The Last Romeo of Shakespear

Who is the last romeo?

Author's POV


Taehyung placed his hand of the door knob, slowly turning it for the door to reveal the room where he barged in so many times once upon a time. The orange haired boy was secretly hoping that nothing would have changed behind these doors.

He was hopelessly expecting a wine red haired boy to be sitting on the large double bed with a gentle smile.

The reality begged to differ from his imagination.

The thick curtain were drawn over the windows, barely letting any light into the room. He breathed in the scent of dust as he stepped into the room.

Taehyung placed his bag down gently on the dusty floor, scanning around the dark room briefly.

"I am back, Hyung.." He mumbled softly.

"You didn't even wait for me.." A sad smile crept up his lips.

Taehyung did not have the courage to enter the bathroom where his brother's body was found so he turned around to face the door, ready to exit the room.

"It was all his fault." The voice stuttered the boy slightly. He looked up in front to see his mother standing in the doorway, staring at the bed blankly.

"I heard it, Taehyung. I heard him screaming in this room that night. 'Why did you betray me? why? You heartless scoundrel.'. That's what he said." Mrs.Kim spoke in a shaky voice.

"He did this because of him." She spoke once again, inching closer to her second son with a photo frame clutched tightly in her hands.

"Umma..." Taehyung mumbled softly, wrapping his arms around their mother who was sobbing harder.

"You must do something, Tae. You must do something." Mrs. Kim said between her sobs as she let go of the photo frame which dropped to the floor of her eldest son's room.

The glass shuttered into pieces on the floor, causing the photo that was embedded in it to fall out of the frame.

Taehyung stared at the photo.

"I promise he will suffer the same fate, Jin hyung. I swear."


"I said I don't need a driver or bodyguard or whatsoever, Jimin." The boy with the jet black hair spoke through his gritted teeth.

The shorter male shrugged, pushing his frameless glasses up his nose while flipping through the files.

"It's your father's order, Jungkookie. You know I can't not follow his order." Jimin said firmly.

This cause the younger boy to snicker. 

"I could care less of his order." Jungkook huffed as he picked up his bag and headed out the mansion gate.

"The new driver will pick you up at your campus after your classes, Kookie. Behave Ok?"

"Whatever, Jiminnie." The younger boy smirked before he ran out.


Jeon Jungkook was the only son of the Chairman of Great Jeon Holdings. He was every single bit of what his parents expected.. Smart, handsome,good mannered and loveable.

Unfortunately for him, his mother passed away when he was 10 with Myocarditis. Little Jungkook was beyond upset due to the loss. He barely ate any and rarely talked to anyone.

The things turned worse when his father remarried to a woman when he was 13. He loathed the fact that his father was able to replace his mother in such a short period of time.

His stepmother had brought a son named Park Jimin with her.

Park Jimin was like a happy leech if Jungkook must say.

He clinged to the younger no matter how much hatred Jungkook had shown towards him.

Jimin endured all kinds of tantrum that Jungkook would throw often and still treated him like his own little brother.

By the time he turns 15, Jungkook gave up and loosen himself slightly for Jimin's sake.

He started showing some care towards the older boy which the former was more than happy to receive.

That was about the time when a person named Kim Seokjin entered Jungkook's life.

Seokjin was everything that Jungkook could ask for. He was beyond handsome with good culinary skills and caring nature.

The younger felt like he was with his mom all over again whenever he was with Seokjin.

He took care of him and showered him with so much love that Jungkook couldn't help but pour all of his love and trust on the older boy.

But things didn't last...


Taehyung tapped his fingers lightly on the steering wheel as he waited in front of the Seoul University's Business Faculty.

"Jeon Jungkook, 20, goes to National Seoul University. Loves red and flour based food. Hates bug." He repeated the information he had gotten from his mother as he waited for the said boy to come out.

It was not too surprising that his mother knew this much about the boy. After all, she had adored the boy so much that she was willing and ready to have him as her son-in-law.

