Getting to know each other

Perfect Two


I woke up and found myself lying in the sofa. "Why am I here?" I asked myself and scratched my head.

"Because you fainted as you saw me." Now that voice sounds familiar, I know I've heard that voice before. Then memories flashed back. I'm not startling and started praying, "Please let this be a dream."

I closed my eyes tightly and pretended that I did not hear the "ghost". "What is your problem Bom?" Heaven has saved me! My mom touched my forehead and said, "You're cold and trembling, are you having hard time breathing?" She asked me.

"No mom! Right now, there is a ghost beside you. He has piercing eyes and strange baritone voice. He's bothering me when I entered the house. Please help me pray that this is all nothing." I said as I closed my eyes and hugged my mother. 

"Bom. There is no ghost! Someone is beside me and I know that. He's Seunghyun. You look like a crazy ahjumma!" Now that hurts... and what? A person, human, living thing, composed of atoms and cells is here? Not a ghost?!

"EH?" I asked now facing the human before me. 

"Hi! Afterall I thought you are crazy. Shall I babysit a crazy woman? But you only had a delusion that I was a ghost. I think it is because of my cold hands. By the way, nice to meet you." A man with an almost perfect jaw line, hearthrob smile and charming eyes told me, but I am not crazy.

"Aww. Ummm, Hello! I'm sorry about that commotion. Yeah, I thought you were a ghost. So, I am Park Bom-a normal person. What does baby sit have to do with you here?" I asked as I tried to beam my smile but,

"Your mom has assigned me to be responsible of your actions so basically, I am going to be your Guardian." I was about to say something when he interrupted my attempt and said, "Your mom was tired after all the waiting. It seemed that you didn't care about that and went home at this hour. First act, When you know that someone is waiting for you, be sensitive and come on time. Is that clear Ms. Bom?" I was left speechless for a minute. He didn't even asked the reason why was I late yet he dare to reprimand me?" 

"Okay. So let me take it one by one. First, I know I told my mom I'll be coming home by 6 but I had my reasons of coming late. I'm not insensitive and most of all, go baby sit other people who will be very very conscious of their own acts. Tchh." I answered with an authority.

"He's only doing his job Bom so please answer politely." 

"He does not know the story behind mom why in the first place I was LATE." 

"Go to your room Bom. He has a point and I understand your reason. I'll just give your your glass of milk later when you are already in your sleeping attire." I know mom does not like my attitude especially when it comes to reasoning. 

"Yes mom. I'll be waiting for YOU." I emphasized you hardly on my mom.

"Then I'll do the pleasure of serving because Mrs. Park is tired." I was like O and he even smirked.

"Thanks Seunghyun." And my mom agreed?

"Who cares punk!" I said in the air.

"What Ms. Bom?"



In her room,

The nerve of that ghost. After a few minutes of changing. "I want to sleep but I can't without my milk. He's snailous(that word do not exist)."

"Excuse me but I'm a human. Still breathing and alive. Snailous what does that mean?" Oh man, he heard it and even questioned MY vocabulary.

"You can leave now." I said without even saying thank you.

"N-" He was about to say, "No thank you to me?" I know thaaat so much!

"Thank You? Or shall I say, Thanks so much, you can now go to sleep and good night?" 

"..." 1 point to me!

"Never." I said and closed my door.


Unfortunately, even in my dreams he appeared. He was like the frog prince and I was the princess who epicly fell the ball given by her father, or was that even a ball? Problems happened, then live happily because of a kiss.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Argh, first day of meeting me and he's bothering me? Good impression man!

It was so hard to go back to sleep. I mean it was like 2:30 am when I saw the clock before I doze off.



I was being rude slash a little bit okay to Ms. Park Bom. Rule 1: Give an impression. I'll admit, she got the looks, charisma and aura but from my point of view, she is stubborn and not so disciplined. I just reprimanded her a little of what I can do but she got angry earlier than I expected. Angry Bom. 

It was 5:00 am and I originally planned to visit mother because I will be busy for this coming days, I know right?, because of baby sitting duty so I had to give her my precious time. Being with mom is so important. She gets so lonely easily.

Just when,

"Where are you going?" Angry Bom asked me.

