just wait a minute (rerun it).

Just Wait A Minute (Rerun It)








just wait a minute (rerun it).














Did he misinterpret it?




Sehun thought that he misheard this question.





He was too distracted with admiring his handsome and innocent son. What could have been better than spending some precious time with Ziyu? He was literally a small and adorable version of Lu Han. Not to say that Lu Han wasn't adorable anymore because he clearly was. It was just that Ziyu seemed also to be the younger version of him. Sehun could not resist over showering him with love, exactly how he was doing it with Ziyu.





He didn't have many opportunities anymore to show his love mainly because Ziyu required most of their time. They also were still studying and therefore doomed to have a busy schedule.





Maybe Sehun loved Ziyu a tiny bit too much because he was hugging his son to death.





"I can't- breathe-"





Instead of letting him go like any other good parents would, Sehun sat back on his bed and hugged him tighter:







"Can you repeat your question?" He smiled and Ziyu swore that his bones broke.






"I-..said how did- you and Baba...meet?"





Sehun let go and waited for exactly three seconds.





























The door was viciously ripped open as a laughing Lu Han ran in with raised arms:








"Story time~!"


















Slamming his book on the desk, the boy couldn't keep up with the stress anymore. He had explained his friend a million times how to solve that particular question. Maybe it's because Lu Han didn't listen or maybe because he was plain dumb. Baekhyun didn't know what to do with his slow friend. Was he good for anything? They were sacrificing their time to study in the library and even after three hours of studying Lu Han still didn't understand how to solve that equation.



"So what's that?" Lu Han asked and pretended to be serious. Both of them knew that he wasn't though acted as if he wanted to know it. It was a Saturday and therefore very crowded. They should consider themselves as lucky to have a place to sit on.




"A number." Baekhyun deadpanned and wondered how the other would pass his exam. Or any exams if he was that slow with understanding a simple question. It was even the first one so Baekhyun couldn't understand how he could make such mistakes. The heavy rain that had started that morning became torrential. It just didn't stop raining in general. That could be a reason why Lu Han could be so distracted. They were next to a window and he kept on staring out of it.




Indeed, now again his gaze changed from the book page to the cloudy windows, "Look Baek it's raining..." He whispered and touched the glass. Just for two seconds as he said that it was too cold. Millions of large drops were pounding loudly against the glass as they were thrown against it by the wind. The sky turned gloomy further and the lamps seeming to spark brighter. They had come in the morning and no progress was made regarding Lu Han. For once his friend couldn't make up and excuse and closed the book:





"Lu I think you should just become a stripper."






There was this weird silence and neither of them had spoken. At first Baekhyun believed that the other was thinking about it but when Lu Han said nothing and continued to look uncertain, Baekhyun shifted forward in his chair, resting his arm on the desk. "What I am trying to say is that you are not capable of learning from my way. You should get yourself a tutor." He explained further and hoped that Lu Han didn't take his words serious. That would be a problem since he was easy to influence.




"Really? But I don't know who to ask." He sighed and let his head drop on the table.




Luckily Baekhyun had a plan for that.



"I'll give you the number of someone smart. He can help you out. His name his Chanyeol." Baekhyun responded and got his phone out. He looked through the number under his friend's worried gaze. He didn't like it to push Lu Han to someone else because they were friends though they wouldn't move forward with his learning method. Chanyeol on the other hand was not very smart either (in terms of being 'normal'). He was pretty much dumb too but numbers were his thing. Since he and Lu Han had a similar way of thinking about an everyday situation, he might as well teach him simple maths.





Lu Han typed the number on his phone when Baekhyun held it up and slightly frowned.






Would he really help him?


















On the same evening Lu Han had made his mind up to call Chanyeol. He had never seen that guy in person. So he could only hope that he was a nice person. Laying himself down on his bed he stared up at the lights and sighed. He was shy, nervous even. What if he would make fun of Lu Han for being so bad in maths? Whatever, Baekhyun had told him that Chanyeol lacked in common sense so Lu Han would bully him back if he would try anything funny. A strange jolt passed through him, his pulse accelerated when he pressed the green button. Immediately Lu Han turned around and laid on his stomach to hide is red face even though he was totally alone.











He wasn't picking up.





"Why is this banana head not picking up?" Lu Han exhaled slowly and his heart cautiously began to beat again. Maybe his gut feeling was right and Chanyeol purposely wouldn't pick up since it was Lu Han. His heart plunged, the warmth boiling inside of him. He desperately needed help though that was why he waited for two minutes. Calling him another time was not what Lu Han was going to do. Either now or never. If he wouldn't pick up then Lu Han would just start learning on his own, even if he would fail. At least he went through it.




So when the other guy on the line didn't think of picking up, Lu Han was sure to hang up until this voice proved him wrong:










Lu Han's eyes were wide open; he got up in seconds from his laying position and was sitting straight. "H-Hello?" Okay this sounded pathetic, why did he stutter? All those thoughts of cursing Chanyeol for not picking up disappeared and were replaced by an uneven heartbeat. Damn you Baekhyun, he could have at least told Lu Han that he sounded hot and not like a nerd. This was how Baekhyun had described Chanyeol after all.




