Becoming closer

Incidental Connection, Detrimental Consequences

During the following weeks, Jessica would appear at Yuri’s clinic at least thrice a week. Most of the visits were just for Jessica to catch some sleep. Yuri didn’t mind it at all, not because she would charge Jessica nevertheless but it was because she was glad that there was a place in this world that Jessica found comfort and solace. To her, nothing was more important than that. At times, Yuri would stare at the sound asleep Jessica and her memories of her past would fill her head. Not very fond memories. She was more determined to help Jessica to go through this difficult period.

That particular day was a quiet day for Yuri and she was staring at the painting hung in her consultation room.  Out of a sudden, she saw a hand waving in front of her.

“Heyyy.. HEY!” Jessica was almost screaming since Yuri did not respond even after she greeted her twice.

Yuri turned to the owner of the hand and smiled. “Ah, it’s our beloved Jessica. What brings you here?”

Jessica raised her eyebrows. “Are you okay? You don’t look good?” Jessica asked as Yuri did not look her usual self.

“Hahaha, have our roles switched? Actually if that can make you talk, I can accept that.” Yuri smiled and continued. “I am fine. I was just thinking of the owner of this painting.”

That caught the interest of Jessica. “Who is the owner of this painting?”

“One of the most important persons in my life.” Yuri has no problem facing that part of her life but being the professional, she must not bring her emotions to work and definitely, would not want to tell her patients about her personal life.

Jessica somehow seemed to understand Yuri and did not ask further.

“So, Jessica, are you here to use my consultation room as hotel again?”

Jessica rolled her eyes. “You like that, don’t you, Dr. Kwon, since you charge even when you are not doing your job?”

“Hahahaha, my dear patient, Miss Jessica, you willingly pay and you are uninterested in letting me do my job, are you?”

Jessica sighed in defeat. She sat comfortably on her favourite chair facing the window. “I hate the way you addressed people who walked through your consultation room door. The term “patients” makes me feel like I am a freak.”

“Sorry, Jessica. I actually treat all those people who come to see me as friends, including you.” Yuri slowly shifted to the chair beside Jessica. “Jessica, the first time you came here was almost 2 months ago. On the surface, you are a very cold person and you tend to keep everything to yourself. Sometimes I see myself in you. After these few meetups, I find that you are not too bad. I guess coldness is curable.” Yuri giggled at her own joke while Jessica glared at her.

“Kidding. Every person in this world has their own problems. Do you know what problems are those that can never be resolved? It’s the problems that our brain created, those which affect only ourselves and nobody else. I observed that when you sleep, you will still knit your eyebrows as if you are still deep in thoughts. There was only one time when I saw you sleeping with a very peaceful expression. It was the time when I spoke of my paintings.”

Jessica continued to listen with her eyes closed. “I may have studied psychology but I cannot tell why you were more relaxed on that day. I do not think it was because of my paintings, but I am guessing it was something that happened outside this room. I know you don’t trust psychologist, because the public perception is that you just have to keep talking and keep talking and at the end of the day, the psychologist will prescribe some anti-depressant. I do not like my friends who come to see me feel that way.”

Still with her eyes closed, Jessica spoke. “It’s not the public perception. I have been forced to see a few and I know that is true. But, I do think you are a little different.”

Yuri smiled since she has succeeded to make Jessica feel comfortable around her. “Do you trust me?”

Jessica nodded after a few seconds.

“That’s good.” Yuri stood up and clapped her hands. “Come on, to celebrate our trust, we shall go for lunch.” Yuri’s claps shocked Jessica who instantly opened her eyes. Jessica still couldn’t believe that the person standing in front of her is a professional. She made a mental note to check the register of psychologist to make sure Kwon Yuri is registered.

“Sure, if lunch is on you.” Jessica smirked.

“Sure, it will be off-set from my charges. Hahaha…”

Yuri brought Jessica to a nearby traditional Korean restaurant after Jessica told her that she likes spicy food. It seems ages since Jessica stepped into a restaurant with someone else other than Yoona. She liked it.

After they sat down, Yuri’s phone beeped. She unlocked her phone to see a message from none other than her lovely wife.  “Baby, remember to take your lunch. Love you.” Yuri cannot help but smiled like an idiot. She loves Tiffany so much. She typed a quick reply. “Babyyyyy, remembered. Love you so so much too. I miss you and I can’t wait to see you at home tonight. Wink.

Yuri put away her phone and scooped more soup for Jessica. “How’s the food?”


“Good. Do you usually cook?”

“No. My friend does.”

“Ahh. This must be a very good friend to be cooking every day for you.”

“Yeah, we’ve known each other for the longest time.”

