my power would drain.


      She performed the action with no word, making my lips twitch in delight. I nodded to her in thanks and began walking down the sidewalk that leads to the forest. The others followed my tail and Lay spoke up. “Why are we doing this again?”

“Wolf Boy told me there was a great cave we should check out. Apparently, it’s a perfect spot for us to start the eclipse. I also want to meet all his other puppy friends.” Luna replied.

Puppy?!” Kai strained, unpleased with her answer. “Mind you, the other wolves are tough enough to rip your throats out in just one claw.” He raised his chin up, proud to be of his kind.

“Yeah. And I can trap you in eternal darkness without any warning.” She says casually. Kai scoffed and spoke no further. I smiled a bit at their silliness.


      The four of us continued walking until I came to a halt. I was supposed to burn several trees in our path so we could return back to where we started. Despite the strong trunk of these tall plants, it was no match for my power.

“What’s wrong?” Luna asked.

      I face palmed and remained silent so they could figure out the problem themselves.




      “Are you serious?! Again?! Every single time, Sunny!” Kai yelled, causing a few growls to emit in the bushes. I sighed and mumbled an apology. As I did so, another wolf came running out of a large shrub. Luna squealed and hid behind Lay, totally terrified of what just came in. As the wolf noticed Kai, he made a loud howling noise which caused other sounds to rumble across the forest. Almost instantly, two more wolves came rushing in.

“Good job, Wolf Boy.” Luna muttered with annoyance and came out of her hiding spot which was Lay’s back.

“I don’t know why you’re so bothered, Luna,” Kai spoke innocently as he watched his friends convert into their human forms. “You’re the one who freaked out over a so called ‘puppy’.”

“Don’t make me do it, Kai.” The fumed girl said with gritted teeth.


      As the wolves finished with their transformations, the leader of the group, Kris spoke. “Nice to see you guys here in the perfect time of the day. No offence to Sunny.” He said, pretending not to notice the girl’s penetrating stare through the corners of his eyes. Another member of the wolf pack, Shaun, chimed in. “So what are y’all doing here?”

“Visiting you dorks.” Luna said.

“Ouch…that hurts.” Jay, another wolf member, commented.

“The truth hurts.” Luna shrugged.


      “Well, well. What do we have here?” A dark, malicious voice spoke, interrupting all of us.


      I turned around slowly, finding the person I would rather not see right now.




      Everyone froze in spot as she made her way over to us, sweeping the ground with her long, black dress. She leaned into Luna’s face and ran her long finger nail down the side of her face, staring at her with the most ghastly face ever. The other squeaked and shut her eyes, speaking in a shaky voice. “W-What are you d-doing here…?”

“Why, I’m here to see my most favourite sister!” Isis responded, rather sarcastically.

“You mean, the only sister alive.” Luna commented boldly.

“Shut up! You’re just lucky I decided to keep you breathing this long. Isn’t that something to be happy of?”





      My eyes widened in horror as I saw a newly formed streak of blood was across my best friend’s face. She hissed in pain and glared at the latter, clenching her small hands into tight fists and carefully wiping some blood off. She looked down at her wet hand and then back up at her eerie sister. Isis laughed evilly and placed her hands on her hips. “What are you going to do? Hit me? Punish me? Lock me in prison?”

“Possibly.” Luna replied with a smirk tugging on her lips.

The other laughed yet again. “How cute. You really think you can outdo the Queen of Darkness?”


      “Please don’t do anything.” I thought as I kept my eyes locked on Luna.


      Lay stood in front of Luna and spoke up. “Why are you here, Isis?”

“To grant my wish. Eliminate her.” She pointed at me and smiled evilly. “And possibly the rest of you if she’s too easy and not at my level of liking.”

The wolf gang, minus Kai, quickly transformed into their wolf state and attempted to run away. Isis grabbed one of them by the neck, which happened to be Jay. He made a high pitched squeak which was extremely unpleasant to the ears.  I tried to scream, but a raspy cough came out instead. Kris and Shaun growled and advanced to attack. But before they could bite or scratch, Isis tightly squeezed her fist, escaping the breath out of the wolf. She dropped the lifeless animal on the dirt and grinned. “Any more volunteers to join your friend?”