"People are just so unpredictable huh?" Taehyung chuckled bitterly.

While the orange boy was in his own thought, a knock on the car window was heard which snapped the boy out of his train of thoughts.

He winded the windown down to reveal a black haired boy bending down.

Taehyung froze for a moment when their eyes met. Everything seemed to be in slow motion and felt as if he was drowning in the deep brown orbs of the younger boy.

Jungkook was no better. He was staring back at the orange haired boy that he forgot to breathe for a second or two.

"Y-You must be my new chaffeur." The younger boy stuttered slightly.

Taehyung bowed subconciously, still staring at the boy who was now blushing slightly.

"W-Well, Can you unlock the door? I want to get him." Jungkook asked while awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

He cursed himself for stuttering and being awkward over nothing.

"Sure, Young Master." Taehyung replied before unlocking the car door's for the latter.

"Urh, Jungkook will do." The latter replied.

Taehyung smirked slightly. 

You have no escape from your sin, Jeon Jungkook, Taehyung thought to himself.


It had been one and a half month since Taehyung worked as a driver for Jeon Jungkook, the subject of his revenge plan.

Over one month, Taehyung had  been nothing but sweet and caring towards the jet black hair boy.

He would always look out for the boy wherever he was and was assigned to watch the boy twenty four hours seven.

Taehyung,though, didn't get the idea behind having to put Jungkook under constant care as he did not observe any danger around the boy for the past month.

Just that afternoon, Jungkook exited his study room at 6pm as he usually did and found Taehyung crashing at the couch in the waiting area in front of his study room.

The younger boy inched closer to the sleeping form of his bodyguard slash driver, squatting down beside the couch with a smile.

His heart was beating so harshly against his chest  as his face gets closer to that of sleeping orange hair boy.

Jungkook had never felt this way before in his whole entire life.


Taehyung's POV


I was awake this whole time since Jungkook approached me. I could even his breath hitching near my cheeks.

I smiled to myself. I finally could get Jeon Jungkook whipped.

"J-Jungkookie..." I pretended as if I was sleeptalking and muttered his name softly.

Just then, I heard a soft giggle coming from him.

I almost startled open my eyes when I felt a pair of soft lips on my cheeks.

A bead of sweat that I didn't know was forming slid down the side of my forehead.

My heart was beating so ruthlessly.

No, Kim Taehyung, it's not the time for you to fall in love with this boy.

He was the one who betrayed your brother and caused his death.

That boy was the devil under the mask of sweet boy.


Author's POV

Jungkook exited the class immediately after the professor announced the end of the class. He couldn't wait to see Taehyung again.

After such a long thought he had last night, he finally mustered up enough courage to reveal his feelings to the older boy, partly because he was afraid taeyhung wouldn't confess due to their difference in social status. He did not want Taehyung to feel inferior or anything and that was why he decided he should be the one confessing to the older boy.

The minute he had confessed his love to the elder, Taehyung had wrapped him in his embrace tightly and showered him with soft sweet kisses in front of all the university students walking passed them.

Taehyung couldn't feel happier that Jungkook had confessed to him but felt afraid at the same time.

He was elated because Jungkook had finally taken his bait and confessed to him (he refused to accept that he was so elated because Jungkook actually loves him dearly) and afraid because he knew he was already falling for the boy and scared that he would mess up his revenge plan because of his personal feelings.


Just forget about all the problems and enjoy while it last. Thats what his heart told him.


It has been three months after Jungkook had confessed his love to the older boy.

They had been nothing but cuddly and fluffy. 

Since Jimin had trusted Taehyung to look after Jungkook 24/7, the couple had been able to wake up in each other's arm, spend the whole day watching the movie in Jungkook's room with legs tangled together.

To say that Jungkook was feeling comfortable once again after Jin's death was an understatement.

He thought he was finally able to find his happiness.

He finally had someone he could give a soft kiss when he woke up and someone who could comfort him when he was having a hard time and just the someone who could love him unconditionally.

