〈 ▢ UNBOX! ME。apply soon


Troublesome, irritating, annoying- i mean, Good things come in small packages



BASIC • for this fiction, your character does not have to be korean or asian. her name doesn't have to be a korean one either! i don't mind what you want her ethnicity to be - she can be American, Cambodian or anything! just make sure that in your app, you have to tell me why she's in korean in the first place. this story will take place in Korea. Seoul, Busan etcetc. So if you created a Korean character, she does not have to move to Seoul. follow the ages on the plotlines. this isn't a highschool apply fic and hence, most girls are ADULTS.

FACE CLAIM • as said in the 'rules', your face claim can be anyone. idols, modesl, ulzzangs, international idosl, youtubers (or anyone i have not mentioned). however, you face claim will have to fit her ethnicity and i will be relatively fine with that. "don't judge a book by it's cover", right? so i won't mind if her face doesn't fit her personality and/ or age. but! if she looks like she's gone through plastic surgery, please mention that so i don't cringe when i look at her face. also, her fashion style should somewhat fit your face claim so i can have some visuals. if it does not, please do provide some pictures.

PERSONALITY • please refrain from creating an unrealistic character who has no flaws at all. your imperfection makes you perfect. if you have no flaws, i'd deem your character as imperfect. also, try to make a character that stands out and isn't commonly created (eg; the shy, naive girl). in the plotlines, i did not specify what their personalities should be so that is up
to you!

BACKGROUND • no sob stories please. as said earlier, please tell me how she got to korea. was that her birthplace? did she move? did she go there for intership? 

RELATIONSHIP(S) • if you feel that her family is not important in the story, just indicate their names, age & occupation. but, if you want me to introduce them in the story, i would need their personality and your interactions with them. acquaintances, friends, enemies etc are all optional! she can be a loner or a social butterly or anything you'd want her to be.

LOVE • unlike her relationships with other people, love interest are COMPULSORY and they will come from exo. (shoot me for being over-rated). since i have already mentioned how they met, all you have to do is tell me their interactions with each other. were they scared of each other at first? did they become best friends instantly? also, you have to tell me what his personality is like. keeping in mind that it has to be creative and realistic. also, they aren't idols in this fic since it's AU (alternate universe) 

INTERVIEW • under the interview section, answer in first pov/ your character's pov. this will tell me how well you understand your character. you can add actions that you feel your character will do while she is undergoing the interview but give me an indication as to what her action is. in the example, it's a slash. (eg; "i honestly really don't know /sighs"

TIPS • keeping you app neat will definitely make me happy and it'll also be easier for me to read your application. for the question 'quality or quantity', decide which floats on your boat more. having good english will be good too but if english is not your first language, please let me know! the password will be a paraphrasing of one rule along side with what is mentioned when you hover the picture.

JUDGEMENT •  i will be using a point system which is inspired from Dear Mr. XO  — From Ms. XO. you will only get our points after you application is being reviewed. however, this point system will only be for my reference as to how well i feel your application is. here is the rubrics that i will be following.



can kris be a love interest? • yes! he can. i believe that exo will forever be ot12. 



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This is sooooooo cute!
Chapter 2: D: if only i was still into exo ;; i would join
right now i'm into bts ; u ; but i'll monitor the story anyway :D hwaiting!
iisMoMo #3
this sounds so cute! is Kris okay for love interest?
I'm probably going to be your biggest fan on aff.