

     Minyoung’s face must have been glowing green or something because after she headed back in, changed, and came back out, Hana and Dahee stared at her. Minyoung had tried to ignore them for the last five minutes until she finally could not take it anymore.

     “What?” she asked them. “Is there something on my face?” Dahee and Hana shook their heads.

     “Did something happen to you out there? You look like a dog with two tails,” Hana remarked.

      “…What?” Minyoung questioned, unable to process what Hana meant by that. Dahee laughed.

     “What she means is… something Sehun did must have made you very happy~” Dahee sang. Minyoung shyly looked down to the floor while her two friends leaned in closer in anticipation.

     “Weeeelll…” Minyoung started. Hana and Dahee nodded with wide eyes to tell her to go on. Minyoung started again.

     “Do you really want to know?”


     “Are you sure?”


     “Are you reeeeaaallly sure? Absolutely positively sure?"


     "Truly from the bottom of your heart?"


     “…It’s a secret~”

     “Why you…”


30 minutes later…

     Minyoung walked beside Hana and Dahee with a pout. After fooling around with them, they not only got mad and tickled her, but gave a punch to her arm. After the two calmed down and turned to their noraml selves, they started to head to the  fishing wharf, where the boys were already waiting, to receive their training that day.

     “Where is this place anyway?” Dahee asked. She was never really good at directions along with Minyoung. They nervously glanced at Hana who frowned at the map Uncle had given them. They trusted their lives with Hana at the moment, since they knew if they were even a minute late they would get severe punishment from Uncle who had made himself clear about arriving on time.

     "Uh I think I kind of got it," Hana replied unconvincingly. Minyoung crossed and just hoped that they would make it one time. They turned left. Then right. Then left again. Every single road looked the same, and they couldn't tell if they were headed in the right direction. Even when they got to the pier they were confused. After many twists and turns, ins and outs through the docks, they finally spotted the familiar faces. they were looking for at the very end of the pier.

     “Look! There they are!” Minyoung pointed excitedly as they ran to them. They huffed breathlessly as they dropped to their knees. They took a minute or two to catch their breath and when they did, the first thing that they did was face UNcle who had his back towards them. They bowed deeply into a 90 degree angle.

     “Uncle we are sorry we’re late!!” they hollered out. No response. Minyoung glanced up to see Chanyeol shaking his head and Kyungsoo giving a it’s-too-late look. Hana saw Kris roll his eyes and frowned in annoyance. Sehun, Baekhyun, and Kai were pretending to be engaged in a conversation as Suho just ave a sympathetic stare to his girlfriend. After many moments of silence, Uncle finally turned around with a grim smile on his face. The girls squealed in terror.

     “…Girls, what did I say about being late?” he asked in a calm tone that chat was laced in irritation. The girls gulped. "Any of you?" The girls frozen in fear, could not speak. He continued, “Cat got you tongue? Fine if you do not know…” he turned to the boys. “What were the exact words I said?” The girls sent a pleading look to the boys to not tell Uncle. Many of them understood, but of course there was at least one who didn’t…

     “If you are not at the wharf by 5:45, you will receive a punishment,” Baekhyun piped in. The boys groaned. The girls silently cursed in their heads. Of course Baekhyun of all people would not get the message. Baekhyun frowned. “Why? What’s the problem?” Kai pointed to Uncle and the girls, who were now cowering before him. Baekhyun realized and sheepishly looked away.

     “Precisely... And what time it it? RIGHT NOW IT’S 6:00!!! We missed our boat! THE BOAT THAT WILL HAVE YOU LAZY BUMS ON YOUR FIRST JOB! Thankfully today my friend lent us his, but never, I repeat NEVER let this happen again. Understood?!” Uncle hollered.

     “Yes sir!” the girls squeaked.

     “Good… Now just get your punishment later and we are good to go~” Uncle said, changing back into his normal self. He looked at them and was satisfied to see that his words were still affecting them. He then announced, “All aboard the boat!!!” Uncle whipped around and headed towards the ginormous boat waiting by the side of the dock. The boys cheered and happily galloped along while the girls sulked, unsure of what was awaiting them.

     On the boat, the girls and boys spent the rest of the morning learning how to fish. It started off with handling the bait...