He couldn't mess that up, everything had to go well.




"Y-You see...I really need help in maths...it's so annoying with this x and y. What if I don't want to find x? It's bothersome...and when x fusions together with letters it's worse. I mean what in the world is 2a? Ever thought about that? Don't get me started on quadrants...or sin, cos...domain...yada yada. Can you help me? Pretty please?" He spoke these words so quietly, barely a whisper, that he wasn't sure the other had even heard him at first. As he didn't get an answer Lu Han had frozen in place, his eyes widening marginally, his chest rising and falling quickly. Did Chanyeol even listen to him?




Sorry I am bad at maths myself. But I understand you. X should get its together and stop getting together with letters. And y should stop copying x and wants to be found as well. Quadrants? I doubt I can spell that. I can't even draw tan let alone cos.




Shoving back his bed covers, Lu Han swung his legs out of bed and stood up, running a hand through his hair, "That's exactly what I am talking about! X is such a bad boy and keeps jumping around? Like what? A bad example for y!" Was this reality? Did Lu Han find his soul mate? He blushed and stifled a squeal with his hand. He didn't want to scare the other. This was way better than getting help at maths. To curse it and speak badly about it was more fun what he could never do with Baekhyun.





I know right! I would sign a petition for getting them out of maths





"Me too!" Lu Han laughed and after walking around in circles, he returned back to his bed. He laid on his back for seconds, staring up at the ceiling and not daring to move an inch. He was so happy to have found someone who hated maths as much as he did. But why didn't he ask Lu Han about his maths? This person acted like he didn't know Lu Han although Baekhyun had told him about his problem.




So this was not Chanyeol?




Baekhyun gave him the wrong number?




He didn't care in this moment, his heartbeat sounded loud in the silence and he struggled to control his erratic breathing to make sure it wasn't too loud. He was too excited; maths he made a friend. And maybe they would be more; Lu Han blushed for having those thoughts. Who knew maybe they would. And Lu Han would make sure that this would happen. They were ideal for each other, who would they be with if not each other? Inhaling deeply, he rolled over and listened to the other's rambling.




You know it's nowadays very difficult to find someone who thinks similar to us. They will say that they hate maths but they aren't as serious as us.




There was some rustling in the background while Lu Han sat up for the second time. An answer rose in his throat, getting trapped somewhere behind his lips, twisted in his disordered mind. He didn't know what to say except that he totally agreed. At first he just nodded but when he realised that the other couldn't see him, he replied that he thought the same. This was definitely better than getting help in maths. He exhaled shakily and with difficulty, his breath catching on the words he wished so desperately to say.





He wanted to ask the name of the other person but the excitement and his own shyness didn't allow it. This was a one in a lifetime chance, he had to ask. His trembling hand stilled against his phone as his heart skipped faster with every moment. It was his chance he had to use it if ever wanted to talk to him again




"H-Hey...What's you na-"





I don't know who you are nor do I know where you are...but I will find you, hug you and kiss you





Lu Han's eyes widened – they were full of diffidence and anticipation. A light blush was just apparent on his cheeks. What did he just hear? "C-Could you repeat that?" He jumped off his bed while a number of emotions followed each other across his face. He was happy, shocked and also awfully embarrassed. If he heard it correctly then...this guy was after Lu Han. He gave himself a moment, resisting the rising urge to start babbling in order to let his words sink in. He walked in circles, his body was tense as he waited for a response and eventually sat down.






But he had already hung up.





"Hello? Hey?! Maths hater? Are you still there?" Lu Han asked in a higher voice than he intended to. His palms were clammy and his heart was racing in a way it never had done before. Out of all crushes he had, this was totally different. It wasn't the same as all the other times. This stranger made him feel the kind of excited nervous that made his stomach twist itself and make him feel sick. But the good kind of sick. His heart was racing like it had never done before. This had to be an important sign, it was love.





Regarding the sudden hang up, maybe the connection broke off or he had something important to do.




Lu Han got off his bed and walked towards the wall which was covered in posters of the same person. He ripped the posters from the wall and removed everything. He had to do that since he finally found the right person. Smiling he crushed the posters into one gigantic ball and chucked it away. His face lit up in a smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners:






"Move over Myungsoo, I have someone new."











Somewhere on a football court, a guy fell on his knees and clutched his heart.




His friends came over to him and worriedly asked him questions:




"Myungsoo everything okay?!"

















"So you are saying that you are in love with that person whose number I accidentally gave you."









"You have just spoken to him once."




"Uh yes."




"And you call that love."




"But he loves me too!" Lu Han nodded thoughtfully, a small frown line appearing between his eyebrows. It had to be love. From his side of course. He stared at the books and wondered why he and Baekhyun even went to the library. They had better things to do as Lu Han was too bored to learn. He rather wanted to learn more about Sehun. That was his name according to Baekhyun. He was a good friend of Chanyeol that was why Baekhyun had his number since he was friends with Chanyeol too.





