04; Of Sleep and Matchmaking Members

The Dorm Life of Pinkfinite

Apink and Infinite are at Red Carpet salon, each preparing for their comebacks, which happens to coincide with one another.


Naeun sits on the sofa in the salon while waiting for her turn. Her eyes bore into the back of a certain someone’s head, who seem to be oblivious to her staring.


Actually, he isn’t oblivious to it. Myungsoo knows that Naeun’s been staring at him for so long, she could drill holes into his head.


He wipes his sweaty palms against his jeans. Why is his goddess staring at him so vengefully? Did he do something wrong?


He avoids looking at the girl through the mirror, and pretends to play some stupid games on his phone. But that didn’t stop Naeun from staring.


The girl is frustrated.




Even at her (young) age, she knows she’s attracted to the visual of Infinite. There is nothing to deny about that.


And she also happens to know that Infinite’s visual feels the same way towards her.


Then why, WHY, is he not taking any initiative? How can someone be so dense?!


In all honesty, she is quite jealous of Chorong, who has an (over)active admirer like Woohyun. Why couldn’t Myungsoo be the same?


Naeun doesn’t know whether Myungsoo knows about her liking him, but she thinks she has dropped enough hints already.


For example, when Infinite and Apink meet, Naeun would always make sure she stands especially close to Myungsoo, and when they cross paths, she would intentionally brush her hands against his.


And, every time they meet in the salon, she would always choose (more like fight for) the seat next to Myungsoo.


Naeun even intentionally favourited a ‘MyungEun’ tweet on Twitter once!


Wasn’t that enough?


How much would it take for Myungsoo to come out of his oblivious shell?


Or are her sources wrong? Does Myungsoo not like Naeun that way?


… That can’t be. Woohyun said Myungsoo has a crush on her. That isn’t any reason for Woohyun to lie.




Naeun sighs as she watches her handsome oppa concentrate on his game. Chorong notices this and approaches Naeun.


“Why the long face?” Chorong asks.


Naeun jerks her head towards Myungsoo and sighs again.


“Oh…” Chorong trails off. She racks her brains hard, but she doesn’t know Myungsoo well enough to help Naeun.


She has no choice but to seek from someone whom she really didn’t want to owe anything to, (because she knows the way to return his favour is through a date or something) but for the sake of her favourite dongsaeng…


“Yah, Nam Woohyun.”


“I am your oppa!” Woohyun whines.


Chorong rolls her eyes. “Woohyun oppa, I have a favour to ask of you.”


That catches Woohyun’s interest. “You know you have to give me something in return, right?”




“I’ll take that as a yes.” Woohyun declares shamelessly. “What’s the favour?”


“Please help Naeun.” Chorong pleads.


“With what?” He asks and looks at Naeun who is still staring at Myungsoo. “Oh, help with that. Sure. Although honestly, she doesn’t need help. Myungsoo is the one who does.”


“I don’t care. Just help her get his attention, just once, please?” Chorong rubs her hands together and pouts.


“Jeez, you know I can’t resist your aegyo. But since you’re already at it, come give oppa a kiss.” Woohyun makes a kissy face.


Chorong slightly regrets her decision she made last time.


“Kidding, Rongrong.” Woohyun pinches her nose. “Leave it to oppa to work his magic.”


“Thanks oppa.” Chorong smiles gratefully and quickly leaves to get her hair styled.


Woohyun knows that Myungsoo always sleeps after getting his make-up and hair done, because Myungsoo is usually one of the first to get ready.


He manages to rope the resident prankster, Sungyeol, the stupid genius hyung, Dongwoo and the diva maknae, Sungjong into the plan.


Woohyun notices Naeun already dozing off at the nail polish counter. Perfect, he thinks. This is going to earn him so many plus points (in his journey to Chorong’s heart) when the plan succeeds.


When he sees Myungsoo almost done with his make-up, he gives Sungyeol and Dongwoo a signal. They give Woohyun an ‘ok’ sign, and they swiftly make their way to the only couch in the salon, taking up all the space on the couch.


Myungsoo is already sleepy when he arrives at the couch. He wants to take a nap, but seeing how his hyungs are already occupying the couch, there is no way he can sleep there.


“Yah, hyung.” He whines. “You know I sleep here.”


“But it is not yours, Myungsoo. Go find another couch! I called dibs on this one.” Sungyeol rebuts, shooing Myungsoo away.


“But there’s only one couch in the salon!” Myungsoo retorts.


“And so?”




“Aish, Myungsoo hyung!” Sungjong complains, acting out his diva role perfectly as scripted. “Can you keep it down? You’re making me screw up my makeup!”


