

     Sehun was taken aback. He still didn’t know who was at the door and really didn’t know why Senah was kissing him. She was startlingly strong too especially when he tried to resist. Senah was pulling on his collar towards her so hard that Sehun felt like a puppy being tamed. He finally pushed her away roughly, wiping his mouth.

     “What the heck are you doing?” Sehun growled. Senah just gave him an innocent smile. He raised his voice.

     “Answer me!!” he shouted, glowering at her. She walked towards him and touched his lips with her finger, which he angrily threw aside. That didn’t change her smirk.

     “I was only giving you a second chance Sehun and I thought you would take it to be with me. But you’re still that hopeless boy from long ago and I probably would have thrown you away like Luhan,” she said with a sneer. Then flipping her hair behind her back and picking up her purse, she walked away to the exit. She turned back to meet his glare with an evil smile.

     “Oh and I would check up on your girlfriend if I were you.” When Sehun looked at her with a confused expression, she sighed with exasperation before grinning. “You didn’t think I kissed you because I wanted you, did you? I’ve always to know what those lips felt like but Minyoung just happened to be there.”

      Her smirk only grew wider when Sehun’s eyes widened. “Nice meeting you again Sehun. See you around!” With that, she left. Sehun’s mind went blank. He stared off into space and continued to do so until someone touched his shoulder. He looked up to see  Kyungsoo.

     “I saw everything,”  Kyungsoo said. “I’m sorry…” Kyungsoo knew about this crush Sehun had on Senah a few years ago in junior high. Kyungsoo remembered Sehun not being himself for weeks after he found out about Senah’s relationship with Sehun’s cousin, Luhan.

     Sehun and Kyungsoo had talked about all of this after they made up at the beach trip. Sehun let him know that Luhan was Minyoung’s neighbor and how he hated the fact it was like that.

     But that wasn’t the problem right now. The problem was Minyoung. Kyungsoo saw Minyoung witness the whole thing and she would have misunderstood without a doubt. He continued to speak to Sehun.

     “Bro we have to do something about this.”

     “I know, but how? Minyoung probably misunderstood and wouldn’t want to talk to me…” he muttered.  Kyungsoo sighed in exasperation and pulled the taller male to his feet. He pulled out his phone and dialed a number. In no time, the person on the other line answered.

     “Hello?”  Kyungsoo said. “Hey are you still with Minyoung? Uh-huh. Yeah he’s with me. I know right. No! You have to understand at least. It was a forced kiss… yeah that girl… so the park? Right now? Ok, I’ll send him over. Bye.” The moment he ended the call Sehun bombarded him with questions.

     “Who was that? Am I seriously going to face her? Where did you say? The park? Oh my-“

     “Shush, you sound like a little girl, Sehun,” Kyungsoo said with a grin. “Now go get her and clear it up!” Sehun smiled back, thankful for his support. With that, he headed over to the designated location.


     “You want me to meet him after all of that?!” Minyoung shrieked. After they left the café, Hana and Dahee were trying to coax her. She stopped crying at least, but was now on a roaring rampage. It didn’t help that Sehun was coming over to talk to her.  Minutes had passed and after conversing for a while, Dahee and Hana decided it was time for them to reveal some information that would give light to this situation.

     “Minyoung, you have to calm down. There’s something none of us have ever told you… and I think it will help you understand what just happened…” Dahee stated. Minyoung immediately quieted and urged her to go on. Dahee looked up hesitantly to Hana before continuing.

     “Ok so… in my second year at a junior high before I moved to yours, there was a beautiful girl that every boy was in love with. She’s the same girl that went out with Luhan for five years.” Minyoung’s eyes widened. Dahee confirmed. “Yes, Senah. She was pretty all right, but she definitely wasn’t nice. She would have one week flings, and one day Sehun who admired her happened to become a victim. I remember him being so infatuated with her. So I wasn’t surprised by his happiness when she said yes to his proposal. They actually lasted two weeks which was a first. It was kind of cute, but many of us knew it wouldn’t last. She had her eyes on Luhan, his cousin, which was the only reason why she went out with him in the first place. She cheated on him and when Sehun caught them, he couldn’t do anything but cry and mope around. And then you know the rest from here… She continued to date Luhan for five years, she cheated on him, and she dumped him.”