      I could feel the rush of hatred shoot up my body. It was as if the energy was coming from the very Earth beneath my feet. How dare she. Killing an innocent person. She probably does this every day to keep herself entertained. I wonder how much flesh is stuck between her teeth. With all those dead creatures she consumes. As much as I despised the darkness, I must face it now.


      Kris and Shaun whimpered and ran away as fast as they could. Never had they experienced something as brutal as that. One wolf from the pack, gone. I could sense the anger radiating off of Kai. He glared at the Queen with so much hatred before transforming into a wolf himself. His dark, grey fur being visible under the moon’s light. His eyes emitting a bloodshot red. I guess she must have found this entertaining, because she took a few steps back, like she was positioning herself to take battle.

“You children really think I want to fight you?” Isis scoffed. “Well, that’s not the case.”

“Then what is it?!” Lay shot back.

“I’m taking your precious Sun away.” She smirked and grabbed a hold of me before disappearing out of the forest with me.


      “Leave me alone! L-Let me go!” I thrashed and flailed in a dark prison room. No light. Which meant my energy was draining. I had to stop moving or else I would lose it much quicker.

“Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a world of eternal darkness?” Isis said, totally ignoring me. I couldn’t see anything at all. I was blind at the moment. But as for her, she could clearly see everything. My miserable state. The things around me. For all I know, there could be a 10 foot long beast in here, joining me in this cage.

“No. No, it wouldn’t.” I growl. “Why are you doing this? Why now?”

“Oh, my oblivious Sunny. You should know perfectly! The eclipse was supposed to happen tonight, right?”


      My eye twitched in annoyance. So that was her plan. To create darkness that would last forever. Without the sun, people would die. Most importantly, I can’t be there to help.




      Slowly feeling more energy drain out of me, my head snapped up a bit at the hearing of my name. “Don’t be silly. That’s just your imagination.” I thought as my eyes drooped down.


      “Sunny! Sunny, wake up!”


      I could hear a few footsteps coming near me. A loud hiss echoed the room and my energy was dying out fast. Isis- or at least I think it was her, called out, “I highly doubt any of you fools will be able to see.”

“Oh yeah?” Luna replied.


      Wait…Luna? She was here?  How did she find us?


      “How dare you, Luna! Going against your own sister! I cared for you, fed you, and watched you grow up!”

Isis spat. I couldn’t make out what was happening, but it sounded like she started advancing towards the other to attack. I wanted to break them apart, but my body was just so limp.

“Do you not know what you’re doing right now?” Luna boomed. “Kidnapping my best friend?! What are you planning to do, huh? Kill her? What will that do?”

“It will complete our task, Luna. Eternal darkness! That’s what we always wanted, right?”

“No. That’s what you always wanted. I never intended to do any harm to Sunny. She’s…she’s my best friend and I would never hurt her…”


      I smiled weakly at the response and felt myself weaken even more. How long will I be able to stay conscious?


      Isis made a bitter laugh and I started to hear a scraping sound coming near me. “Go and save her, then. If you can.”


      As she said that, I felt something biting away at my flesh. The pain that I was experiencing through my body was already excruciating enough. But this? Why must I be tortured? “Ouch!” I squeaked.

The creature kept eating my skin as I was too weak to even move. My prediction is, I’ll probably be left with my self. By the time this is over, my body will be left here to die. Isis will lead in victory, and the whole human race will be perished. All because of me.


      “Sunny!” Kai growled and I heard whimpering sounds next to me. Wait. That was Kai? That thing that was eating my skin…did he kill it? “Sunny…thank goodness I found you.”

“K-Kai? W-What about Luna? Lay?” I say, fumbling.

“They’re okay. Luna’s in a bit of a…situation. But what’s more important is you.”


      I tried getting up at his words but fell back down, expecting to fall onto the cold, wet dungeon floor. Instead, Kai’s arms greet me. “You okay?”

