Chapter 5

A Ghostly Twist

Chapter 5


The next day...


Yoona woke to with swollen eyes and a puffy face. She groaned but she could do nothing to rescue her bloated face. She had scheduled to meet Donghae that day. 


She grabbed her phone and Donghae's card, saving his number as “My yeobu”. The entire ploy had to look real. She sent a text to him.


Y: When exactly and where shall we meet?


D: Meet me at the café that’s close to the place where you DESTROYED my car at 11am. Cancel all your other schedules as this will take quite a while. *duh. How long does take?*


Y: Okay. See you.


She scrambled to get herself ready; it was already 9.45am.


“Umma! Appa! I’m going to grab some coffee at that café by the roadside. I will come back rather late so don’t wait up for me! Annyeong!” She swung her bag onto her shoulders and strode out after hearing an “Okay” from her parents.


She munched on an apple as she walked and she saw Taeyeon wherever she went. Sometimes she would be alongside Yoona skipping along, sometimes she would be staring into a shop. Yoona shook her head, desperately wanting to rid her mind of Taeyeon. 


Yoona dashed for the café. She really did not want to deal with Taeyeon right now. She heard Taeyeon scream, “Unnie! Where are you going?” She ignored all of it and ran straight for the café, accidentally knocking into someone.


“Woah, someone's real excited to see her fiance, eh?” Donghae .


Yoona kept shaking in his embrace and it was then that he saw that she was truly terrified. Her breaths were coming in short pants and her face was pale. What was she so scared of?


It wasn’t his business to pry into so he kept silent and just held her.


Yoona pulled away slowly once she calmed down. She looked around furtively, checking her surroundings for a certain girl with pigtails.


Donghae looked around him as well. What is it? Curiosity bubbled in him and he blurted, “Yoona shii, what is it that you are so scared of?” Yoona looked at him tiredly and he noticed her eye bags and her bloodshot eyes. “If I told you, would you believe me?”


Donghae gazed into her blazing eyes. Everything about Yoona screamed that she was tired but her eyes told a different story. It was like she had seen the world in its true colors and she was exhausted trying to live. Donghae gulped and looked away. *he was just trying not to stare at Yoona's small s*


“I’m not sure if I can take it so shall we just continue with our objective?” 


Yoona set her bag down and listened attentively.


“To pull this off well, you need to know a lot about me and so do I. Let’s start by using banmal. Which couple speaks to each other in formal speech?” Yoona agreed with him.


“So do I call you Donghae oppa or are we going to have nicknames?”


“For now, you will call me Donghae oppa until you can find a nickname that we are comfortable with and I’ll call you Yoona?” Yoona shook her head.

“That’s too fake. From what I gather from my ex-fiance, it seems that we had weird nicknames for each other.” Donghae’s eyebrows shot up at the word "fiancé".


Yoona sighed. “Oh. I haven't told you yet, have I? I guess I should tell you my background first. I am 24 and my birthday is on the 30th of May. Also, I don’t really know much about myself as I have just come out from a coma and I have amnesia. Oh and another thing, I really really REALLY  hate mungbean pancakes.”


Donghae looked amused. “Mungbean pancakes huh? Hmmm okay. I am 27 year old, and I blow the candles on 15 October yearly.” *oh no. He ain't blow no SUJU member. I ain't like guy-on-guy. NOT ONE BIT.*


Yoona drummed her fingers on the table. “Is there anything you like? Food? Favourite colour?”


Donghae replied smoothly. “I like chicken doritang and ddeokbokki and my favourite colour is blue. You?”


“I don’t know anything about myself but if I had to choose a colour, it would be red?”


Donghae seemed to be jotting notes in a notebook. Yoona laughed. “Mwo? Why are you writing this down?”


Donghae pouted. “My memory's real bad, so I might forget whatever we discussed. I need to jot down all this stuff to remember.” Yoona reached over and pinched his cheek by instinct. Both looked surprised and Yoona blushed. What was she doing? Donghae felt how awkward the girl felt and played it off by teasing her. “Yah, who said that you could touch my beloved cheek?”


“Don’t tell me…you named your cheek Betsy number 2?” Yoona faked a shocked gasp.