Lu Han on the other hand had never met this person.



That was why he had choked Baekhyun in the first few minutes when he heard about that. He threw things like 'why did you hide him from me' and 'you never tell me anything' to Baekhyun and let out a frustrated scream. It was like he had wasted all his other time by having stupid crushes like Myungsoo from the other class or his P.E teacher or even Baekhyun. That was a weird phase though and he never wanted to talk about that again.




"He doesn't know you!" Baekhyun hissed back and hit his friend with his book on his head.




Whining Lu Han held his head, "Stop it hurts! He says he will hug me and kiss me!" He cried out and couldn't believe how little support he got. He was serious with Sehun although he avoided the younger whenever he saw him. He was too shy to say something as well as his appearance made him flustered. He wasn't the person to judge other people's appearances (except Baekhyun) so he was caught off guard when noticing how handsome he was. That made him even more determined to start an official romance between them.




And if the situation wasn't stressful enough, Sehun and Chanyeol had entered the library. They sat down two tables across from them which was quite close. Lu Han thought that he was about to die because he didn't plan what he should say in case they will have awkward eye contact. He was so nervous and dared Baekhyun to call them over because he was so freaking shy and didn't know what to say. He was about to kick Baekhyun's leg if he planned to do anything because only then he was sure to die. It seemed like Baekhyun didn't listen to that mental threat and casually called them over.




"Hey Chanyeol! Sehun! You can sit here!"




Byun Baekhyun, you are dead.




"How could you do his to me, he's there I swear if you try anything funny I will run a car and maybe a ship over you Byun Baekhyun you piece of diseased I will-"




"Shut up they are coming. Act natural." He whispered and wished that he could glue Lu Han's mouth shut. He didn't mind if Lu Han would start dating Sehun, he would be happy. The thing was that Lu Han had a weird way of expression his feelings such as anger. He would use insults like 'banana head' or 'diseased ' or even 'money '. So if he had problems with showing anger than how should he act around Sehun? He had to get used to his presence the earlier, the better. He couldn't run away forever from Sehun, things had to change.





"Cool thanks." While getting his bag Chanyeol said that and was followed by Sehun. Both walked towards them as Baekhyun greeted them with a wave of his hands whereas Lu Han tried to stay calm. He stared at his friend for a moment, not looking at all convinced, and with a hint of disappointed sadness on his face. Baekhyun glared at him which could be interpreted as 'stop crying around and man up'. Well Lu Han wasn't crying....yet. If he would embarrass himself then he would surely jump from a building and take Baekhyun with him.



When Sehun had the nerve to sit next Lu Han, he gripped the edge of the seat with his hands, the knuckles standing out prominent. He forced himself to look Sehun directly in the eye despite the urge to duck his head. What made it more difficult was how Sehun had smiled and greeted him. Who allowed him to be handsome? Lu Han had to think of Baekhyun's earlier words, he had to act natural. He had to be calm most of all and engage into a normal and civilised conversation. If this wouldn't work then how should they even date?




Luckily Sehun began, "Nice to meet you. Your name is Lu Han? That cutie from the phone right? I told you I will find-"













Lu Han stood up and faced Sehun with a bright red face, he screwed already up.





Everyone in the library was totally quiet. They stopped reading, halted their search for books and simply stared at Lu Han. Chanyeol and Baekhyun had stopped talking and also paid attention to what was going on in front of them. Especially Baekhyun who did warn Lu Han about being normal and not awkward. It was funny how he totally ignored his words and just did his own thing. There was the chance that his brain had a moment when he blurted that out what was going on in his mind. That was not for the public information to anyone.





Most importantly, Sehun was the one who surprised them even more with his answer:
















Lu Han and Sehun started dating from that day on.
















Meeting Sehun was the best thing that happened in Lu Han's life.






Sehun was kind, helpful and was bad in school like him. He was a year below Lu Han so he thought that it was okay for him to not be good. Now a year later, Lu Han was eighteen and in his last year. He really needed to get himself together with his grades and Sehun supported him well. Unlike Baekhyun who already gave up on him and kept telling him to marry someone rich. Lu Han was shocked to no end and said that he would never marry someone who was not Sehun. Baekhyun casually replied that Sehun should try to become rich then.




That was ridiculous; Lu Han would not let Sehun do that. He could work on his own; he would show that Baekhyun and the rest of the world. The first step was to have a successful study session. He didn't know if he should be happy or not that Sehun volunteered to help him out. Wouldn't he just distract him? Sehun invited him to his house and explained that he had also pretty much a lot of work to do. He wouldn't have many chances to disturb the study date- well session.




It was actually going quite good. They were sitting in Sehun's room, on the floor. The little but wide table was separation them well. Lu Han was sitting at one side while Sehun was sitting across of him. A lot of books were separating them, so far so good. Sehun had to read and analyse a part of the book while Lu Han had to write a three page essay. He did kind of know what he had to write so he thought that he would be fine. Three minutes passed since they have started and neither Sehun nor Lu Han had begun what they were meant to do.




