The Video

Love and Acceptance

Monday came, Yoona and Taecyeon haven't talked after what happened to them. Yoona was walking alone in the school grounds then she turned around being called by a person, the person  whom she loves the most.

"Hae!" she smile on her face indicates how excited she is and how she missed Donghae so much.

"How's my lovely girlfriend?" he asked as he hugged Yoona tightly.

"I'm fine..." she sighed.

"You seemed busy this weekend huh?" he said.

"Uh-huh..." she nodded and faked a smile, she can't tell him what Taecyeon did to her.

"Let's go!" he holds her hand as they go to their own classes.

After the first subject, they headed to the small theater where they'll watch a story to make a reaction paper. It is the only subject they share. Jessica and Taecyeon was there too.

The movie started and students were serious with every scene, it's so interesting. After some time, Jessica stood up excusing herself to go to the comfort room. In fact, she goes at the back and paid the video man so that she can take over the flow of the scenes. She pulled a DVD from her bag, then the screen went black. The students wonder what happened, they talked with each other because the movie has been cutted out. After a few minutes, the video went back but everyone was shocked by what they saw. It was Yoona with Taecyeon in a slow motion video.

The short clip has ended and Yoona reddened because of embarassment, she turned to Donghae who was in state of shock. When she tugged his shirt, he just glared at her and walked out. Yoona followed her, and the rest of the students followed them too to see what's going to happen between them. Jessica saw all the reactions of the people, especially Donghae's, she feels very happy.  Then someone banged on the room where she was, it was Taecyeon.

"What did you do?" he shouted at her.

"Why? This is what you want right? What we separate them." she laughed.

"Give me that!" Taecyeon grabbed the DVD and her video camera and broke it in front of Jessica. "You know what? Maybe this is the reason why people doesn't like you, or the person you love can't love you back. You are so selfish!" he left Jessica such hurting words before he stomped his feet going out. He goes to where Yoona and Donghae headed.


"Hae! Hae, wait for me." Yoona pant because of tiredness, and because she's wearing a heels. She grabbed Donghae's arm as she reached him.

"Take your hands away from me, dirty girl." Donghae let out such words without thinking.

"Huh? Hae, that's not true. That video isn't true..." Yoona looked down and looked up again trying to hold back her tears.

"You mean, that's not you? and Taecyeon?" Donghae faced her.

"Hmmm..."she shook her head.

"You are the liar! I can see it clearly, no, not just me. All of us!" he shouted at her faking a laugh.

Taecyeon found them talking with each other, he's in the crowd hiding behind people's back to hear everything.

Yoona calmed herself down. "Please...Hae...Listen to me first."

"The video tells everything, you don't have to." Donghae said. “I thought you’ve change because you love me? But you’re still the old one, you’re just like other girls too! You're a dirty girl." he said to her. The he received a slap from her. A hard slap which is heard by everyone.

 “How dare you say those things to me?" she sniffed and tears started to fall from her eyes because of hurt and because she's angry. "I thought you changed also, for me! But you’re just like other men who easily judge a person according to what you see without even asking what really happened.” she walked out, running while tears keep falling from her eyes. Donghae froze by where he's standing. Taecyeon left the crowd and followed Yoona but she's already nowhere to be found. So he decided to just go to Yoona's house.


Yuri, who's still fixing her things at school receives a call from Yoona. She answered it and all she can hear is sobs and sniffs.

"Wae? Yoongie, what's wrong? You're crying..." she asked.

"Yul, I'm in front of your house right now..." she cried.

"Ok...I'll be there any minute." they hung up the phone. And as Yuri walked her way at the hallway, she can hear people talking about something. Oh yeah, she knew that students in their school just love gossips. She ignored them and headed straight to her house.

Yuri reached her house and found Yoona sitting on the doorstep with her head on her arms which is over her lap. She tapped Yoona's shoulder. When Yoona turned her head up and saw Yuri she immediately stood up and hugged Yuri tightly and cried hard.

"'s over..." she cried on her shoulders.

"Huh? What do you mean's over?" Yuri asked cluelessly.

"Me and Hae...we're over." she replied.

"Let's go inside first and tell me what happened." she assisted Yoona inside.

They sat on the bed and Yoona told her the story. They didn't know who did it, she and Taecyeon haven't talked yet and she's not planning to talk to him at all. Yoona just kept crying.


Taecyeon on the other hand called Yoona at home but her aunt said that she's not yet there. He's so worried that something might happen to her. He tried to call Yoona on her phone but she's not answering it.

"Aish!" he hit the steering wheel of his car. "I blame myself for this, I shouldn't have listened to that Jessica!" he banged his head on the steering wheel this time.


Yuri took Yoona home and her aunt noticed her puffy eyes. She tried to ask her but she kept shut, so she just let Yoona goes to her room. Her aunt asked Yuri and told her everything. Her aunt was so sad by what happened, and a little angry at Donghae. She knew that Hae is the only person she truly loved at her entire life. She's disappointed at Taecyeon too but she remembered how worried Taecyeon was when he called earlier. He's her best friend after all and she knows that it was only Taecyeon who can make her stop from crying since they were kids.


The next day, students were still gossiping about Yoona. Donghae with Eunhyuk hear the gossips and Hyuk stared at Donghae signaling him through his eyes to just ignore those.

" should talk to her." Eunhyuk started.

"No need to." Donghae shook his head.

"By the way, who do you think did that?" Eunhyuk asked.

"I don't know...But you saw it too and it's clear, right?" he insisted.

"Yeah...but it was cut..." Eunhyuk got interrupted when Jessica came over them and greets them nicely.

"Oppa!" Jessica smiled at them.

"Oh I think I knew it." Eunhyuk whispered.

"Don't call me oppa! Even if me and Yoona broke up, nothing's changed, I still don't like you so stay away from me!" he walked past Jessica.

"I warned you right? A is always a !" she shouted. Donghae paused and goes back to Jessica.

"Just like you! That's why I don't like you and I never will." he said and walked out with Eunhyuk.




Jessica has been rejected again and this time, it's even painful. Donghae will never like her.

Donghae's mind was still closed. Poor Yoona...

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kamsahamnida :) *bows*
Kris-C25 #2
A very nice ending..! A good one..:D
Kris-C25 #3
Yoonhae is REAL <3
it never bores me.. your a good writer.. see you in your nest story!!!!!
thank you!!! i do think i bored you because of some reasons especially long time before updating....thank you again :D
chokyulate03 #6
final? I'm gonna miss this story so much :(<br />
love the ending :)
do you really think you bored us?? OFCOURSE NO!!! this is the most AMAZING STORY that i'd ever READ!!! thanks for this! and i love the ending!!
Noo, Can't believe it's the last chapter :( Anyway Great Happy Ending, Yuri 's getting married, Yoona and donghae have a baby, Such an amazing story...and a great Writer, and in the future, I hope you continue to write more FanFics, Good luck and Kamsa-Hamnida<br />
yep! i don't want a hanging story so i decided to end it. sorry....
YoonYulsnsd #10
it ended? oh my gosh~<br />