Comfort: Saving Someone's Life

Comfort: Saving Someone's Life

Saving Someone’s life


Hit and miss. Hit and miss. Hit and miss. Luhan continues kicking the ball, but it always flies back, bouncing off the pole and not even entering the goal. Luhan sighs and grabs his soccer bag, and walking away, mumbling incoherent words.


It was 7 AM, and every single day, he would go to the field early and start practicing. But after his parent’s divorce, he starts to miss the goal all the time. Luhan pushes himself to go even further, but he always misses.


The bell rings, and Luhan walks in through the doors, greeted by many girls fawning over him. He ignores them as if they didn’t exist and pushes them away, but the girls still awe over his overload of hotness and spazz over him. He goes to his class, and sets his stuff down, and just in time, the teacher walks in. The bald headed professor stands and starts to hand back the science tests they took two days before. Luhan gets his back and the score: a C+.


Luhan rolls his eyes and places the assessment in his folder where other C’s, B’s and even a couple of D’s lay. None of his papers say A+ anymore. That’s just how it is.


Classes run through and Luhan finds it hard to not fall asleep in class, when it was so boring and difficult to understand. Lunch finally arrives and Luhan trudges over to his friends, EXO. “Yo Luhan, what’s up?” Suho asks.


Luhan just shrugs and lays his head down on the table. “Oh tired are you? Don’t you want to eat though?” Baekhyun asks.


The blonde haired boy just shakes his head. Lay quickly places a carton of strawberry milk in front of Luhan. “You should have something though. You’re getting thinner.” He said.


Luhan takes the drink and places to the side. “Hyung, how’s things at home?” Sehun asks his best friend.


“Nothing much, the same as always.” He mumbles back the response.


“Oh hyung, how is soccer doing so far?” Tao questions the latter and Luhan again shrugs, placing his head in his arms.


“Luhan, do you need help with school? I have notes to give you since you missed school yesterday.” D.O. said.


Luhan mutters a thanks and closes his eyes, looking at the color of black. “By the way Luhan, have you been out with anyone lately? I don’t see you with a girl anymore.” Kai responds.


Let’s note, Luhan, is just someone who would politely go out on a date with someone to be nice. But now, now is not the time. “I don’t have any time for girls.” Luhan replies.


“Eh, are you still struggling with your family?” Chen asked, although it was an obvious answer.


“You know we can help you whenever you want, Luhan. Can I have your lunch if you don’t want it?” Xiumin asks.


Luhan pushes his lunch to the oldest one without opening his eyes. “If you want to help me, go ahead, but don’t you guys have other stuff to do?” he asks.


Everyone looks down and remember all the activities they have to do. Chanyeol swings his arm over Luhan’s shoulder. “You’re right, we don’t have time, but that doesn’t mean we won’t be there for you. If you’re in trouble, just give us a text or a call and we’ll be here in no time.” He said.


Luhan just nods. “Sure, thanks.”


1 hour passes and Luhan is back in class, listening to another boring lecture for 4 more hours. But once the bell signals school to end, the teacher calls him to stay inside for a little longer. “Luhan, I would like to just warn you about your grades. If you want to keep on playing soccer and get into a good university, please concentrate in class, C’s won’t do you any good.” She informs him.


Luhan just rolls his eyes. “It’s my choice whether I want to go to a university or not, seongsangnim. Besides, you would never be able to kick me off of soccer because my grades are at a C level. If I happen to have a failing grade, then that would be a problem, otherwise, I’m fine.” He says.


Before the teacher can say anything, Luhan walks away, leaving the school building, skipping soccer practice once again.


Luhan takes the short distance walk home where he enters the big white gates of the mansion. Butlers and maids run to the hall and stand in line. “Welcome home, master Luhan.” They chant as he steps inside the big halls.


Luhan ignores them and coolly walks by, going into his large and luxurious room. He lies down on his bed, his tie now hanging loosely around his neck, falling to the side. He looks up and stares at the bedroom ceilings, and starts to close his eyes, listening to the sounds of his father with another woman in the floor below him. He tries to block out the noises, but of course, he can’t help but hear, for they were too loud.


His mother left the family after realizing that her husband has been unfaithful and left her son behind, not realizing the consequences that would hurt her son. Luhan sighs as he remembers the woman he called mother, and the man he called father. He hates them to the core, for making him miserable and depressed. For shaping the life he has left. He clenches his hands into fists and small tears start to tear out his eyes. I wish I was never born. He thought to himself and throws his phone to the side of the room, cracking the screen in the process.


He stays in that position, laying in a fetal position and even sleeping. But not long afterwards, he hears his father call him at 9 PM. He rises and walks heavily to the floor his father was at, the basement. The basement, the place where no one can see or hear what was happening. “Luhan, come here.” He said, his voice and face obviously showing signs that he was drunk.


