Chapter 40 : I never regret loving you.

You May Act Like a Tomboy But I Don't Care!

Infinite - Voice of My Heart 

I happen to listen to this song while typing this chap ^^


~ Monday ~ 6 days after the incident ~

Its been days since you and SeongYeol broke up. None of you speak to each other . Theres been a few times , SeongYeol would drag you to the roof top to explain , but you would always tell him the same thing "I'm no longer the _____ you knew." and walk off. For the past few days , when it was the time for break,you were either be sitting in between WooHyun and SungGyu in the cafeteria or staying on the roof top. Today , you decide to stay on the roof top.

~ Infinite's side ~ Cafeteria ~

SungJong: Yeol Hyung! Just tell us why you and _____ noona would break up?!

Hoya: Yeah. Yeol-ah~ You can't be keeping quiet all the time.

SeongYeol: She won't let me explain.

MyungSoo: Hyung! Just tell them,will you?! Me and HyunAe wanna see you and _____ back as 1 again!

WooHyun: Just tell hyung. We'll help you. [Tapping SeongYeol's shoulder]

SeongYeol: Well ..... It was on the same day when WooRi came to our school , it was 10 minutes before lesson starts. HyunA came and request to talk to me. I actually wanted to reject it but _____ said I could go since she thought nothing might happen. I went outside the class. HyunA apologised and started crying. She then said that she would be transfering school and request a hug from me. I thought this time she wouldn't be lying , so........ I agreed.

SungJong: Hyung! Neol pahbohnya?!

SeongYeol: Shut up. Than , the door cricked....HyunA suddenly tip toed and kissed me. I was too shock to move so...I sort of frozed. Next thing , I heard ____'s voice.

WooHyun: Kim.Hyun.Ah

SungGyu: Where's _____?

HyunAe: Roof top.

DongWoo: What are we gonna do?

SungGyu: We need SeongYeol to confess to her about everything.

WooHyun: Yeol-ah. Just do it. I bet this time she would listen.

MyungSoo: Why don't we go together?

SeongYeol: Jeongmal?! You guys really helping me?!

SungGyu: Of course! We're brothers right?

SeongYeol: Gomawoyo~

~ Your side ~

You were sitting on the floor talking to L.Joe since he happened to be there. Suddenly , the door of the roof top opened , revealed 7 of your friends , minus SeongYeol.

SungGyu: ______-ah. Can you just let SeongYeol explain this once?

You: Explain? Sure. [Stood up with L.Joe]

WooHyun: I hope no outsiders is around. [Eyeing L.Joe]

L.Joe: I think I should leave [Walking away]

You: There isn't a need for you to leave. [Pulling him back]

WooHyun: _____!

You: Mwo! Since he dared to kiss someone infront of me with some of the students looking , why don't he just explain infront of me with just the 10 of us here!

SeongYeol: Fine. But things really ain't what you saw that day. HyunA was the 1 who kissed me. She told me that she was sorry for hitting you and she was going to transfer to anoher school. She request a hug..... I thought a hug won't hurt so....I agreed , she hugged me by the neck. Than the door cricked and she tip toed to kiss me. I was too shock to move.

You: Fine! But do you know how hurt I was [Tearing] to see the guy I loved kissing a girl infront of me?!

SeongYeol: But I didn't kiss her!

You: But you will never know how I feel!

SeongYeol: I'm sorry ____-ah. [Tears welled up in his eyes]

You: Sorry? This word never exist in my dictionary.

WooHyun: Im _____! You're getting over boarded!

You: Why don't you try having SeungYeon to kiss someone right infront of you?!

You were about to leave the roof top when SeongYeol pulled you back and hugged you tightly.

SeongYeol: _____-ah~ Mianhae . Jeongmal mianhae.

You: Let go! [Hitting his chest]

SeongYeol: You can hit me, slap me or even kill me. But please.....just forgive me.[Tighten the hug]

You: I regretted.[Stop hitting]

SeongYeol: What?

You: I regretted for not changing seat ever since you came to our school! I regretted being your friend! I regretted being your partner for the ball! I regretted confessing to you!I regretted letting you to see HyunA.I regretted dating you.I regretted every single things that link to me and you!

Those words that you said hurt SeongYeol badly.

You: But I never regret loving you.

You kiss SeongYeol on his lips,within seconds he kissed back , broke the kiss and whispered something to you.

SeongYeol: _____-ah. Saranghae~ Be mine....again? [Showing you the ring and necklace]

You: [Nodded] Saranghae~

Infinite&HyunAe (-SY): WooHoo~ Group hug!

*_____-ah~Glad that you're happy. I think I shall give up on you.[Leaving the roof top]

A/N: Lastly, Ending with a happy song ^^

Infinite - Hidden Track 


Hello~.......YAH! _____/you and SeongYeol is back as 1 again :D Hows this chapter?

Might be ending soon >=< FF is coming up :D Gidalkaeyo ^^

Please bear with my misused and mispelled words ^-^" Comment and Subscribe :)

My goal for subscribers is 100 ^^" But 61 subscribers is enough :) Million thanks to my scribbies!


@NeruChan98  - Your wish didn't come true :<

@KimLNana  - Your wish is granted ^^

@mybabyboo  - LMAO. Don't worry...I would make something happen to HyunA :)

@eleonora  - Nah~ I don't like making love triangle ^^

@iammyd  - Even me myself wanted to xD

@Soolyn  - I don't even like HyunA in reality xD

@iHyunAe  - I'm practically her antis :)

Yours Truly,

HaeWon :]

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congrats :)
Chapter 2: "He sort of lost his chance of being a father"
That cracks me up. Hahahhaha.
Good story, Author-nim!
Chapter 62: finally finish reading the story *-* nice story author-nim hehe
Yaaaaaayyyyy I'm not the only 12 year old!!! ^^ love your story by the way
Shireo means no ^^
prinzy25 #6
thanks for the story. i like it. ^^
finish reading this.. already subscribed it like.. i don't know when. haha xD
The fic is okay. Like the happy ending :3
What's Jeoltae and arayo?
Sorry again, what's Shireo
Sorry for asking so much of the meanings >< because I don't really know much of Korean >< what's Apeuda?