
Diary of a Serial Killer--

Ch. 1





It was a busy day here in Seoul, the cars buzzing around in the streets, the people rushing about trying to get to their destination. The sound of policemen monitoring the area. For what? It wasn’t as if a mad man was on the loose. Right?


In the residence of Cho Kyuhyun


Although it was a busy day, that didn't stop Cho Kyuhyun from almost firing half his staff. From the butlers, to the maids, to the chef, to the gardener, even the pool boy, nothing was going right. It wasn't the fact that they were not doing their jobs. They always did what they were supposed to, but for some reason, there was something wrong.

There was a theif amongst the lot of them.

And Cho Kyuhyun was beyond the term pissed.

Cho Kyuhyun didn't like it when somebody touched what was his. If it was in his house or on his body, for no reason should it ever be touched. Only if the house was getting cleaned. That was the only exception. Other than that, it was a hell to the no. And normally, he really didn't care. But this is his staff we are talking about. The staff that he searched nearly the entire world just to find people to take care of the place while he was gone. And he paid big, too. He always gave holidays, threw parties for the staff. Sometimes, for no reason. He wasn't the type to ban relationships with other workers, nor was he one to not help out any chance he got. 

But it may seem he has been too nice over the years. For if he hadn't, maybe they wouldn't have to be striken with fear, for they know not who was the first and last one to be fired.

"Everyone. Line up. Front and center. Now." came the cold voice of Cho Kyuhyun. They all ran. But one of the maids were lagging. Cho Kyuhyun, though kind, was not a patient man. "You. Get out." he voiced to the lagger. Everyone was silently gaping at the once kind man that is no longer there. The lagger gasp and started to break down as she fell to her knees. "P-Please, Mr. Cho! I-I really need this job!" as the sobs raked through her body, something medium sized and shiny fell out between the maid's chest. The other maids, the butlers, the chef, the gardener, and the pool boy all gasped in sheer disappointment.

Feeling his anger get the best of him, he slowly walks up to the crying girl. 

"Wait, Cho." came the voice of Kyuhyun's most loyal butler, who really doesn't need this job, Park Jungsu, also known as Leeteuk. He was the head of the butlers, making sure they did what they were supposed to along with his wife, Jieun, also known as I.U, who is the head of the maids. He was a calm and soft-hearted man who took no from anyone. "Before you get angry, my friend, just rememer that she is a young lady like the rest of them. I'm not saying to not fire her, just remember that it would go against your better judgement if you hit her." Leeteuk said in a calming manner as he walked over to Kyuhyun and placed a gentle, leather gloved hand on Kyuhyun's shoulder. Kyuhyun could already feel most of the anger subside.

Letting out a big breath, he aloud himself to relax under Leeteuk's touch. He bends down once the grasp is off his shoulder to recieve the stolen object. When he stood back up, he did the unthinkable. He did the one thing no one should ever have to see.

He turned his back on her.

"Get out, Hyeri." Leeteuk said this time, in a more authorative tone.

Feeling frightened, she did so, stubling on herself as she ran out the door.

It was a busy day here in Seoul, a busy day in which someone just lost their job.




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Happy b*day! So, I'm waiting for the first update, i wanna know How the characters envolve to each other. It kinda sounds like Dexter.