The Deal


     “Minyoung?” Silence. “Minyoung!” Still silence. The boy sighed. He hesitated wondering if he should initiate the plan he thought of. But then he smirked knowing she deserved it. Without any further thoughts, he shrugged and put his hands around his mouth in an o shape. “MINYOUNG THERE’S A BUG IN YOUR HAIR!!!” Minyoung’s eyes flew open as she jumped out of her seat in panic. She hopped out of the car and brushed her hair rapidly. She rubbed it, scratched it, and all other things girls would do when they freak out. She stopped and slowly turned around however, when she heard snickering. The boy who woke her up was laughing. She grew furious as she found out there was no bug and that she looked like a mess.

     “BAAAEEEKKHHHYYYUUN!!! YOU ARE SO DEAD!!!!” she screamed in fury. She ran at him and kicked him down onto the floor. His laughter turned into shrieks of pains as Minyoung beat him to death. When she was done, he was in a ball whining and flinching.

     “Channie!!!” he cried out, dragging his body to the taller male who was helping the others take the luggage out of the car. Chanyeol looked down pitifully at his boyfriend. Baekhyun scowled. “For Pete’s sake, don’t give me pity. You’re supposed to be comforting me and helping me.” Chanyeol laughed.

     “Well you kind of deserved that,” Chanyeol joked earning a frown from Baekhyun as he helped the other up. Baekhyun huffed as he brushed the dirt and grit off his clothes. Minyoung on the other hand was taking pictures of the sun over the glittering sea. Right now, the orange hue was spread across the horizon like marmalade. There was a slight breeze of salty sea air and the sound of crashing waves below where they parked. Sehun had come by her side by then and squinted at the bright sun. He then nestled his chin on her shoulder (deliberately for Kyungsoo to see) and whispered in her ear.

     “That’s a good picture,” he said. Minyoung shivered and tensed at the tickling sensation. Minyoung along with Sehun examined and admired the beautiful shot. She turned around and smiled happily.

     “Thanks!” she beamed. He smiled back, happy to have all her attention on him. They were quiet for a while staring deep into each other’s eyes, the warm chocolate brown ones and sparkling black ones. Sehun slowly blushed as he looked at Minyoung head to toe. The pink blouse over the white skirt was so cute on her. He closed the gap between him and Minyoung and he gave her a quick peck on the cheek, while tucking the loose strands of her auburn hair behind her ear.

     “Hey you two!” Dahee called out. They turned to the voice. The others had been watching! Except for Kyungsoo because he… was gone.  Sehun cursed. The two turned crimson and cringed at the thought that they would be teased by the others. They were glad that the sun helped cover up their dark flush. They walked over and found that the others were done unloading the car.

     “Where is Kyungsoo?” asked Minyoung. Sehun rolled his eyes in exasperation. Why was it always Kyungsoo? He knew that they were friends but that didn’t stop the fact he was a little jealous. Sehun sighed and turned away. Kai took a small step forward... a little too enthusiastically. He seemed to realize because he then coughed and timidly stepped back.

     “He’s getting his uncle,” he said quietly. Sehun huffed and walked away to help Kris park the car into the garage. 

     “Hey I’m back!!!” They turned and were happy to see that Kyungsoo had finally come back with his uncle. The group bowed to D.O.’s uncle in respect.

     “Thank you for letting us stay here for a while!!!” they hollered out. Kyungsoo’s uncle chuckled.

     “Aigoo! It’s nothing! I’m so glad Kyungsoo has friends like you! Come in come in! You can call me Uncle… I’m so glad to have you all here!!” Uncle exclaimed as he took half of the luggage by himself. Chanyeol instinctively ran forward to help but Uncle held up a hand to assure the latter that he was fine. The boys took the rest of the suitcases as they all ventured into the house. When they walked in, they were surprised to see that there were many rooms. Though the house was small and the kitchen for fisherman work was half of it, there were four rooms in total.

     “Alright kiddos! We decided to have the girls have the biggest room, Kyungsoo and me in the smallest room and you boys can split into half!” Uncle cheerily announced.