     “Ewwww! What is that?” Dahee shrieked, cowering behind Suho who laughed at her immaturity. The “that” she was referring to was a very Big. Fat. Ugly. Worm. All curled and wriggling between the fingers of Kyungsoo's uncle. He held it out to her as a joke and to everyone’s amusement she went running down the boat’s deck, screaming. Suho jogged down after her and dragged her back.

     “So… who wants to try first?” Uncle asked. He peered at them through beady eyes. “Nobody? Hm… Fine then. How about… Ah!” he exclaimed pulling Kyungsoo by the arm. “Since you already know how to do it, show them how to put the bait on the hook!” Kyungsoo, with a confident smile, walked up to the front to demonstrate.

     “First, you find the mouth of the worm. Like this,” he explained while poking at a gaping hole. “Then, you flip it inside out and…” What he did next was fascinating, gross, disturbing, you name it. He LITERALLY flipped it! Like the insides showing! Hana pretended to vomit as Kris averted his eyes. Kai and Sehun watched lazily. Only Minyoung watched in sheer amazement and admiration. She subconsciously said wow as she watched how it was done. The sound caught Sehun's attention. Sehun noticed the sparkling eyes that he loved, and the ones he wanted to see ONLY on him. He cleared his throat and walked up to Kyungsoo.

     “Let me try,” Sehun stated. Kyungsoo nodded and gave an encouraging pat to his back. Minyoung gave him a thumbs up which set his desire on fire. He set to work immediately following what Kyungsoo did exactly. At first, he had much difficulty. He couldn't exactly find the worm's hole. After a few ups and downs, however, he nailed it. To his surprise, there was applaud. He looked up to see his friends’ beaming faces and of course did not fail to notice Minyoung's broad smile on her cute face. Uncle himself was clapping along.

     “Good! Now we can all try!” Uncle exclaimed. It took about an hour until everyone grasped the concept, but when they did they all felt a warm sensation inside themselves that just swelled up in their chests maybe otherwise known as pride.

     “Have you all got it now? Are you ready to move on?” Uncle shouted. All ten kids looked at him and nodded enthusiastically. He smiled with his own excitement too. “Ok then. What we have to do next is learn how to use a fishing pole. "Who wants to demonstrate this step?” Nobody did anything. Uncle frowned. "Do I seriously have to call someone out again?" he demanded. Kai then timidly raised his hand. Uncle gave him a small smile gave him a small push forward. Kai walked to the fron and faced his friends. Kai cleared his throat as he began to explain.

     “Ok well first since we’re on a fishing boat, it’s best not to cast a line. Simply flick the lever on the reel and let the line drop. When the reel stops spinning, the line has reached the bottom. Wait patiently for a fish to bite,” Kai explained. He showed what he meant by flicking the lever and show which direction to do it in. “Then when you feel like there’s something, jerk on the line acouple of times to make sure the fish is hooked. Like this.” He tugged at it sharply up and down. He then swayed it side to side, showing how it had to be snug. “Afterwards, reel in the fish as fast as you can and lift the fish over the boat.” He pulled the line out of the water. “Then you place the fish into a bucket of seawater so that it does not die and will be fresh to sell or eat. And that’s how you fish.” Everyone listened with fascination. The trance was broken however when Dahee started to speak.

     “How do you know this?” she asked excitedly... She looked as if she expected a daebak answer.

     “Oh… I used to fish… and yeah…” he awkwardly replied, unsure of what to say to satisfy her question. Fortunately, she seemed content with it. He went back into the line of his friends. Kyungsoo walked up to him.

     “Nice explanation! I would have never been able to explain like that,” Kyungsoo complimented, smiling with his heart lips. Kai blushed softly as he looked down at his feet.

     “Thank you,” he murmured. Minyoung at that time bound right past them.

     “Uncle! Uncle! I want to try too!” Minyoung exclaimed. Uncle smiled.

     “That’s the spirit!!!” Uncle cried. “Everyone get your rods and get to work. With that, everyone grabbed their poles and threw the lines into the water. They all had difficulty in flicking the lever in the right direction, but with more guidance and demonstrations from Kai, Kyungsoo, and Uncle, they were able to have the lines in the water properly. However, all their excitement settled as thirty minutes with not one fish. Kris lazily put one hand on his hip and called out to Kyungsoo.

