6th Monthsary

6th Monthsary

the whole story is written in the Guy's POV!!!



          It was our 6th monthsary. I was very excited. I was waiting at the park, looking so decent and formal. I just can't believe we reached 6 months- that's half a year. I love her very, very, very, very much that I couldn't live without her.


          30  minutes passed she still didn't show up. I was about to call her but she arrived. She didn't even wear a nice dress- she looks like she forgot what this day is. But nevermind, atleast she showed up. I hugged her and kissed her forehead.


          "Happy 6th monthsary pooh bear!!!"


          She didn't reply instead she faked a smile. To end the silence, I took her hand and brought her to a private restaurant. We ate and blew our cake. But I noticed that she didn't look happy so I asked her why. Instead of getting an answer she asked me back.

          "Do you love me?"

          "Of course... I love you."


          "Yes.. and I would do anything for you.."




          Then she looked straight in my eyes. I sensed something is wrong but I waited for her to talk. Then, she nervously asked this question, the question I never thought I would hear from her.

          "If you really love me.... and would do anything for me.... can you... let me.... go?" she whispered the last word.


         I almost fell from my chair but I managed to calm down and bravely asked her why. 

         "I cheated on you - in this relationship. For the past six monts, I had never been faithful and loyal to you. I feel so guilty right now, so just let me go," she replied.


          Tears fell down from my eyes. I was shaking while saying my last words for her.

           " I said I would do anything for you.... If.. it's your heart's desire, then you can have your freedom... but before you go... keep this."


           I handed her my gift- a ring. She cried and apologized. She immediately left without any word.


           That's it... we are over... during our 6th..... sad....... monthsary.. 


hope you guys liked it!!!!!!!!!

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