Taehyung was the best thing that could ever happened in Jungkook's dark life and he was so thankful for that.

"Yahhh..." Jungkook was awaken from his sweet thoughts of taehyung when Yoongi nudged him gently.

"The class's over, Boy. Now wipe your drools and go back home." the older boy chuckled.

Jungkook had texted taehyung that his class were over early today but the older boy had told him that he had something to do so he could not fetch Jungkook.

The jet black hair boy has told Taehyung to finish his business and not to worry about him and that he could go home by himself for a day.

"Bye, Yoongi Hyung.. I am heading home." he said with a smile before exiting the class.

Little did he know that a tragedy was awaiting for his return.


Jeong's Mansion


"Hyung, I am back!" Jungkook squeaked as he threw his bag on the couch of living room and ran up the stair to his room.

"Taetae H-" Jungkook's voice was strained when he pushed the door to his room open.

His brown orbs widened with his lips slightly parted.

" can't be.." he muttered.

"H-Hyung tell me I am seein things right now." Jungkook let out a shaky breath.

A dark chuckle echoed in the room. Taehyung pulled himself out of the bed and pulled Jungkook's comforter up to cover the girl beside him.

"Well, Jungkook. You're back at the good timing." Taehyung smirked, slipping his boxer back and stood up from the bed.

"W-Why?? I-I thought you loved me.." Jungkook did not have the strength to even yell anymore as his legs were going weak with every minute passing.

"Love? Funniest thing ever. Why would I be in love with the bastard who caused my brother's death?" Taehyung hissed dangerously, inching nearer to the boy who was breathing heavily, trying to contain his sobs.

"What are you talking about, Hyung? W-When did I-"

"DON'T PRETEND YOU LITTLE . That Kim Seokjin that you betrayed was my only brother. Because of the bastard like you, he gave up his life." Taehyung screamed angrily.

"N-No...I-I didn't do anything to Seokjin hyung..No.." Jungkook whispered as he pressed hard against his chest where his heart lies, every single breath he tried to take became the hardest attempts in his life.

"Keep denying bastard. IT's ok though. I aldy had my revenge." Taehyung smirked in victory before signalling the girl to leave the room and left Jungkook alone in the room.

"No...." The latter fell to the ground, sobbing hard.

"I-I really didn't do anything I swear.." It was getting hard to breathe for Jungkook. The pain in his heart was too much.

"H-Help...S-Somebody.." He could only mutter softly. Jungkook crawled desperately to the nightstand by the side of his bed to press for emergency button.

"Hello, Jungkook? What's the matter?" Jimin's voice ran through the speaker.

"J-Jimin hyung.."

Everything went dark for him then.


might or might not have second chappie~

so yeah lol

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lina250390 #1
Chapter 3: This is soooooo interesting. Please update :(
Chapter 3: Author...... Update pleaseeeee......
I just love your story..... It AWSOME..
i really can't wait to know what will happent in the next chapter..
Please update.... please..
AkaReikou #3
Chapter 3: Ugh i hate tae in this . How could he?! That didn't know anything ugh
irmayama #4
Chapter 3: OMG ~ I really miss this story that's why I'm so happy for an update ^^
Yes Tae, You must visit Kookie.. hope Kookie getting well soon.
Waiting for the next chappie :)
guardian_angel274 #5
Chapter 3: Yay finally the secobd part. Can't wait for your update. This is surely explain everything ><
Chapter 1: Pls no!!!! I got a feeling Jungkook left Jin for reason.
He got heart attack?! Why is he holding his chest in pain?! Pls nono! U cant let Kookie die...
Pls brung Taetae and Kookie back tght!!!!
I hope he is okay........

Chapter 1: What kookie did to jin ???? Tae seems so mad!!! Please make TaeKook be together at the end!!!
jkooksyeolliev #8
Chapter 1: WTF !?!?!?!
Chapter 1: whoa damn, I CAN'T RIGHT NOW.