     “HeyKyungsoo! Why is this taking so long for all of us to catch one lousy fish?” Kris barked. Kyungsoo rubbed the back of his neck, thinking of what to say to make the stubborn male to understnad.

     “Kris you have to understand that it takes time. Fishing is not easy,” Kyungsoo explained. Kris rolled his eyes with his signature tch sound.

     “Well you know what I-,“ Kris stopped with wide eyes. Kyungsoo looked at him in confusion. Kris jerked on the line a few times. He looked up at Kyungsoo who also stared back with wide eyes. Kris then started to reel the line madly. All the others started to gather behind him when finally a fish came thrashing out of the surface!!! It was huge with big round eyes and shimmering scales, glossed with slime. Kris seemed hesitant to touch it at first, but finally he reached over and brought his treasure onboard. Kai placed it into a bucket of water. Everyone cheered.

     “Finally we caught one!!!!” Chanyeol said with shining eyes. Baekhyun squealed.

     “Did you see that! Did you see it?!” Kris demanded, puffing out his chest like a puffin. Hana rolled her eyes with a smile.

     “Yes Kris, everyone saw it you doofus,” she laughed giving a peck on his cheek. He in turn grabbed her by the waist and planted a huge kiss on her lips.  Uncle himself approved as he praised Kris. Now everyone was determined. The mood was up again and they were throwing the fishing lines in and out. After awhile, Suho had caught one. Then Hana. Everyone soon caught their very own. The pile of fish started to grow higher and higher. They had so much fun, that before they knew it, it was already noon! They didn't realize how much their stomaches growled for food.

     “Boy am I hungry!” Baekhyun proclaimed, initiating all of the others to nod with him. Uncle pretended to not have heard, but when he turned around he was met with ten pairs of glittering puppy dog eyes that just begged for food. He sighed.

     “Since you all worked hard today, I will treat you to seafood back at the port!” he announced, earning a wave of cheering from the teens. “For now, you guys just play around while I go and tell the boat manager to head back, alright?”

     “Yes Uncle!” everyone replied. From there, Dahee and Suho walked to the back of the boat along with Chanyeol and Baekhyun. Kai walked into the cabin as he stated that he was tired and needed to rest a bit. The rest (Kris, Hana, Sehun, Kyungsoo, and Minyoung) headed to the open area of the ship on its bow.

     “Ugh I am soooo tired,” Kris complained. Hana laughed as she wiped off his sweat.

     “You worked hard that’s why!” she exclaimed. He smiled and chuckled too.

     “I guess I did,” he said, cocking his head to one side. “Speaking of that, I’m going to use the bathroom,” he stated while walking back to the ship’s cabin. Hana frowned.

      “What does working hard and going to the bathroom have anything to do with each other?” she muttered under her breath. During that time, Sehun and Kyungsoo were engaged in a conversation.

     “Hey Sehun,” Kyungsoo greeted. Sehun greeted him back.

     “Hey Kyungsoo” he replied. There was a cold silence between them as there was tension in the air. Kyungsoo gave a light chuckle and shook his head.

     “Why are we like this?” he joked. "What are we? Cats and dogs?"

     “Yeah I know right. Let’s shake it off… I’m going to go take a breather out on the ship’s head,” Sehun said. Kyungsoo nodded as he himself walked off in a different direction. While they were doing this, there was Minyoung. She had taken off her life jacket (as it was very uncomfortable), and had perched onto the ship’s railings. She tilted her head up to sun as the sun’s rays shone onto her face. She was blissful. She was on a trip with her best friends and boyfriend, and she was having the time of her life. She had also found a new hobby in fishing. If only every day was like this, she thought. Then…


    “…Ara?” Minyoung asked. The tiny being appeared before her in a pink flowery dress and well-styled hair. Ara flew around Minyoung’s head a couple times before gracefully settling down to stand on Minyoung’s knee.

     “Hello dear,” Ara said. “Are you having an amazing time?” Minyoung giggled.  

     “Yes! It’s only been like a day, but it’s already so fun!!!” Minyoung exclaimed. She then joked, “How old are you to call me dear?” Ara grinned.

