Day 2

Diary Confessions

November 1


As I write my next entry Jinwoo comes to my mind AGAIN. These days I find myself thining about him a lot to an extent that the unconscious part of my mind has registered it. So he ends up appearing in my mind even when I dont intend to. But I cannot come to let myself believe that this is anything more than caring for a brother. The facts already point to it. He is my roommate and I know him the best compared to anyone here. Obviously as a leader, friend and roommate its natural for me to care and think of him right?


Today was fun except for the part where...wait let me write it later. We were given a day for enjoyment. We went to Caribbean Bay. Mino was in charge of bringing the free tickets which we got from CEO Yang Hyunseok. As we were in the parking lot ready to enter the water park, Mino was frantically searching for the tickets in his backpack. We waited. I was afraid and sensed that he lost it. Taehyun's facial expression turned angry. Seunghoon started scolding Mino. Even Jinwoo who would rather be the quiet one calming us down walked up to Mino and expressed his anger. 


It was not serious at first but became serious when Seunghoon shoved Mino. They were scolding and reminding him how much we needed this break and fun, and because of him this chance would be lost. I thought Mino was pulling a prank on us but it was not. He kept searching his bags.


Seunghoon shoved Mino and Mino did the same. I broke them up. I knew they would have gotten into a fight if I did not stop them. I took Mino's bag and started searching it myself. Then it happened. Mino hugged me and the rest of them did the same


"We love you" They laughed.


Yeah it was a prank. Here I was scared out of my wits and it was all just a prank. I could do nothing but sigh in relief.


"Do you really think we would fight" Seunghoon laughed.


"Sorry Yoon" Jinwoo said with his sheepish voice. 


"He looked so scared I feel bad" said Taehyun.


I was just out of words, smiling yet in shock. I was just glad it was not real. But to think of it, they would not really fight. I cannot believe I fell into their prank. I told myself I would be more careful after Taehyun's prank in Japan but ultimately I fell for this one too. It was too real.


We had a lot of fun on all the rides. Yes all of them. We rode each and every ride. After four more rides I sat down on a bench and watched Mino, Jinwoo, Seunghoon and Taehyun race down the water slide. Seunghoon was first and the rest reached almost at the same time. They called me for another round. I wanted to sit for a while so I told them I would join them later. 


Jinwoo came and sat next to me. 


"Seungyoon. Sorry for today" He giggled. He sounded so cute.


"I did not want to be a part of their prank but I ended up agreeing to it. It was fun" he laughed. I noticed he sounded sorry but funny.


How could I get mad at him when he looked so cute. But I sill pretended to be. After all tit for tat? 


I was not mad nor angry at the members but Jinwoo kept apologizing. Back at the dorm too he apologized once more before we went to bed.


I was standing in front of the mirror just out from the bathroom, when he came and back hugged me. It was so warm and I felt fuzzy inside. His grip tightened and I did not want him to let go.


"Sorry" this was the fifth time I heard it. I turned towards him and rested my hands on his shoulder.


"Jinwoo I am not angry at any of you. You do not have to apologize anymore hmm?" I tried my best to face him with a straight face.


He chuckled. How many times do I have to mention how cute he looks when he smiles. I had unconsciously put my hands on his cheeks. When I realized it was almost late. He looked at me intently but I just hugged him and wished him goodnight. Did he just look disappointed? Maybe I am dreaming too much. 


Anyways I am going to bed. It has been a fun yet tiring day


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Chapter 2: omg this is so beautiful TT
update soon xD
Chapter 2: Love the pic!!!! Awwww is jinwoo disappointed?? He should make a move then.. Haha since seungyoon is pretty oblivion
2nexoxo #3
Chapter 2: This is like my favorite!

These days jinhoon keep sailing and I need more jinyoon, thank god you updated this!! :D

I love the picture!!
Chapter 2: SQUEALS OMG JINYOON!!!! Been shipping them since WIN era and now at least i foubd someone who write a story about them. omf im so happy!!!! And can't wait for the next chapter. It's a good story i hope you keep writing about them again next time!!!
o u o keep writing!! >u<
Chapter 1: Squealssssss they almost kissed!!!! Gahhhh!!! My jinyoon feels.. Way to go jinwoo! Omggg can't wait for next chapter