"Hold on we can't start yet! We haven't said fighting..." It finally sparked in Lu Han why they didn't do anything. Of course, how could they say that if they haven't wished each other good luck? Lips pressed together in a thin line, Lu Han nodded, hues of red appearing on his cheeks as he set his paper down on the table. He leaned over and there was a brief moment, when he brushed over the other's lips in gentle, warm touches. Lu Han's lips were on his, in a soft kiss that started hesitant. He tilted his head slightly to one side to deepen the kiss just for a second.





Because it was already over.






"Fighting Lu!"  Sehun ruffled his hair, hoping that this time studying would work out.




Lu Han nodded and sat back down, "Fighting 'Hun! We can do this!"





They could do that.

























An hour passed and Lu Han was still writing the date on the top corner. He was very concentrated and tried to make it as pretty as possible. He totally gave up writing the essay, it just wasn't his thing. He wouldn't be able to do that. Sehun was no better as he stared for an hour at the same page. He didn't read it- the information just didn't get into his brain. He was totally lost to make it clear. It was like his mind was in a different world, he was zoning off. And yet he caught Lu Han doing it too. Since Lu Han was holding a pen and was writing, Sehun thought that he was actually doing something.





But he wasn't.





"Lu why aren't you writing anything?" Sehun didn't want to sound too suspicious so he simply sounded very interested. He had eye contact with his boyfriend who blushed and quickly looked away. He said something like his pen ran out and he couldn't write. Of course his pen would run out if he would keep on writing the same date. Sehun said that he had a spare one and gave it to him after reaching into his bag. After that he kept on watching the elder who was still hesitating to write something down. Sehun wasn't any better as he was on the first page but at least he could pretend to read.




Groaning Lu Han rested his head on the table and sighed, "Urgh that song is stuck in my head. How can I write anything down?" It was officially hopeless; he would never get it done. But didn't he earlier say that he would definitely write it? Sometimes it annoyed him how easily he could be distracted. It wasn't funny. At the beginning of the school year it was okay to drag along with the work but now he didn't have time to do that. Baekhyun would have hit him but Sehun was different and could take a joke. He threw a ruler over to his boyfriend and attracted thus attention.



"What is going on in your head?" Sehun smiled and genuinely wanted to know it. All suggestions of Lu Han's earlier horror were gone and exchanged with a warm, prickling feeling that started deep inside of him and flowed to every part of his body and made his stomach tighten in a good way. With a bright smile he stood up and put his foot on the table:




"Tell me your wish!"




And that's when it clicked and Sehun couldn't hold his laughter back. He couldn't because this way too funny how Lu Han imitated the impression of the actual singers and didn't forget the leg movement. If this wouldn't have been so amusing to see them one could actually see that he was dancing pretty well. But his purposely (or not) shrill voice and the using the ruler as a microphone covered the good dancing up. He also poked himself a few times with the ruler into his eye. This was funnier than reading something Sehun didn't care about; watching Lu Han make an idiot out of himself was fun.






"Driving over Byun Baek right?! With me on your passenger side!"





"Stop changing the lyrics!" Sehun laughed louder as tears gathered in his eyes and he hit the table with his fist.




Lu Han just mischievously smirked and pointed the ruler at his boyfriend, "Stop complaining and do the fanchant!"




When Sehun didn't listen and continued to laugh at Lu Han's frown it showed that he either didn't know the fanchant or he was just messing with him. Lu Han didn't think that it was funny at all but Sehun's ridiculous laughter loosened his tight face and caused him to join. He walked around the table and purposely fell onto Sehun with a joyful expression. Sehun being immature let out laughter, covering his mouth with his hand. He continues his chuckling even behind it, and watched as Lu Han softly hit him with his fist.




"Stop laughing now it's not that funny~!" Lu Han whined, sitting partly on Sehun's lap and pulled his cheeks away from his face. He didn't like it to be made fun of. And he was a good singer too, Sehun just didn't appreciate talent. But for that he winded his arm around Lu Han's back, pulling him closer. Despite being slightly upset he went willingly, cuddling into Sehun's side. He pouted and glanced aside to show that he was still mad.




"Are you mad? I'll do the fanchant for you." Sehun proposed but Lu Han didn't fall for that and blew his cheeks up with air.



"You don't even know it-" He couldn't finish it as he gasped in surprise when Sehun's fingers swiftly, gently, poked his right side. The consequences of that act didn't wonder him at all, since he had obviously seen what happened. As he grinned victoriously over Lu Han's humiliated laughing face and tried to jab him again. But Lu Han shook his head with and pushed Sehun's annoying hands. He wanted to even stand up in order to get away from him but Sehun pulled him back down.



His eyes were closed and his face was red all over, laughing tears starting to form at that point. Lu Han's body was still trembling with excitement and yet Sehun was nice to stop for a moment. Lu Han had to catch his breath while he punched Sehun's face and pretended to strangle him, "Don't do that again!" He was still holding onto Sehun's arms, the firm grip was finally loosening. He snivelled and looked at him, a lazy smile plastered on his face. He was serious though, if he would do that again without warning then something ugly would happen.