     “Hey I know I look young, but I’m the oldest and most powerful of all fairies!” Ara joked back. They both laughed. Ara then asked, “So you have been having fun?” Minyoung nodded. “That’s good…”Ara murmured. They sat in silence for a long time. Ara then hesitantly started to speak. “But Minyoung remember one thing.” Minyoung frowned as she sensed the lively mood turn serious all of a sudden.

     “What is it?” Minyoung asked, confused of the sudden change.

     “You have one love trial left, right?” Ara asked. Minyoung nodded slowly as if just remembering it. Ara continued, “Well that’s going to take place on this trip…” Minyoung’s eyes widened. Ara noticed and then added onto what she said. “But don’t worry! It’s not going to change the fact that you’ll have fun on this vacation. Just choose wisely and follow your heart when the time comes…” And with that Ara poofed away. Minyoung stared at where the fairy just was blankly. She processed what Ara probably meant by her last words… choose wisely. Between what? Or who? Minyoung was so puzzled. She was brought back to reality when she heard her name.

     “Minyoung that’s dangerous!!!” Hana called out. Minyoung slightly dazed looked up at her.

     “I’m fine Hana!” Minyoung replied. At that time, Sehun had come back from the ship’s head and stood beside Hana.

     “No seriously Minyoung that is dangerous!!!” Sehun said. Minyoung shook her head.

     “I said I’m fi-,” she was cut off as the ship suddenly lurched forward. Apparently a huge wave had hit them, as they heard Uncle and some of the others in the back, yelling about it. Minyoung clung onto the railing, but when the second wave hit them she fell over the edge into the water. She plunged into the sea with a loud splash. Minyoung gasped as a wave of shock coursed through her body. She struggled as she clawed for the surface only to sink deeper. She was running out of air as she kicked as hard as she could. Fear gripped her as she began to realize her efforts were not doing anything. Finally she grew tired, and let go. She drifted off into the darkness as she closed her eyes.

      On the ship, Hana saw her friend fall. “NOOOOOOOOOO!” Hana yelled as she ran to the ship’s side. Sehun worriedly followed. Hana constantly called out for her friend and prayed. “Minyoung? Minyoung? Oh please, oh please, oh please, god save her.” Sehun looked at her a bit surprised.

     ”Why are you that worried? She’ll pop up in no time,” Sehun said, trying to comfort her. He too was worried, but he knew that if he fell into the water, he would be able to bob up and down on the surface. Hana shook her head, eyes brimmed with tears.

     "NO! She won't be able to..." Hana whimpered. Sehun frowned deeply.

     “What are you talking about? She will. She probably knows how to…” his eyes widened. He looked down back at Hana. “You mean she doesn’t know how-?”  Hana nodded.

     “Exactly. She doesn’t know how to swim,” Hana whispered. The words and situation finally clicked in Sehun’s head as another splash was heard in the direction Minyoung fell.



I'm sooooo sorry for not writing for awhile... I had a lot of finals. In return, (as a sincere apoolgy), I wrote a lot longer chapter. And I mean waaaay longer. It's exactly 3000 words!!! Also who else is excited for EXO's comeback?!

Also who is the person that jumped into the water after Minyoung? ^^ Stay tuned!! (Not that this is a news casting radio...)



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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 49: Love the fic ☺
RedGalaxy #2
Chapter 19: WHAT. WHOS THAT GIRLL.Does sehun have a sister? Or its his friend? nuuuu.
RedGalaxy #3
Chapter 18: Why whld sehun not make it LOLLLLL
RedGalaxy #4
Chapter 17: Hhahaha XD
RedGalaxy #5
Chapter 16: WHO WAS IT.WHOS THE ONE WHO SAID STOP.OMFG.tis is gettin interesting ;]
Yehet_143 #6
Chapter 14: That is so cute (≧∇≦)
RedGalaxy #7
Chapter 14: Aww mannn.I tink Kris is gonna be the one destroyin their moment.FUHHHH. XD
RedGalaxy #8
Chapter 12: O.M.F.G. the last part was so fluffy XD and luhan's bein a byuntae here .LOL
Yehet_143 #9
Chapter 10: I love it thank you author-nim <3