     “OMG! Thank you Uncle~” the girls cheered while running off to their room before any of the boys could protest. Kyungsoo smiled at his uncle as he too made his way to their room. Chanyeol, Baekhyun, and Kai decided to share one room while Suho, Kris, and Sehun took the other.

     In the girl’s room…

     “Wow!! It really is big!” Dahee exclaimed. She opened the windows. “Look we even have an ocean view!!!” She continued to admire the room. Hana on the other hand was testing out the mattresses.

     “Can we sleep on these?” she said with big eyes. “How?” Minyoung laughed. Of course Hana who would be used to a cushiony bed was not up for the drastic change. She was up for a rough night. Minyoung smiled and laughed at her friends.

     “Let’s unpack and get ready for bed,” Minyoung suggested. Hana frowned.

     “Why?” she asked. “It’s only seven!”

     “Yeah we just got here! After all those bathroom trips, traffic, and lunch, our three our trip turned into a seven hour one!” Dahee piped in. Minyoung laughed but smirked.

     “Oh you’ll see…” Minyoung said with a giggle thinking of what D.O. had told her.

 A few hours earlier…

     “Whoa whoa whoa what?!” Minyoung exclaimed. Everyone in the car was out using the bathroom or eating. Only Minyoung and D.O. were actually in the car as they secretly discussed about, to Minyoung, something very serious.

     “You heard me,” D.O. muttered. “In exchange for offering a place for three weeks, we have to help him out with his fishing and stuff. That means skinning the fish, catching them, selling them, you name it!” Minyoung inwardly moans but then realized it was a fair deal. She nodded enthusiastically.

     “All right! We’ll do it!” she declared with determination. D.O. looked at her in surprise.

     “Are you sure?’ he asked worriedly. Minyoung rested a hand on his to reassure him.

     “Positive,” she answered.

Back to present time…

     The others all start to unpack. Kris looks at the matresses in the room. He picks up a black one with stars. "This is my style." Sehun and Suho's jaws dropped. First time... seriously.

     After everyone had settled in, they had come out to sit in the living room. The girls were huddle in a corner watching and giggling at Baekhyun trying to get Chanyeol off his phone. Sehun lazily yawned while lying on the couch. Kris and Suho were speaking in English (at least Suho was trying to) about different things. D.O. and his uncle stood in front of them. Uncle clapped his hands three times to get their attention. He cleared his throat and then gave his announcement.

     “Um… may you look here please?” Uncle said. In an instant, everyone was looking up at him. The girls sat at his feet, Chanyeol’s phone was gone in seconds, and the others all sat up straight. “Very good. Now Kyungsoo has already told me that he hasn’t told you what you have to do in order to stay here. Only one of you know so far,” he said looking straight at Minyoung with a sly smile. Minyoung suddenly sprung up and hurried to Uncle. She whispered a long list of words to him. Uncle frowned at first but then smiled, nodding in approval of what she asked. Uncle turned back to the others. “Alright Minyoung will tell you.” The girl daintily stepped forward before brightly telling them.

     “We all are going to help out the fisherman with their work for a week!!!” she exclaimed. Silence. Then…



Hey guys~ and bye~ ^^ Trololol


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 49: Love the fic ☺
RedGalaxy #2
Chapter 19: WHAT. WHOS THAT GIRLL.Does sehun have a sister? Or its his friend? nuuuu.
RedGalaxy #3
Chapter 18: Why whld sehun not make it LOLLLLL
RedGalaxy #4
Chapter 17: Hhahaha XD
RedGalaxy #5
Chapter 16: WHO WAS IT.WHOS THE ONE WHO SAID STOP.OMFG.tis is gettin interesting ;]
Yehet_143 #6
Chapter 14: That is so cute (≧∇≦)
RedGalaxy #7
Chapter 14: Aww mannn.I tink Kris is gonna be the one destroyin their moment.FUHHHH. XD
RedGalaxy #8
Chapter 12: O.M.F.G. the last part was so fluffy XD and luhan's bein a byuntae here .LOL
Yehet_143 #9
Chapter 10: I love it thank you author-nim <3