Luhan obediently goes to his father, standing 2 feet away from him. His father starts to take off his belt and wrapping it around his hand. “You son of a b*tch. You’re too naïve. Definitely that sl*t’s son. You no good of a son, your mother left me because of you.” He said, slashing out his belt, hitting Luhan harshly.


Luhan takes his hands up to defend himself, but his father continues hitting him. He continuously hits him and leaves many marks on the boy’s skin. Luhan screams in pain, but no one can hear him, because he is in the basement. Besides, even if someone did hear, no one would care, because everyone in the house is under the control of his father.


After continuous beatings, his father drops unconscious and Luhan is covered in bruises and cuts. Luhan slowly limps upstairs and starts to treat himself, so his wounds wouldn’t show. Thank goodness it’s Friday. Otherwise, they wouldn’t heal. EXO would really get worried if they see these. He thinks to himself.


Luhan slowly sinks into his bed, the only sanctuary he can find and peace, and drifts off to sleep, his heart yearning for someone to be by his side.


But Luhan wakes up early when he feels someone tugging him out of bed. He opens his eyes and sees two butlers shoving him off the bed. “Wait, who are you guys? What are you doing to me?” he asks, demanding them to answer.


“We’re hired by your father to kick you out. He said he doesn’t want you living with him anymore.” One of them said.


When Luhan heard those words, he freezes and let’s himself get dragged outside, and pushed away into the cold. The gates shut, leaving Luhan in the dark morning light, unable to move. Luhan slowly becomes conscious of his situation and reality slowly hits him. He reaches for his phone in his pocket and dials Xiumin’s number. But no one answers.


He dials Suho’s but no response either. One by one, he calls everyone until he reaches Sehun’s number, who finally answers. “Sehun-ah, it’s me Lu- “What the hell? off.” The voice on the other end says and the line goes dead.


Luhan is frozen in his spot and is unable to move. His heart breaks and his mind wander to the one thing that most people in a depressed situation go to: suicide. Luhan blankly heads towards a destination: his school. Why? Because his friend, Kris/Wu Yifan, also died there. It was only 4 AM in the morning, but the doors were unlocked, so Luhan easily found his way to the building.


His footsteps echo the halls of the fine arts hallways. He doesn’t pay any attention though, as he walks to the rooftop that’s at the end of the music hall.


He is greeted with a breath of cold air that bites his pale white skin. He climbs over the concrete fence that separates the top and the ground. He peers down and was about to let go, when he receives a call. He picks it up and notices the caller ID: Oh Sehun.


            He contemplates whether or not to call, and after some thinking, he picks it up. “Hyung, sorry about earlier, I was drunk, so I had a hangover. So what’s up?” Sehun asks.


            Luhan shakes his head in disbelief and says nothing. “Hyung? Luhan hyung? Luhan? Are you there? Is something wrong? Where are you? I’m in front of your house.” He hears from the other line.


            “School.” He responds.


            “School? Wae? What business do you have at school on a Saturday morning? Isn’t it locked up? I’m coming to pick you up, hang on over there.” Sehun says.


            “Don’t bother, Oh Sehun.” Luhan says, coldly.


            There was silence for a brief moment when Sehun finally connects some dots. “Wait, hyung, are you on the roof?”


            “At the brink of it.” Luhan replies.


            “Hyung, are you out of your mind?” Sehun exclaims.


            “Yes, I’m crazy. Goodbye Sehun.” Luhan says, hanging up on the panicking Sehun.


            Luhan takes a big deep breath and starts to let his hands go when he suddenly feels something grab him. He turns to see a girl; a girl that he’s never seen or met before. She had (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes that were filled with tears. “Please, don’t do it.” She said.


            Luhan rolls his eyes. “This is none of your business.” He said, trying to shake her hand off, but she held a tight grip.


            “No, it is my business, especially when it’s my fault.” She said.


            Luhan raises an eyebrow and tries to let her grasp go. “What are you talking about? Like I said, none of this is your business. I don’t even know you, so why are you bothering to even care?” he asks angrily.


            Tears start to fall down from her face and she tries to tug him back. “Please, I beg you. Don’t do it. I’m so sorry.” She pleads.


            For some reason, her beg seems very compassionate and very warm and loving. “Why? Why are you doing this to me? Why are you so sorry to a stranger like me?” he asks.


            The girl looks at him with wide eyes, b with tears. “I’m doing this because I love you.” She said.


            Those words cause him to widen his eyes and feel different. “Love? I’ve been told that so many times, yet no one gives me love. In this world, love never existed.” He scoffs, mockingly remembering everyone.


            The girl shakes her head, “Aniyo, you’re wrong. There is love in this world. The only thing is, people don’t open up their eyes to see the love.”


