05; Of Late Night Dancing

The Dorm Life of Pinkfinite

It’s 1.30am in the morning.


Bomi tosses and turns in her bed.


“Argh, why can’t I fall asleep?” Bomi groans as she grabs the ends of her hair and pulls ruthlessly.


Perhaps it was the overdose of caffeine, she thinks. Or maybe she had too much candy today and she was experiencing a sugar rush. Maybe it was that tearjerker marathon she had with Namjoo earlier today, causing her eyes to be too dry for her to sleep.


Whatever the reason, she couldn’t sleep, and Bomi was getting frustrated.


She sits up, and glances at her roommates, Chorong and Eunji. Chorong has a facial mask on, and is already sound asleep, snoring lightly. Eunji sleeps soundlessly, her blanket tossed over her body messily.


Bomi couldn’t bear to wake her roommates up just for the sake of accompanying her. She sighs, but 10 seconds later, she gets a eureka moment.


“I should dance,” Bomi mumbles to herself. “Yeah, that will make me tired and I’ll fall asleep! Yeah, you’re such a smart cookie, Yoon Bomi.”


Bomi quickly changes into her favourite grey sweats and heads to the 24/7 opened gym/dance studio in the condominium building.






After a tiring day of recording for their new album, the Infinite boys are all sprawled on the marble floor of their shared unit.


Dongwoo taps on Hoya’s shoulder. “Hey, I’ll go change first. Meet you at the front door in 15 minutes.”


“Okay, let me just lie here for a while. I’m dead beat.” Hoya replies as he continues to lay on the cool marble floor next to Sunggyu.


Earlier that day, Dongwoo and Hoya had agreed to practise their duo dance performance for their concert together. However, their schedule was so packed that they could only practise after their song recording, which ends at 1am.


When Dongwoo comes out of his room after 15 minutes, he finds Hoya sleeping on the floor with a few other members. Without make-up, all the members’ dark circles were starting to show.


Dongwoo didn’t have the heart to wake Hoya up, seeing how the younger male look like he could sleep for 3 days straight. Dongwoo weighed his options.


Should he continue regardless of Hoya and go on to practise? Or should he stay home and sleep?


As much as the second option appealed to Dongwoo, he ends up going with the first option. Reason being: He is too lazy to change out of his dance attire, which consists of a black tank top and ¾ length basketball shorts.


Dongwoo swings his duffel bag across his shoulders, grabs the keys, and heads out of the dorm.


It’s 1.45am, so Dongwoo presumes that there shouldn’t be anyone in the condominium’s dance studio. Because anyone in their right mind with a healthy body clock should be sound asleep right?


Right, Dongwoo thinks, and whistles as he walks towards the dance studio/gym with light footsteps.


He stops in his steps rigidly when he hears a soft melody coming from the dance studio. He sticks his pinky into his right ear and twists it around, checking to see if his ears are playing games with him.


Apparently not, because the music continues to play.


Dongwoo approaches the door carefully, trying to be as silent as possible. However, he fails at this when he trips over a brick that was supposed to be a door stopper. Dongwoo collides with the door with a loud bang, and he winces at both the sound and the pain.


Bomi, who is dancing inside the studio, jumps out of shock when she hears the unknown bang of the door. She stops the music playing from the stereo and walks over to the door cautiously.


Her curiosity got the better of her and Bomi opens the door anyway, to which she is greeted with a comical sight of Dongwoo lying on the ground in an awkward position.


Bomi doesn’t forget her manners though, as she greets Dongwoo with a loud “Hello Dongwoo sunbae!”. While extending her hand to help Dongwoo up, Bomi breaks into loud, contagious laughter.


Dongwoo lies on the ground, shocked. Firstly, he did not expect to meet Apink’s Bomi at 1.45am in the morning.


Second, Dongwoo has honestly never taken a good look at her (or any other hoobaes actually). Seeing her up close like this, with her caramel locks framing her red face perfectly, Dongwoo actually found Bomi pretty.


Thirdly, Dongwoo is suddenly reminded of a strange situation he was in just 3 days ago.


“IT’S SHOWING!” Sungyeol announces from the living room as he watches Apink News Season 2 that was broadcasting on tv.


Woohyun runs to the living room and joins him, to watch ‘his boo’, as he quotes. Cheesy Woohyun.


Myungsoo has nothing to do, and insists that Sungyeol dragged him to watch the show when we all know that deep down, he’s watching for Naeun.


Sunggyu sits there with the younger boys and watches the show too, because he says he’s bored, but in actual fact, he just wants to see Hayoung.


The boys don’t have to know about that little encounter a few weeks ago, of course.


And he made Sungyeol swear on Namjoo’s name to not tattletale on him.


All is well, he thinks, as he munches on some popcorn.


“Hyung, you look like a hamster.” Sungjong laughs.


“Shut up.” He says, spit and popcorn flying towards the maknae. Sungjong lets out a girly scream.




“Keep quiet, maknae, I want to watch my Rongrong.” Woohyun snaps.


Everyone in the living room shudders but nobody says anything.


Infinite's dorm is finally silent for once as they all gather to watch tv (with the exception of Hoya and Dongwoo.)


A scene of Bomi and Chorong laughing came up, and a goofy smile appears on Woohyun's face.


He puts a hand to his ears. "Do you hear that angelic sound? It's my boo laughing."


"Oh my god." Myungsoo shudders and facepalms. "Hyung, please!"


"Hyung, I'm gonna ignore you, but on a side note, don't you all think Bomi-sshi resembles someone? Someone we know very well, in fact." Sungyeol remarks.


