Trial Three


     The incessant chattering in the car created a jovial atmosphere. All of the teenagers were sad but eager to go home and relax. They thought of the trip like a nice retreat; they did learn to grow and become friends like most retreats do anyways. They all agreed that, although it was sad that Jiwoo had to stay at the town and Tao had to return to China, it was one of the best trips ever.

     Kris and Hana dropped everyone off at their homes. Each person was dropped off and choruses of goodbyes were said, getting softer and softer as more people left. One by one everyone left and soon only Sehun and Minyoung were remaining. Tired, the couple had fallen asleep. The drive was silent except for Minyoung’s small snores. When they pulled up to the front gate to Minyoung’s house, Hana turned from the passenger seat. She shook Minyoung’s shoulders who slowly roused. They pulled up in front of the house.

     “We’re here,” Hana murmured softly with a soft smile. Groaning, Minyoung lifted her head from Sehun’s shoulder. She yawned trying to recognize where they were, realizing it was her home. Rubbing her eyes, she glanced to her left to see her boyfriend also sleeping.

     She grinned at the sight of her perfect boyfriend so imperfect now… Open mouth, drool down to his chin, and disheveled hair in his cap. She nudged him trying to wake him up. Since he didn’t wake up, she evilly picked up an ice cold water bottle from the freezer in the trunk and shoved down his shirt. He seemed unaffected at first. But then, groggily, he opened his heavy eyelids and glanced down at his shirt that was starting to dampen. He gave Minyoung a dirty look before taking it out.

     The couple then turned to Hana and Kris, inquiring what they were to do next. Hana cleared and motioned Kris to get the luggage. He shook his head. Hana glared and nodded. Kris refused until Hana smacked him on the back of his head. He rolled his eyes, sighing in exasperation. Hana pretended nothing happened and just smiled sweetly.

     “Okie let’s get your stuff to your house!” Hana exclaimed. She hopped out of the car, indirectly motioning for the others to follow. Minyoung and Sehun laughed when Kris muttered something about her being bossy, a stubborn mule, etc. They all made their way out and to the back. There was so much to carry this time around. Heaving the luggage, the four carried the load as fast as they could to the porch.

     When they arrived, they came face to face with a huge angry fire breathing creature. Minyoung gulped when she saw who it was. The others froze too. Hana mentally face palmed herself and Sehun twiddled his thumbs (and Kris just stood there like an idiot because he had no clue what was going on).

     “Minyoung… what is the meaning of this?” asked the figure in front of them. Again, silence. The four were too shocked and scared to answer the menacing question. The figure turned to face them. "I said... what is the meaning of this?" glowered Xiumin. Minyoung stared helplessly into her brother's eyes. They were up for some biiiiiiiiiiig trouble.


     Xiumin immediately sent Hana and Kris home. Hana, especially protested, but Xiumin would not put up with it. They left worried, wondering just how mad Minyoun's brother was. They had every right to because back at the house, Sehun and Minyoung were nervously sitting in front of Xiumin who was shooting lasers through his beady eyes.

     He had been like that for minutes, staring deep into their souls. He leaned forward observing his sister's nervous expression and Sehun's stoic face. He scratched his head furiously and sighed. When he parted his lips to speak, the couple’s hearts pounded wondering what he was going to say. What he said next surprised them.

     "So... how long have you been dating?" Xiumin asked. Minyoung blinked. Sehun raised an eyebrow. The two seemed to have been taken aback by the bluntness because both were speechless, glancing at each other for help. They were shocked that he knew right away.

     Xiumin rolled his eyes, drumming his fingers on his chin. It was quite obvious to him… they were clutching each other’s hands nervously… without realizing it. Sehun asked telepathically if she wanted to explain. Minyoung hesitated, so Sehun spoke in an instant.

     "We've... been dating for about three months now," Sehun replied, staring straight into Xiumin's eyes. Xiumin stared back. It appeared to have been a moment before Xiumin blinked and nodded. He turned to his sister.

     "How come he's living here?" he asked. Minyoung gulped.

     "Well... the circumstances kind of called for it... he got kicked out of his condo and he's my boyfriend so I just let him borrow your room... and clothes..." Minyoung squeaked.

     "I see.... one last thing..." Xiumin said. Then in a hushed tone, "You guys haven't... you know... done... it, right?" he asked. It took a while for them to comprehend but when they did, they immediately shook their heads screaming no. Xiumin laughed at the comical reactions.

     "Alright alright. Just making sure. But..." he turned to Sehun. "I'll tell you something. If you hurt my sister, make her cry, or cheat on her, I will chase you to the ends of Earth and kill you. Do you understand?"

     "...Yes" Sehun said, seriously to show his sincerity. Xiumin smiled.

     "Then congrats on your relationship!" he cried, opening his arms wide. Minyoung beamed, looking up at Sehun, who in turn ruffled her hair. A question suddenly popped up into her head. She turned her eyes to XIumin.

     "But oppa, why are you here?" Minyoung questioned. Xiumin chuckled.

     "I'm not going to miss my sister's birthday! It's after all in a week!" he exclaimed. Minyoung giggled. That statement struck Sehun. He totally forgot about that... and the more he thought about it he realized this; their 100th day anniversary and her birthday was on the same day!!! Sehun calculated when to escape the house to buy the special gift and how to present it to her. I’ll go out tomorrow and ask Kyungsoo for help, he thought.

     He looked up when Xiumin said, "Ok then, I'm going over to Luhan's to shoot some hoops!" Sehun become expressionless and Minyoung's face fell, as they suddenly remembered the horrific day Luhan had tried to kiss her. Minyoung’s head spun as small tears formed. Xiumin seemed to notice, but before he could say anything, Minyoung smiled and shooed him out the door. She waved as he walked out the front gates.

     "Have fun oppa!" she exclaimed.

    "You have fun with Sehun, Minyoung-ah!" he replied.

     While they were busy saying their goodbyes, Sehun's phone rang. Humming, he took it out to see who the caller was. He furrowed his eyebrows and squinted at the screen to see if he saw the caller ID correctly. He even rubbed his eyes, but the name was still there. He angrily declined the call. Seconds later a message came.

     Sehun-ah... are you mad at me? ... come meet me at the bubble tea café...

     He replied:

     And if I don't?

     Another message:

     Hmmm how about if I spill about our relationship to... what's her name? Minyoung.

     His eyes widened. Not that. Anything but his past. Minyoung could not know about it. He texted back in a hurry:

     Meet me at four.

     Ara, invisible to Sehun, read the conversation over his shoulder. She sighed. "And time for trial three," she murmured, poofing to the fairy realm.



Oooooh Sehun, who's she? ^^ Stay tuned my lovelies!


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 49: Love the fic ☺
RedGalaxy #2
Chapter 19: WHAT. WHOS THAT GIRLL.Does sehun have a sister? Or its his friend? nuuuu.
RedGalaxy #3
Chapter 18: Why whld sehun not make it LOLLLLL
RedGalaxy #4
Chapter 17: Hhahaha XD
RedGalaxy #5
Chapter 16: WHO WAS IT.WHOS THE ONE WHO SAID STOP.OMFG.tis is gettin interesting ;]
Yehet_143 #6
Chapter 14: That is so cute (≧∇≦)
RedGalaxy #7
Chapter 14: Aww mannn.I tink Kris is gonna be the one destroyin their moment.FUHHHH. XD
RedGalaxy #8
Chapter 12: O.M.F.G. the last part was so fluffy XD and luhan's bein a byuntae here .LOL
Yehet_143 #9
Chapter 10: I love it thank you author-nim <3