"Are you really mad?" His thumb stopped in the middle of an absentminded outline on Lu Han's cheek as he tilted his head up to look at him. Lu Han pouted and cut the eye contact- of course he was mad. Did Sehun have potato-eyes or what? Bending down, he kissed Lu Han softly, his hand still cupping the other boy's face. "Of course I am..." Lu Han breathed against Sehun's lips so that he tightened his hold on his waist. He re-joined their lips, kissing Sehun gently and sweetly. This didn't mean that he forgave Sehun though since he was frowning.





Having noticed this, Sehun pulled away and gave him a peck, "Get your eyebrows under control my cutie wootie patootie."





This guy.




"Urgh your nicknames though..." Lu Han's frown didn't go away if anything it came back intensified. He rolled his eyes as well because Sehun's choice of nicknames was even worse than Lu Han's insults. His eyes lowered to Sehun's shoulders where his hands were still over the soft material of the shirt. Lifting his gaze again, Lu Han gave him a weak smile. "You really need to work on your nicknames. I'm serious." He wanted to look serious but what came out was just too adorable for Sehun to handle so that he kissed him again.




"But isn't Potato pie good? Or Cookie monster?'




"Sehun I'm not a monster and it's cutie pie not potato. You and your random potato obsession." Lu Han rolled his eyes and slapped his boyfriend's cheek.





"Lu you call other people monkey ."













Well yes.



















Holding the stick in his hand, Lu Han opened the door and showed it to Sehun. His hopes began to fade when he looked at the results. He tried to resist as much as possible to not freak out. He also didn't want to worry too much. His throat stayed determinedly dry; his head began to feel a little heavy. This was a very very bad sign. He bit his lips when Sehun took it from him and held it up for a better view. Sehun narrowed his eyes and judged the outcome with a sceptical expression.






Two lines.






He trusted Lu Han but they had to be certain. Sehun carelessly threw the stick away to a bunch of other pregnancy tests. Twenty to be exact. He just wanted it to be accurate; if this was a joke then it was a very bad one. "Don't worry Lu. Take another one or ten." He smiled and gave his boyfriend several other packages. Lu Han gathered them in his arms and anxiously nodded, he didn't have a choice. No matter how ridiculous it sounded, maybe the test would actually change. It was too unrealistic for him to be pregnant it just didn't fit.




"Okay..." He muttered when Sehun gave him a kiss on his forehead followed by a hand pressing on his cheek. He entered the bathroom and closed the door behind his back. Sehun was getting nervous by looking at the amount of used tests. Five more minutes and Lu Han came out of the bathroom once again. He was silent as he watched Sehun fight for control over his emotions. He was curious, scared and curious again. Lu Han gave him the answer by holding it up- two lines again. Now they had their confirmation, no more tests were needed.




Sehun's body and brain seemed to have frozen. He didn't know what to think. His heart had slipped several beats while Lu Han looked like he was going to cry a river of tears. Before anything else, he had to calm him down first. He couldn't talk to someone who was about to have a mental breakdown. It was understandable because both of their mothers were in the living room and probably talking about random kitchen stuff. But as soon as this news would be out, Sehun and Lu Han would get absolutely beaten up.





"Calm down everything is fine..." Sehun attempted to soothe him, his right hand slowly trailed down the length of Lu Han's trembling arm until he reached his hand, twisting his fingers around Lu Han's, "I have a plan. You will run away first and I will get rid of the tests. We will hide at my place okay?" He squeezed Lu Han's hand in a reassuring manner to tell him that it was okay. Actually it was not because Sehun was going crazy himself and overwhelmed by the sudden responsibility.




It didn't look like Lu Han had a different plan because he nodded and walked back to the bathroom to probably escape through the window. It was after all big enough for him to fit through. He was too short though so that Sehun bended a bit down and interlinked his fingers for Lu Han to stand on it. Hesitating at first, Lu Han placed his hand on Sehun's shoulder and put his foot on the palms of the taller. Then he stepped on it and was almost immediately pushed upwards. Lu Han held tightly onto Sehun's shoulder with one hand while the other was propped on the window sill.





Sehun pushed him higher up and it was almost working as Lu Han was able to put one knee on the sill.






"What are you two doing?"





Two women in their late thirties were standing at the door frame with confused faces. They were even more confused to have seen those tests which were only for special happenings. Sehun didn't expect that as he didn't hear their footsteps and pulled his arms away. That caused Lu Han to not have any support and instantly drop down on his boyfriend. Instead of being worried about them both of them told their sons to get up and explain themselves. Sehun was back on his feet and tugged the other up as well with a worried expression.




"Well...you see...the thing is..." He awkwardly rubbed his neck and tried to come up with an excuse. Just anything that wouldn't end up with them getting grounded. It should also explain the pregnancy tests and why it looked like they were about to escape. This had to be a very good, well thought out and believable story. Something that would buy them time or wouldn't sound too unreal. But Lu Han had the habit of contradicting Sehun's ideas and just do his own thing:





"I'm pregnant! Sehun made me pregnant!" He cried out and put his hands on his face.