“I...I’m okay-“




      This time, Luna’s voice boomed across the dungeon. I could tell she was close because of my energy slowly rising up. The limbs in my body no longer weak and frail, but strong. I released myself out of Kai’s hold and squeezed my hands into fists. My eyes glowing a bright light, allowing me to see what was going on in the dungeon.  Kai must have noticed, because he took several steps back, probably afraid of what I will do. It was a good thing he did, because a great blast of light came from my palm, much like fireworks in New Years. It shot Isis right in the back, making her fall forward in utter shock. During that impact on her, I signaled for Luna and Kai to join my sides. “Go! Do it now!” I exclaim.


      Luna and I hold hands, our other open fists upwards towards the sky. I shut my eyes and concentrated deeply. But before anything could happen, a strong hand grabbed me by the ankle, causing me to lose my balance and fall onto the floor, right on a puddle. I struggled out of Isis’ grasp and shot another beam of light at her neck, causing it to gush out with thick, dark, crimson red blood. She thrashed around, but still had a tight hold on me. “You think you can escape, huh?” She chuckled dryly, another round of blood spilling out of her neck. “Don’t be foolish! You can never destroy the great and powerful Isis!” She shouted and rose up. Her wounds closing and all of the blood were restored. Kai, who was beside me, made a very boisterous growl, erupting the dungeon place and almost cracking the walls. “Guards! Send in the other.” Isis snapped.


      I whipped my head towards the entrance and my eyes landed on a beaten up Lay. Two guards held his skinny arms, stopping him from getting anywhere. I couldn’t stand to look at his current state. Bruises and cuts covered his body and blood stained his clothes. His eyes were drooping and he was daring not to shut them. He looked up at me with an extreme amount of pain shown in his eyes. He mumbled a quick “save the others” before a large knife was pierced in his chest. Right through his heart. My lungs screamed for air, like I had trouble breathing. Lay was now dead. Another life taken.

“NO!” Luna screeched. Her eyes grew into deep hatred. Same with Kai. But as for me, I was probably the most furious.


      Blasting a stream of fire towards Isis’ direction, she easily dodged it and snickered. “Such weak throws you’re giving me,” she snorted. “Is that enough to get what you want? Time is ticking, Sunny.” I gazed at the sky and realized she was right. If Luna and I didn’t quicken our pace, it would be too late. I looked down at Lay’s lifeless body and gritted my teeth. I then remembered his words and ran towards the two guards, knocking them out with powerful blasts. The fire had eaten up the two large bodies of the guards, taking all the remains. Bones and all.


      Kai and Luna charged to Isis and managed to throw her against the wall. At the split second that happened, I threw the same blasts at Isis over and over again. I was beginning to tire out, but that didn’t matter. Everyone’s lives were at stake. I couldn’t allow any more killings. I confirmed that she was down for a few seconds, but it gave us enough time. “Luna, Sunny! Now!” Kai boomed.


      Joining hands again, we did the process one more time. This time, it happened. The darkness was now partnered with a rim of light. We both sighed in relief. I glanced at Lay and forced a small smile. “We did it Lay. We saved the others.” I mentally stated.


      Before I could hug both Luna and Kai, I was roughly thrown back. “How dare you! Ruining my plans of destruction! You shall pay with your life!” Isis coughed out more blood and wrapped her long fingers around my neck, locking a tight hold. I shut my eyes as most of my air escaped my lips. “Die now, Sunny!”


      “No,” Luna said and stabbed her sister’s back with a sharp sword and pushed it in her more. “You die, Isis.” The other let out a shaky breath and collapsed right onto the wet ground. Dead.


      We were trapped with silence yet again. Only this time, it was the good kind. Although many lives were taken away at this very night, we still have the others to cherish our moments with. Just standing here with my two friends was enough to strengthen me through this night. Not only that, but that one powerful thing that saved everyone’s life.


The Eclipse. 

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EXOSunShipper #1
Chapter 1: This was great! If you do it with chapters, it would be super great! I mean it :)