"Cannot sleep?" I evade her questions purposely and asked a question.

"Yeah, obviously. Where are you going?" She's asking it.

"To mom."

"Oh, why is she sick?" She's pretending to be a nice girl after being mad at me last night. She's weird, well of course, I know that.

"No she's not. I want to visit her because I know this week and so on, I will be very busy in baby sitting SOMEONE. So I have to give her my precious time. " Emphasizing on Someone to her, she pouted. Cute but no way.

She thinked deeply and I dumbly waited for her response. I was whistling and tapping the wooden counter then FINALLY,

"I know! Since I am the reason why you will be spending your time on SPECIAL things rather than your mom, I'll come!" She said happily and I was like, "WHAT THE HELL?" of course I said it in my mind because I'll be dead if I said it aloud.

"No." I simply said.


"Because you .... have not asked permission to your mom. And... you don't know my mom!" I don't wanna go with a girl like her. 

"1st Mr. Seunghyun, I do not ask permission, I just text if I leave when she's sleeping? You dont wanna destroy my mother's day off eh? 2nd, that's the boiling point, I want to know your mom and your whereabouts." She said while batting her eye lashes.

"Look, 2nd lesson: If one person doesn't like that is final. No need to force." I got it!


"What if your mom said to your dad NO when your father was proposing, will you ever exist? What if Korean Idols said No in taking the challenge to be an idol even if their privacy is destroyed, will there be fans or hallyu wave? No. So Puh-lease?"

"Guess I have no choice!" I am irritated but because she got the point, let us give the poor girl a chance.

"Wait here. Give me ten minutes to change and I'll be here! Do not leave me okay?" And she went off running like a dog.

I do not know what to say so I waited for her.

"You are three minutes late." And she wore an inappropriate attire for my mother to see. My mother is freaking conservative and she's wearing,,r:3,s:22

"It just simply implies that You Did wait for me and is willing to go with me. Are you looking at me from head to toe?" Who would not? Wearing like that? 

"Of course not, look at yourself, my mom is conservative not liberated okay?"

"Oh, do not be a kill joy! First thing about Park Bom, FASHION is a MUST. Take note of that, let us go now?"

"I just mean that you'll regret when you wear that knowing I do not have a car." Then she looked puzzled and said, "It's daijobou. Taking a bus? Bring it on!"

Long long day....


"STOP!" She unexpectedly shouted at the bus driver. I know that from the time she went in, the men were drooling over her. I mean OLD men. She then grabbed my arm and said, "Let us pretend to be lovers so that they wont drool anymore." I replied, "That won't help, see?" She then pouted, cute.

"What now?" I asked. 

"We'll stop here. Thanks bus man." And she dragged me out with me being like a robot shocked of her sudden words. 

"What the hell Bom? I mean, we did not arrive yet." She obviously knew that but pretended to be a stone.

"Wait. Second thing about me: Ask first my REASONS  before judging me ahead." She said that and I was hit. I'll try.

"Let us buy food for your mom. I know this restaurant. Food is served sizzling delicious!" And exactly her and my stomach grumbled. 

"See? We are even both hungry!" I said and we laugh, "HAHAHAHAHHAHA!". 

That was funny. She smiled genuinely with her puffing cheeks.

After buying and eating in the Happy and Yummy Restaurant, we ride a bus and finally found peace.


"No problem Mr. Seunghyun. Don't you think that name is too long?"

"Huh? That is my name and you have no choice Ms. Bom."

"Oh drop the miss. I'll call you Top or Tabi, is that okay?" In just a second she thinks so fast about giving a name.

"Why TOP or TABI?" And of course me being a curious man asked the oh so innocent girl giving names.

"I dont know too. PLEASE? Seunghyun is taking too long for me." She then beamed a smile.

"I guess that will be alright." I really hate people calling me names or nick names but I did not get mad at her. She is really way too weird.


"Hello Mom! I'm here it is me Seunghyun." I said as I opened the door. 

"What a clean and organized place you have Tabi." She was amazed. I too was surprised by what she said.

"Good morning Seunghyun. Oh, we have a visitor. Is she your girlfriend?" My mom was so super straight forward. 