"Who? Me?" Sungjong asks.


"Not every girl looks like you, maknae." Sunggyu deadpans.


Sungjong frowns. "Tch, you know nothing, old man."


"Yah! Rude!"


"Bleh, I don't care!"


"Shut up!" Sungyeol screams. "I mean Dongwoo hyung."


Silence falls over them like a heavy blanket.


"Yeah..." Everyone murmurs.


"They laugh the same." Woohyun says.


"They're not conscious of their image." Myungsoo adds.


"What image?" Sungjong jokes but nobody laughs. "Okay... Not funny."


"Oh oh, and they love dogs!" Sunggyu exclaims.


"Same hometown!" Sungjong chirps.


"Wow... They're a perfect match." Sungyeol says.


As if on cue, Dongwoo walks out of his room with an empty mug in hand. “Hey guys,” He greets. “What’s all the commotion about?”


Sungyeol grins at the older male with a cattish smile and an evil glint in his eyes.


“Oh, nothing much, hyung. Just saying how you resemble this Apink member.” Sungyeol remarks nonchalantly.


Dongwoo widens his eyes. “Really? Who? How so?”


“Bomi.” Myungsoo replies. “They say you laugh like her.”


Does he really laugh like her? Dongwoo snaps out of his trance and grabs Bomi’s extended hand.


“Thank you, Bomi-sshi.” He says as he helps himself up. Dongwoo rubs his nape sheepishly. “So, dancing?”


“Yeah.” Bomi replies. “I couldn’t sleep. You too?”


Dongwoo shakes his head. “I was supposed to be practising a dance routine with Hoya today, but he’s too tired and I didn’t want to wake him up.”


“Ah, I see.” Bomi nods in understanding. She suddenly perks up. “Oh, Dongwoo sunbae, if you want to use the dance studio, I’ll just pack up and leave. Please give me a while.” Bomi says and turns to go back into the dance studio.


“Wait!” Dongwoo stops Bomi by grabbing onto her forearm. “We can share, if you don’t mind.”


Bomi beams. “Not at all.”


After an hour of dancing, Dongwoo finds himself a lot closer to Bomi. They’ve dropped the formalities and Bomi calls Dongwoo ‘oppa’, since he’s older than her. Dongwoo realises that s were right after all; Bomi is a carefree girl who’s easy to talk to and befriend.


The pair find themselves lying on the studio’s floor, both panting hard.


Bomi chuckles with a twinkle in her eye. “It’s been a long time since I danced to my heart’s content. Thank you, Dongwoo oppa.”


Dongwoo doesn’t know why, but he feels his heart burst in happiness at her comment. He grins back at her and reaches out to mess up her hair. “No problem.”


Bomi fishes out her phone and checks the time. “Oh shoot.” She curses. “I should go, I have a schedule in 4 hours.”


Bomi starts to pack up at the speed of light. Dongwoo could only stare since he’s too tired to move a muscle. Once she was done, Bomi slings her duffel bag over her shoulder and bows to Dongwoo.


“Bye oppa! See you someday.” She greets and leaves.


Dongwoo waves at her disappearing back, his body now slumped against the mirror. Tonight was one of the best nights he’s had in a long long time. Dongwoo smiles to himself foolishly, but the smile soon disappears from his face when he realises something.


“Crap, I forgot to ask for her number!”



Hello my beautiful Pinkspirits!

It's been a long time... I'm sorry for updating so late TT TT So here's a chapter to my all-time favourite couple of Pinkfinite. Drum roll please!


I don't know man, they're just crazy and adorable and I can't imagine the infinite scenarios I can write about them being crazy together, ya know? (Also, Dongwoo and Bomi happen to be my bias in both Infinite and A Pink so it's a sign guys)

Anyway, I have written a one-shot! Unfortunately, it is not Pinkfinite-based, but for all the Pinkspirits who also happen to like BTS/Bangtan Boys/Bangtan Sonyeondan, you're in for a treat ~

Click here! http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/867753/of-fansigns-and-babysitting-oneshot-romcom-bts-bangtanboys-suga 

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I have no idea how to update from my phone ;_; why am I such an IT noob ?


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Chapter 6: I really hope you would update this story
Yeoljooshipper #2
Chapter 6: Please update ........ What happend next ....... Plzzzzzz update love ur woorong and yeoljoo part .....
mierolzafri #3
Chapter 6: author-nim please update soon...i really luv it
wooronghardcorefan #4
Chapter 6: Updaaaate soon please! My pinkfinite feels is exploding right now!!
Chapter 6: OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! YEOLJOO'S KISS!!!!!!!!!!!
I count it as a kiss even tho it was a small one xD

I love the stalking chapter going on there and the cute yet shameless flirting Sungyeol has been doing to Namjoo ;) Maybe he learnt it from Woohyun eh?

Anyway please do continue to update some more and love the story!!
Chapter 5: Oh my god love that you finally wrote about DongMi <3

Overall please update as soon as possible! Please include YeolJoo and JongKyung as well!!!!
I really love your fanfic and it is both cute and made me laugh a lot! Totally RomCom,my favourite!

Update soon!!!!
Chapter 4: Awwww love the MyungEun moment! Myungsoo come on and make your move on Naeun already!
Loved the WooRong and YeolJoo moments too!
Chapter 3: Awwwww HoJi is so cute <3
Chapter 2: Awww so cute WooRong!!! Please be it a yes!!!
Chapter 1: Oh my god! I fell in love and laughed a lot with this! This chapter is beautiful especially GyuYoung's part!!!