“I see. I guess this is the friend who recommended you to my office.”

Jessica nodded.

“Did this friend do or say something to you last 2 weeks?”

Jessica thought real hard. While thinking, Jessica realized that Yoona has been doing and saying everything nice to her every day. There was something more on one day. She swallowed her food and spoke. “She does and says things to me every day. But last 2 week, I had a huge fight with her because she threw away my things before asking.”

“Why would she do that?”

Jessica hesitated. “The things were given to me by my ex.”

“Why did you keep them?”

“Just because.”

“Okay. So did you guys make up already?” At this point, Yuri’s lips were swollen due to the spicy ramyun and she was constantly drinking her ice cold tea. Nevertheless, she would not give up this opportunity to learn more about Jessica.

Jessica was laughing at Yuri who was struggling. She handed Yuri serviette. “Haha, you don’t seem to like eating spicy food.”

“Thank you. Honestly, I cannot take spicy food.”

“You should have ordered something else.”

“It’s okay as long as you are happy.”

Jessica felt a strange wave of happiness after Yuri said those words. She was smiling while eating.

“So, have you and your friend make up? Does your friend have a name? Too long to keep saying your friend.”

“Her name is Yoona. Yes, we are good now.”

“Oh. That’s good. I am curious what she did to soothe you. I can imagine you pulling her hair and slapping her face when you found out.”

“Hahaha, no, I did not do any of those. I admit that I could have screamed and said some very bad things at her. Yoona has always been by my side since we were friends. She has never once raised her voice at me. That day, she screamed at me too which shocked me. I have never seen this side of her.”

Jessica continued. “After she screamed at me, we were silent for the longest 5 minutes of my life. We stood there staring at each other, no one wishes to back down until I saw Yoona’s tears rolling down her pale cheeks. At that time, I felt so guilty making my one and only best friend heartbroken. Before I could reach her, Yoona ran out of the house and I ran after her.”

“Let me guess. Yoona ran to the dumpster to search for things she thrown.”

Jessica nodded. Yuri continued. “And you helped to search but both of you were unable to find.”

This Jessica shook her head. “I tried stopping her but Yoona is always stubborn. She finally found the box containing all my things. She passed the box to me but I threw it back into the dumpster. She was so shocked and ran back to retrieve the box. I held her back and hugged her so that she cannot go anywhere.”

“Awww, how sweet. And smelly.” Yuri stated and Jessica hit her lightly. “Why did you not want the box back?”

“I…i…” Jessica did not know the answer.

“It’s okay. You don’t have to answer that.” Yuri took another sip of her tea, trying to get rid of the burning sensation of her lips. Yuri now understood the reason why Jessica could sleep better 2 weeks ago. Yuri could feel that Yoona is a very important person in Jessica’s life but Jessica does not seem to appreciate that. Something within Jessica is blinding her heart that she could not see the heart of Yoona’s. Yuri knows her duty is to help her patients but not to interfere with their lives, hence she would not pursue further.

After the lunch, Yuri sent Jessica home. “Thank you, Dr. Kwon.”

“You can call me Yuri. Remember, friends?”

Jessica smiled. It was the first time Yuri saw the genuine big smile of Jessica.

“Thanks, Yuri.”

“You are most welcome.”

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chunchon #1
Chapter 4: Awwww just discovered this storyy,,i just have this urge to reread extraordinary relationship, then after that i saw this story of your, the premise is soooooo greaaat, i want to read moreee :(( , so cool, no plan on continuing write this author nim???
jmbaculao #2
Chapter 4: Yaaaaay! Update from you!!!
YoonSicForever722 #3
Yey!!! Another yulti ang yoonsic!!!
Aish1994 #4
Chapter 3: update pleasee
jmbaculao #5
Chapter 3: Ohoooo Yuri so smooth in talking~
vhelzzz #6
Chapter 3: Oh no,, is this story would be yulsic? Can't help yulti is overload sweet, anw why Jessica need physical treatment? Is she kinda a stress girl. (´ー`)
allayjadhule #7
Chapter 3: Sica why you so blind to look for yoong ... she so care to you ..
Kiddie13 #8
Chapter 3: My god, Cant believe i am reading this fic again, that was such a long time, lol. But i am gld that you continue this fic hehe. What's with sica and the painting?? Sica, please notice yoona's feelings for you T_T thank you for the update :)
Chapter 2: YulTi and YoonSic in one fic is the perfect combo. Married YulTi is super adorbsss :3 They're so sweeeet. On the YoonSic side, I guess it's a lot dimmer seeing how troubling everything is going for them. Thanks for this fic! Would you continue this?
Chapter 2: please update soon ^^
YOONSIC please??