     Minyoung was very quiet during the whole time. She thought thinking. Senah? She was so sweet and sarcastic. Minyoung couldn’t believe that she was so… evil.

     “So you see I’m sure there was a good reason why this incident happened. Sehun has been known to have hated her since then, so I don’t think that kiss was a willing one,” Dahee said.

     “I have to agree on that one… Just listen to him… He may be able to convince you more than we can,” Hana further pushed. They both stood from the bench and smiled down at her. Hana and Dahee both hugged her wishing her good luck before walking down the paths home.

     Minyoung sat there gazing up at the sky. She wasn’t as mad anymore… She knew now about Sehun’s past… but she couldn’t help but to feel a little hurt. She thought she was his first this whole time.

     Why didn’t he tell this to her?

     Why couldn’t he tell her the truth? 

     “Minyoung.” She stood and turned to see Sehun. She answered by saying his name with venom.

     “Sehun.” There was an awkward silence. Sehun rubbed his neck sheepishly.

     “Did… Dahee tell you about… my past already?” Sehund tentatively asked. Minyoung nodded solemnly.

     He continued, “Let me explain. So basically I didn’t want you to know about it and she threatened to reveal it to you if I didn’t meet up with her. Basically she saw you and wanted to make you jealous so she kissed me.”

     Minyoung understood his viewpoint from there, but now the interrogation started.

     “So… why did you hide it from me?” Minyoung inquired.

     “I thought girls got hurt from this kind of stuff,” Sehun answered with confusion. 

     “No! Why would I get hurt from that?! That’s stupid! I’m mad that you didn’t tell me!” Minyoung shouted. Sehun was a little stunned.

     Was she… going berserk? Minyoung continued her rageful inquiries.

     “Plus why did you lie to me that you were going to buy my present today?”

     “I did buy it! I was just going to meet with Senah a little bit and tell her to get out of our lives!” he said, raising his voice a notch. Minyoung stared at him in disbelief.

      “Why are you raising your voice?! I did nothing wrong!” she declared.

      “You started yelling!” he retorted. He immediately regretted it. Minyoung glared at him before running off with angry tears in her eyes.

      Why? Why am I suffering? Minyoung thought. I did nothing wrong. Tears fell. Her vision became so blurry that she didn’t realize the red stop sign for pedestrians was up. Minyoung just stormed along. Sehun who was hot on her trail saw her in the middle of the street and gasped. A truck was coming her way. Fast. He sprinted towards hoping to make it in time. Minyoung seemed to have just noticed the incoming vehicle. She stopped frozen in shock and just stared into the blinding white lights. She squeezed her eyes shut and prepared for the impact.



So... this story is nearing its end!!! And holy... I can't believe I'm going to kill someone in this story... Anyways yeah have a great day!!! (I apologize)

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 49: Love the fic ☺
RedGalaxy #2
Chapter 19: WHAT. WHOS THAT GIRLL.Does sehun have a sister? Or its his friend? nuuuu.
RedGalaxy #3
Chapter 18: Why whld sehun not make it LOLLLLL
RedGalaxy #4
Chapter 17: Hhahaha XD
RedGalaxy #5
Chapter 16: WHO WAS IT.WHOS THE ONE WHO SAID STOP.OMFG.tis is gettin interesting ;]
Yehet_143 #6
Chapter 14: That is so cute (≧∇≦)
RedGalaxy #7
Chapter 14: Aww mannn.I tink Kris is gonna be the one destroyin their moment.FUHHHH. XD
RedGalaxy #8
Chapter 12: O.M.F.G. the last part was so fluffy XD and luhan's bein a byuntae here .LOL
Yehet_143 #9
Chapter 10: I love it thank you author-nim <3