Ancient Civ.

Sehuns Sick Little Tao

     The tall, blonde teenage boy walked into his first period class, sat in his seat, and grabbed a pencil. As he twirled the pencil in his fingers, he watched the door, waiting for a specific boy to come into the class.

     As he had hoped, the taller male with black hair slowly entered the class. His nose was red and irritated, eyes red and watery. He sniffled as he walked towards Sehun, box of Klenex balanced on top of his binders and History text book. 

     He sat in his seat that was directly beside Sehuns, their desks pressed together. He paced his books in the corner and put his head in his arms, more sniffles left him.

     "Hey Tao." 

     "Go away, Sehun." Tao said, voice rough and scratchy. He grabbed a tissue and blew his noes, Sehuns face contorted into one of desgust as Tao blew. Tao looked at his boyfriend; rolling his eyes. "Don't look at me like that." He strained with proper pronunciation as his throat was in pain and he couldn't breath from his nose. "You get sick too and I put up with it."

     "Yeah but at least I still look cute when I get sick." He turned to the SmartBoard, his teacher begining a new lecture on the development of cuneiform from the ancient Sumerians and the Assyrians. "You on the other hand...not so much."

     Tao scoffed, then coughed, then sneezed. Bless you's could be heard from everyone in the class, and Tao thanked everyone quietly. He attempted to copy the notes, only to descover that the light of the SmartBoard in the dark room, mixed with the colours of red, green, blue and black all mixed together hurt his head and he was unable to focus on the lesson. He turned back to his boyfriend and glared. "I hate you." He mumbled.

     Sehun smirked and looked at the sick boy. "No, you don't. I would know."

     "Nope, I really do." Tao mumbled, turning his head back to the teacher, trying to comprehend what the bridgebetween standard cuneiform and pictograms is.

     Sehun reached his hand out, letting it fall on Taos head. Tao hadn't moved his head from his arms that were folded on top of the desk. The healthy boy began to lightly run his fingers through Taos, unbrushed and unstyled hair. The black haird boy glanced to the blonde from the corner of his eye, slightly glaring.

     "I don't believe you Tao. Usually you're telling me quite the opposite." Sehun whispered.

     "Why are you massaging my head?" Tao quietly asked.

     "Because you're sick and you love it when I play with your hair." He smiled down at Tao. "I can stop of you want." Tao shook his head slightly.

     "No, keep going, it's helping."

     After a few minutes of Sehun both taking down notes, and making sure to play with his lovers hair to distract him from the pain of a head ache, he turned to Tao. "I'm coming over today." Sehun told him. "I'll Take care of you." 

     "That's uncharacteristicly romantic and sweet of you." Tao smirked then sniffled.

     Sehun looked offended. "I'm always sweet and romantic, besides, I'm only doing it because you're useless when you're sick." Tao raised an eyebrow, and made a unimpressed face. Sehun sighed. "And because I love you and don't like seeing you miserable. Okay?" Tao nodded and smiled.

     Their teacher yelled at them to, "Stop talking and start paying attention because this will be on the test and for the love of God, no PDA in my classroom! I wont say it again!"

     "Sorry sir." Sehun said, Tao atempted to apologize, but anything louder than a whisper hurt.

     Sehun removed his hand from his boyfriends hair and turned back to his notes, lightly nudging Taos feet with his own.





A/N: This will be a two shot, and I will mostlikly be posting the final chapter tomorrow or Friday. Thank you :)




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Chapter 3: Aww, poor Tao and cute hunnie but Taozi! xD is only for when you feel better~
kennocha #2
Chapter 3: Aww, this was so cute ^^
Madhatter_pey #3
Chapter 3: Sehunnie. Is so thinking of marriage already XD
Chapter 3: Aw~ This is the cutest , most sweet est TaoHun fic (w/o ) I've ever read!
ohmyzitao #5
Chapter 1: This was so cuteee
Can't wait to read the next part ^-^