I love you

Love You Because You Are Cute

During the break time from the practice for concert tomorrow at m countdown all the members have decided to a restaurant excepted sehun and luhan who stayed at the dorm decided to watch movies and enjoy their dinner together.

"Baby "


" Luhan baby "

"It's not funny, so stop making fun of me sehun"luhan said while he was making dinner.

" Aww is my baby princess luhan mad I'm sorry babe "

" I said stop"he raised his voice abit and tried to concentrate on their dinner. Suddenly he felt a pair of hands on his waist.

" I love you baby so stop mad, It's not good our child he or she will be ugly babe"sehun said while touching and rub luhan stomach.

ENOUGH IF YOU CONTINUE, I WILL CUT YOUR AND PUT INTO OUR SOUP RIGHTNOW"he said and turned around with the burning eyes while pointing the knife that in his hand at sehun's private place.

Sehun gulped his silva and jumped back and kept his head down "I'm sorry luhan"he said.

"Call me hyung" he said and smacked sehun head

"Och......sorry hyung"

"Luhan hyung" luhan said 

"Sorry luhan hyung" sehyn said with the pout on his lips head still down.

"Say with a full sentence"

"I'm sovvy luhan hyunggggggg" he said and look at luhan with the puppy eyes, hands was tugging luhan hands. Luhan suddenly felt like he was melting in a cold place.

"Fine fine you win"

Sehun head up in a second smiled at luhan and lean down abit to and whisper "You are really cute when you smile baby" then he laughed and ran away and luhan was mad but just alittle because he couldn't stay very very very mad at his boyfriend but in his dream only and it's not real.luhan threw the knife presented to threw to sehun's direction.

"Wow baby why you threw the knife to me you don't love me anymore" he pretened like he was really upset and lowed his voice down in the last word. At the same time luhan felt very guilty and suddenly sehun laughed out loudly his eyes was full of water because luhan face was too funny and adorable and he said out loud "Don't worry babe I still love you hahahahahaha"

"I hate you don't ever talk to me again" he said as he crossed his hand on his chest that sehun used to say , tit. 

Half an hour later after they finished their foods. It's toi fast rigth because luhan was on diet but why he wanted to lose weight when he was too skinny,  it was because he heard that sehun like girls with a slim body unfortunately he's not a boy but he still want to do it. Sehun also said that he should eat a lot but he didn't really care. Of course why should he care if his crush love to see a slim body everyday , right. And sehun also eat a little too because of the cute side of luhan made him go crazy all the time s. 

After luhan did the dishes while sehun choosed the movie to watch because luhan won't allow sehun to clean the dishes so he did all the time but only his and sehun. Luhan came to the living room and threw himself on cough with sehun. They ended up by cuddled each other while sleeping.


funally chapter one is out. :)

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Chapter 8: Jealous Luhan ad jealous Sehun. Awwww (√\\^°^\\√)
Chapter 6: jealous luhan is so cute :3
luvsoomin #3
Chapter 1: omg.. sehun.. you.. hahaha, so cute... hunhann.. love it so much.. update soon please.. and no angst please..