So much for team work.






"What?! Pregnant?! WHO ALLOWED YOU TO BE PREGNANT?! YOU ARE A BABY YOURSELF!" If Sehun was scared of anything then it was without doubt Lu Han's mother. This lady had a very scary temper and wouldn't hesitate to beat some sense into her son. So when she approached Lu Han, he shrieked and instantly hid behind Sehun. Knowing that his mother would never hit him was a huge advantage he had to use. Sehun was in this strange situation and the look his mother was giving him was a look of disapproval and disappointment rather than pure anger.



She shook her head and held her forehead, "Couldn't you be more careful? What's with school? Money? Time? I mean Lu Han you are about to graduate." Mrs. Oh was worried that they wouldn't be able to take care of a third person if they could barely take care of each other. Sehun darted his gaze between both women, his hand reaching for Lu Han's and tightly held it in his own.  His heart was thumping erratically in his chest and fear was blurring his vision.




"I'll take care of both of them. I promise you." Sehun announced with a serious voice that didn't allow taking the words back. The parents froze, a mixture of concern and encouragement still stuck on his mother's face, the hesitancy and impatience still caught on his Mrs. Lu's, "But what's with time and money?" The latter asked and honestly wanted to know from where they would get that. Sehun replied that he would get a part-time job and Lu Han said that he for now wouldn't go to college and rather focus on the baby.




"I'm anyway really bad in school so a break wouldn't hurt right?" Blinking, Lu Han glanced over at them and opened his mouth, clearly about to say something more in justification of his words, but then he noticed the glare that came his way and Sehun's wide eyes flicking between him and Mrs. Lu. "D-Don't worry everything will be fine!" He then looked over at Mrs Oh. "I'm sorry that this happened but...the good thing about this is that you will have a cute grandchild!" He smiled and wanted to lift the mood which was taken very badly by them. They didn't want to feel old but with a grandchild it had to change.





Another awkward silence followed and Sehun swiftly, lifted his head to the left so that he was looking directly at Lu Han.





"You know sometimes you shouldn't say certain things."




Lu Han didn't understand that, "But what? They are old. They look old too."





Mrs. Lu snapped and shouted at him a set of Chinese curses while mentioning 'grounded' to Lu Han. She also grabbed her son's ear and pulled it after her when leaving the bathroom. Lu Han's loud crying and whining was audible while he pathetically held onto his aching ear. Did he say something wrong? Hell yes he did because Mrs. Oh was in no way happy. Regardless of Lu Han being the one who had said that, she pushed her son also out with a slightly annoyed expression.




"You are grounded too Sehun."







Sehun screamed 'what' and turned around to hold onto her shoulders.






















There were also advantages of being pregnant.




Aside from looking like a whale and having random food cravings, Lu Han could go to the baby section and shop for clothes. He loved baby clothes because they were so tiny and cute and he could make his baby wear the most ridiculous clothes but cute of course. Their baby had the name Ziyu since he was a boy and Lu Han wanted his name to be like that. He was the one had chosen that and since Sehun was afraid of him, he kind of agreed. After eight months Sehun came to the conclusion that pregnant Lu Han was almost as scary as hungry Lu Han.




None of their friends were angry or surprised that this had happened. Not even Baekhyun. He said that he had seen it coming because he doubted that Sehun and Lu Han knew how to use protection. This was mean but somehow true. Lu Han had replied that his friend was just jealous that Chanyeol hadn't knocked him up yet. Of course Baekhyun wasn't jealous that was why he threatened him to beat him as soon as Ziyu would be out.  He also told Sehun to tape Lu Han's mouth shut since he tended to talk . And again, Sehun was involved in Lu Han's problem.




Actually Lu Han was happy to have the chance to talk to Baekhyun. He was now in college and wouldn't see Lu Han a lot as he had also moved out. Chanyeol was the same and had also left but Sehun was now a senior so still in school. Like promised, he had found a part-time job, in a bakery and would work there for a few hours. Lu Han however was just hanging around at home, eating sleeping and watching TV. Sehun was forced to move into his boyfriend's house because Mrs. Lu didn't allow it the other way around. She thought that her son would bother the Oh family.




"Sehun isn't that cute?" Holding with one arm onto Sehun's, he pointed at a tiny tiger printed shirt. It was so cute and Lu Han could see Ziyu wearing that in the future. It also had a hood with tiger-ears. What else would you want? He approached the shirt and removed it from the hanger. Of course Sehun wouldn't be able to refuse. This was shown by him sliding closer and wrapped his arms around Lu Han, pulling him into a tight hug. He smiled as he heard Lu Han exhale softly and felt him nuzzle his face against his neck. He was trying to earn some plus points by being like that.