            Luhan just stares and the girl gives out a shaky sigh. “The love that’s in this world is from God who sent his son to die for us. That son was like a symbol of love for us. Because we were told to love everyone including our enemies, I want to tell you, I love you, and God loves you too. You’re not forgotten. You’re loved.” She explains.


            Great, she’s one of those crazy religious people that want to save people he thought to himself. “I don’t believe in your crap. If this God of yours really loves me, then why am I stuck here in misery?” he asks.


            The girl sniffs. “I am sorry, it’s all my fault.” She said.


            He opens his mouth but was stopped when she kneels down on the ground. “I’m so sorry; for everything. God has sent me to help people, but I haven’t opened my eyes wide enough to see someone like you suffering with loneliness. He sent me to help you with your depression, and lead you to him.” She said.


            “Oh wait, you need to get up.” He urges her to.


            But she shakes her head. “No, I won’t unless you stop. If you don’t stop, I might as well die inside and suffer too.” She said.


            What she said was very tempting, but Luhan has a small feeling that holds him back. “Please, Luhan sunbae.” She begs.


            As if moving on its own accord, his body starts to reach out and step behind the concrete gate. Before he even knows it, she wraps her thin arms around me. “I’m so sorry. God, he loves you, and I love you too.” She said.


            Luhan hears his heart beat again. He can feel himself again, and for the first time in a long time, he starts to cry and feel warm. Feeling weak, he sits down on the ground.


            This feeling, Luhan’s never felt it in so long, he feels…hurt, broken, weak, yet loved and comforted. This is the feeling of when you lost and on the brink of death, but when someone comes by to help you, then you feel loved.


            “Luhan-ssi,” he hears the girl say, “I hope you remember this: No one in this world is alone. If you ever feel alone, or need a shoulder to cry on, pray to God, and if you need a physical being to be there, then you can come to me. I’m here for you.” She said.


            “Why? I don’t know you, and I don’t know how.” he said.


            “Then, this is the first step, isn’t it? I’m here in place of God, because he’s called me to be your shield, in his place, since he wants to give you happiness too.”


            She reaches a hand out and pats his shoulder. “I’ll teach you every step and be with you, and just know that I’m here with you.”


            Luhan stares into her (e/c) eyes and seem to see a light shimmer inside. God? Why should he believe in him? Heck, he wouldn’t even care if he went to hell or heaven it’s his choice. But, for some reason, this warmth and comfort inside of him, he feels… better and more renewed. “What if I do start following and believing in this God? What will be the result of my life?”

            She blinks before responding. “I don’t know, it’s God’s own choice and will to choose it. But,” she pauses, “it will be a hard journey to follow. You will receive many tests and many obstacles when you follow him.” She explains.


            “Then why should I follow him if I know my life will just become the same way?” he asks.


            The girl gives him a smile that makes his heart thump. “Because at the end of following him and believing him, you will receive eternal life, and living in a paradise for the rest of your life, you can’t get that unless you follow him.” She said.


            Slowly, things start to make sense. “Look at me,” she said and of course Luhan’s already looking at her.


            “I’m one of his followers, and believe me, I’ve experienced those tests and there are still more to come. But I got to overcome those obstacles because I had people to support me and I followed God.” She said, “And I’ve come to be the person to support you on those tests, along with other ones too.” She said and her eyes blink to another area. “Like him for example.” She said.


            His eyes follow her gaze and sees Sehun starting to run across the school field, looking for him. She laughs. “I need to go, but if you need me, you can look for me in the school directory.” She said, walking and heading away.


            “But, I don’t even know your name?” he exclaim.


            The girl just smiles. “___ ________. First year in Class 1-D. I’ll see you soon, Luhan sunbae-nim.” She said before disappearing.


            His eyes follow the girl, her dark shadow disappearing, and the golden sunrays outlining her figure and stature. This girl, ____, is really weird. She tells Luhan to follow and trust her because of her faith. Just because this girl saved his life, why should he still trust her? Because she loves you. He thought to himself. That thought and phrase was very comforting. And right now, he needs all that, comfort and love. Maybe he should try to do it. “HYUNG!!! Thank goodness you’re not dead yet.” Sehun replies.


            Luhan just stares at the white haired kid. “You,” Sehun said with his deadly glare, “don’t scare me again.” He said.


            For the first time in months, Luhan smiles. “Oh yeah, sure.”


            Sehun couldn’t believe his eyes at the sight of Luhan smiling. “Hyung? Are you, smiling? What happened? What did I miss?” he asked.


            Luhan just stares at the pink and orange skies and his smile grows bigger. “I, I met an angel sent from God.” He said.




End of the story, unless you want the OC's perspective on this. haha

btw, (h/C) means hair color and (e/c) means eye color if you haven't noticed already haha

and hope you guys won't feel so obligated by this story. I wrote if from my feelings because of a recent incident that happened to my community.

SO please understand

anyways, please let me know if you want a girl's POV thanks!!!

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