Early Baby Bear


Title: Early Baby Bear
Pairing: YunJae, AU
Rating: PG

AN: Inspired by @doctor_jae 's wonderful edit. This fic is dedicated to effy (@doctor_jae) and cute angels "shizukanai" and "serendipitycm"


Extremely wrung out from work, Kim Jaejoong finally reaches home. “I’m home!”  He slams the door shut as he removes his shoes.

“Shhhhhh what the hell Jae. I just put Moonbin to sleep. You have no idea what he put me through today. I’m so tired, I could sleep here on the floor”.  Yunho hushes and makes a beeline for him.

Jaejoong chuckles softly “Awww baby. I’m sorry”.  Jae pats him on the head.  “Let me make you feel better”. Jae shuffles behind Yunho and puts both his hands on Yunho’s shoulder , rubbing on the hard muscle.

He moans and whimpers “Oh dear god, you have magic fingers. That feels so good. Will you marry me Jae? Pleaseeee”

“Can you not make that sound! “ Jae slaps his back.

“Why? Does it turn you on?” Yunho wiggles his eyebrows teasingly.

Jaejoong prods and shoves him lightly “Stop it. And in case you forgot, I’m already married to your annoying . I’m gonna go check on our son now”.

“That’s annoying cute to you, mister!”

Jae ignores his husband and heads to Moonbin’s room to give him his goodnight kiss which he never fails to give. He folds his arms and stares at his only son apologetically. He is home late again. He huffs and pivots his feet to leave but stops when he notices tiny ears protrude on his son’s head. He bends down to examine it closely and tugs at it gently. He muffles his laugh after figuring out what it is and turns to leave. Unexpectedly, he bumps into Yunho and almost fall backwards if not for an arm so skilfully find its way to his waist.

“Tsk Yunho, you scared me”.

With furrowing brows  “Ooops sorry. I came in too fast”

Jaejoong winks at him teasingly “That’s what you said”

Yunho quirks an amuse eyebrow at him and snakes another arm around Jaejoong’s waist.

“Tell me, why is my baby in a bear suit?”

“You know Jae, I have no idea you have a side to you. But I don’t mind” he smiles, moving Jaejoong gently from side to side to a music only they can hear. “I’m not wearing one right now but do tell me where can I find a bear suit to feed this fantasy of yours?”

Bewildered, Jaejoong shoves Yunho lightly “I’m talking about Moonbin, my baby boy. What in the world are you talking about?”

“Aaaaaaah ha ha ha” Yunho laughs awkwardly, scratching his not-itchy head. He hurriedly changes the topic  “It’s called a pyjama onesie. I bought it at the mall today. Isn’t it cuteeee” . Yunho clasps his hands together, the misunderstanding earlier completely forgotten.

Jae rolls his eyes “Stop sounding like a housewife Yunho”

“ I AM NOT! I’m a house husband”.

Jaejoong gets a hold of Yunho’s wrist and drags him into their room “Ok ok, yes you are. Lets go to sleep. You are tired, I’m tired”. He s his dress shirt “I’m gonna get out of this clothes for a sec, go ahead and sleep first”.

Yunho suddenly pushes Jaejoong on to the bed.

“Yah! What is that for?!”. Jaejoong spat at him and quickly sits up with his elbows to support him.

He wants to give Yunho a piece of his mind but his speech dies together with his thoughts. He covers his mouth, surprised by the loud audible gasp he instead makes. He retains eye contact with a topless Yunho as he starts crawling on top of him causing him to willingly lay back down on the bed again.

Jaejoong smirks and tilt his head to the side, giving Yunho access to his neck “I thought you are sooo tired you can sleep on the floor”.  

Yunho stops his nuzzling to look at Jaejoong. He grins his lopsided grin. “Well I thought you would want to listen more of that sound I made in the hall”.

Jaejoong let out a loud laugh and slings his arms around Yunho’s neck lifting his head slightly, brushing their lips together. “ I can make that sound too you know...only louder and ier” whispering the last part of the sentence, Jaejoong decides to tease Yunho more by Yunho’s bottom lips, barely touching it.

Yunho groans and holds Jaejoong’s jaw in place. An inch away to close the distance between them, his ears catches thuds of tiny footsteps by the doorway. The bedroom door creaks open.

“Daddy Daddy!!Help!! There’s a monster under my bed. Help me daddy!” Moonbin jumps up and down demanding attention he needs.

Yunho drops his head onto Jaejoong’s shoulder sighing in defeat. Jaejoong presses a kiss on his temple  “Baby you need to move, it’s ok I’ll handle this one”.

Yunho instantly tighten his hold on Jaejoong’s waist. Jaejoong chuckles softly “Are you seriously being possessive over me right now”

“Aisshhhhhhh!”  Yunho turns and lays on his back. “We were so close! I AM THISCLOSE TO HEAVEN!” putting his thumb and index finger together in the air for good measure.

Jaejoong  gets up and kisses him full on the lips. “Next time buddy” patting him on the arm. Yunho shivers as Jaejoong’s warmth left him .

“Come here Moonbin. Do you want to sleep between your daddies?”

“Yes please” the little boy jumps on the bed , rubbing his sleep tainted eyes.

Yunho grumbles as he scoots to give space between them. Jae kisses and tucks Moonbin under the blanket, and goes to change his clothes.

He comes back to a snoring Yunho with an unhappy pout on his mouth, arms full of Moonbin, plastered to his chest.




Morning light strewn through the curtains, Jae awakens by a set of tiny giggles. He smiles thinking how adorable the sound is, turns to his side and goes back to sleep. Then he hears it again. This time the sound comes with a loud crash.

He quickly sits up and finds a tiny with a cute tail wiggling in the air. Moonbin still in his bear onesie, rummages through their underwear drawer. His head disappears  inside the drawer as he tries to grab something further within the furniture.  One by one, underwear are thrown in the air. Jaejoong looks around the room and shakes his head by the sight of it. The tiny bear managed to cover the floor with all articles of clothing. He searches to find where the crash sound originated from and discovers the dressing table enveloped by shirts, knocking all his beauty bottles down.

“Moonbin ahhhh what are you doing?”

Startled by Jaejoong’s voice, Yunho sits up frantically. “What’s the matter Jae?”

“Nothing Yunho. Just your early little bear being naughty” Jaejoong slips in to his shirt.

“Ooooo” He plops himself down on the bed again. With his eyes shut, he waves at his husband “Bye love, you can handle that by yourself I’m sure. I love youuu” He lets out a concomitant slurs and ends it with a snore.

Shaking his head and clicking his tongue at his husband, Jaejoong forgets about his son’s mischief for a little while. Not a second later, he is reminded of him again rather harshly when a boxer flung on to his face.

“Moonbin! Come here you little rascal”.

Moonbin pulls his head out of the drawer and palms both his cheeks in shock. He had not realized that his daddy has been up this whole time. He just wanted to secretly hide his toys in his daddies’ larger drawers and put all the clothes back in place before his daddies wake up.  He runs in circle, screaming in panic.

Jaejoong grabs the boy and puts him on his shoulder. “Come on. I’m going to cook you for breakfast. Little bear sounds delicious” he pats Moonbin tiny as the boy howls in fear, wiggling to get free.

Jaejoong brings Moonbin out of the room and closes the door behind him, missing the small laugh from his sleepy lover.


The End

AN: It's been awhile. Very truly rusty. :)




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faithot5 #1
this is so cute
eyunnese #2
OMG...this is soso adorable...oH! i want moonbin for my self...^^