Donghae flushed. “Hey, yell at me all you want but leave Betsy alone!” Yoona laughed. Donghae delighted at the sound of it. He was just happy that Yoona wasn’t that shaking girl who had a helpless, pleading look on her face. Donghae may seem cold and arrogant to many, especially those in the same business industry as he was. However, he had a heart of gold and he cherished those around him.


“Anything else we need to know?” Yoona asked seriously.


Donghae frowned, his eyebrows scrunched up. “Hmm, we need to have some rules. Firstly, we need lots of PDA. At my business meetings and work, I could introduce you and bring you along to some gatherings or parties. Also, we may have to act a lot in front of my parents. We may even need to kiss, if necessary.”


Yoona bit her lip. “Bbo bbo? Aish, okay I get it. I have to tell my parents too right?”


Donghae sighed. “Ne. I hate lying but I really can’t get married to Jessica…mianhae Yoona shii.”


“Yah, no more formalities remember? Just call me Yoong for now until you find your own special nickname.”


Donghae’s eyes twinkled. “I know. I’ll call you yeobu!” Yoona’s eyes widened and she smacked Donghae. “Must you be so cheesy?” She whined. Donghae smirked and said nodded.


Yoona sulked but a devious plan formed. “Fine. I’ll call you jagiya.” She smiled evilly. Donghae turned outrageous. “What have I done…” He moaned and smacked his forehead.


Yoona saved his number as Jagiya with a heart shape instead of “my yeobu”. Donghae took out his phone and did the same.


Donghae requested, “Yeobu ah” at which Yoona promptly broke out in a series of heart thumping and shy smiling, commonly known as love sickness. Yoona shook her head firmly. She had to remind herself that that it was all fake.


Donghae continued, “Yeobu ah, we need to take pictures at different spots with different clothes so that people would think we had been dating for”


Yoona said. “Sure. We’ll meet up for 3 weeks in a row and go to places and take pictures. We can also show some repeating pictures at your workplace but in different clothes. What do you think?”


Donghae was pleased that he got such a levelheaded girl as a “wife”. “Speaking of work, I need to introduce you to the company 2 days later.”


Yoona cocked her head. “Why not tomorrow?”


Donghae chuckled, “Why do you need to know about why I decide it like that?”


Blood rushed to Yoona’s cheeks. “I..I..just…ugh, you’re impossible Donghae oppa.” *I can just imagine Yoong blushing. So cute, so able!*


Donghae shrugged. “That’s how it is yeobu. Now why don’t I drive you back home now before it gets too late.” 










*yeobu =darling

*jagiya =honey

*bbo bbo =kiss

*chicken doritang =chicken stew

*ddeokbokki =street snack that consists of rice cakes in gochujang. 


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tiarashinyoora #1
Chapter 8: too short.. :(
btw why she/he block your story?? if there is no reasonable grounds, don't mind them and continue the story,,
i support you... :)
tiarashinyoora #2
Chapter 7: i'm sorry typo..
i mean "how about her and donghae"
tiarashinyoora #3
Chapter 7: i'm scare yoona will die in the end of the story..... about her in donghae if she die...their fake relationship will end up just like that?
we will only know if u update story,
wait for your next update.. ^^
elis031089 #4
Chapter 6: Ong i thought it was siwon at first.. until the part she said that she is the Little Red Riding hood.. who will save her?? Donghae!!! Pls come!!
Hellomej #5
Chapter 6: :))))))))))))))))))))))))))) update soon! :)
tiarashinyoora #6
Chapter 6: taeyeon?? first i think is siwon..
YoonHaeChoding #7
Chapter 6: I knew it , it's taeyeon! Donghae , please save Yoona T.T
YoonHaeChoding #8
Aww yoonhae <3 is taeyeon the murderer ?
tiarashinyoora #9
Chapter 5: ㅋㅋㅋ.... it's cute...
i'm curious why taeyeon really like to follow yoona??
Chapter 4: Thank you for your update, I hope the next one will come out soon because I really want to see how this story will go on!
Donghae looks soooo good I can't wait to know more about him! ♡