Myungsoo gives a defeated grumble and stumbles off to god knows where he can sleep in. This is where Woohyun comes in.


He sees Myungsoo’s half-lidded eyes and drags him. “You wanna sleep, Myungsoo?”


“Yes, please.”


“Ok ok, come here.” He intentionally pulls Myungsoo to an armchair that is right next to Naeun’s. “You can sleep here. Nobody’s sitting here.”


“Mm.” Myungsoo nods sleepily and yawns. “Thanks, Woohyun hyung.”


“You’ll thank me one more time later.” Woohyun mumbles. This goes unheard by Myungsoo, who is already halfway drifting off into a deep sleep.


Woohyun motions for Chorong to come over when he sees Myungsoo and Naeun practically stuck by the hips, sleeping side by side together. Chorong and a few other girls arrive, and they all coo at the sight of the visuals sleeping soundly next to each other.


“Wait, wait, let me take a photo of this.” Namjoo says and takes out her phone.


“For blackmail?” Sungyeol grins.


“... No, Sungyeol oppa.” Namjoo deadpans.


Sungyeol shrugs, and suddenly runs away, coming back quickly with a bright expression. He pulls out a polaroid camera from behind him. The others stare at him, surprised.


“Don’t you all bring around a polaroid camera for emergencies like this?”




“Okaaaaaay, just me, huh? Oh well.” He shrugs again and takes two polaroid photos of the visual couple.


“One for blackmail,” He says and keeps one in his pants pocket. “And one for the pretty lady.” He gives the other one to Namjoo and winks at her, who receives it with a mad blush.


“Anyway, this is not the best part.” Woohyun whispers and stifles a giggle. “Watch this.”


He pushes Myungsoo’s temple ever so lightly, and Myungsoo’s head falls onto Naeun’s shoulder with a soft thud. Myungsoo is known for being a deep sleeper, so something like this wouldn’t wake him up.


Namjoo snaps more photos of the visual couple and giggles excitedly. “This is sooooo cute!”


“Like me?” Sungyeol chirps.




“I can’t wait to see oppa and unnie’s reaction when they wake up to this!” Hayoung exclaims, completely ignoring Sungyeol’s comment.


Woohyun dusts his hands together and gives his band members a pat on the back. “Good job guys, you’re dismissed.”


He then sidles up to Chorong and hip bumps her lightly. “So, is oppa cool enough for you yet?”


Chorong laughs, her airy voice so beautiful to Woohyun’s ears. “We’ll see.”

Hello Pinkspirits!
You could say I'm back from my hiatus :> Hello to both old and new subscribers! I can never express enough gratitude to all of you for subscribing.
Feel free to comment too! There's absolutely no need to be shy.
So... Myungeun, kekeke. I know it's not as fluffy as everyone expected it to be, but I wanted to approach Myungeun differently.
For Myungeun, they already like each other, there's nothing to deny. But Myungsoo... he has issues man.
And because y'all were so patient, there's a little bit of Woorong and YeolJoo too! Kekeke.
xoxo, cornandflakes
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I have no idea how to update from my phone ;_; why am I such an IT noob ?


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Chapter 6: I really hope you would update this story
Yeoljooshipper #2
Chapter 6: Please update ........ What happend next ....... Plzzzzzz update love ur woorong and yeoljoo part .....
mierolzafri #3
Chapter 6: author-nim please update soon...i really luv it
wooronghardcorefan #4
Chapter 6: Updaaaate soon please! My pinkfinite feels is exploding right now!!
Chapter 6: OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! YEOLJOO'S KISS!!!!!!!!!!!
I count it as a kiss even tho it was a small one xD

I love the stalking chapter going on there and the cute yet shameless flirting Sungyeol has been doing to Namjoo ;) Maybe he learnt it from Woohyun eh?

Anyway please do continue to update some more and love the story!!
Chapter 5: Oh my god love that you finally wrote about DongMi <3

Overall please update as soon as possible! Please include YeolJoo and JongKyung as well!!!!
I really love your fanfic and it is both cute and made me laugh a lot! Totally RomCom,my favourite!

Update soon!!!!
Chapter 4: Awwww love the MyungEun moment! Myungsoo come on and make your move on Naeun already!
Loved the WooRong and YeolJoo moments too!
Chapter 3: Awwwww HoJi is so cute <3
Chapter 2: Awww so cute WooRong!!! Please be it a yes!!!
Chapter 1: Oh my god! I fell in love and laughed a lot with this! This chapter is beautiful especially GyuYoung's part!!!