"Good morning Mrs. Choi. I am Park Bom your son's baby to baby sit. We brought you yummy food to make you happy. And I am not your son's girlfriend, just a friend." She said it in one breathe. She sounded defensive.

"Good morning Ms. Bom. Please feel at home. Thanks for the food, come let us go to the kitchen and prepare food." My mom being hospitable, accommodated Bom and guided her the way to the kitchen.

I stayed in our living room and watched variety shows. I can't just stop thinking, "Maybe if we get to know more of each other eventually, we will both understand each other and we wont bicker anymore." Nothing is impossible.

"The food is ready Seunghyun." Mom called me and I went to the dining room.  Bom was happily preparing the utensils and plates to which she looked like a mother being very lovely to her coming children. She is really weird today.

"Stop looking at me Tabi or else I will think you like me." She daringly said that in front of my mother. I was shocked at her statement and looked at her with my eyes into slits.

"Ohhh, it was a joke! A joke okay? You easily get irritated at me eh?" Then my mother suddenly "*Cough* Tabi? Nice name Bom. And he is really like that. He doesnt like that lines. Let us move on and eat already!"

The whole eating session was like about THEM. I meant my mom and Bom. They chatted the whole time about girl things and if you ask what I did? I just ate my food and pretended like I was not there. Girls!

After eating we watched a show titled, "What she likes, what he likes." It was about boys who become slave of love because of women's influential capability. 

I hated the whole show but Bom and my mother totally enjoyed it. Lauhing like there is no tomorrow, saying side comments like an ignorant person and all.


"Excuse me. I have to take this call."

"Tabi, we have to go. Mom said she's leaving tonight to meet daddy in Canada. We have to say goodbye." She said in a whispering voice as she went closer to me while my mom continuously laugh like there is no tomorrow.

"I see. Mom, we have to leave now." I know she'll be sad and yes she pouted.

"But why?"

"I am sorry Mrs. Choi but my mom has to leave today for Canada. I want to bid goodbye to her before she leaves, promise we will be back when we are available." Bom said and I understand that even her does not want to leave but she has to.

"It's okay Bom. Be back, promise?"

"I promise. Bye!" she then kissed my mother's cheeks.

"Bye mom. Just call me if you need something okay? I'll be flash for you." I said as I hugged my mother.

"Cheesy son. Go ahead and take care of Bom."




In Park Bom's house,

"Bom, I have to take the flight today. Your dad is not feeling well and I have to be there daughter. Seunghyun told me that you went to their house Bom that is why you just came this last minute. I hope I can still say proper goodbye but slept on your way here and Seunghyun told me that he cannot wake you up. I know you'll understand me Bom. Lots of love. "


I cried because I overslept on our way here.

"You told me to sleep that is why-"

"I'm sorry Bom. I did not mean to." 

I am really disappointed because he told me to sleep so I can give my mom the best goodbye to her so he cradled me to sleep but it seemed,

"..." I replied.


"Leave me alone for now."


Comments please?

Bom has been the main image (credits to pic) for two chapters so it will be TOP:)

The last scene was absurd I guess but author's reason.





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Chapter 2: Awww ! This is totally awesome yet ur not updating for toooo toooo long time authornim???? Awww im so sad cuz seriusly this story is daebakk and u should have continue writing on them.. Wish u luck and make a comeback soon! !! Pleaseeeeee
AbeeegailP #3
@kwonmimi: thanks for thaat! I can update maybe this friday or saturday:)
hmmmmmmmmmm <br />
gonna be very interesting<br />
update soon please :)
AbeeegailP #5
@chasingbom: thanks for the comment:) yeah they're super adorable:)
chasingbom #6
Sneeky Bom fainted! Lol! They're adorable ones in the story! :)
AbeeegailP #7
@ygfamily4life116: As always bom so cuuutee! mee too super super excited at that part.
omo bommie so cute! a ghost! cant wait to see tabi change for bommie
AbeeegailP #9
@chinaeyes711: Thanks for that:) I'll try my very best to always update especially on weekends. Lovelovelove.<br />
<br />
@fanylicious: I want it to be super duper fun:)
Omona!!! this gonna be super duper fun :D