"Can we please please please have that? Ziyu needs to be cute..." He murmured into Sehun's ear and pouted as well. It was not that he could say no when Sehun pulled back a little. "Stop doing that we will get it." He replied and took it away from Lu Han's hand to put it into the already full shopping basket. The elder nibbled fearfully on his bottom lip for another moment, his eyes dashing from side to side slightly as he had something different in his head. What?  Did he want something else?




"Look at this!" He whispered in shock, sighting something that he and Sehun both very despised. It was a baby shirt with a lot of colourful numbers. He made a weird face and let out an 'ew' whereas Sehun agreed and he drew it from the hanger and turned it around so they didn't have to see it anymore. Lu Han had barely graduated with his horrendous grades so he still dearly hated stupid numbers. Sehun also disliked them though he couldn't avoid them forever. That didn't mean that he would get used to it because he wouldn't. They were still annoying and bothersome.




"I'm hungry- oh look at this, it's cute too!" The boredom from Lu Han's face vanished and was replaced by enthusiasm when going to another set of clothes. Lu Han blushed when he saw how freaking cute those clothes were and picked them up one by one. He gathered them all in his arms and chanted 'cute' with a happy expression. This sight was cute for Sehun to see even though he was the one to have to buy it all. But if Lu Han was happy then he was it too. His mood swings were no joke to be honest, from one moment he was sad and in the next he was laughing. 





He once said that Ziyu told him a funny joke.





Sehun decided from that day on that he was slightly scared of Lu Han.






"Sehun get your wallet ready! And I think we need another basket!" Holding about thirty pieces of clothes in his arms he told Sehun that. He shouldn't get too many things because Ziyu would quickly grow out of those clothes and it would be a waste of money. Unless they would reuse them for another child, but Lu Han didn't think that far. He only had his baby in mind that made his stomach look forty times bigger. Of course had listened to him got themselves another basket which he had to tug after him. So he obviously wouldn't have any hands free if he would do that.




Towing with one arm the heavy and with the other arm the light basket, Sehun could feel his body complain. Everything hurt him but he had to keep his forced smile on. Lu Han naively smiled back and put all the clothes into the empty basket, "Don't worry Sehun you will get rewarded." The shorter patted Sehun's chest and smiled at him to show that he appreciated his effort to help. The talk about reward sparked Sehun's attention. He looked after Lu Han who ran off to look for more baby things he would cry over to have.




"Wait what kind of reward?" Sehun strolled after him with both weight like baskets pulling his speed down.






Staring at the one-body bear outfit Lu Han looked up and shrugged his shoulders.




"Bubble tea? Ice cream?"





Sehun stopped for a moment and had to catch his breath, it was very exhausting.





"I'm in."























"Happy birthday Ziyu! You can blow out your candle- no don't eat the candle!"





Their son was sitting on his baby stool with a confused expression when Lu Han and Sehun were staring at him in anticipation. There was a cake on his table with a blue-white candle stuck in the middle of it. The flame was very small and as Ziyu struggled very much to blow it away Sehun had quickly done it. Ziyu probably wanted to eat it anyway. The smoke irritated the baby even more; he raised his arms and wanted to grab it. Sehun and Lu Han loudly cheered and clapped their hands. It was his first birthday so it had to be special. Wasn't that obvious? Getting the little spoon, Lu Han digged the spoon into the cake and paused in front of Ziyu's lips.




He swung it to the left and right, "Open up baby!" He used a spoon and not a fork because he was scared that Ziyu would hurt himself and how can you eat cake with chopsticks? Ziyu listened and ate the piece with no hesitation. His parents were impressed by that and cheered once again while clapping their hands. Lu Han and Sehun were those kinds of parents that were very easily overwhelmed and acted like Ziyu did things that nobody else was able to do. Those kinds of parents, yes.





"Wow our baby is so smart." Lu Han said in awe when Sehun leaned forwards to pull Ziyu up from his stool. Ziyu inaudibly blabbered and smiled which initiated more cheering from the other two. For being nineteen and eighteen they were actually very responsible and treated Ziyu very well. But still their mothers frequently visited to check if everything was fine. Sehun's father was very indifferent to it all but that didn't mean that he didn't check on his grandson. Lu Han's father was living in China had yet to see the little bundle of joy.





"I know right. He's going to easily have a girlfriend."




Lu Han's smile dropped when he heard that and followed his boyfriend to the living room with an annoyed face. What did he mean with girlfriend? Ziyu wouldn't date anyone until he would be at least twenty-five years. That was the limit, no younger than that. He didn't need to say anything regarding that because Sehun could already tell that he was unimpressed. Before Sehun sat down, he took a hold of Lu Han's wrist and pulled him down as well. This didn't help a lot even when he put his arm around Lu Han's shoulders.




Frowning, Lu Han slid across the couch and leaned heavily against Sehun's side, whining when Sehun once again wrapped his arm around his back to hold him there and closing his eyes as he rested his head against Sehun's chest, "He won't get a girlfriend. Or a boyfriend. Or anyone. He has me already." Maybe Lu Han was a bit more than just overprotective. With that thought in mind, Sehun slid his hand up to tangle his fingers in the soft hair at the back of Lu Han's head. Ziyu was only one, he wouldn't think more about eating, sleeping and dirtying his diapers.




