z e r o

I'll be counting.

Hyuntae's eyes never left the screens above him. His pupils were so exhausted from looking at the flight number for so long; he could feel them melting and running down his cheeks like tears. Hyuntae hated to be seen crying but he was sure he was going to later. Not pupils. Real tears.

The moment the word "Landed" popped up beside the flight number, Hyuntae sprang to his feet and ran to the glass wall, his heart pounding. Beyond the wall was the baggage collection and where he would see Jade for the first time in months. It'd been absolute agony and Hyuntae would often lay awake at night for hours, staring at the empty space beside him. Sometimes he'd pretend she was there and start talking, but realized that he couldn't fool himself, because no one was pinching his cheeks or nudging his shoulder or calling him a silly monkey. Not seeing his girlfriend for 2 months was harder than he thought. The members had tried to cheer him up, but nothing really worked.

Hyuntae pressed his face to the glass like a kid looking at his favorite train set from outside a toy store. He saw a sign that said "Arrival gate: 450 metres". Jade was 600 steps away, and getting closer. His heart threatened to shatter his ribcage.

Jade walked as fast as she could, almost dizzy with the thought of seeing Hyuntae again. Sure, Japan was great, but nothing could compare lying in bed with her goofy boyfriend and laughing at his stupid jokes.


"Oh my god," Hyuntae whispered when he saw the first passengers arrive at the baggage collection. She was getting even closer.

"Hurry up," Jade groaned quietly to no one in particular. She hated the immigration process.


Should I have come with flowers? Girls like those, right? Flowers? But I don't know what flowers she likes....is it too late to get some? Do airports have florists? Maybe she likes daisies...

Did Hyuntae miss me as much as I missed him? Did he think about me? Or did he party and drink every night?


"Oh godohgodohgodohgod," Hyuntae's breathing quickened as more and more people started filing out. He reminded himself never to allow Jade to go anywhere for a long time without him. He felt like a giddy, immature preteen boy and he wasn't sure if he liked it.

"I'm taking Hyuntae along next time," Jade muttered, walking even faster. The heartache she'd felt on the nights she missed him really badly was almost unbearable.


There she was. Hyuntae gasped audibly; the kid next to him gave him a weird look. Screw off. Jade's back was to him; she was busy looking for her luggage. He wasn't sure if she would be able to hear him, but he was desperate.

"JADE!" he yelled.

Inside, Jade heard a muffled cry that sounded something like her name. She turned, and her eyes locked with the ones she'd been dying to see for so long.

The moment I saw you, I just knew it
This moment will be the best one in my life
The decisive moment that can change me

Hyuntae smiled the biggest in a while, and made a really embarrassing heart with his arms. Jade covered , laughing, shaking her head. They stared at each other for a few moments before Hyuntae started shooing her to get her luggage. Jade rolled her eyes and mouthed "mood killer", causing her boyfriend to chuckle. They'd missed this.







Jade emerged from the glass doors, and Hyuntae was already there, with his arms wide open. A grin broke out onto her face and she ran.

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 


They hugged for what felt like minutes before Hyuntae pulled away to plant the biggest, wettest, most loving kiss onto Jade's lips.

"Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to function everyday?" he mumbled, their foreheads touching, his hands holding either side of her face. "You are never leaving without me again. Ever."

Jade nodded, then started giggling. "Yah, are you crying?"

"Shush," Hyuntae quickly wiped his tears with the back of one hand. "Let's just go home," he kissed her nose and held out his hand. 

The way he was looking at her...Jade saw nothing in those deep, dark eyes but pure love, affection and longing.

I stole your heart

She took his hand and their fingers laced together, perfectly, like always.

I won’t let go of your hand

As they walked, Jade told him about Japan, and he listened, and they threw their heads back laughing, and they talked about Bigflo's next comeback, and they kissed, and they were, once again, finally, at zero.

And I dream of you.



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