Painting happiness

A wish for the broken

The next day the sun shone through the murky clouds, lighting up his path with glittering snow. With his head held high and a new sense of self worth Luhan thanked the maiden and carrying his own bag of goods acquired from the fair maiden, he took off towards the mountains in order to pursue his desire for his own twinkling lights.

After days, Luhan finally reached the village at the foot of the mountain, however upon looking at the daunting venture, once again his hopes began to dry. He began to walk to a nearby inn to re-evaluate his journey until he bumped into a stranger and fell to the ground.

With the sun blinding his eyes a large warm hand was offered to pull him in whom he gladly obliged and reached for the stranger’s hand. When his vision finally adjusted and his feet firmly on the ground once more, he saw, what was in front of him, a daytime star. He was tall, with shaggy blond hair that reached just shy above his eyebrows, broad shoulders and eyes as deep as the sea. He was all he had envisioned when he dreamt of love and all that he wanted when he looked upon the stars that plastered his bedroom walls. In apology the stranger offered to take him for some hot cocoa in which, with a bright wide smile, he happily agreed.

Upon conversations over their hot beverages, Luhan discovered he was a mountain climber and the stranger discovered his pursuit and his adventure.

Time went by quickly as they were both absorbed in their time spent together, Luhan heart pouring out his thoughts, his sorrow, which ears echoing his words into his new friend’s brain whilst he listened and his eyes drunk in the sight of beauty.

In his head Luhan named him his star. He found out his name was ‘Sehun’, he was born under the constellation Serpens and Luhan thought him as perfect. As time went by Sehun agreed to take Luhan towards the peak of the mountain in which the star was said to have landed and with the next day’s mission in mind, Luhan shyly bid adieu and with his heart a flutter, he went to bed.

When dawn finally arrived, both were geared up, ready for their venture into the mountains. As they trekked through the icy tundra their relationship began to blossom, the cold nights were nothing when compared to the warm enamoured looks Luhan caught Sehun giving him when he thought he wasn’t looking.

Before a warm fire they would talk.

‘Why do you want the shooting star so desperately? Asked Sehun, his mouth pulled into a crooked smile and his dark eyes looking fondly at him.

‘Because… I too want to be desired, I too want to be loved. I too want to be enamoured by the stars themselves.’

‘Well you have already captured me, if I become a star, would… would that be enough?’ he pondered under his breath as his eyes turned to the embers beneath the flame, peering past the glow and into nothingness as his thoughts trailed on, his face etched with a small grin and his hair a slight mess from the wind while his face began to glow bright pink.

Luhan stared at his face, which seem to redden as they were bathed in the warm light of their waltzing fire.

‘You are already the brightest star I see’ he thought to himself and closed his eyes as the night ventured on.

As the sun began to peek through the trees, the two adventurers began the final trek towards their destination, heads held high and hearts beating fast, they walked past trees decorated with ice like chandeliers and they laughed through icy mirrors which reflected unimaginable proportions huddling close together from the cold. By the time they reached the skeletal bush, which entangled the epitome of his desires, his heart was warm from Sehun’s embrace.

The golden star lay trapped in the mess of branches and dead leaves as Luhan reached in and freed him from his cage.

‘Thank you for freeing me young child, I am eternally grateful. As a gift I shall grant you one wish’ he said with a warm golden glow.

Luhan thought long and hard and was about to speak of his desire for beauty when he realized, he already had the tools to achieve it himself, he remembered his desire to be yearned for by even the stars, when he turned around and saw he was already loved by his very own star. The journey had already given him all he had wanted and all he had to do was change his perception and he was happy. Luhan realized that there is more than one way to obtain your heart’s desire, however, he realized he had not given to those who had given to him.

With a big grin he told the star he had decided upon a wish.

‘Shooting star, I know my heart’s desire, I wish for those who have given to me, an eternity of happiness!’

‘A selfless wish procures a ever returning flow of happiness for their happiness can now be yours’ the shooting star said and with a wink and a spin, he rose to the air showering the couple with stardust and flew towards the setting sun.

With all his dreams accomplished, hand in hand with Sehun, he walked back down the mountain to find new happiness and dream new dreams, and this time, he would try and achieve them with his own will and the support of his friends.

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Uploading part 2 tomorrow!! pls subscribe!
797 streak #2
Good luck! Can't wait! :D