"I'll teach him the genie dance and you better have learned the fanchant by then." It seemed like Lu Han still didn't get over that and expected Sehun to know at least that. Fighting his smile back the younger held Ziyu in his arm who clapped his hand for an unknown reason. He was probably copying them whenever they rooted for Ziyu. Instead of falling into an 'aww' Lu Han glared at Sehun who was bursting into laughter. It had been a year and Lu Han was still holding that grudge, wasn't it time to move on?





"I know the fanchant!" Sehun was as immature as ever and couldn't help but laugh out loud.





Lu Han couldn't believe that he was shamelessly being lied to, "STOP LYING YOU DON'T! YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW THEIR NAMES!"





His anger made the situation just funnier so that Sehun placed Ziyu down on the floor and defensively raised his hands. His stupid grin made Lu Han even angrier who wasn't scared to attack him. Sometimes Lu Han hated it how well Sehun knew him. He knew everything about Lu Han which he could use against him. He knew how to make him happy, sad and angry. And he used it for his own advantages like right now. He loved it to see Lu Han so worked up and angry over such a little thing. It was really, really fun and Sehun enjoyed every second of it.




His laughter died down as he shifted on his seat and cupped Lu Han's cheek, "I'm sorry Lu. I'll learn it this time, I promise." His hands fell to the edge of Lu Han's shoulders, his thumbs softly the top of his arm. This didn't work because Lu Han pouted and looked away-exactly like last year. He really didn't change, appearance wise and also in terms of personality. Still easily to feel upset and sulk in a corner. Well Sehun was in a way happy that Lu Han hadn't changed since this was the same Lu Han he had fallen in love with. Despite dating (and knowing each other) for only two years Sehun felt like he knew the other for his whole life.





Without Lu Han he wouldn't have Ziyu either.





"Look Sehun! Ziyu is doing genie! WHO TAUGHT HIM THAT?!" Lu Han stridently shrieked and jumped up and down on his seat. Was Ziyu really this smart and already knew how to do that?





Sehun looked at their son who was struggling to lift his leg.






"Lu I think he's just trying to walk."













It was a sunny morning, and nothing could be better than staying at home. Lu Han hated the fact that it would be soon Monday and he had to go to college. His excuse that he had to take care of Ziyu wouldn't work either since he recently turned four and could already go to the day care. Lu Han had still his old habits of not learning properly but fortunately Baekhyun would help him since both had the same course. They were neither in the same year or class though which made Lu Han feel lonely. He had only strange people in his class; he didn't want to interact with them.




"Go play with Ziyu, I'll clean up." Lu Han said when he placed the plates into the sink and turned then around. Sehun who was visiting the same college as Lu Han, Baekhyun and Chanyeol, nodded his head. He leaned down and pressed his lips against Lu Han's just for a moment because Ziyu was screaming from the other room that he wanted someone to play with. They couldn't refuse him for long so Sehun heaved away and affectionately patted Lu Han's head. Once again, the shouting of their son demanded immediate attention so Sehun had no choice but go.




Before Lu Han could let him go he asked a question that caused Sehun to instantly halt.




"Did you learn it? The fanchant?'















"Ziyu needs me! Bye!" He awkwardly laughed and quickly walked away before Lu Han could chop his head off. There were knives and who knew what Lu Han would do with them. Sehun did and it wasn't pretty, not at all. So he made his way to the bedroom to find Ziyu as he liked it to play randomly hide and seek. When he entered, he did see his son sitting on his bed with this weird expression. Why didn't he hide? He had enough time to have done that and if Lu Han would have attacked him then even more. This time Ziyu gave them impression of thinking about something, very cutely on top of that.






"What's wrong?" Sehun asked him and neatly brushed Ziyu's fringe down.






Ziyu frowned and looked up at his father:






"How did you and Baba meet?"







Yes a SONE right here ಥ_ಥ


This story has a time loop which means that the ending is the beginning of the story :)


So it doesn't really have an ending


Keep loving Hunhan!


Genie is my favorite kpop song btw just saying


I will put it back on for u Tiffany ಠ益ಠ



bomi xoxo


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296 streak #1
Chapter 1: Hahahahaha,,,,,,,,,oh myyy,,,,Sehun and Lu Han really adorable and cute,,,
duwiek #2
Chapter 1: I laugh so hard...this luhan and sehun really cute together. Happy reading..thanks authornim
bubblesehunluhandeer #3
Chapter 1: So charming pretty work♡♡
Chapter 1: so adorable..!! ^^
miyukicheerful #5
Chapter 1: This is pure fun and cuteness.
AyeBCdear #6
Chapter 1: This story is so cute. I LOVE IT! <3
Chapter 1: Eeeeeiiiii this is too cute for my heart!!!!!!
misakilu #8
This is so cute <3
trappedsoul #9
Chapter 1: I hope Ziyu is a real man because he will be my currently bias.
And I love how you loop the story! It's great!